about 5 years ago - /u/Jayfresh_Respawn - Direct link

Originally posted by kaveldun

Just wanna chime in as someone who also suffers from motion sickness in the game due to the head bobbing.

Love the game aside from this, and want to play it right now, but I can't. It's not worth playing 2-4 games to then feel queasy and nauseated for hours afterwards... So unfortunately I'll have to make the call to stop playing the game until there is an option to switch off head bobbing.

I want to post this for visibility, since there's likely many more like me who suffer from motion sickness in the same way. This also ought to be a very quick fix to just throw in an option that disables this, as it wouldn't affect gameplay in the slightest.

EDIT: typo

EDIT 2: There exists a ticket for this, if you want you can vote on it -> https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Feedback/Motion-Sickness-Please-RE-don-t-forget-about-us-suffering-from/m-p/7456109#M1804

EDIT 3: Ooh, thanks for the gold, kind stranger! Also, thanks to the positive response and encouragement of this community in the rest of the replies.

Hey all, appreciate the feedback. We're listening.

Few things that would help the team understand how this is affecting you folks as we look into it.

  • What Legend are you playing? Does this feel worse or better with other characters?
  • When does it bother you the most? Sprinting? When weapon is drawn? When weapon is holstered?
  • What FOV are you playing at?
  • Have an examples of other FPS games you play that you don't experience this?