over 2 years ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

13s thank you
28s hello everyone and welcome to yet
32s another stream in the world of Vera I am
36s joined by two absolutely awesome and
39s Stellar developers on ashes of Creation
41s with whom you have actually
44s experienced a live stream with before
46s there are our glorious engineer Keenan
51s how you doing buddy
52s good how are you I'm doing good happy to
56s be here with you again and then we also
58s have uh one of our senior game designers
61s Mr tratt how you doing trap
64s hey good to see everyone again good to
66s be back
67s so we are in a new biome that actually I
73s don't believe anyone's ever seen before
77s where are we we are in the this kind of
80s looks a little bit like the Alpine
81s Forest but actually this is a part of
84s the riverlands this is
87s um up near the Alpine Forest Area
91s um so you're gonna see some Western
93s Larks and Eastern hemlocks
96s um we're obviously at a bit of a higher
98s elevation if you look off to the
102s uh East over there
104s you can see
106s kind of where the starting area for the
108s alien humans
110s um or the excuse me the klar and the
113s velune would start in Alpha two down in
117s the basins of the riverlands but we are
120s somewhere else and the reason we're up
122s in this higher elevation is because we
124s want to show to you guys
127s the night and day cycle a little bit of
129s some of the cemetery areas with some
131s Undead
132s and there's some constellations I think
135s we're going to be taking a look at today
136s as well that will get a good vantage
138s point from up in this elevation
141s um and also you may notice two familiar
143s characters uh we have the ranger that
147s you guys saw a little bit Keenan you're
148s playing the ranger right yep all right
151s now don't there was a lot of commentary
153s about my playing of the Ranger and uh
157s some people didn't think I played it
159s very well so we're gonna have to make
160s sure that you're on your game today uh
163s with that Ranger
164s I'll show them how it's done and then
166s taking your job exactly and then we also
170s have Chad you're playing uh the fighter
172s right yep I'm gonna have to substitute
175s is the tank roll of the party oh they
177s have the actual tank that's right we
178s haven't shown off the tank yet so the
181s fighter is going to be our tank today
182s which I think is fine
184s um let's start heading let's start
186s heading down this way a little bit what
188s do you say let's go let's do it let's do
191s this
191s so what do we have
195s um today with the cleric Chad we're
197s going to be looking a little bit at the
199s cleric and some of the new weapons
202s um
204s the mace and the staff is that right
206s that is correct uh we've got a
208s two-handed staff and a one-handed maze
211s Shield you'll also see four new spells
215s that the cleric will be casting and I
218s won't spoil too much on that you'll see
219s them as we start getting into combat
221s here but
222s now Keenan you play a cleric as a main
226s in your MMOs is that right
228s yeah I typically play sport and what is
231s the most fun aspect of cleric gameplay
233s for you
236s um
242s for me it's making sure it's it's being
244s able to uh
248s ensure that uh the party wins
254s ultimately the role I think of as
255s support any any good player knows that
258s supports win and lose games in my
261s opinion apologies to all non-support
263s players
264s um but you know when you think about
266s think oh let's hold on let's pause here
267s this looks like a little bit of a scary
269s area
270s um and as a matter of fact
272s let me see if
275s but you know we might need some supplies
277s in here
278s let me just see if I can chop down some
280s trees
283s um
284s you know what
286s I think there was some some Oaks down
289s here
290s these Oaks might come in handy later
292s we'll see
294s um but you know when you think about
295s like cleric gameplay
297s that whack-a-mole that tread said that's
300s that's kind of I think what a lot of MMO
302s players are accustomed to right
306s yeah probably it's like it's like
308s following your your party's hit point
311s bars in
313s the health bars in the uh
317s the the party window and just clicking
319s between them and making sure you're like
320s maintaining rotations and cooldowns on
323s your heel abilities
325s um you know saving the really high Mana
327s usage ones uh for emergency situations
331s and just ensuring that your resource
333s management as well as like
