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12:05pm PT: Thanks for joining us! Our Revenant Reborn AMA has concluded. We enjoy hosting AMAs when we can and the team has time to spare from updates and fixes, so let us know if you'd like to see more in the future.


Hey, r/ApexLegends!

It’s time to talk about the simulacrum of the season: Revenant. Now that you’ve had some time with his new look, abilities, and lore, we want to know what burning questions you have - and any feedback too, of course!

Got questions? Drop them here ahead of our AMA and tune back when we go live. We’ll be answering as many Revenant questions as possible this Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at 10am PT to 12pm PT.

Here’s our Revenant team on deck:

Reminder: Please keep your questions focused on Revenant, his recent rework, and lore, and please limit 1-2 questions per comment unless they’re directly connected. You can post as many comments as you need to cover all of your questions.

Chat soon!

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over 1 year ago - /u/tangentiallogic - Direct link

Do Simulacrum dream of robot sheep that think they are normal sheep?

over 1 year ago - /u/Respawn_Kalyrical - Direct link

Originally posted by RV-Devan

Smoked Gouda

All hail smoked gouda

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Runsett-

This overshield is absolutely tough to go against. He is so hard to kill. I have a harder time going against Rev than Gibby. Why was a overshield added while also giving him movement? We pretty much have a mobile gibby here. Gl trying to run away when a Rev knows he is at a huge advantage everytime because of his extra 75. Also why give him even more passives on top of his wallclimbing and silent crouch?

We wanted Revenant to feel confident diving in to secure a kill as his core play pattern.
The Passive lets him know when enemies are low to push.
The Tactical lets him close the gap
The Ultimate gives him the confidence to dive in and secure it.
So the overshield was added to allow him to push into an enemy team, the idea being that the large hitbox of the shroud is very easy to hit and burn through offering a measure of counterplay if Revenant over-extends. It's definitely dialed high, and we'll monitor it's power across the season to see if adjustments needs to be made.
Revenant is admittedly a little overloaded with passives - but they all serve a purpose in his overall kit and synergize with the other abilities well.
Also, we didn't want to lose the unique crawling and wall climbing that was so core to the character in this change.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Boozardo

Was his rework abilities inspired by cockroaches? Like seriously, he climbs like one, he leaps(fly) towards enemies, and has an Ult that makes him hard to kill

He's actually more inspired by venomous snakes and spiders.
The spider was part of his inspiration from the beginning with his climb, and the snakes took shape with the redesign of his new hood from what our Lead Concept Artist has mentioned

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Cazirus

What is the data on how strong Rev’s ult is cause I cannot tell if it’s too strong or too weak. Sometimes when I pop my ult, that 75 makes me invincible, and other times it feels like I put a McDonald’s napkin over my head.

The season's still young, and we're gathering data at the moment from feedback, and the community on large at the moment.
In the early days, actual telemetry is often skewed because EVERYONE's playing the character, but as the season goes one we'll be able to see how the power of his ult is shaking out and make any adjustments needed.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by FrozenPhilosopher

Not revenant related exactly, but can you explain why the recent matchmaking changes in pubs are so awful? Pubs went from a decent mix of all skill levels (sometimes you dominated, sometimes you got dominated) to now being every single lobby is sweatier than ranked.

Is it really just to protect the noobs, or did you guys unintentionally make the game awful to play to start this season?

On topic for revenant: why is his super jump not much louder and/or accompanied by a flashy visual cue? We were told during Loba bracelet design that it was so flashy because it’s no fun for players to reposition silently with hard to notice cues - that’s exactly what happens with rev because of how bad the audio is.

Revenant's Shadow Pounce is intended to be loud and aggressive given it's power potential. There are audio and visual cues surrounding the ability to push this.If this isn't the case, there may be bugs to investigate, or larger falloff ranges to push out and accomplish this goal.As we've done before, ( Octane's Jump Pad ) we'll try to address these in future patches if that's the case.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Ginglees

How did the ult make it through play testing without realizing how busted it is to regenerate your shield instantly with an added 10 seconds

Why is there a random scan ability? It doesn’t fit his character.

Playtesting showed how powerful the Ult could be, and there were certainly concerns.
The Ult gives Rev the confidence to stay in the fight, push a little harder and secure the kill - which was the play pattern we were striving for with this rework. Given this, we opted to allow Revenant his time in the sun to see what aspects were the most potent.
As we analyze what parts of the kit might be too oppressive, we can then make targeted changes to reign in that power on the right axis. We don't get to see that if he releases too weak and no one plays him.
The momentary targeting scan isn't random, it's intentional. It allows him to hone in on weak targets and know when to dive on them to secure the kill. As a Revenant, you now how have a call to action when enemies get low to use your Shadow Pounce or move in with Forged Shadows to pursue that advantage. It's a core part of his new play pattern, and fits the killer assassin character well from our perspective.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Shinigami_Hei

Also no bleed-through. If you get hit with a Kraber for example you only take damage from the ult shield. Have a shield with 1 hp? You only take 1 hp damage.

