Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
4s [Applause]
4s [Music]
20s hello everyone and welcome to another
24s day and Vera and today we have an
28s exciting showcase one
31s that has been long in the making
33s probably one of our largest systems that
35s we have actually shown to date I know
39s that there are a lot in the audience who
41s are excited about what we're going to be
43s talking about and what we're going to be
45s showing today many of you have been
47s waiting for this particular showcase and
50s I am joined by some pretty awesome
54s developers who have made what you're
56s going to see today reality three of our
58s glorious engineers
61s Kyle Kenan Zach how are you guys
64s doing doing pretty good thanks for
67s having us yeah thank you very much for
69s having me absolutely excited to chat
71s with you guys about what it what it took
74s to bring this particular feature to life
75s I know that each of you in your
77s respective rights have had different
79s purviews over uh this kind of massively
82s multiplayer engagement the unique system
85s work that's involved for the war and the
87s events itself uh along with obviously
90s combat player movement um for you guys
92s so a lot of insights there which I'm
94s going to be exciting excited to chat
95s with you guys about as we kind of go
96s through this um
98s also we have two of our glorious
101s designers regulars on the show uh Chris
104s Trad how are you guys
105s doing oh wonderful thanks for having me
108s it's great to be here yep I'm hyped for
111s some PVP oo some PVP and and this
116s amazing War system Chris that I know
117s that you have been slaving away over the
120s course of the last few months in in in
123s helping to author and set up and doing a
125s lot of testing with our PI group and and
128s iterating on the system as well um a lot
131s of hard work has gone to this going
132s going to be excited to to kind of
134s showcase that off and then of
137s course no true
139s project can be successful without the
142s absolute amazing responsibility of
144s production we have one of our glorious
146s producers here Nathan Nathan how are you
149s doing my friend oh I'm I'm so excited
152s I'm EXC this was a big step for us to
154s put the massive back in MMO and uh I'm
157s excited to show that off to everyone
158s today excited to show it off too
161s now many of you may be asking yourself
165s where am I what are we looking at we are
168s currently in the node of Mirth where I
172s have been bestowed with the great honor
175s of mayorship leading these these
178s beautiful wonderful people to to success
181s all across the riverlands and Vera
183s Beyond and we have
187s recently gotten into maybe some some
190s interchanges that haven't been so polite
192s with one of our neighboring nodes and
194s this can happen in the world of Vera
196s there are a lot of systems set up to to
198s provide players an outlet to kind of
201s govern themselves govern their
203s relationships with each
205s other um come hither Steven Winstead
209s shall show you the way to wi
210s unbelievable they they are already trash
213s talking look at this this disrepute that
215s comes from Margaret as the mayor of
218s Winstead we must respond in kind Chris
221s what are some of the options we have
222s available to us when our honor is being
225s questioned as a note yeah so um as you
230s kind of alluded to we're going to
232s declare war on them because they're big
235s meanies um so we have wa can we rephrase
239s that it's not that they're big it's that
241s I said
244s meanies they're big meanies it's not
247s that they're big meanies it's that we
249s must exert our dominance and we can only
252s truly achieve respect through Power and
254s if we don't demonstrate that power to
257s these peons that are at Winstead then
259s how will they know to fear us uh that's
262s a much more eloquent eloquent way to put
264s it Stephen um so we have to jump through
268s a few Hoops before we can declare war
270s War uh you know we don't want Mayors
272s running around in ashes a creation just
274s like Perma flagging the whole world into
276s a state of PVP
279s right so some people just said wait a
282s minute yes I
284s do well it's going to cost you some
286s resources to do that um so Stephen as
291s the mayor you have access to a special
293s panel in your uh node UI all right I
298s pulled up my node my node interface
300s now I must take this moment as is
303s normally the case to remind everyone in
306s our audience that everything you see
308s here today is a work in progress that
310s means that we are currently working
312s towards our Alpha 2 which we have
315s announced for third quarter this year um
318s so UI visual effects performance just
321s the general content within the game is
324s in an alpha State please remember that
326s as you see this things will continue to
328s get better and continue to be developed
330s and the reason that we do these live
332s streams and these development updates is
334s to keep our audience AB breast of that
336s progress but also to elicit necessary
338s feedback as we iterate on these
341s particular systems because there are a
342s lot of them um so sorry Chris I am in
345s this node window and I see that I have
348s available to me some number of Merl
350s commissions that I can begin with
352s correct now this tab is only available
354s to the mayor hence why it's called the
355s mayor tab um and if you hit that button
359s in the top right Corner the manage
361s commissions button oh okay very nice
363s you'll see we have a list of commissions
366s and a bunch of available slots for you
367s to initiate now these are much like
370s regular commissions that uh I think
372s we've shown off in the past the
374s difference here is the mayor is picking
377s which ones are going to be available to
379s players and okay when enough players
382s complete them the node gets a reward
385s right very good so this is this is a bit
387s different than your standard commissions
389s your non oral commissions because those
391s are generated by the system based on
393s predicates of the surrounding area uh
395s from a narrative perspective and this
398s mayoral commissions are really more
400s predicated on what the mayor needs to
402s have done to collect resources or to
406s enable certain actions such as War
408s correct now additionally like more
411s mayoral commissions will become
412s available as the node progresses and the
415s commissions that are available will
417s change based on how the node is built
419s right so if you a blacksmith you might
421s get some special smithing related
424s commissions uh that you could elect to
427s initiate for your players um but if you
430s don't upgrade that blacksmith you're not
431s going to be able to do that got
434s it very cool okay so I see here there's
437s one called War preparations and that's
441s the one you're going to want to use if
442s we want to go to war so what you're
445s going to do is you're going to go ahead
447s and initiate that commission if you see
450s in the top right of that panel there's
452s the um some glint available that's the
455s reward players will get for doing this