336s you know who your tanks are who your
338s Fighters are if a DPS gets out of
339s position and starts taking a bunch of
341s damage like they're ruining your your
343s Mana management essentially right so
346s it's a little bit of dependency on like
347s your party as well as your own rotation
352s yeah it's a very reactive play style
355s that I like
356s um a lot of you know use a lot of time
358s when you're playing DPS it's like a lot
360s of things are kind of predetermined with
362s your rotation and all that and obviously
364s there's like reactive elements there
365s that you're reacting to out external
368s variables and the the encounters and
369s such but you know with with clerics
371s there's generally not as much of a
374s rotation you're kind of responding every
375s moment based on what's Happening to your
378s party but yeah there's a lot of uh
379s predictive opportunities as well like
381s making sure that you're in the right
382s place at the right time
384s right yeah absolutely
387s um all right let's just Mount and see
388s what we got up here these look like some
390s Skin Walkers
392s who what are these Skin Walkers Chad you
394s want to talk to us a little bit about
395s them
397s um these are just one of your basic
399s fodder enemies like you know they're
401s they're not too dangerous individually
403s but um you know in a pack they could be
405s something to to concern yourself with so
408s you don't want to pull too many at a
409s time but let's take them out and see
411s what happens
417s not too bad not too bad
421s all right we took some damage there
425s a little bit of damage there
429s that wasn't too bad let me actually hold
431s on let me um adjust the master volume
434s real quick
436s audio you guys are gonna see some
438s outstanding UI work that's necessary
441s I'm just gonna pull down this a little
445s bit
447s there we go
450s all right so that's still got some UI
452s work to do on the settings panel but you
454s get to see it in all of its work in
456s progress Glory
459s so they did do a little bit of damage to
460s you and talk to us a little bit about
464s um
466s oh wow those guys actually got a little
468s bit beat up
470s must be those uh Buffs on chains oh yeah
473s I actually did I I didn't actually even
475s get to cast chains
478s you got to Castle it just didn't do too
480s much yeah exactly so what one thing we
482s were trying to set up there that will of
484s course get to see a little bit more
485s showcased in some of these tougher mobs
487s inevitably coming up here is uh some
490s class synergies uh this particular one
494s is where we demonstrate setting up a
496s status Effect called stagger you'll see
498s a floater text pop up here I'll show you
500s don't kill him don't kill
501s actually you won't see it on my screen
503s yeah but basically it sets up
505s satisfaction you can see a little bit of
508s a VFX over his head and then
510s um as you see there Steven followed up
512s with James uh triggers a stun on any
516s Target under that effect already
518s now up here I believe is an observation
521s area where where I am going to speed up
523s time now we talked a little bit about
526s um showcasing Kind of Night and Day and
529s up here if we make a pass some of these
531s this is just this is like a cemetery
533s right
535s looks to be that way
539s oh yeah these dogs are these these poor
542s dogs I feel terrible about them let me
544s oh there's some zombies up here
547s okay we got it coming oh they're they're
550s starting
551s you can kite these oh my God what the
555s heck was that so much for guiding
563s all right get ready see if we drop a
566s stun on them or is it on cooldown nope I
569s got it all right oh no I accidentally
571s canceled it oh God
573s hold on group you
575s there we go okay we're doing okay
584s I got you I got you
591s there's some of them popped out of the
593s ground
600s oh I love the charge effect and it looks
602s like they're oh my God a dog came
604s I think we're hitting respawns we need
606s to keep moving oh God I want to pull
608s them up this way yep
615s now you'll notice my main heel actually
617s can act as a uh
619s as a damage if the enemy Target is if
623s the target is an enemy
624s and actually that can generate as a
627s mechanic for the cleric um some
629s convictions tell me a little bit about
630s convictions tread sure yeah conviction
633s is a class resource we came up with for
636s the cleric specifically certain
637s abilities will generate it based on
640s certain criteria and as Stephen was
