This bug was reported several times, by several people, I reported it myself on forum and even opened a ticket for it. And also used the report form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHdhW5AishZ3o9qUXSJD15CJgzCvBqpN32p77B5VGhAeFQ1A/viewform. And it's been over a year.
I was told " Be sure to keep an eye out on the latest patch notes for future updates "
But thoses bugs are still not fixed since the begining of SE release.
- Cave "Old Tunnels" the drop on the painted wall is impossile to take (screenshot).
- Cave "Ruins of Nosti" a red drop below is inacessible and if you try you instant die and loose every thing. This issue is well known by players of sorched earth.
It's even in gamepedia " Beware of the "Trap Loot" below and to the right of the series of jumps there is a loot crate near the instakill area on a ledge however it will kill you before you even reach it. " (if you would take "trap loot" literally, this make no sence considering how this happens and the rest of the game)
Of course, it also prevents the spawn of another loot.
What do you think?
About dev team, could we have a word about this ?
Thank you in advance.