about 6 years
ago -
Apex Legends
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | Narrator: Many would call CAUSTIC a sociopath. |
5s | He wouldn't classify it that way. |
7s | Caustic: I don't concern myself |
9s | with the ambitions of insects. |
11s | Narrator: His toxic gas traps |
12s | can quickly ambush an entire squad. |
14s | Caustic: Know your place! |
16s | Narrator: Immune to his own chemicals, |
17s | he calmly stalks his subjects. |
20s | Caustic: A deterministic end will find you below. |
23s | Narrator: They say, not all Legends are heroes. |
25s | And that is truly evident with CAUSTIC. |
27s | Caustic: In the end...everything dies. |