8 months
ago -
Apex Legends
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | in Shockwave we're looking to encourage |
2s | a new Legend meta while also empowering |
4s | more supportive and defensive play |
6s | styles for our Recon Legends like blood |
8s | hound we're adding an allnew perk called |
10s | scoutmaster which gives all Recon |
12s | Legends threat Vision on enemies when |
14s | aiming down sights we're also looking to |
16s | push survey beacons into a more tactical |
18s | role beacons will be faster to use and |
21s | found more frequently across the map no |
23s | more random spawns however they will no |
26s | longer reveal the entire map instead a |
28s | large area around the beacon itself |
31s | and for our costic Mains out there |
32s | controllers inside Zone will maintain a |
34s | permanent overcharge on their Shields |
36s | effectively making them one level |
38s | stronger than their actual level |