458s activity oh okay should I should I
461s confirm this selection go confirm the
463s selection okay okay so player so when
466s players complete this commission they do
468s their part and this is essentially them
470s buying on to this Choice correct got it
474s so so it's not just unilaterally and
477s obviously guys as you're watching this
479s some of these some of these system
481s designs are in an effort to provide
484s these gameplay Loops um with the
486s resources that we have available to us
489s at this stage in the development for
490s Alpha 2 purposes longterm and we'll talk
493s about this a little bit later how some
495s of those designs will change and
498s incorporate other systems which we are
500s still pending development on um but here
503s the the players that are citizens of
504s this node must opt in with the mayor's
508s decision by completing this mission in
510s order to grant that power and and for
513s their participation they're getting
514s rewards as
516s well absolutely correct very cool and so
520s what are these Awards they getting so
522s they're going to get some glint which uh
524s We've also shown off in the past that
525s they can turn in for money
528s mhm okay so they're getting
530s paid very cool should we select any
533s other ones here too um yeah I mean they
537s all offer a varying breadth of things
540s right uh the primary thing we're
542s rewarding through mayoral commissions is
545s what we call node Buffs um and these are
549s benefits that are applied to your zone
551s of influence uh so for example you might
554s want to do a mayoral commission that
556s increases uh Gathering speed for 24
559s hours in the node and if enough players
561s do that you guys get that
564s benefit
566s okay let's do the building Foundation
571s you know cuz I'm not all about as a
573s mayor just War right we must make safe
576s the grounds around us as well let's get
579s rid of some of those
582s goblins um and perhaps we should acquire
587s some
588s forages Okay cool so we have a number of
590s different commissions now that are
591s available to the
593s players correct now if you want to close
596s out of that window and walk over this is
598s our fancy oral commission board over
601s here oh very cool okay and if you
604s interact with
606s it it'll show the commissions that are
609s currently that you've initiated
612s nice now we have obviously a fire that's
615s closest to the door being of course our
616s war preparations because honestly the
619s Shifty characters over at Winstead
620s really can't be trusted especially in
622s the proximity they are to our node um so
626s how am I going now how am I going to go
628s ahead and complete this uh so first
630s accept the commission by clicking on it
633s got it um if you notice it's popped up
635s in your objective tracker all right and
638s I believe it says turn in 20 T1
640s materials do you have enough T1
642s materials stevenh you know I think um
645s just by pure coincidence I happen to
648s have exactly 20 um that are available
652s yes so this little treasure box next to
655s the commission board is where you can
657s turn in
660s all
662s right ah okay very cool um yes I will
667s turn in some of my stone and I got my
670s reward objective is now
673s complete awesome now currently for the
677s sake of this showcase that maral
679s commission is set to only require one
680s player to complete it so that we can you
683s know speed things along for us and we
685s don't have to wait you know a couple of
687s days for hundreds of players to do this
689s um
690s but that is the intent right is that
692s these commissions do require a heavy
695s optin from the player base in the order
697s of magnitude being hundreds of these
700s commissions need ex completed and
702s that'll depend on the scope of the
703s commission right so some commissions
706s with very minor effects might not
708s require a large amount of players to
710s complete them but something like going
712s to war will require a larger amount of
716s players and a larger amount of
717s dedication per player got it and we have
721s we have our company of ready able and
724s willing citizens here to to provide the
727s support we need in order to succeed in
730s our war preparation so hurah to you well
733s done well done everyone um okay so now
737s that we've effectively completed the
739s commission yep so if you want to press n
741s again to open up that node UI got it
744s you'll notice that there is a completed
746s tab next to your node UI which shows
748s that enough play have done the activity
751s for you and now this commission's on
752s cool down so when your hand rolls once a
758s day if that commission cool down is
760s longer you will lose that slot and you
762s won't be able to use that commission
764s until that cool down has
766s ended oh very nice okay so obviously the
769s mayor needs to be somewhat prudent in
771s the choices that they're making even if
774s they do get the opt-in from their
776s citizens there is so much power they
780s have available to them to affect that
782s change it is governed to a degree by
784s some time exactly cool but now that
787s we've completed it you've received as a
789s result of this commission a War token
792s specifically for the territory War type
795s of War so if you want to go ahead to the
797s node relationships
799s tab ah okay you'll notice there's a list
803s of notes Here specifically
807s Winstead I do you see that uh and if you
810s want to go ahead and click on that
811s declare war
813s button we won't do it we won't do it
815s right now but just to show you the uh
819s steps here that you would take you that
821s declare war button there and it shows
823s there is a couple different types of war
827s that you have access to oh okay very
831s cool all right so so territory control
836s obviously makes sense test node war is a
839s is is obviously one of our QA testing
841s war types um there will be a number of
844s different war types that are
846s available um that we'll talk about in a
848s little bit as as
852s well awesome um well so Steph now that
856s we have what we need to declare this war
858s do we want to go over to Mir or over to
861s Winstead and uh kind of rub it in their
862s face yeah I think so I think that would
864s that would probably make sense um Let me
867s give a a quick inspiring uh speech if I
870s can of course to our to our glorious
875s citizens what's the name of our this is
878s mirth mleth
881s mirians Noble great and honorable
884s mirians our city has been
887s denounced by arrival node the Winstead
891s node they know nothing of our ways of
894s our people but they know
900s something something not good and
903s fear anguish there thank you fear
907s anguish well done you're one of my
908s lieutenants well done uh fear anguish
911s they will know that soon enough for they
913s chose to stand against the will of Mirth
916s let us go forward and teach them the
918s ways of our
921s people all right we've done this mirth
925s best prepare your brooms you'll need
928s them to sweep up something
933s I didn't get that
936s broadcast Mar's just loving this the
938s trash talk oh sweep up our ashes our
941s ashes well well done well done so Chris
