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Hey, r/ApexLegends!

Takeover brought with it many changes to our meta with updates for Legends and Weapons a like. Now that you’ve had a chance to jump in yourselves, maybe you’ve got some questions or feedback around our latest season’s meta adjustments. If you’d like a quick refresher, check out our Takeover Patch Notes.

We’ll be answering as many Legends and Weapons (including Arsenals) questions as possible tomorrow, March 5, 2025, at 1pm PT. Drop your questions here ahead of our AMA and tune back for replies when we go live. As always, feedback is also welcome and we’ll be collecting everything to share with the team. 

Here’s our Legends & Weapons team on deck:

  • u/RSPN_Caseroos: Casey, Game Designer
  • u/RSPN_Eric: Eric, Lead Designer
  • u/RSPN_JayBiebs: John, Game Designer
  • u/RSPN_JJ: JJ, Technical Game Designer
  • u/RV-Devan: Devan, Lead Game Designer

Reminder: please keep your questions focused on Legends & Weapons and limit 1-2 related questions per reply to help us stay organized. If you’ve got off topic questions, let us know which AMA we should host next.

Chat soon! 

3:00pm PT: Thanks for joining us! Our Legends & Weapons AMA has now concluded. For those that didn’t get a direct reply, be sure to check out the dev’s replies as there may have been an answer to a similar question.

External link →

Hey, r/ApexLegends!

Takeover brought with it many changes to our meta with updates for Legends and Weapons a like. Now that you’ve had a chance to jump in yourselves, maybe you’ve got some questions or feedback around our latest season’s meta adjustments. If you’d like a quick refresher, check out our Takeover Patch Notes.

We’ll be answering as many Legends and Weapons (including Arsenals) questions as possible tomorrow, March 5, 2025, at 1pm PT. Drop your questions here ahead of our AMA and tune back for replies when we go live. As always, feedback is also welcome and we’ll be collecting everything to share with the team. 

Here’s our Legends & Weapons team on deck:

  • u/RSPN_Caseroos: Casey, Game Designer
  • u/RSPN_Eric: Eric, Lead Designer
  • u/RSPN_JayBiebs: John, Game Designer
  • u/RSPN_JJ: JJ, Technical Game Designer
  • u/RV-Devan: Devan, Lead Game Designer

Reminder: please keep your questions focused on Legends & Weapons and limit 1-2 related questions per reply to help us stay organized. If you’ve got off topic questions, let us know which AMA we should host next.

Chat soon! 

3:00pm PT: Thanks for joining us! Our Legends & Weapons AMA has now concluded. For those that didn’t get a direct reply, be sure to check out the dev’s replies as there may have been an answer to a similar question.

External link →

Reminder to please keep replies on topic (Legends and Weapons) and limited to 1-2 related questions (drop any more questions in additional replies). Seeing a few questions and feedback around modes, skins, matchmaking, and Ranked. We'll look to do a future AMA on some of these to get your questions covered!

about 15 hours ago - /u/Apexlegends - Direct link

Question from our JP community

Why hasn't Seer received any updates or buffs compared to other Legends? Are there any plans to improve his abilities in the future?

about 15 hours ago - /u/Apexlegends - Direct link

Question from our JP community

The Nemesis seems to outperform other weapons. With the ability to equip an Accelerator, it becomes even stronger, making it feel more favored than other weapons. Are there any plans to review its weapon balance?

about 15 hours ago - /u/Apexlegends - Direct link

Question from our JP community via Twitter/X

Will Fade and Rhapsody from Apex Legends Mobile, ever make a return to the game?

about 15 hours ago - /u/Apexlegends - Direct link

Question from our JP community via Twitter/X

Are there any planned updates for specific classes? It seems like certain classes receive updates more frequently than others. Will there be a more balanced approach in the future where all classes are improved equally?

about 15 hours ago - /u/Apexlegends - Direct link

Question from our ZH community:

Regarding the buffs to the Assault and Support classes, when will Legends in other classes receive similar buffs or reworks?

about 14 hours ago - /u/RSPN_Thieamy - Direct link

Originally posted by Traditional_Rule_307

Is the performance mode issue on console sydney servers a known issue to the developers? When using performance mode on sydney servers console players get packet loss that shows on the right side of the slash mark example (loss 0/15) this causes the game to be completely unplayable. When turning off performance mode and playing on balanced 60hz the packet loss goes away. Playing on overseas servers there is no packet loss while on performance mode but the ping is avg 200 - 300 every game. This issue seems to only be affecting OCE console players specifically and there are multiple reports of this issue from many console players in OCE. Will this issue be fixed and sydney server players can go back to 120hz on our own servers? Issue has been going on since middle of last season. PLEASE HELP!

about 10 hours ago - /u/Apexlegends - Direct link

Originally posted by That_Candidate4008

Was the implementation of relic weapons last season successful enough to warrant it being brought back as a takeover mode? Many people here are displeased with this change but I am wondering if Respawn had good reason, as per internal data, that led them to implement this.

