almost 2 years
ago -
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While we're going to wait to reveal the gameplay of ARK Survival Ascended until it's near final-form, we want to show you how we're approaching the new game artistically. ASA is much more than a complete technology overhaul, we are also going through and revising the artwork by hand for a new conception of the worlds of ARK. Here's a first look at what "Remaster" means in ARK Survival Ascended:

Stay tuned to subsequent Crunches for more looks at the reenvisioned style of ARK Survival Ascended!

We couldn't leave you with our previous ARK 2 Carnotaurus reveal without showing an example of our new-look dino armor! The team is thoroughly enjoying designing armor to make your favorite tames both protected and eye-catching. We look forward to seeing what players do with the arsenal options!

You still have the weekend to vote for which creature will be added to Scorched Earth for ARK: Survival Ascended!
The second round of voting ends on May 1st at 4 PM Pacific.
The winner* will be announced in the Crunch Friday, May 5th 2023.

- Rank the creatures in order of most preferred to least preferred
- The vote is limited to 1 submission per person (duplicate entries will be discarded)

Below are the candidates that have made it into the final 10. Find out more information about the creature by clicking on the hyperlink attached to the name.
- Gigantophis[]
- Giant Moa[]
- Bastion Beetle[]
- Gigantoraptor Regalimaia[]
- Maevia Eureka[]
- Gorgonops[]
- Fasolasuchus[]
- Ledumahadi acuti[]
- Armadillosuchus[]
- Maip Macrothorax[]
* Note that once the winner has been determined, we'll be reading through these threads and using them as inspiration for how the creature will be designed; aspects suggested may change.
Click here []to vote

Survivors on all platforms will be receiving an EVO Event! It will be active until Monday, 1st of May.
All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:
*Note that these bonuses are multiplicative of the game's standard 1x rates.
- Official Servers: 2x XP, Harvesting, Taming and Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval
- Small Tribe Servers: 4.5x XP, Harvesting, Taming and Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval
- ARKPocalypse: 5x XP, Harvesting, Taming and Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval
- Classic: 6x XP, Harvesting, Taming and Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval

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Creator: Raasclark
Watch as Raasclark begin his journey on Ragnarok with the Dino Overhaul X (DOX) mod, where every creature is ridiculously hard, and learning how to survive is a struggle.

Creator: MrMEOLA (featuring Songbird Gaming)
MrMEOLA has a visitor on his island, and they have built him a new astonishing home to live in! Visit with him this incredible base by the talented Songbird Gaming.

R-Direwolf by @k3zk_628

Desperate by @falco_luna

Ravager Sketch by LycaosX

Yeti VS Gigantopithecus by @MayaPatch89

What's let that isn't artificial here? by @Ampraeh

Wholesome Parasaur family by @Riinartist

Maewing!!! by Sakusaii

Nameless by Manatee

Paradise by Serious

Wuiiiiiiiiii by chrisrez07

Enjoy your weekend!
Studio Wildcard
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