Bleed-through you say...?

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by MastahTypo

Not specifically about revenant but about the silence ability..

Who in their right minds thought that it would be fair to give that ability to seer in his tactical and not crypto in his ultimate?

A silence as ult ability to cancel an ambush for crypto seems more fair than it does on seer.

Seer already had a Silence as part of his Tactical, it just lasted a very short amount of time compared to the scan.
We flipped this for Seer in an effort to pull down the scan meta overall and push him towards initiation rather than closing.
The silence works well with Seer's kit, as you can track and target with his passive to and gains knowledge through the brief scan of WHO has been silenced in order to make choices on how to push based on the abilities that have been locked out.
Crypto's EMP also silencing is an interesting direction to consider - though, as with Rev's old version, it would be difficult to tell if the silence had real impact.
The EMP already does significant shield damage in addition to its slow and disorientation in a large area through walls - you would still use it for that over the silence component, it'd be icing on the cake for few who'd take notice - and infinitely more frustrating for those caught it the giant emp area.
And to be fair, Crypto's emp isn't what's holding him back. It is good feedback to consider though for any future Crypto updates though!

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by chichirobov7

Is pulling out a weapon during his tactical when he slides off a highground a bug that will be fixed, a bug that's interesting to see and won't be touched or intentional

This is a bug. We are looking to fix it.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Brammerz

Is his short Q supposed to have a reduced cooldown much like PF? This only seems to apply to his ult.

At the moment no.
But it is something we could consider.
As you've noted, he has opportunities within his Ult that restore his Tactical faster.
We're evaluating those first

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by rthesoccerproj2

a couple of questions

  1. do you guys feel like revenant reborn was a sucess in terms of bringing revenant back to relevancy?
  2. do you guys have plans to rework other characters whether it's their entire kit similar to how you did with revenant in the future?
  3. do you plan to do reworks to only a certain part of a legends kit such as making new passives for certain legends that are considered "outdated" in today's game?

1) Yes. The community reaction has been very positive and we're seeing players get the gameplay design of the new kit and effectively feeling the fantasy shift in their play.
2) None at present. Revenant was an opportunity - a clash of low pick rates, and a mismatched play experience and fantasy.
We're open to the possibility of returning to previous Legends, but like Rev, the opportunity would need to exist to go after as fully.
3) We'd like to address more "outdated" aspects of early kits if they need it. We have a balancing act between desired meta adjustments, bugs and new seasonal content that already occupy a lot of our resources so it's a difficult thing to prioritize - especially on Legends who are still "doing well". But I'd like to revisit some in the future - there's just nothing in play at the moment.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by tangentiallogic

Do Simulacrum dream of robot sheep that think they are normal sheep?

Yes. And in those dreams the robot sheep become self aware and rise up to dominate all real sheep, then step through the void into reality to ensure they enslave all sheep.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by CaptainRaegan

I wish his recolor heirloom looked different, even in terms of recolors- it's SO similar to the original. :( I love his new emote though, and overall the rework seems successful and enjoyable, so good job on that part! <3 Any chance y'all are gonna fix his funny teeth though?

Booking an Apex dentist ...in THIS economy!?

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by An_M1A2_Abrams

Will Revenant get new skins based off of his new model, such as grey to purple tier skins, or will those stay for his old model?

All new skins will be based on Revenant's new model.
The current skins he has from his old model will remain unchanged - so if you like the old look or one of its variants, they will still be there.
Whether we add in additional skins like those found in the common and rare tiers for the new model is TBD, but I'm not aware of any plans to do so yet.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Nationalkucumber

Are there any plans to undone the mantle bug that happened with revenant with the new update because before the recent update revs tact+mantle together was very useful and helpful for fight and recovering from fights and I and everyone would love to see it return

The mantle bug is unintentional and will be fixed.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Nationalkucumber

Plus will there be any new skins based off his new model added to his already pre existing Legendary old skin models plus loving the new rev minus the new update mantle bug that come out with new update

The plan is for any new skins to be based off his new model.
You'll be able to use these alongside any old skins you've already unlocked.
- whether any are coming out in the next update or a future one I don't actually know.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by CatharticChris

I'm loving Revenant Reborn but I do miss his silence ability. What if they gave it to back to Revenant as a silence shockwave when he hits the ground after using his tactical. Would that be broken or nah? Thoughts?

