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Hello everyone! We are super excited to share Arsenal’s Ranked Update. This is just the beginning of a series of improvements that modernizes the Ranked systems in Apex, and Arsenal is a big one.

Ranked Updates in Arsenal have two main goals:

  • Evolving Matchmaking to enable consistently competitive matches.
  • Adjusting scoring to further focus on playing the Battle Royale and playing as a team.

The Key Changes

  • New matchmaking by hidden Matchmaking Rating (MMR), with skill adjustments for premade squad sizes to account for the competitive advantages gained.
  • New Scoring system that emphasizes winning the Battle Royale
  • New Bonus system that conditionally rewards wins and compensates losses
  • No more split reset, with a full seasonal reset started off with 10 provisional games.


Earlier in the year, we shared an update on matchmaking: Apex Legends Matchmaking Update. These updates are a core driving force for this season’s Ranked changes.

When looking at our former matchmaking algorithm (that matches players based on their current Ranked Points), we noted that RP only had a strong correlation to player’s actual skill at the high end of play. It had little to no correlation at the lower tiers. For instance, a Diamond/Platinum skill level player who misses a season or two of Ranked, may come back to Bronze lobbies due to their absence. This meant RP was not a true representation of a player’s skill and ranked matchmaking had to be revised.  

From Arsenal onward, we are enabling matchmaking in Ranked based on a hidden Matchmaking Rating (MMR). We are confident that matchmaking based on MMR will bring the right level of heat to your Ranked experiences. The new matchmaker does value match fairness more than its predecessor, so you may experience a small, but noticeable increase in queue times.

| Matchmaking by RP → Hidden Matchmaking Rating (MMR)

The MMR system is brand new and engineered specifically for the Battle Royale experience. Broadly speaking, your MMR will rise when you are doing well in placements, and eliminating other players and teams will accelerate this growth.

While matchmaking prioritizes creating matches with similar party builds (solos vs. solos, duo + solo vs. duos + solos, etc.), it is not always feasible to find 60 players of similar skill and party size within a reasonable amount of time. Inevitably, parties of different sizes and skills will be mixed together. To account for the competitive advantage gained as a premade squad, premade duos and trios effectively have small advantages that are added to their team’s MMR during matchmaking. This way the intensity and fairness of your experience will remain relatively the same whether you’re playing as a solo, duo, or trio. 

| Matchmaking accounts for party size


We are introducing a new scoring system using Ladder Points (LP) and retiring Ranked Points. The two systems look and feel similar, but will be different under the hood. The new scoring system revolves around Bonuses that amplify your LP gains and mitigate your LP losses. This new system focuses around the Battle Royale goal of the last team standing; the magnitude of these bonuses are directly tied to your placement results. 

| New Scoring System; Ranked Point (RP) → Ladder Points (LP)

The differences will be obvious during the match, but your updates in game will not include bonuses as they are only revealed at the end of the match. Bonuses are based on your placements and the challenges presented in your match - the more difficult a match, the more bonuses you can expect to earn. Remember, bonuses are called bonuses for a reason: they must be earned, are not guaranteed, and are given at the discretion of the system.  

| New Scoring System +  Bonuses; Bonuses are tied to placements.

In Arsenal, there are 3 major groups of bonuses: 

  • Elimination Bonuses are given when your team eliminates other players. This bonus is individually calculated and multiple eliminations against the same players are discarded. To be clear: we use your personal individual kills, assists, and participations. In addition the Assist Timer has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds. 
  • Rating Bonuses are given when your hidden MMR greatly out performs your Ladder Points, helping you catch up to where the system believes you should be. 
  • Skill Bonuses are given when your team interacts with a stronger opponent or performs exceptionally in an unfavorable match.

The bonus system introduces several complexities that will be hidden under the hood. This will allow the system to intelligently reward you based on the difficulty of your match and premade squad size, while filtering for abusive behaviors like kill farming. Bonuses are directly tied to your in-game placements, so make sure you aim to survive and place as high as possible for the best return on Bonuses.

| Placement above all; Placement defines Bonuses gains and loss mitigations.

