about 6 years
ago -
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Item Card Changes:
Private Lobby & Tournament Changes:
Bug Fixes & Other Changes:
- Blade of the Vigil: Cleave increased from +2 to +4
- Keenfolk Plate: Added "Equipped hero's attackers have -1 Armor"
- Stonehall Pike cost reduced from 6 gold to 5 gold
- Stonehall Plate cost reduced from 6 gold to 5 gold
- Barbed Mail cost reduced from 6 gold to 5 gold
- Assassin's Veil cost reduced from 6 gold to 4 gold
- Phase Boots cost reduced from 6 gold to 5 gold
- Broadsword cost reduced from 7 gold to 6 gold
- Keenfolk Musket cost reduced from 7 gold to 6 gold
- Chainmail cost reduced from 7 gold to 6 gold
- Fur-lined Mantle cost reduced from 7 gold to 6 gold
- Red Mist Maul cost reduced from 10 gold to 9 gold
- Obliterating Orb cost reduced from 10 gold to 9 gold
- Ring of Tarrasque cost reduced from 12 gold to 10 gold
- Cloak of Endless Carnage cost reduced from 13 gold to 10 gold
- Claymore cost reduced from 15 gold to 14 gold
- Platemail cost reduced from 15 gold to 12 gold
- Hero's Cape cost reduced from 15 gold to 12 gold
Private Lobby & Tournament Changes:
- Added Random Two Color deck option for private lobbies and tournaments. This gives both players different randomized 2-color decks in each match.
- Added Speed Timer option for private lobbies and tournaments. This allows players 10 seconds to take each action.
- Automated Open Tournaments are now 'Chaos Blitz'. Chaos Blitz is Random Two Color, Speed Timer, 8 player free-for-all lasting for 1 hour and 30 minutes
Bug Fixes & Other Changes:
- Hovering gold in the HUD displays the amount of gold spent but not yet revealed through playing items (this is a clue rather than an exact amount because of hidden information with Hold, Shop Deed, etc.)
- Fixed Rebel Instigator combat arrows not appearing sometimes
- Fixed issue with Plague wards spawn particles
- Fixed losing a few seconds from the action timer after deployment
- Fixed tournament draft replays not showing selected cards
- Fixed long persona names getting cut off
- Fixed crosslane targets sometimes not showing in Last Action text.
- Fixed Chat Wheel lines for Rebel Decoy, Pit Fighter of Quoidge, Zeus, and Beastmaster
- Reduced low end noise in deck building ambient audio
- Added particle effects for some passive abilities
- Slightly reduced draw card animation speed (time between draws remains the same)
- Slightly increased the time between Eclipse beams (intro/outro time remains the same)
- Improved stability
- Updated localization files
- Still in it for the long haul