643s saying there you can either use it to
645s heal an ally or you can use it to do
647s damage to an enemy and generate
649s conviction which will then help you in
651s the future heal for more so kind of what
653s Keenan was saying about predictive
655s played being an element not just
656s reactive that would be the one of the
659s predictive aspects of the cleric just
660s kind of setting yourself up so that when
663s you know
664s things start looking a little rough you
666s know you've kind of prepared that in
668s advance by not healing as much early on
670s and paying off later now at this point
674s I think players are for the first time
676s seeing one of the moons of Vera
679s and there are a few moons actually at
681s Pera
682s um but you guys are going to witness me
685s speeding up time because
688s day and night cycles in the ashes of
691s creation are actually over the course of
694s a few hours between those night cycles
697s so I you're gonna see the trees move all
700s real rapidly and you're gonna see the
702s Sun Drop rapidly and then you're gonna
703s see the night sky begin to form
706s and we're going to try to identify some
710s constellations if we can because
713s constellations and Ashes of creation
715s actually have a very relevant purpose
717s across a whole host of different game
720s systems including on the narrative side
723s on mechanics like acquiring certain
726s types of relics for your node on
729s empowering certain abilities and or
731s items that you have access to and it is
735s of course relevant that I am playing as
737s a VEC uh VEC as many of you may know uh
741s do worship and
743s obviously study the stars so let me see
748s if I can go ahead and speed up that time
752s standby
755s there it goes the trees look I love it
758s it's kind of like time machine a little
760s bit
763s oh and the moon changed positions it's
765s now dead up and up and we see another
768s one of the moons now of course as you
770s guys may know this is of course a work
772s in progress right we're working towards
774s our Alpha two
776s um so some of the stuff will likely
777s change especially on the art side but I
781s love what the new Skybox is doing and
783s and I mean it's just visually great
787s Ambience of course changes now to
789s include a different nighttime feel to it
792s and the lighting actually in the night
793s is not too bad I mean it gives you that
795s kind of sense of of dark darkness but
798s you know it's not inhibiting your
800s ability to play the game
802s um
803s now we are trying to look we need each
807s of us to kind of look in the sky in
808s certain directions to identify
811s um one of these constellations and I
813s think what we are looking for
816s um is what was once called a bagormal
818s but now is called a uh Dawn breaker I
822s believe
823s so try to look all around as you can in
826s the night sky and identify the location
829s of
832s the dawn breaker where is the dawn
835s breaker
837s I am not yet seeing it are any of you
841s seeing it
845s I don't see
848s can we not find the Dawnbreaker
852s maybe we'll find another one of them
857s um
859s where is it hold on I should have told
863s me where it was oh there we go we found
866s the Dawnbreaker
868s do you guys oh it's right next to the
870s destroyed Moon
872s oh that'll help yeah there we go oh it
876s looks so good I love it now this that's
879s oh it went away sad sad
883s um now there is supposedly another uh
887s constellation that is deeper into the
890s cemetery if we want to progress that way
892s what do you guys think
894s let's check it out yeah but wait before
896s we go let me give us all just a group
898s blessing the four of the three of us
900s sorry I've got a buff beforehand let's
903s do this
904s foreign
905s I think that'll wear off long before we
908s get to use it oh yeah gotta conserve
910s your Mana I know oh I'm trying uh are we
913s going to watch tank and healer going
915s different ways uh-oh we gotta gotta
917s avoid the poles yeah
920s I think I might have pulled one there's
923s one coming over this direction oh God
925s they're here where where are you ready
927s ah okay you you guys take care of it
934s the zombies will never catch us
937s foreign
939s nice we got that where's where are you
942s at there we go
944s yeah it looks like we agreed one here
946s let's just get this guy real quick
950s oh I wrote a lot more than one oh my God
962s okay let's tread carefully around these
964s parts apparently
967s we're doing okay I think
975s I think my stab out for this oh you know