1 to 10th: Bonuses

10th to 20th : Loss Mitigations

You may be wondering why 10th is a special breakpoint in scoring. The key goal of a Battle Royale is to be the last Squad standing - placements are prioritized over eliminations. While we do not expect advancing players to consistently be in the last Squad standing, we do expect successful players to be better than half of the lobby. Thus, placing 10th or better is considered a win in the new scoring system. With that reasoning, the per match point adjustments are tuned to guarantee gains to the top half and losses to the bottom half.

As for entry costs, you will pay an entry cost per game and earn points based on your placements. What’s different is that the entry cost will always be the same. Previously, the harsh scaling entry cost was necessary to filter out unskilled players from higher ranks, but put excessive pressure and focus on eliminations. This effect caused the goals of Ranked to change throughout the tiers. Scaling entry cost is no longer necessary with the MMR system.

We want everyone of all skill levels to have the same Ranked experience with the same common goal in mind: winning. This helps create a common team goal and helps players learn from each other. It ensures macro strategies from lower tiers continue to be valid throughout the tiers. As a result, we are unifying scoring and standardizing the game across all tiers. Entry cost will be set to be the same value at all tiers, which will also help to relieve entry cost pressure.

Ranked Entry Cost:     0 to 175 → 35


The flat 35 LP Match Entry Cost is included in the table below. Value of each bonus will be adjusted based on match placements.


You will start your Ranked journey in Arsenal with 10 Provisional Matches as a way to calibrate your ranking. This is also done at every seasonal reset. You will start from the bottom (Rookie 4), and over the next 10 matches observe your ranking rise quickly toward your skill level. Provisional matches are unique: your losses are fully mitigated and your gains, including other bonuses, are significantly magnified. Doing extremely well in your placements can accelerate your rank climb. 

| Provisional Matches: 10 Special Matches, during which losses are fully mitigated and gains are significantly magnified



We are removing the ranked split reset that happens near the middle of the season and we will only reset your ranking at the start of a season. It is important to note the Ranked progression pacing is adjusted with this split removal in mind. 

Overall Ranked Structure update:

| Split Reset: Removed

At the same time, we are simplifying the math at each tier by setting each division to be 1000 LP, and we are simplifying the nomenclature of tier and points. Instead of saying 5134 LP, we are presenting it as Bronze 3 - 134 LP in game. 

| Division Width: 1000 LP Per division

With the new tiers and division widths, we are also revising the promotion bonus and demotion. Rookie is now a rank that can be demoted into.

| Promotion Bonus: 300 -> 250

Demotion Penalty: Half of a division -> 150. Can be demoted into Rookie

Ranked reset will fully reset your progress back to 0 LP. Based on your performances in your provisional matches and your hidden MMR, your LP ranking will quickly recalibrate after the 10 provisional games. You’ll also see your projected rank throughout the provisional matches, becoming increasingly accurate as you progress through them.

| Ranked Reset:  6 Division → Full Reset; MMR undisclosed

Finally, to ensure new players are ready for the new Ranked experience, we are raising Ranked Level Requirement to level 50. This will also help slow down smurfs and give us more time to detect cheaters trying to load into Ranked quickly.

| Ranked Level Requirement 20 → 50


To all our Ranked Arena legends, we want to remind you to log in before the start of the next season to redeem your rewards. Claim your Ranked Arena rewards before they expire, and jump back into the game!


We appreciate the community’s continued support and feedback, and can’t wait to see what you think of this latest evolution to Ranked. While we can't detail all of our anti-cheat efforts for obvious reasons, know that these latest improvements are just the beginning of maintaining and growing Apex Legend’s competitive integrity.

And don’t forget! The Veiled Collection Event’s double XP bonus for public matches is still live until May 9, 2023. There’s no time like the present to rise to the occasion and level up ahead of Arsenal to make sure your account level is 50 or higher to join Ranked.



By matching games using your MMR, we can find you the most competitive match as quickly as possible. In previous seasons, a skillful player would likely dominate and massacre through numerous games until they needed to start trying. Removing this unnecessary ritual and getting you right into the action of competitive Apex Legends matches is a much more exciting alternative. 

Stomping on a match isn’t fun for anyone. It creates an uncompetitive environment that invalidates one’s achievements. This is how we can recreate Ranked Reloaded’s launch without excessively harsh entry costs. 