945s where are we where are we planning to go
947s well we were going to go to Winstead but
949s I I think we have company we have
952s company wait we have unwanted company
956s they've been spying on us who are these
958s people
962s well they're not they're not affiliated
964s with us you would they would dare to
966s come to our town like this after we've
970s just laid The Gauntlet of War
976s down what well you haven't you haven't
978s declared the war yet oh I haven't
980s declared should I declare the War I mean
983s I feel like this is an optimal time to
985s declare the war cuz we might get some uh
988s some easy kills you know what I think
991s you might be now now okay now of course
994s they can't hear or know what we're going
996s to do here but they have no idea what's
999s coming no they have no clue what is
1003s about to happen but the territory
1005s control node War talk to me first Chris
1008s a little bit about the territory control
1010s node yeah so
1014s um we'll get into some of the more depth
1017s of War while we're walking but the
1018s territory can control War as it kind of
1022s sounds is about controlling territory
1024s right so what this is going to do is
1026s it's going to flag us against each other
1028s um the citizens of our node and the
1030s citizens the node you declare on and
1032s then we'll do battle over certain pois
1035s in both of our zones of influence and
1037s gain control over them based on winning
1040s those events and those
1043s pois and once we've accumulated enough
1045s victory points we'll win the war which
1048s gives our Zone
1049s a big buff as well I approve of the node
1053s war and let us destroy them in 3 2 1 oh
1059s get
1076s him oh no
1081s oh
1086s dear did we get them I think we cleaned
1088s them out oh put a wall up I don't know
1092s where the dragon went
1094s but that sounds like a Futures
1097s problem sure that won't come by to bite
1099s us I think we did destroy them you know
1102s I think I'm missing my blink where is my
1105s blink you got to close your eyes and
1107s then you open them again no not that
1111s blink and my bubble oh there they
1115s were and I should probably get this
1117s Arcana
1119s eye there we go okay sorry about that
1122s guys um okay so they tried to they tried
1127s to stop us but they we can't be stopped
1131s um where should we go now well so before
1134s we before we run off uh open up your
1137s node relationships tab again
1139s okay got it and you'll notice you'll see
1143s there's an active war and we've earned
1145s some points in this War uh if you go to
1148s the top of that yeah right there okay
1151s and we have five points cuz we killed
1153s five
1154s people oh nice okay so in during the war
1160s obviously we have available to us this
1162s this that tracks kind of performance and
1164s each individual player can track their
1166s performance within the war as
1168s well
1170s correct okay and then it says earn a
1172s th000 victory points uh in order to win
1176s the war correct now it's the the end
1178s condition of this
1180s War uh now victory points are earned via
1183s kills and earned by via completing
1186s objectives
1188s okay all right cool awesome now um the
1193s event that it talks about talk to me a
1197s little bit about that event so open up
1199s your
1201s map and scroll yourself over to you'll
1204s see that scroll to the left there and
1208s you'll see there's a big circle around
1210s High women
1212s Hills OH harness the god
1217s Spike currently it say active as 31
1219s players does that mean they have 31
1221s players already there that means they
1222s already have 31 players there we better
1224s get a move on we need to go
1229s let's let's start
1232s moving let me um let me see if I have a
1235s little
1237s horse I could
1242s summon did
1244s I where' my horse
1247s go and being left behind Steven I know
1250s oh here we go I got
1252s it okay
1254s um so talk to me about the different
1258s types of
1261s War events and war
1264s types yeah so war types are going to be
1267s pretty predicated on what they're
1269s actually delivering to the winners and
1271s losers right so this one's a territory
1274s control the Crux of what this does is
1278s you claim territory which siphons the
1280s node XP from the nodes that you from the
1284s pois that you're winning these
1286s objectives at um it's also providing uh
1290s a luck buff there to prevent or to you
1293s know incentivize the players who win to
1296s to go farm there right and generate more
1298s node XP for your
1300s node um we have other different types
1303s that we plan to have Post State 2 um
1307s like disabling services in the opposing
1310s node uh siphoning gold um taking over
1314s mayorship
1317s temporarily very cool so there's a lot
1320s of different options that we intend to
1321s provide um obviously for the war system
1325s and this is one of the primary methods
1326s of player friction right so um we want
1329s to keep that kind of compelling
1330s interesting from a design perspective uh
1333s which all of these different war types
1334s are intending to provide um and
1337s throughout Alpha 2 we'll be introducing
1340s additional War uh node War event types
1343s as well
1345s correct very cool talk to me Kyle a
1348s little bit about authoring this uh node
1352s War system how did you go about you know
1355s keeping it modular and you know capable
1359s of supporting all these different types
1360s of
1361s Wars well given the game design document
1364s that juusto provided uh the goal was of
1367s course to provide something as flexible
1369s as possible to be able to give all of
1370s that designed Freedom so we were able to
1374s leverage existing systems such as the
1376s game event system and the local system
1378s to be able to give the a massive amount
1380s of varing content from war to
1382s war
1384s awesome and and you know obviously talk
1388s to me a little bit about kind of the
1390s difficulties of of authoring a system
1393s like that yeah the difficulty is
1395s definitely having to work between
1397s different teams uh because the game
1400s event system and the local system are
1402s authored by The Narrative engineering
1404s team so we have to make sure that we can
1406s work discipline to discipline to uh get
1409s the needs that are required to bring
1411s something like this to life nice
1414s awesome
1416s and Zach
1418s obviously node Wars node events those
1423s are some of the
1425s more High player
1427s density types of gameplay Loops talk to
1430s me a little bit about some of the
1432s difficulties you had on the performance
1435s side uh working with tech art
1437s engineering and and artists to kind
1441s of get performance where we needed it to
1443s be for this higher player density oh
1446s yeah for sure for performance it's
1447s really been a refinement of our
1450s pipelines and processes and workflows
1453s with a pretty tight iteration loop on
1455s you know
1456s testing profiling like auditing those
1459s profiles like seeing what we're at and
1462s then like correcting things that need to
1463s be corrected and especially with an MMO
1467s we really have to support like a large
1469s array of player experiences so the game
