over 5 years ago - EA_Blueberry - Direct link



The game appears to still be downloading. Have you been able to launch it once the game was fully installed?


When a game is stuck in resuming or getting ready phase (or won't launch properly at all), try clearing the cache for Origin. 


Here is how to do that: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/faq/clear-cache-to-fix-problems-with-your-games/


Since you're on PC, please include a DxDiag if you need further help.



How to Pull a DxDiag


over 5 years ago - EA_Blueberry - Direct link



Let's see if this does the trick:


  1. Delete Origin from your PC and re-download the latest version
  2. Perform a clean boot in order to disable all non-Microsoft essential programs to start up your PC
  3. Right-click on the Origin desktop shortcut and Troubleshoot Compatability
  4. Right-click on the Origin desktop shortcut and run as administrator
  5. Right-click on Apex Legends in Origin and select Repair.
  6. Launch the game.
almost 4 years ago - EA_Blueberry - Direct link


Do you have any pending Windows updates and the latest drivers?


Can you attach a DxDiag to this post?