977s I haven't shown any active blocking yet
979s that's another thing I wanted to show
981s you guys is the active blocking
984s are there creatures down here yeah there
986s should be a pack down here I think all
988s right let's take a look what is this
991s is the graveyard oh it's a respawn point
995s a resurrection
997s different kind of graveyard yeah
1001s I love this environment and the the fog
1004s on the ground is so whoa behind you is
1007s that oh my God here
1010s oh God I'll let you tank for a little
1013s bit all right
1015s I have my active blocks up oh boy
1018s there's a lot
1020s okay he doesn't seem to be doing much
1022s damage to me but of course it would
1024s normally consume
1026s stamina is that correct trap
1029s uh that depends we're still kind of
1032s discussing our resource systems but you
1034s know that is one thing that we can
1036s potentially explore
1039s oh don't stand in that
1045s I don't know what do those do
1048s I know Doug and um
1050s Doug and Sean were working on these
1052s zombies yeah using some of our uai
1055s systems right don't stand in the green
1057s fire don't stand in the vomit actually
1060s hurts a lot
1062s let me see if I can generate some
1064s convictions
1067s I have convictions
1073s oh and now you can see because I have
1074s convictions my cleansing wave actually
1077s bounced to an additional Target
1084s it's pretty awesome that time yeah
1086s that's nice that is very nice all right
1089s let's keep moving forward did I hit all
1091s three of you guys
1092s I have some I notice I have some
1094s conviction buff on my on my life bar
1096s right now
1098s yeah uh you hit one additional Target
1100s for each stack you have
1102s oh my God you guys are hearing
1106s um
1107s my steam I think
1111s apologies I'm sorry
1114s I'm recording from home
1118s all right here we go
1123s yeah
1126s let's see if I can generate some more
1128s conviction
1131s it worked
1138s these zombies aren't too bad
1144s so the more convictions that I generate
1147s the more Amplified the abilities become
1149s is that right that is correct
1153s and obviously as you know we generally
1155s we create more and more abilities there
1157s will be more interactions right now you
1159s know you only see four but you know the
1162s final two will have way more than that
1164s going on
1169s I'm gonna take my staff out
1175s we must show these beings the way of the
1178s light
1180s talk to us a little bit about the way of
1181s the light actually how does radiant
1183s energy and energy subtypes work with
1185s regards to damage and creatures
1190s so the
1193s basically we're going to have different
1195s damage types and certain damage types
1197s will be strong or weak against certain
1200s enemy types so you'll have to be
1202s somewhat you know smart about who you're
1206s bringing where or you know what kind of
1208s abilities or specs
1210s um you know obviously you'll be able to
1213s do the content but you'll have an easier
1216s time with certain contents you know if
1218s you're using a certain spec over others
1220s so you know obviously we're going up
1222s against Undead and as is natural they're
1224s probably going to be a little weaker
1226s against your holy magic than
1228s Keenan's nature
1231s um for example
1233s wow Kina you don't want to talk to you
1235s about your nature like that
1240s I do like I do like I do like when we go
1244s up against the air Elementals maybe
1246s Keenan and this time will shine oh there
1248s you go I like the uh the actual uh
1252s different Synergy between
1255s um energy types and vulnerabilities of
1258s certain creatures there's actually a lot
1260s of mobs here
1261s um yeah we should be careful before
1263s going forward we got things behind Okay
1265s let's grab some chickens behind whoa
1267s whoa today actually because I'm a cleric
1271s that was crazy they kind of ran at me
1274s Mike I think they were coming at me and
1276s you were just in their way
1279s very interesting
1284s I'm gonna move forward
1287s all right let's get these guys up here
1292s I should use them to generate some
1294s convictions actually
1296s oh you got me a whole DPS it's not in
1298s mine it's not in my near nature
1304s I've got my DPS hat on
1309s um talk to us talk to us a little bit oh
1311s wait are you gonna pull here so I think
1313s they're seeing us from over here trying
1315s to trick us and we're us into this oh
1317s yeah
1319s they found me somehow
1323s it's all right
1326s bigger pulls more XP
1333s all right I set them up for a stun