1472s has to run great whether you know you're
1474s a solo player or you're playing in a
1476s group and then it also has to run great
1478s for you know big events like these where
1481s there's going to be upwards to 100
1483s players sometimes right so it's really
1486s been uh all hands on deck from all the
1488s disciplines to refine our current
1490s existing standards and make sure that we
1492s can hit performance while continuing to
1495s uh look good awesome well I have arrived
1499s at what I believe is our headquarters
1501s and there appears to be a significant
1504s portion of our Garrison from the node
1508s that has arrived here our guards where
1511s is the rest of our group oh you guys
1512s should uh meet let's meet up here if we
1516s can at the um at the headquarters and
1520s let's and let's do some planning I'm
1522s sure there's some significant strategies
1523s that we can
1526s employ right Chris oh yes there is um
1531s so the
1533s lowdown uh first things first is if you
1537s look at your objective
1538s tracker there's some stuff going on um
1541s we need to gather imbued blood and
1544s imbued materials now imbued blood is
1546s going to drop off Bandits that have this
1549s glowy particle effect to them and imbued
1553s materials are going to drop off uh Ruby
1556s caches that are all around the poi
1559s okay well let me um and we we have to do
1564s that before the enemy
1566s team I see uh if they complete it before
1570s us we still can finish ours but we'll be
1573s behind and they'll be on the victory
1576s condition okay so we're looking for
1578s these imbued Bloods and the um the
1584s imbued
1585s material um and the Bloods come from
1589s the bandits in the area correct okay and
1593s the material are the are rubies that are
1595s kind of spawned throughout the out this
1597s particular Zone and let me open up my
1599s map real quick yep so marked on your map
1602s is all of the Ruby locations but the
1604s Bandit locations are not marked oh okay
1607s okay so the bandits are are kind of
1610s sprinkled throughout the area and these
1612s these locations here that I'm hovering
1614s over these imbued material caches those
1617s are spawns around the area and
1619s presumably that's where the enemy is
1621s going to be located as well because
1623s we're all trying to acquire these in
1625s order to progress to the next stage
1627s correct got it okay cool okay so we
1631s should probably split up into three
1635s teams um if you are in party group four
1639s or group five you're going to be
1641s responsible for trying to acquire the
1644s Ruby so you're going to be going to
1645s those imbued Ruby Cash locations
1649s your primary objective is to avoid
1652s interacting with the Enemy you do not
1655s want to engage the enemy if you see them
1657s run you're just acquiring these
1659s resources and trying to bring them back
1662s to where Chris you got to bring them
1664s back here and talk to good old scholar
1667s Thompson okay all right cool so you guys
1670s in group four and five you're going to
1672s acquire those um and probably if you're
1675s a ranger and can be camouflage it would
1678s be beneficial for you to go out and try
1680s to acquire those if you're in groups one
1682s two or three you're going to be running
1684s cover while killing the um the uh
1690s Bandits and then when they get the
1692s bandits blood those they're bringing
1693s those back as
1696s well sorry what was that I was
1698s multitasking Steven no worries no
1700s worries when they when they grab the
1702s bandits blood they're bringing those
1704s back as well they are bringing those
1706s back as well now worth noting they do
1707s drop on death so if you end up with too
1709s much of them be very
1711s careful okay um guys I think before we
1715s head
1716s out I'd like hold on let me uh me get in
1721s a good position for you I'd like you to
1723s all gather around in front of the Dragon
1725s I'm going to give you an inspiring
1732s buff perfect perfect
1735s perfect
1737s now I'm I
1739s know that this
1741s Venture would strike fear in the heart
1744s of normal men and
1746s women but not in the hearts of
1750s mirians go forward bring back the
1755s trophy that is oops hold on hold on
1759s bring back the trophy that is the
1763s blood go
1766s forward let us move let's go Lads get
1770s them okay so where are these Bandits at
1773s that groups 1 two and three can go oh I
1775s see over here yeah they're going to be
1777s all over the POI they've got this lovely
1780s little glow to them to signify their
1785s importance
1786s okay
1789s cool then if you come over here we got a
1791s nice little cash of rues as well where's
1794s the rubies at just
1797s uh oh oh I see I see
1801s West I'm just kind of I'm I'm kind of
1803s watching out for the enemy while you
1805s guys are harvesting those rubies and
1807s killing the bandits
1810s ooh very
1812s nice so far I don't see
1815s any I see this light emanating from the
1817s center of this area over
1819s here yep that the god Spike that's the
1822s god Spike now that is what we are
1824s gathering these materials for and then
1826s we're going to channel these materials
1828s into
1829s to harnessing that like raw power that's
1832s emanating from the center of high women
1835s Hills so that we can steal the node
1838s experience and get ourselves a nice
1840s little luck buff in the
1843s POI um after we win because we never
1847s lose we have some enemies over
1851s here that I can
1855s see we should probably get groups 1 2
1857s and three
1859s over here to interrupt them it looks
1861s like they is that us with the progress
1862s of two that is us with the progress of
1865s two okay all right we've taken the
1868s lead let's see I'm running
1872s back a small stack of materials here let
1875s me see where the raids
1878s at okay looks like we
1882s are bringing in a bunch of materials
1890s talk to me um talk to me Nathan about
1893s what this process has been like from a
1895s production
1896s standpoint yeah it's been a super
1898s interesting one for us like games
1902s are really always these really janky
1906s combinations of software and Art and
1908s Design and all of these things are kind
1910s of coming together in in a way that
1912s makes them inherently difficult to put
1914s out to the public I've uh had my fair
1917s share of Rocky in the past and so what
1919s we've been really focusing on this time
1921s around is making sure that we're kind of
1924s honing that process early uh to try to
1927s make alpha 2 um you know day one as
1930s smooth as possible obviously it's going
1931s to have some hitches but uh this has
1933s been a really good opportunity for us to
1936s get in the habit of pushing a build out
1940s getting feedback from people around the
1943s world uh figuring out like what's wrong
1946s with their specific you know setup at
1949s home so that then we can identify those
1951s issues triage those issues fix the ones
1953s that we can in order for us to push a
1956s build out for the next round of play
1957s testing which we've been doing every 1
1959s to two weeks for the last uh couple of
1961s months I think and so that's um that's