His pounce originally DID have a Silence shockwave when landing and we had it in playtests for a while.
The problem was that it made it feel like you HAD to hit an enemy with it to be successful, and anything else was kind of a waste.
And by encouraging people to land directly on enemies, it often forced them into bad positions where they'd just get killed.
We wanted the Shadow Pounce to be used more creatively, and give the play more agency rather than prescribing a pattern that would likely get them killed, so we backed away from the Silence and stuck with the more pure form of the movement. The intent of the ability became much more clear, and players were free to use it to dive, reposition or reach walls to climb which was much more successful overall

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by TheGamingNerd4

Was the ability to cancel the leap animation by sliding off an edge/supergliding intentional or coincidental, and will it be changed? I think it's really good the way it is, but I'm curious what the team thinks about it.

It was not intentional and we're actively looking to fix it.
Revenant's new movement has a lot of power on its own, and part of its internal counterplay revolves around not allowing weapons to come out until landing.
We're hoping to shore up exploits to that get around this intended design.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Brokeclub

I was hoping that you would give the shadow teammate revive animation from shadow royal to Revenant, it would give more character to him and would allow people to appreciate the skin they have equipped , is it a difficult process to do?

This is a pretty cool idea. Definitely something to consider and ensure fits within the lore of the non-Shadow Royale world to be right for Apex!

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Realistic-Dust-5891

When reworking revs kit was it difficult trying to adjust him from more of a team based legend ( the totem and the silence orbs) to a more lore accurate self centred legend (the shadow shields and pounce) and if possible could we get some details about possible earlier builds of what his kit went through during his development before the team settled on what we currently have?

It was difficult. From a design perspective it did irk us that he would lose an ability that benefited his team.
But it fit Revenant's character overall, and we felt it was worth the exploration.
We've mentioned some of the early prototypes in other threads.
Silence shockwave on the pounce, wall running, the 1v1 Shadow Realm duel. We even tried a version where Revenant could self-revive himself at any time by destroying his current body ( even when not downed ) and emerging from his totem as a shadow to reposition. It was cool, and powerful, and on-brand - but everyway we spun it, it just became a frustrating element to deal with after Revenant had been knocked, and pre-knock just always ended up feeling like a Wraith tactical - so we scrapped it for something that would keep him more IN the fight, rather than something that would only help him if he already LOST the fight

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by CaptainRaegan

What was I THINKING? You're right, I bet Revenant doesn't have dental insurance huh :(

Hammond never sprung for the premium coverage.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by DredgenYor229

what was the teams inspiration behind revenants new look

Responded to something similar here: Rev's new look

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Seismicx

We do the same for riding ziplines or taking jump pads too. Yes, they are Ultimates - but they are deployed abilities in the world and we consider their utility differently than how we control

You can neither heal nor shoot well on ziplines. You can barely shoot on jumppads, but you can heal. Those are ultimates.

Now horizon's gravity lift is a tactical and she can heal, shoot and ult during it and use it multiple times? Don't you think that's a bit misbalanced?

if we limited your ability to heal, use weapons, throw grenades/abilities... the lift would feel pretty one dimensional.

Just as one-dimensional as any other movement tactical is. Taking height with your entire team is strong enough alone.

Allowing the player to use weapons/meds or abilities, gives agency and play potential not just to Horizon, but anyone who uses the lift - making it a dynamic element on the field.

It's a dynamic element indeed. Why are no other movement tacticals as dynamic? Do you see how it creates an uneven playing field by giving one character a 5 in 1 tactical, while others are as simple as a grapple or a jump?

With regards to the deployed abilities - I wasn't suggesting you could shoot or heal from a zipline, merely that we evaluate them on their own ( the jump pad has different rule sets than the zipline )

That being said, we're totally aware of the frustrations around Horizon. She's often a hot topic in our balance meetings, and as stated in this and other posts we are looking at options - but, at this time, removing item/ability/weapon usage is not how we'd like to address it for now.

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by LemonGullible1933

Why the hell did you guys nerf him already? Not just talking about the superglide thing, you can't even climb a small ledge while holding his tactical now. I hope it's a bug because if it's not, it's the most lazy, disruptive "fix". You can't even charge it up while in a zipline or going up a jumptower because if you do, you just get launched without warning.

It's a bug. Not intentional

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Brammerz

Thanks for the feedback, it is really appreciated. Know I'm not qualified with game design like at all but could you maybe add a larger hitbox when you're in the lift similar to revenants new shield like a grav bubble or something? The largest complaint about horizon is how difficult it is to shoot her when she's in the lift which is why it comes across one sided and she can heal easy. This would still provide her with the same utility whilst settling a pretty big pain point people have with her kit.

Yeah, that's the pain point we're feeling too - it's a really good callout. Hopefully we can make that a little better soon!

over 1 year ago - /u/RV-Devan - Direct link

Originally posted by Apprehensive_Slide_5

Damage done to revs forged shield doesn’t count towards evo or overall damage, is that a bug?