Your MMR moves in accordance to your performance in the game. Focusing on playing to win will naturally increase your hidden MMR. The MMR system is also built to detect and correct abuses, such as kill farming and intentionally dying, and hiding it will make the system more difficult to abuse and exploit.


We know how long it takes for your MMR to align with your LP, and these matches help us validate and know your Ranking is accurate. With each rank season, we ask you to prove again that you have what it takes to deserve the rank. 

MMR adjusts extremely quickly, and we don’t want LP to immediately line up since that would enable boosting.


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almost 2 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by snornex

Some thoughts:

Since "KP" no longer scales with placement, the new system greatly discourages fighting, and conversely encourages ratting much more strongly than the current system. Right now, after reaching Platinum 1 or so, you gain zero to negative RP if you get zero kills/assists in a match, even if you rat to 3rd place. Compare this to the new system, where you will now earn 150 LP (i.e. 15% progress towards the next division). Keep in mind that this will apply whether you are in Bronze 4 or Diamond 1.

This means there is no more roflstomping your way up the lower ranks, because: A). The MMR matchmaking means the teams you face will always be close in skill to your squad, B). The rank you are in no longer influences the teams you are placed against. That means players who favored racking up kills to gain RP (even if they are highly skilled) are now at a massive disadvantage. They will either score a bunch of kills against lower skilled opponents (which earns them relatively little LP), or they will come up against a higher skilled opponent and likely lose.

In fact, if a highly skilled player pefromed unusally badly during the 10 provincial matches, in theory they could even be hardstuck in Bronze, because they will always be matched against players of equal skill. The wildcard is the Rating Bonus, which (if generous enough) might be able to get them out of the lower ranks relatively quickly.

Another result of is that hotdropping is now a pretty bad strategy. Remember that equally skilled matches mean you theoretically survive 50% of the time. Even when you win, you would need to earn 70 LP to cover the 35 LP entry cost of the current match + 35 LP to compensate for the (on average) 50% of lost games. Unless defeating a squad will earn you 70+ LP (on average), which is doubtful, you are essentially sabotaging yourself with a consistent net loss.

Overall I do like the new system, because it places a stronger emphasis towards the strategic/looting aspects of the game. In my opnion, those are what differentiates Battle Royales from other shooter games, so it makes sense to reward players for honing those qualities rather than fighting skills alone. At the same time, I think it's possible that the changes might be bad for the game's pace, since Diamond+ matches are already full of 15-20 minute lulls where nothing happens.

Last of all, this new system really, really depends on how well the matchmaking works, and how well tuned the LP bonuses are. Respawn is being opaque on how these systems function to dissuade cheaters and smurfs, which is understandable, but they damn well better work. If there is one thing players hate, its performing badly in a game and not understanding why.

In fact, if a highly skilled player pefromed unusally badly during the 10 provincial matches, in theory they could even be hardstuck in Bronze, because they will always be matched against players of equal skill. The wildcard is the Rating Bonus, which (if generous enough) might be able to get them out of the lower ranks relatively quickly.

We have specials rules in place to protect against this worst case.

almost 2 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by christhefirstx

Love seeing a dev chime in on the thread, appreciate all the hard work you and the rest of the team put into a game that's given me much entertainment (and stress) over the past few years


almost 2 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by 6890


Is there still a rank gate that prevents players from teaming up if their rankings are too far apart? Will this be based on LP or MMR?

I ask because I play the game exclusively with 2 IRL friends. Both of them being single/childless have far more free time than me. If they choose to chase ranks will I be prevented from partying with them even though our MMR may be similar but they have more LP? In the current system we avoid playing Ranked unless we're all online to prevent this issue, but is the new system going to change that?

Yes. Same ruleset as previous. You should land somewhat near each other if your MMR are about the same.

almost 2 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by The-Almighty-Pizza

Please don't be as bad as the ranked arenas system🤞. Hidden mmr was implemented horribly in arenas. +15 ap for going against full diamond team, then -70ap for losing against them. Even though youre gold 1...

It's a new MMR system design specifically for Apex's Battle Royale, and we are using a different matchmaking system from Arenas. We took learnings from Arena when designing this new one.

almost 2 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by xman813

Why go to what many saw as the broken arenas ranked matchmaking?