1335s perfect now talk to me a little bit
1338s about why that stun just happened
1341s I set it up with Whirlwind and it
1343s applies these staggered effects and
1346s chains of the restraint will stun any
1348s Targets under the stack of time so right
1351s now that's one particular Synergy but
1353s as the game continues to come together
1356s and you see more and more abilities
1358s um there will be all kinds of ways to
1360s set up that
1362s that outcome
1370s so even more yeah a lot of a lot of
1375s essentially the different combat
1377s mechanics that work between the
1380s different archetypes and classes
1383s um
1384s rely on synergies in the progression of
1387s certain types of status effects right
1389s that's correct
1395s this of course emphasizes the need for
1398s certain party compositions to exist so
1400s that players can make sure they utilize
1402s the strengths of their different types
1404s of status conditions and the example
1407s we're showing here obviously is the
1409s progression of
1410s whoops sorry uh is the progression of
1413s the staggered condition into the stun we
1417s might need to find a place to rest here
1419s because yeah I mean let's move forward
1422s up this way maybe right like up here but
1425s there's a track of wolves
1428s we got one zombie coming in from behind
1430s that's all right let's take a bit no you
1432s want to grab these wolves
1437s and you'll see because they're stunned
1439s the chains actually go through the body
1441s that's kind of cool
1444s what about right here can we rest here
1446s let's
1447s um let's move up the stairs a little bit
1449s just so we don't catch a respawn on the
1450s Wolves too okay can we take a seat maybe
1453s up here like right here
1455s yeah let's sit down hopefully the
1457s zombies don't follow us too far I'm
1459s gonna take a seat
1461s I think we have aggro still yeah they're
1463s common for us are they oh no okay all
1467s right
1474s I know
1479s let's take a break after we get these
1482s guys down
1489s there we go last wave I promise
1495s oh
1499s apologies
1501s can't use my abilities
1503s no
1505s if I was a bit higher level I could help
1506s you regenerate your Mana yeah one thing
1508s we should be doing is focus firing these
1510s guys
1511s um one aspect of the zombies as they
1513s have were Health Region than your
1515s standard mob and so Unleashed all right
1519s I want a new strategy against them is to
1521s burst them down let's rest right up
1529s it's gonna rest
1533s oh there we go this is a frightful
1536s Journey actually
1538s um yeah and wonderful beautiful
1541s yeah you can see Keenan's Mana
1544s um was a little low there and so as you
1547s know a classic MMO thing to do is to sit
1550s and rest as you get your your resources
1551s back now what if you have certain types
1553s of items that you could use like a
1555s campfire or some type of you know
1559s bedding or something that'd be kind of
1561s cool that'd be pretty cool that would be
1563s cool
1564s I like the just the the subtle fog
1567s that's just flowing through
1571s it's the rain is nice too yeah the rain
1573s is nice I like the sound
1575s look at those old lamp posts I think
1577s that's been in the game since 2017.
1579s no
1581s although it looks like the materials
1583s might have gotten updated
1586s all right I'm feeling refreshed should
1589s we
1590s all right so we've got a group right
1593s ahead of us here Leroy
1601s you are going to die there is nothing I
1604s can do for you
1607s oh my God uh Focus the scholars
1610s Scholars first
1613s why is there so many
1615s that's all right three down you can't
1617s Walker
1619s all right
1622s I can't it's on cooldown okay here comes
1625s oh my God there's dogs
1627s ambush Houston working together
1635s oh I almost got stuck in between all of
1637s them too
1640s that was terrible
1642s oh
1643s hey we actually handled that not too bad
1645s we got it
1646s all right
1647s I think we want to go this way right
1649s yeah I'm super slow though they put some
1651s type of plague debuff on me last time we
1653s got lost in here it was it was a rough
1656s time now remember we're looking for a
1659s particular type of constellation
1662s I believe the ancient Scholars of the
1666s VEC refer to it as the Great sundal
1671s whoops I totally misfired that
1674s uh ribs nobody look nobody
1685s oh these zombies look great though
1694s Keenan I have to say you are doing a
1696s great job with the ranger hold on yes
1703s where are we headed