Update just went live to address this. Some additional details in linked thread.

about 10 hours ago - /u/Apexlegends - Direct link

Originally posted by Northern_jarl

Redemptions was super cool and fun. I kunda like the r301 variants as semi red weapons vould be cool but with lower spawnrate.

Can we PLEASE, get away from relic mode? We had that the entire last season and it's emmm to much for it to return so soon.

Update just went live to address this. Some additional details in linked thread.

about 10 hours ago - /u/RSPN_JayBiebs - Direct link

Originally posted by Marmelado_

The changes to the legend and weapon metas do freshen up the game, but it does introduce new problems. I'm writing about one of the most unpleasant ones. I've noticed that with the reduction of the TTK, there have been a hell of a lot more third parties. This also happens starting from diamond rank, which shouldn't happen because the entry cost into ranked is usually high there and the point of battle royale is to survive, not to play like deathmatch on a big map. And it constantly lowers your rank because third parties always abuse it when players have low HP. The situation is made worse by the fact that even bronze players can easily get diamond and they don't have enough experience/skill in countering with third parties. Do you have any plans to fix this? Will there be a new (or reworked) legend that can do something like an impassable wall to keep third parties out?

The "third-party problem" is a fascinating one in Apex, something I've thought about deeply over the game's lifetime. The Support changes and prevalence of red armor were a very deliberate attempt to increase survivability and boost multiple Legends with abilities that help you reset, or simply have a moment to process what to do for your next move. But that also made fights more drawn out, increasing the risk for third-parties. But maybe because fights conclude sooner now, players have more time outside of combat and are more frequently looking to third-party? Looking at some dashboards, there doesn't appear to be any notable shift in "dead time" between this season and last, but lobbies are expectedly dying slightly faster than last season. Why do you think there have been more third-parties? Shouldn't there be less, if fights are concluding faster? Could it be the map rotation? These are some of the questions we ask ourselves when trying to understand player experience and motivation.

As someone climbing through Diamond ranks right now, I would challenge the assumption that there have been "a lot more third parties." I sense a slight uptick, possibly because players feel more empowered to seek fights with an aggressive Legend meta and higher success rate converting damage into kills. This is compounded by the map rotation. But I also think the distinct lack of survival focused Legends makes us feel more powerless when things turn south, compared to last season. When the third-party came last season, you dropped Gibby bubble/Newcastle walls/Lifeline halo (or your Loba solo-queue third has already teleported to the crafter two POIs over). Reset potential gave good players more agency to react, whereas now there's more of an emphasis on rewarding preparation and strong positioning before a fight starts unfolding. I think "managing the third party" is a necessary skill to master in higher Ranks, and I think players at all skill bands are adjusting to the radical shift in "combat feel" between this season and last.

Personally, I think Ranked is not punishing enough for poor placement. As long as that's the case, regardless of meta, you will have players that are motivated by KP more than strategizing for end game. Unfortunately this isn't a Ranked AMA and I'm not a Ranked designer, but I do provide my input from a dev and Ranked player perspective. It's all I play, and I hear your concerns about ladder progression.

On your last point, on the impassable wall ability. I've thought about that exact same thing but I think the devil is in the details... how big is it... Seer ult size? A whole POI? Wouldn't that attract more players to the area? Can other players see it? Is audio muted inside of it? Can enemies leave it? Is it an ult? What other "stuff" should it do to feel ult-like? Make your pitch!

about 10 hours ago - /u/Apexlegends - Direct link

Originally posted by -LaughingMan-0D

1- What is the rationale behind LTMs that drastically change balance taking over pubs?

One big issue with these LTMs (Relics, etc) is that they take existing balancing and throw it out the window. For many of us, Pubs is a place to enjoy the core game of Apex without sweating it out in Ranked. When LTMs that massively change the core balance of the game takeover Pubs, you're taking away that casual option.

And with the recent TTK changes, having max juiced up weapons makes the game feel like CoD.

(Side note, wish you made Redemption the takeover instead, as it genuinely provided a vanilla+ experience that addressed the core issues of Pubs, ie lobbies dying out too quickly).

2- Ash's new dash is so incredibly fun, and its the main reason I decided to come back to the game after a 2 season hiatus. What's your opinion on extending that movement philosophy to other legends? Can we please see wallrunning come back to the Titanfall universe, perhaps as a class passive?