1964s been like from a production standpoint a
1966s really awesome kind of test run for us
1968s to get in the habit of this you know
1970s like live service game that we're going
1972s to be supporting for a really long time
1974s uh so that's been a lot of fun you know
1975s a lot of lot of work but you know that's
1977s good oh yeah yeah you guys have done a
1979s great job on production side of this
1981s this feature is obviously a
1983s very very detailed and encompassing
1986s feature touches a lot of different
1988s pieces um I I see we have some great
1992s uses of the tank wall some of you from
1995s APO may be remembering that particular
1999s wall oh this we're having a significant
2001s little battle over
2007s here yeah that's been one of the things
2008s we've been trying to work on right is um
2011s you know making sure that those
2012s objectives really help funnel the G
2014s people towards those points of of
2016s conflict I think some of our what was
2017s interesting here is some of our earlier
2019s iterations had us you know it was kind
2022s of like this phase one where people just
2024s kind of PVE the whole time and well we
2027s we want to find that balance between PVE
2030s PVP where we become this really pvx game
2033s and so that's been an area of focus for
2035s us uh like making sure that these
2037s objectives are things people want to
2038s interact with and then fight
2044s over that was a good little fight oh I'm
2046s getting hit
2048s hard I think I lost one of my abilities
2051s let me grab it
2054s back there we
2058s go oh I see I see dread and he's
2063s down only took 10 of you
2067s unbelievable it's the skill
2073s difference Focus fire and
2082s doing oo
2085s perfect let's move
2091s forward let's keep pushing go on
2095s NYS oh I got rooted
2102s there we go and
2106s slow oh there's Margaret oh get her
2109s she's on the dragon
2112s though SL
2114s no
2117s no okay we're pushing them
2124s back I've got Brian on my target
2132s think he's tank he wants you to Target
2133s him oh God oh God need
2137s help backed
2141s out attack the king wildly in
2145s danger all right let's get the group
2148s around me if you can I'm going to use
2149s one of the mayor abilities to give us
2150s some offensive
2152s power and Chris as I do this talk to me
2155s a little bit about this ability yeah so
2158s so um go forward different node types
2161s have different mayor abilities um that
2164s can be used in different scenarios right
2165s so the what you just used is the war
2171s ability afforded to a scientific node
2175s push um and those abilities give a very
2178s large uh mitigation and damage buff to
2182s the players within your range when you
2185s use them
2189s how long does that ability last um I
2192s believe the buff is 5
2197s minutes our wonderful Dr Bucky made
2201s those for
2203s us oh he got away they're fling on the
2206s bridge on the bridge
2210s bridge coming back
2214s around oh they are how's the progress
2217s going 7 26 for them 15 for
2220s us oh my gosh no no no we we have two
2224s objectives Steven the top one is uh
2227s we're at 15 out of 100 the bottom one
2229s we're at 76 out of 100 oh okay perfect
2232s that was concerning but you'll notice
2234s there is an enemy progress bar right
2236s below that too to show how far long they
2238s are good call good looks like they're
2240s slacking
2243s though okay I've got a couple flankers
2246s over here
2249s TP noodle ooh that's a good little
2256s blink it's also been really fun to see
2258s the metas kind of evolve over these play
2260s tests uh you we had a uh point where
2264s there was the tank wall ability was a
2266s little too strong and um you know uh got
2270s a chance to fix that before the
2271s recording and that's just kind of been
2274s the really fun process over over the
2276s last uh couple of months here uh cleric
2279s thankfully still op for me so um you
2282s know you love to see
2284s it yeah that cleric is uh very strong
2289s cleric will always have a free pass of
2290s being op in it's one role that it excels
2293s at if nothing else got to be the best
2297s healer I got Fant MX
2303s down let's get that was nice him to let
2305s you do I know right
2309s he's almost
2317s dead like Trad Keenan I'm I'm curious if
2320s there have been any like big you were
2322s talking earlier about some of the
2323s surprises that have come out of the play
2324s testing I was wondering if you guys had
2326s any um examples of things that you
2329s weren't expecting but you know saw when
2331s we started really putting this uh
2333s Compass system to
2335s test um I mean nothing that we weren't
2337s really expecting completely but it has
2341s definitely been a huge help just like
2344s uncovering you know smaller imbalances
2347s here and there like the wall thing that
2348s you mentioned for example was was a
2350s thing we actually uh knew knew was an
2352s issue and had fixed on a on like a
2355s another build but like it was still
2358s funny seeing that like get
2360s completely um taken advantage of it yeah
2363s and it like showed some interesting like
2366s strategies like how people would use
2369s them to Zone each other in these little
2370s hallways and almost create your your own
2373s effective like little corridors on the
2375s open Battlefield so we definitely want
2376s to see some of that sort of thing it's
2378s just you know a matter of balancing
2386s that I think I died Behind Enemy Lines
2389s oh
2392s no May's
2394s down don't
2396s worry don't worry guys I turned into
2398s blood oh putting in so much work Nathan
2403s yeah we still need more of the imbued
2404s Bloods that's the uh that's the bandits
2408s right that's the bandits yep all right
2411s I'm going to try to find some Bandits to
2413s kill while you guys continue to hold
2415s them off we need more people on
2417s Bandits yep and bandits for this event
2421s are a little bit more scarce but respawn
2423s a lot faster than the rubies where the
2427s rubies are a bit more more plentiful but
2429s have a much slower reset
2433s rate got
2438s it there's my
2443s healers coming in at the last
2449s hour not finding any
2452s Bandits they killed them all oh oh no
2460s yeah there's a definite balance between
2463s targeting the PVE objectives and then
2465s PVP because um the the drops that you
2469s need to turn in um also can drop from
2471s players so sometimes you'll want to gank
2474s people that you see it cuz they might
2475s have some of the stuff that you need to
2476s turn in for credit toward the
2480s war see the god
2483s Spike but it's also really easy to get
2486s trapped in long drawn out PVP
2488s engagements and let the enemy team just
2491s grind out
2493s resources and that's part of the
2495s strategy is like you know sometimes
2497s you'll you'll want to tank up and have a
2499s bunch of people distract uh the group
2502s from doing the the objectives while
2504s you're sending out those little side
2506s squads we've done that a few times in
2508s our own testing for
2516s sure found some
2522s Bandits oh no oh that's us never
2530s mind all right getting some Bandit
2533s bloods oh there's an enemy
2536s here an enemy and a pvp's down that's
2539s crazy oh no I might need some help
