Original Post — Direct link
During the caravans on either side can the bounty hunter find a target that is marked as bounty hunter target and still have the special bounty hunters abilities to take down the targeted ganker of others?
about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
The only point I'd make is PK should not be able to trade to an ally.
"Player to player trading, interacting with vendors or NPCs, and the ability to access storage is disabled for corrupted players.[34][7][35]" https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Player_corruption
I'll second this one with the link to Bounty Hunters, so that everyone coming to this thread can easily access information about them: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Bounty_hunters ----- As @daveywavey helpfully pointed out, next month's Q&A is a great opportunity to have an unanswered question potentially answered! :)