about 6 years
ago -
Apex Legends
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | Narrator: Legends come from all over the Outlands... |
5s | and some of them aren't even human. |
7s | meet PATHFINDER |
9s | Pathfinder: Hey! That's me! |
12s | Narrator: A scouting specialist, |
13s | this modified worker bot can use his grapple |
15s | to easily get the drop on enemies |
18s | and access hard to reach places, |
20s | PATHFINDER can also hack survey beacons |
22s | to reveal the next ring location. |
24s | While his zipline can provide the squad |
26s | with a quick escape |
27s | giving a tactical advantage. |
30s | [CRASH] |
31s | Narrator: Now if he could just find his Creator. |
33s | Pathfinder: You don't know where my Creator is, |
34s | do you? |