In regards to Q1, update just went live to address this and there are some additional details in linked thread.

about 10 hours ago - /u/RSPN_JayBiebs - Direct link

Originally posted by No-Score-2415

Are there any big plans for skirmisher, specifically Wraith?

She feels pretty bad when all the other portal legends have strong perks for it. Also Ash feels way more like a Skirmisher than Wraith right now.

Yes. Personal bias aside, I'm excited to get Wraith back to her effective skirmishing state.

Ash does have "Skirmisher" elements, but similar to Valkyrie, she has some overlap with another class. Her tactical is still very Assault-y (all Skirmishers have movement tacs) and since nerfing the dash cd her squirrelliness it's not quite as omnipresecent. But, we've shifted Legends to other classes before and it's definitely something we evaluate when looking at the lineup patch to patch.

about 10 hours ago - /u/RSPN_JayBiebs - Direct link

Originally posted by RedditDan00

Is there a reason why the TTK changes were all made at once? I'm not against a meta shakeup, but we went from an incredibly heal-heavy, survival-heavy meta to

  • No red armour
  • Harder to earn purple
  • No helmets
  • Damage buffs on all guns
  • No double heal for supports
  • Ash releasing incredibly strongly

I'm not against those changes in theory, but at all once they've totally flipped the game on its head and imo swung the pendulum too far the other way.

Is the aim to eventually find a middle ground, rather than creeping towards it with smaller changes?

To answer your question directly: they were all made at once as the culmination of a couple design teams (namely weapons and Legends) working to shake-up the "survival-heavy" meta with the tools at their disposal. For weapons, that was widespread buffs and some loot massaging (inspired partly by how punchy weapon identities felt in Launch Royale and "loot creep" over the course of five years). For Legends, it was a new Class focus that excelled at intiating and closing out fights, with a goal to elevate a couple Legends that were always middle-to-bottom of the pack in terms of popularity and power fantasy. In early playtests, it just felt good to convert damage into kills more consistently... we knew there was something there worth pursuing.

To answer that second part: It's easier to find that middle ground by taking big (measured) swings and reacting. It also creates a more dynamic live experience season over season, and resets the skill floor in some ways, allowing players to rediscover and relearn elements of Apex that may not have been at the forefront before. "Perfect balance" is (1) unobtainable and (2) boring, even in a sweaty, competitive game like Apex. We just need to be diligent about keeping the sharp edges in check with things like frequent targeted hotfixes.

As a live game, we want things to feel fresh yet familiar. We're proactively planning season over season while also reacting to the live climate. We get more feedback in one hour of a seasonal update going live than we do in the months of playtesting leading up to it, and we'd be doing everyone a disservice if we didn't leverage that to better balance the game. It's easier to tune hot and dial back than it is to ship something that's compelling on paper but not sticky/powerful enough to get players off what's familiar to them. If they don't find success with the new thing early, they will stick to what I know and go back to gaining RP. Ballistic is an example of this: if players are calling a Legend balanced on release, we know we didn't push hard enough. Now he's got some wild upgrades, his whole team gets a huge speed boost when he ults, and he can access unlimited ammo crate weapons. And now that people are playing him, we're better equipped to identify what is and is not working for him specifically and adjust accordingly. Same goes with other elements of the TTK design shift.

about 10 hours ago - /u/RSPN_JayBiebs - Direct link

Originally posted by -LaughingMan-0D

1- What is the rationale behind LTMs that drastically change balance taking over pubs?

One big issue with these LTMs (Relics, etc) is that they take existing balancing and throw it out the window. For many of us, Pubs is a place to enjoy the core game of Apex without sweating it out in Ranked. When LTMs that massively change the core balance of the game takeover Pubs, you're taking away that casual option.

And with the recent TTK changes, having max juiced up weapons makes the game feel like CoD.

(Side note, wish you made Redemption the takeover instead, as it genuinely provided a vanilla+ experience that addressed the core issues of Pubs, ie lobbies dying out too quickly).

2- Ash's new dash is so incredibly fun, and its the main reason I decided to come back to the game after a 2 season hiatus. What's your opinion on extending that movement philosophy to other legends? Can we please see wallrunning come back to the Titanfall universe, perhaps as a class passive?

On your second question...

This is the double-edged sword of movement in our game. It's really fun, and really powerful. So why not give it to everyone? The players obviously want it!