1705s I'm just I'm just running man this is
1708s like a giant
1710s complex I'm dead speaking of Undead this
1714s is the first time I think we've ever
1715s shown Undead in ashes
1724s in fact these particular Undead are a
1728s result I believe for those of you who
1731s are watching the live stream
1734s of the wreckage of Carfin the event that
1736s occurred there just before the Exodus
1739s from from Vera all those years ago
1746s now where are we got another scene
1749s Locker
1758s this is an ominous passageway I don't
1761s trust it I like it I also love the light
1764s effect that it has on my what is the
1766s name of this set this is like the
1768s vindictus is it
1770s yes man oh that armor set yeah you know
1775s we probably have already shown it on the
1776s stream so all of you well we will show
1780s but I believe it's the imperious and
1782s vindictus or something along those lines
1784s that sounds right
1785s it's a very Latin sounding name whatever
1788s it is what a slat this is Vera
1795s oh my God Keenan I think you just
1798s summoned those with your sniper ability
1800s they felt the nature
1803s all right
1805s generate some more convictions here
1833s I murdered it
1837s a little bit of help from me a little
1839s bit
1840s oh was that you doing that damage I
1841s thought that was on me
1843s definitely me
1847s gotta keep the Healer safe yes
1850s that is true that is the primary role
1853s and responsibility of your archetype
1855s keep me safe
1857s oh I like how they kind of pounce at you
1860s that's their opening attack
1863s yeah so
1867s you see now the effect has staggered
1870s applied instead of stunned
1872s because I did not use it at the right
1875s time with my fighter
1881s all right we're coming up across a
1883s bridge it looks like should we rest
1885s maybe that's a good idea if we rest we
1889s should probably move off to the side
1890s over here where I want to take a seat by
1893s the little Phoenix I'm gonna rest right
1895s in the middle of the road gotta get
1897s those tips sit by the river
1899s it's a nice little spot
1902s yeah it is a nice spot
1904s I don't trust the water
1906s why nothing like that happens in the
1909s water it's just the depths think of all
1912s the secrets that the depths contain
1914s perfectly safe Dark rivers and Fantasy
1916s games
1918s a zombie is totally not going to jump
1919s out of there and eat me alive out of the
1921s water nah that would never happen now
1924s remember for those of you who are
1925s watching during the extra life uh event
1928s the Tower of Carfin actually rests upon
1931s a river and some of the energies that
1934s were created when
1936s um
1937s uh Lamont actually did
1940s oh God
1942s oh they're shooting like necrotic multi
1950s so many there's a lot I'm on the
1953s Lamppost
1954s all right make sure you stay over near
1957s me where who where are you dread
1960s I'm still down here on the beach
1962s I got you I got you
1966s there we go
1967s we should probably get up onto this
1970s bridge yeah
1973s I'm just trying to finish off this
1974s zombie first
1976s I'm on the bridge
1978s all right he's down
1982s all right let's get these two guys
1991s but as I was saying the Tower of carbon
1993s event that actually trickled out through
1995s the riverlands because of the rivers and
1998s the undead began to form around these
2000s Rivers but you'll learn more about that
2001s during the story early
2004s thank you
2007s that's a nice little uh stun these
2010s Scholars real quick
2016s you're not even kicking them off
2019s Ranger's doing work
2020s let's go off to the side bumping
2027s what is up there
2030s oh that looks like something different
2032s and some type of little Golem oh god oh
2036s no no no no no no
2038s no no no no no
2042s oh this guy's not that bad
2047s I'm stunned oh he stole me oh no what
2052s was this
2055s get out of here all right we got more
2057s company that guy was they're lagging by
2059s him a little bit
2062s cannot challenge me
2066s walking the lights
2074s challenging me slightly
2076s there we go
2078s thank you
2080s we did it
2082s we've done it
2084s so the active block actually works with
2086s any weapon equipped is that correct
2088s except arranged
2095s oops trapped you there
2098s oh yeah
2100s um yeah you could act a vlog one one
2102s thing that we're kind of toying around
2104s with the idea of is giving everybody a
2106s universal active block mechanic
2109s um in which case you know the shield
2111s version would probably be better but
2113s you'd still be able to uh Parry or what
