almost 5 years ago - Apex Legends - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

12s [Music]
16s we're now getting our first look at the
18s devastation that was done to Kings
20s Canyon a massive EMP was detonated
23s inside the net personnel report seeing
25s an unknown figure on the damage to the
27s support systems caused the tower to
29s collapse or crash he said once again
32s taken their native place established
34s base camps and I've been working France
36s has allowed certain areas to stabilize
40s confirmed they're taking this
41s opportunity to add some new features to
43s the arena but one thing is certain
49s Kings Canyon will never be the same
65s it
71s I'm good what can I say did I say that
75s I'm good cos well I am
129s I'm having a lot of fun