over 4 years ago - EA_Aljo - Direct link

Hi there, @Ahboii209.


I'll try to help find out why you're disconnecting so frequently. First, are you on a wired or wireless connection? Also, what system are you playing on?

over 4 years ago - EA_Aljo - Direct link



Can you switch to a wired connection or is your router too far away?

over 4 years ago - EA_Aljo - Direct link



That's probably the issue then. Wireless is unreliable and prone to disconnects/lag. Especially when the signal has to travel through walls and/or floors. This gets worse when there are other devices sharing the same connection. It's worse still when anyone is streaming media while you're playing. Until you get wired, or at a minimum, closer to the router, this will continue to happen. You can try changing the wireless channel you're using. That may help. Also, you could try opening the ports for Apex. They are listed here: https://help.ea.com/en/help/faq/opening-tcp-or-udp-ports-for-connection-issues/. You can get some help with this at www.portforward.com.