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🤔💭 Who is this lovely sand momma?
👇 Place your guesses below!
- Nerror
Goddess of Hope, Resna, is my number one guess. The pose suggests hope. Sand slipping through fingers can be symbolic of loss of hope, which is appropriate for the Apocalypse. Resna is goddess for the Aela humans, so that part fits too.
It could be that Aelan queen too, the Lady of the Rose, but I lean slightly more towards Resna.
- Warth
Its the goddess of time. The sign on the head is similar to the one that is carried by the Protector's Armor.
Unfortunately, the Armor doesn't have any Lore attached to it.
But what's also in the Pack of the Protector's Armor?
A Pocket Watch
+The goddess of time...like sand passing through an hour glass.
I agree with @Neurath there
- Nerror
The pocket watch is present in every single pack they sell :wink: It just represents game time.