Our job as designers is to separate what players want from what players need. Apex is a game with deep mastery, discovery, and interplay between Legends. Movement mechanics and map, loot, weapon, and Legend design are all interconnected... you can't touch one without affecting the other. What would happen if we gave Ash dash to everyone? It would feel fresh and fun for a week, but then some issues would bubble up. Caustic's whole kit isn't designed around that level of movement. He doesn't need to dash to conduct experiments on his enemies, and he doesn't want other people dashing because he's all about area denial and crowd control. Controller legends on whole would take a hit. Same with Recon. Grenades are less meaningful now because enemies can just dash away. Map design becomes less interesting... everything feels more samey when you can dash to the nearest piece of cover. SMGs take a hit because it's way harder to track enemies moving at fast speeds up close. Long range combat takes a hit.

Basically, the game's not built for it. It's also why as a Titanfall fan, I'm still a wall-run hater in Apex. It would let you down more than it helps you.

That's not to say we shouldn't explore or dismiss what players want or ask for. Maybe there's a version of wall-running that's more traversal focused than as a combat tool, and level designers can plan for it accordingly. And we can rebalance and rework Legends as the game evolves. I just hope to shed some light on the level of thought and care that has to be put into core gameplay changes. There is a cascading effect that we must be cognizant of as stewards of the game.

In the meantime, I'll still be playing Ash (cuz she's fun) and eagerly await changes to a couple of my mains that have fallen by the wayside. Apex has evolved, and they must too in order to stay relevant.

about 10 hours ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by fly-me-to-the-fun

Loba's ult doesn't work on mixtape and it has been like this for months, maybe a whole year. Is this intentional?

No. Sounds like a bug.

We'll just have to remove Loba from mixtape for like a month, maybe a whole year.

about 10 hours ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Icy_Purple

Love the ballistic changes but there's something odd I noticed about Ballistics ultimate. When you sling the prowler it comes with the selectfire hopup but disappears once it's over. But other guns like the L-STAR keep them, why is that?

Also for anyone interested you can keep selectfire after the timer as long as you hold down the trigger lol

Sounds like a bug - anything added to the weapons in Ballistics's sling shouldn't remain. ( outside of what's gained with each level )

about 10 hours ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Annual-Tomato5940

Would you be willing to give support legends their double heal? Or give Gibby and Newcastle their unbreakable tacticals back? They are supposed to be the tanks of the group. Only reason it was to strong was because you took away crypto, Maggie as counters. Even seer would be a counter to them if you buffed his tactical a little.  Could you give every character ashes passive and lifelines glide passive? They have those jetpacks on their backs for a reason. Why not give that mobility to every legend? I don't see the drawback.

Willing to give supports back the double heals - yes. It's a possibility - but likely not until after we see where all the classes align with their final perks and see if there's a need to anchor their identity harder again.

We've historically been fairly opposed to hard counters, but as the Legends have grown we recognize that there is some value in the chess match counters of the meta that can go on - and it's possible we could lean in that direction in the future, but there are no current plans to do so yet.

Seer we want to do something about in general - but we don't necessarily want one character's identity to be solely determined by whom they hard counter. So we likely need to look at Seer from multiple angles to get him out of obscurity.

We are not likely to see all characters have Ash's passive or Lifeline's glide.

We actually tried that internally - and it was a pretty confusing mess. You couldn't tell who could do what, building tops and second floors were suddenly able to be accosted by everyone in a squad. No where was safe, and tracking player movements or capitalizing on any well planned long-range assaults was difficult and frustrating. In a small arena with respawns, that element is fun, but less so in a one life to live BR setting. So there are some actual downsides to giving every character movement like those Legends that we'd have to find clear ways to solve for before that becomes a realistic prospect for Apex.

Larson also covered this as well in another post: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1j3lnup/comment/mg8at93/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

about 10 hours ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by concretecowboi_

That’s good to hear thanks and any squeak on the type of update coming to skirmishers?

Nah, can't say anything yet. But it's coming soon, hold tight!

about 10 hours ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by DougDimmaGlow

Thank you for this response as well

Overall, this season has been great!

Cheers! Glad you're enjoying it!

about 9 hours ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by DougDimmaGlow

Thank you for the response! That does make sense in terms of being very cautious about what is added as just a passive. I will say, currently the Ash dash is almost as far as a pounce.

I feel the old Rev was only encouraged to do that since…he didn’t have a pounce! Not to mention the weapon meta at that time. I feel the pounce plus the silence would have great synergy, plus it would bring some needed team utility back to his kit that still suites his personality. I mean we would love to hear the return of “shut up!”

If the team decides to stay with the Assault scan perk, I feel this change to him would be great and necessary.

I did also want to say, you guys did an amazing job with Lifeline, combining all the great aspects of all the different versions of kits she’s had. You guys do not get enough appreciation!

Thank you - I'll pass that along to the team. And yeah, loved all the "shut you up" lines he used to have. As for the Assault scan - we'll have to see where that ends up once the season simmers down. It's actually an aspect of the Battle Surge perk that might be doing more work than it needs. We'll see!