2558s so it's looking like at least stad is
2560s done with the rubies so we need to focus
2563s on Bandits now so there's going to be a
2565s lot of competition on those yeah we're
2567s done with rubies too so you're in
2574s danger what is this pvpve
2583s oh I'm getting shot from
2595s above they went all right we got some
2597s Bandits over here I'm going go turn them
2601s in just do do you want to talk about
2603s some of the other uh use cases that like
2606s we're hoping people will incentivize
2608s people to want to uh engage in
2611s war yeah I mean we have uh
2616s like the goal here is kind of twofold
2618s for war right there is the player reward
2621s side of it and then there's the like
2623s node reward side of it uh obviously we
2626s want players to be invested in nodes and
2628s invested in what they have and what they
2630s can do so you know those things are
2633s relics they Services their resources and
2637s you know these wars can deny and even
2641s steal those things from other nodes but
2644s also they're personally rewarding right
2646s like we want to make sure players are
2648s getting something immediate for
2651s themselves because obviously we know
2653s most players aren't going to run a node
2655s and not every player is going to be
2657s invested as nodes as some other players
2660s yeah um so you know those personal
2663s rewards as we've talked about a little
2664s bit um in the case of this event uh will
2668s result in a buff farming in this POI so
2671s if there's some sweet loot that you're
2673s looking for from this POI uh winning
2675s here is really valuable cuz you're
2677s higher odds of getting it in the future
2679s or you know while you're farming here
2681s post this
2682s event yeah on top of your oh go ahead oh
2686s on top of your traditional just like
2688s some XP and some glint you know and
2692s potentially those kinds of things and
2693s node
2694s currency well that's been kind of a like
2697s a a big part of the I think we talked
2698s about this actually last time we were
2700s talking about uh nodes during the
2702s Caravan live stream but that's been a
2703s big part of the design ethos of of uh
2706s the nodes team is like making sure that
2709s there are a lot of reasons to uh
2712s participate in nodes so that you don't
2714s just like node participation isn't just
2717s um relegated to that like top 1% most
2720s active most attentive players like you
2723s can still you still have reasons to
2724s contribute and participate for a lot of
2727s on a lot of axes well and it's also
2729s about making sure that like you're not
2732s just doing it out of the good of your
2733s heart right you're doing it because
2735s you're getting something for your player
2736s progression
2739s immediately and you can let like the big
2741s brain kind of Zerg
2744s leaders manage the more highend
2752s right holy smokes dude is insane ran
2757s into a
2766s m we had some flankers over
2770s here did not work out for
2772s them well it feels like they're like
2775s outnumbering us is there are there any
2778s uh planned uh protections for just uh
2780s Zer B Zer fights for uh large scale
2785s PVP you know some of that comes down to
2789s how we design the events right but some
2792s of it also comes down to combat design
2794s uh this this event in particular we're
2796s trying
2797s to Fan players out by having lots of
2800s small things they have to do um and then
2803s at the end when we need to fight over
2805s this uh channeling this God spike is
2807s when zergs are supposed to come together
2809s right so creating a place for zergs uh
2812s to have something that they want to do
2814s cuz there are people that do like Zerg
2816s combat people that prefer the smaller
2820s skirmishes I think really the way you
2822s incentivize it too is is like there's no
2826s stopping players from Zerg V zerging if
2828s they want but if the objectives reward
2830s maximally like splitting your forces um
2833s and and ways we do that is we'll we'll
2836s create simultaneous objectives in VAR
2838s highly different areas of the map so if
2841s you're if you're a one big Zerg ball you
2843s might be willing or winning your your
2844s encounters but you're not winning at um
2848s you know dividing conquering so to speak
2850s so uh eventually like players will learn
2853s like yeah if if we play this way we're
2855s not going to be as
2861s effective we need
2863s more imbued
2865s blood yeah we're falling really far
2867s behind oh no
2879s those are the uh those are the off of
2882s the
2883s bandits those are off the bandits right
2885s maybe we should break up and um have the
2888s have everybody kind of try to get the
2893s bandits yeah I know a pretty good spot
2895s for the bandits but it's kind of in
2897s dangerous
2900s territory I think at this point we have
2902s to take the risk their the enemy
2903s progress is pretty high I do believe
2906s danger is all of our middle names so
2908s that should work out true all right so
2911s it's just south and west of
2916s the of the enemy's
2920s Camp
2922s okay let's try to move South and West
2937s South and West not going to make it
2941s there social media man why social media
2947s man truly the bane of everyone's
2949s existence dude that guy just got a crazy
2951s KD on me oh
2955s no got to got to work on that Nemesis
2957s system
2960s right that's right well I got him though
2965s right in time for cry to kill me from
2967s hell's
2974s heart okay I oh who's our raid leader I
2977s need a raid
2979s invite I just saw a ranger run past me
2982s and
2984s Biz that was concerning mildly
2987s concerning I'm in
2996s danger who's our raid
3001s leader uh I'm not sure the
3005s vnar backner is on his
3011s way D fagner can give me a invite oh oh
3016s no they've beaten us to the channel
3021s point so now Things become even more
3025s challenging for us cuz we've got
3027s to balance holding off holding them off
3031s of the objective while also trying to
3032s get more resources so this is a tough
3034s spot for us to be for sure yeah is rough
3037s now we have ways to deal with that
3039s though right now there is some built-in
3041s catch-up mechanics um in a few minutes
3044s here some Scholars are going to spawn
3046s across the POI they'll be marked on our
3048s map um and they're going to increase the
3052s time it's required for the enemy to
3054s channel and drop a hefty amount of the
3057s materials we need to turn in to be able
3059s to channel
3062s ourselves okay that's good so but these
3065s guys are you
3067s know group difficulty for people above
3070s at our level um we're definitely not
3072s going to be able to send just like a
3075s small Squad of one or two
3078s people where are those where we should
3081s gather up gather up at the headquarters
3084s yep yep looks like they're popping in
3086s right now if you look at your map
3087s they're these little red
3095s swords okay let
3098s me let's get the team to kind of
3102s regroup let's regroup at the
3104s headquarters and then we
3106s can try to make our way to those
3110s locations and what are those again those
3112s are Scholars that are helping the
3115s process of channeling so if we kill them