Or the whole hidden mmr that halo ranked had that i believe they recently got rid of? Why hidden mmr?

And this seems like all the ranks are going to be officially mixed up now since its going to be matching with mmr instead of ranking.

this seems like all the ranks are going to be officially mixed up now since its going to be matching with mmr instead of ranking.

Ranking is tied to MMR.

Under the hood, there are MMR requirements for each rank that we didn't discuss in the blog (and will be obvious as players reaches their skill peaks) .

eg. Players in Diamond need to perform at a certain level. Unskilled Players attempting to creep up their LP via ratting (without interactions) will struggle as the matchmaking system challenge them with more difficult matches that are appropriate with their rating (which these players will likely lose and drop in LP). In that same situation, the bonus system will detect players trying to rat and withhold unearned bonuses. Their progress upward will dramatically slow down, purely rating is suppose to be an ineffective strategy at climbing.

almost 2 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by Cipher20

New matchmaking by hidden Matchmaking Rating (MMR)

As if this wasn't already a thing in the last several seasons.

I play very little Ranked, in fact I only used to go there to get more casual matches ironically and for several seasons now I've not been matched against actual low rank players at low ranks, just smurfs and other high skill players that happened to be at low ranks at the same time.

You can read more about matchmaking work in this blog we posted a while back: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/matchmaking-2023

almost 2 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by BlackhawkRogueNinjaX

Have you given any though to merging pubs and ranked lobbies, with the only difference being if you select ranked you are subject to LP loss/wins. It needs further conditions, but you get the idea. This would mean shorter queue times and a broader pool for MMR to do its job.

People don't go into pubs with the same mindset as ranked.

almost 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Cipher20

I've noticed hidden MMR being in Ranked BR for several seasons already. Why do you say it's a new thing?

first time we're applying to an entire mode of the game. It's been sandboxed to certain regions for testing - as we discussed here https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/matchmaking-2023 - but this is the first time we're using it as a core pillar of how a mode in constructed.

While the MMR system is newer and very different from the Ranked Arenas one - and definitely learns from it, it's also older in some important ways. We started data collection and analysis before Arenas even launched as a mode and have substantially more data (both historically and just from a pure quantity of information) on how people played Ranked - and BR in general - and a much better and clearer sense of how the data does - and does not - correlate with our goals for Ranked.

As with any model, there are important differences when a model starts to feedback into itself, but there are pretty clearly established fundamentals about what it takes to actually do well in a match of BR - especially Ranked BR - and those aren't going to change. And if somehow they do - y'all regularly break our expectations in unexpected ways - then we've got a lot of ways to tune it to make sure the system is doing what it's supposed to, which is fundamentally providing good, fair matches.

The complexity of BR also gives more nuance. With Arenas, it's pretty binary in terms of outcome. Not saying that the Arenas system couldn't have been better, but I think there is just a lot more room for shades of gray in BR.

almost 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Just want to say that, having been away from Reddit for a bit, this thread is awesome. Great to see so much constructive feedback, thoughtful criticisms and concerns, and - of course - the compliments and optimism. I really do feel lucky to work on this game and to have been one of the engineering leads on this particular project. Some nerves, of course, about something so significant. But just wanted to say thanks to everyone in here whose posted for having such a real - and nuanced - discussion about the new system and what we're trying to do.

almost 2 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by aure__entuluva

I see that KP awards you bonuses, but do those bonuses scale with the placement (as they do now)? Or are they flat bonuses awarded on top of placement? If it's the former, OP has a point about discouraging fighting earlier in the game.

I mean, I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world. People have to get kills eventually, but fighting off spawn, which was already risky, would basically become a stupid decision as the potential rewards (extra KP that scales massively if you make it to the endgame) would be far less.

Yeah they do scale. The bonuses are tied to placements, and indirectly, the value of each kill scales with placements as they currently do. With that said, the math is not the same as it is now, and is dramatically more convoluted to explain.

One point of personal concern is the tuning for elimination bonuses, we try to be generous with points in the bonus system, but if climbing with mostly kills is proven to effective strategy, we'll continue to lower elimination bonuses.