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almost 2 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by Woah__Boy

Conversation between Apex Ranked Dev and Alb

Aaron (Dev): So, what do you specifically not like about it?

Alb: It doesnt feel any different at all so far, probably just a player base adjustment thing more than anything. Everyone is just apeing, 5 squads ring 3 almost every game. Havent played a single end game yet. Might have to do with the entry cost being incredibly low as well, idk.

Aaron (Dev): That's something I'm watching, we did lean toward lower and more lenient entry cost, but there are plenty of wiggle room for that to go up. Let's see how things go as players learn the new system and their ranking converges with their mmr.

This all started with an unproductive "This is terrible" tweet from Alb, and this tweet from Hal is no different, but it's comforting to see Aaron engage Mac and acknowledge the entry cost issue.

Hi. Feel free to hit me with feedback here too. I would appreciate immediate knee jerk reactions, as well as feelings once the system settles in about a week.

almost 2 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by xa3D

Not punishing enough, and i mean that in a nice way. There's no deterrent to tell players they can't just run it down mid.

Going out at 20th doesn't tell players "maybeyou shouldn't be dropping hot all day".

My 2c spitball:

imo, KP should be worth .7 for the 1st 2 rings, up to 6 kills (7th kill onward gives you no KP). then normalized/uncapped for ring 3 onward, but only worth .5 after 9 kills (10th kill onwards only gives you 50% value).

going out at 16-20 should be a 3 digit LP loss imo. that tells players "if you die early it WILL hurt your LP"

Pred level should also be zero-sum-ish so it's less of a time/kill grind and more of an actual competition between the best players in the world.

Give me an idea how good you are; What was your former ranking in previous seasons?

almost 2 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by xa3D

ranked reloaded: hardstuck plat

every season before/after: low masters (hardstuck 15k/get into masters and dip)

Got it. Tyty.