3117s it'll make it slower for them and we'll
3119s steal some of their materials got
3124s it I am grouped up at the base that also
3127s has a respawn point they are not related
3129s facts I definitely didn't just get
3131s killed by
3132s trat oh no no that can't happen no TR
3136s has never killed anyone in his life I'm
3138s a pacifist pacifist
3142s fighter all right let's let's head out
3147s all right so there's going to be a
3148s scholar over here looks like some of our
3150s guys are already engaging it all right
3152s let's go let's do this oh we got it oh
3154s we actually already killed him you'll
3157s love to see
3160s it
3162s nice now they're really taking their
3164s sweet time going to channel
3166s though that's good so we've killed one
3169s out of four of the scholars yep yep I'm
3171s heading to the next one right now but
3173s I'm going to need some
3175s Healers want to keep an eye on them see
3178s what they're
3181s doing justo you have
3184s my focus wand no tr's here camping
3189s me oh no hate to see
3194s it okay they're definitely about to
3197s Channel or they are
3200s channeling I need
3204s heals I think we might need
3207s their
3226s Channel all right gred's down we got to
3229s take the scholar
3230s down yeah we got a good group
3235s here they are are is that so the uh the
3239s progress bar is that their Channel
3241s progress that's their Channel progress
3243s yeah oh
3245s no so it should have just gone down we
3247s just took one of the scholars down
3251s nice uh and killing all the scholars
3253s effectively doubles their Channel
3256s time
3258s okay uh we've got two Scholars left to
3260s kill if we can hold them off long
3264s enough and yeah we're almost at a 100 of
3267s the imbued blood so we still need people
3270s killing the um Bandits while we delay
3273s them with the channel nice I've engaged
3276s the next one but it seems like no one
3278s followed me
3280s here oh
3283s no going to check out their I'm right
3285s here where you just
3291s have check out their headquarters
3300s oh
3305s no I'm in
3308s danger here turn on these
3320s guys oh
3324s no I'm gonna see if I can uh
3329s try to distract them I'm at like
3333s 50% goat I think is the
3336s one oh no keenage keenage is the one
3339s he's almost at 50% no no leave me
3341s alone we need to take out
3343s keenage where's the squad it looks like
3346s all we're coming
3349s in don't mind
3351s me oh we only need two more uh we only
3354s need two more blood
3356s hey I'm just vibing over here what are
3358s you guys
3362s doing all right we got a clear key uhoh
3365s we have to clear the enemy team off the
3366s god Spike to be able to
3371s channel I did a uh did a little dive
3374s bomb on
3375s Kenan anybody that's a lot of red oh God
3379s way oh
3382s boy uhoh
3388s nice good retake down okay there we
3392s go hell
3398s well all right we've got some clerics on
3401s the point if we want to have people try
3403s to
3404s channel really it would have been
3406s embarrassing to lose to a ranger you
3414s know they're definitely pretty all right
3418s if we can push
3420s in keep heals on Zeon
3433s in take my
3442s buff let me see if I can dive bomb them
3445s again
3455s got the pocket heels down Nathan you got
3457s the pocket
3458s res
3463s no I'm never having you on my team again
3466s dude oh no zon
3471s left are you even in the raid bro how am
3474s I supposed to Res you if you're not in
3476s the raid no I fell out of the raid oh
3479s man well sounds like a skill issue looks
3481s like we're
3482s channeling oh we dropped a
3500s [Music]
3502s channel you better heal your Channeler
3504s it's going to be death from above oh
3508s no I'm trying let me give you some of
3511s May my maral
3519s abilities oh nice nice big Buffs coming
3523s through love it
3528s push oh
3531s no I'm super
3534s stunned why
3538s why it was worth the death I had
3541s to it's like he doesn't even want me to
3543s play the game got to go Zerg diving
3546s every now and
3548s then keep
3557s pushing all right Eli I Channel her
3560s Channel
3561s her get them heals on them
3574s we're pushing we're pushing
3579s nice so these uh mayoral and uh dragon
3583s abilities are pretty impactful do
3586s uh uh combat team you all want to talk
3588s through like what you guys were going
3590s for there what you're kind of seeing
3593s these look like as we kind of move
3594s forward and do uh A2
3597s yeah I mean the the point at least of
3599s the um the flying Mount having such
3602s powerful abilities is there's there's
3603s only really expected to be one of them
3605s per side um in at least Wars like this
3609s um you know because these would be more
3612s exclusive to the to the mayor um so
3615s they're intended to be really impactful
3618s um and also a high priority Target CU
3620s you can kill the mount and you can kill
3622s the rider uh so it's on the May to to be
3625s very care ful like when they're putting
3628s themselves you know in danger to
3630s activate these abilities cuz they they
3631s themselves are such a high priority
3633s Target
3640s mhm oh man how we doing on the channel
3645s not good we keep getting pushed off of
3647s it
3655s unfortunately I think like we need to we
3657s need to try to organize everyone to move
3658s along the left side and try to push into
3664s them see if I can give us one more
3677s ability here's some let's try to push
3680s together
3689s nice I need some pocket heals on
3692s Winstead don't do
3702s that grad stop trying to kill our
3704s channelers it's not nice it isn't
3708s nice there we go nice use to the walls
3711s was this a tea party I I wasn't was not
3713s informed
3715s [Music]
3719s so we're having a lot of deaths here uh
3721s I'm sure people are uh worried about
3723s like what does war being in a war mean
3727s uh when your rate of dying probably
3728s increases a lot more than what you'd
3730s expect when doing normal kind of like
3731s PVE gam play uh yeah so during
3735s sanctioned PVP events we turn off
3737s typical death penalties right like
3740s you're not going to get um res penalties
3743s you're not going to get XP debt um
3745s you're not going to get durability
3747s damage you will still drop the things
3748s you have in your inventory though
3751s mhm or in your material inventory
3757s specifically so obviously that's like a
3760s big part of uh this game mode um as far
3764s as like the larger idea for material
3766s inventory what was sort of the the
3769s thinking behind that or is that just
3771s sort of like a convenient thing to make
3773s sure that it we're used to things oh
3775s there you go
3777s I mean don't stuff your material
3779s inventory full of stuff before you go to
3782s war makes sense to me you know when you
3784s when you're right you're right what can
3785s I
3790s say ooh okay oh my goodness oh no now we
3795s clean up that's a
3800s problem victory in death Winstead scum
3808s oh my God they've taken it back how are
3810s you guys going to take advantage of that
3812s luck bonus if you don't quite control
3814s the Zone we won Steven did we win we win
3818s you weren't even paying attention oh how
3821s did we win we finished
3824s channeling it was it was my clutch heels
