about 5 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hi @Balentinezz


How is your PlayStation currently connected to the internet? Are you using wifi, or is it connected with a network cable? If you're using wifi, I'd definitely suggest trying a network cable instead if possible. That way we can eliminate any sort of potential wifi interference as a possible cause of the connection issues. 


I'd also recommend running through the basic network connection troubleshooting steps over at the EA Help website as well when you can. 




about 5 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Would you mind running through the PS4-specific troubleshooting steps as well when you're able? Let me know how that goes when you can. 




about 5 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hey @Balentinezz


Were you able to try running through those other steps I sent you? Are you still having any trouble with connection issues? 




about 5 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link



Thanks for giving it a shot for me. I'd like to also try updating the DNS settings on your PS4 to see if that helps as well. We can try Google's public DNS to see how that goes. To update the DNS follow the steps below: 


1. Go to your PS4 Settings > Network > Set Up Internet Connection. Select either wifi or LAN cable depending on what type of connection you're using. 

2. After you select the connection type choose IP Address Settings (Automatic) > DHCP Host Name (Do Not Use) > DNS Settings (Manual)

3. Set the Primary DNS to, and set the Secondary DNS to

4. Hit Next > MTU Settings (Automatic) > Proxy Server (Do Not Use) > Test Internet Connection


Let me know if you're still running into any problems after updating the DNS settings. 




about 5 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Thanks for giving that a shot. I'll forward up this information to the team. 