2116s not with a two-handed weapon or even
2118s maybe a dual wield
2121s oh that's pretty cool we need to find
2123s this send all
2127s um
2128s it's supposed to be kind of up
2132s near
2136s wait maybe we need to go back a little
2137s bit I think we're gonna respawn no
2140s respawn
2142s hold on let's go over this way
2145s I remember
2147s I was told
2150s that it was before this bridge oh no
2154s okay let's just let's just run through
2156s if we can I want to try to find the
2158s sound off
2159s just keep on moving
2162s oh don't die
2165s okay
2167s hold on
2170s we're good oh God are you still waiting
2173s yeah I think so I mean we'll be fine
2176s except I set my speed a little bit
2180s higher
2182s cheater it's
2184s nice oh no okay what's happening it's
2187s it's definitely a cleric buff right yes
2189s exactly here actually this is provided
2191s by the range you see that
2194s and all right
2198s we can take these guys zombies are way
2201s behind all right I'm ready
2211s um oh my God you're never ending keep
2214s running
2215s huh
2217s I think hold on we gotta go up here we
2220s gotta up here
2221s up these stairs yeah up these stairs
2226s okay up good we're up here
2231s hold on
2233s I might need some help up here though
2238s let me see if it's over sorry guys I
2241s just want to make sure we can find the
2243s sand
2248s maybe he meant before the bridge like
2251s before the bridge into the cemetery
2254s Maybe
2256s oh I made it on top of the uh the light
2258s post actually
2261s oh yeah there we go now this is tranquil
2265s like a true cleric
2267s don't die I'm not with you guys by the
2269s way wait nope I don't even know where
2272s you went and we lost our healer we're
2274s screwed no no we're good you guys just
2276s come out come out the front oh I see you
2278s down there I can't we can't end the
2280s stream unless I find the sandal chimp
2283s towns Keenan oh God he's getting swarmed
2286s yeah I'm definitely getting swarmed
2287s apologies
2289s I'll save you
2294s there it's the least I can do
2299s oh shoot
2301s and the zombies are coming oh no no keep
2303s going
2306s wait it was definitely at the entrance
2308s guys I'm so sorry for this I'm so sorry
2310s stream I'm so sorry
2313s I can't not show the sandal
2319s totally messed up words now you know we
2321s don't cut these or edit them they're
2323s just
2327s this is such a typical MMO Adventure
2330s it's like getting lost in a dungeon area
2333s uh healer body pulls all right
2337s there we go we're good I think so okay
2340s we made it out here I can see the stars
2342s again so you actually you guys can see
2344s that there are certain environments that
2347s will just prevent you from being able
2350s to look up into the sky for these some
2352s of these constellations all right now
2354s we're looking towards oh and we're
2357s supposed to look towards that Moon oh
2360s I found it we found this and doll
2364s there it is yes
2367s are you dying don't die
2370s then there is the sandal ladies and
2372s gentlemen
2373s well I hope that you all have enjoyed
2376s the sneak peek at one of the uh areas in
2379s the riverlands and also some of the
2382s updates to the clear yeah let's take a
2384s seat let's take a seat and also some of
2386s the updates to the uh cleric as well as
2390s you can see there's some UI here between
2391s the icons and the minimap as well as the
2394s targeting and and party uh UI that we'd
2397s love your guys's feedback on
2400s um you also got to hear a little bit
2402s about uh the night and day cycle see
2405s some of the updates to the Mason Shield
2407s as well as the staff and also learn a
2410s little bit more about Undead and the
2412s energy types that occur and synergies
2414s especially between certain types of
2416s status conditions and effects that might
2418s exist might exist in ashes of Creations
2421s um with all that being said I'd love to
2424s hear your guys's feedback on what you
2427s saw today make sure you guys go and
2429s visit the forums or Twitter or Reddit
2432s comment in the YouTube videos give us
2434s what your thoughts are about what you
2435s saw today as always remember this is a
2439s work in progress we are working towards
2441s Alpha 2 but you get to see a little bit
2443s uh every step of the way each month so I
2447s hope you guys enjoyed Trad Keenan thank
2449s you for joining us that was super fun
2451s and I'm surprised we actually didn't die
2455s same it was fun we did thanks for having
2457s us yes we'll see you guys back on stream