3827s ignoring the siren song of juo endlessly
3831s asking for reses and focusing on real
3834s targets you guys may have won War but
3837s you will not win the the battle I think
3841s that's a little backwards well I you may
3844s say that Keenan but if you look at the
3846s point distribution we're 800 to 304
3850s right now ooh that's right let's take a
3853s look at that how'd you guys get so many
3856s points uh well we won objectives and
3859s killed you a lot oh my
3861s God so Okay so we've we completed the
3865s the event
3866s that's obviously not the end of the war
3868s though right correct
3871s so basically the way Wars are structured
3874s is a war contains phases and phases
3876s contain events so there are conditions
3879s to win a phase and then there are
3881s conditions to win a war um winning a
3884s phase gets you some amount of like in
3887s the moment rewards and some more
3889s long-term rewards uh winning events gets
3892s you some amount of in the- moment
3893s rewards and long-term rewards and then
3896s the war is like the massive objective
3898s that you're competing to towards got it
3902s so what we have gotten if you open up
3904s your
3905s map you can hover over this blue
3909s Banner uh you notice Highwayman Hills is
3911s controlled by mirle now ah so we've made
3915s an incursion into their into their area
3918s yeah so now all of the territory
3920s associated with highw women Hills is
3922s ours and the node XP from here goes to
3924s our node
3926s um and as a way to kind of incentivize
3928s players to play here we've given a luck
3930s buff in this area as well so you can uh
3935s get increased loot drops while you're
3937s here farming for your node nice so the
3940s the citizens of Mirth are rewarded for
3944s some period of time based on the event
3946s outcome correct so if we had lost we
3949s would not be getting this buff or
3951s siphoning this node XP and Winstead
3953s would be getting this buff for
3955s successfully defending their home now
3958s obviously this is one of many different
3961s War events and one of the war event um
3966s reward types um what are some of the
3969s other events that we're going to be
3971s introducing during Alpha
3973s 2 yeah so a big one we want to do uh is
3977s the service denial so that'd be like
3980s turning off your caravaner or uh
3983s shutting down your construction
3985s buildings for a period of time right so
3987s like you've built the best blacksmith on
3989s the server and we don't want this node
3993s gearing up for something or we we're
3994s trying to compete with them and we want
3996s the best blacksmith at our node so we're
3998s going to go to war and try and shut down
4000s that service for a period of time okay
4004s cool that's awesome you know the kind of
4008s most exciting post A2 one that we want
4011s to do is uh like is Relic based where
4015s you can potten steal a relic from a node
4019s or uh destroy their Relic so it's
4021s reintroduced into the world and you can
4023s uh and now your node can acquire
4027s it awesome and then um obviously we have
4033s you know we talked a little bit about
4034s the the mount and how we're going to be
4036s moving that
4037s to um level three the level three
4040s village note for the purposes of of
4041s entrance A2 same with the mayoral
4044s abilities and and those mayoral
4046s abilities are only activatable during
4048s events or outside of the events as well
4051s so the mar abilities you used in the
4053s Showcase are only activatable during a
4056s war so that means you could activate it
4058s you know now that the event's over you
4060s could still use that ability um but only
4064s within the context of this PVP kind of
4067s state that the two nodes are
4069s in but
4071s the Mayors will also get access to like
4074s special abilities they can use during
4076s sieges as well that are uh unique to
4079s sieges oh very cool love it
4084s um now obviously uh people watching the
4088s um the Showcase today about the node War
4091s and the node War events performance is
4094s something that we are going to be
4096s getting really into over the course of
4098s the next we have gotten into over the
4099s course of the last uh couple of months
4102s but we're really going to be digging
4103s into it over the course of the next
4105s couple of months as well um what can
4108s players expect to see both on the client
4110s side and on the network side uh talk to
4112s me a little bit about that Zack that
4113s work so for the client side we really
4115s expect this to be like a seamless
4117s experience to where we're going to have
4120s some like Dynamic load balancers that
4122s help um you know the best case and the
4125s worst case where the best case is you're
4127s you know in a group by yourself
4130s and the visual Fidelity of that should
4133s be just as good as the visual Fidelity
4135s of you know the large scale seizes or
4137s node Wars and things like that so um
4141s we're be refining our character shaders
4143s and everything is going to be really in
4145s the back end right
4146s so the player experience should really
4149s be seamless and we handle everything
4151s under the hood to make sure that you
4153s know you get good frame rate during
4155s these different types of experiences and
4157s players are also going to have a lot of
4158s option when options when it comes to
4160s kind of tuning that experience for their
4162s specific Hardware uh I know one of those
4165s that we recently instituted as dlss you
4167s want to talk to me a little bit about
4168s that yeah so the dlss integration has
4171s been great uh on the 40 series in video
4174s cards we're being able to like nearly
4175s double our frame rate just by enabling
4178s the feature right so it's been a pretty
4180s big win for us yeah and then obviously
4185s um one aspect of of you know the game
4188s that you guys are are witnessing
4190s currently in the in the showcases that
4192s we've given over our different features
4194s has been you know visual effects as a
4196s whole um there is currently underway a
4200s lot of revisiting some of those effects
4202s uh from a performance standpoint um as
4205s well as from like a visual soup
4207s standpoint uh with regards to these
4209s larger scale battles and this hasn't
4212s been you know something obviously that
4213s we have traditionally focused on because
4216s you know we're still actively in the
4217s development process of these particular
4219s AR types and and all these abilities uh
4222s but now that we have kind of those base
4224s kits ready to go for for start of Alpha
4227s 2 we're going to be focus on focusing in
4229s on refining them uh and making them uh
4233s more friendly both on the performance
4235s side as well as on the visual language
4236s side uh also right K
4239s Trad yeah that's right um it's nice when
4242s those things go hand in hand like you
4244s don't want to see too much but what you
4245s do want to see you want it to look good
4248s so also not just from a um aesthetic
4251s standpoint but reading the most um
4254s important gameplay information
4256s is going to be key like we have to
4257s identify like what are the most
4259s important tphs for someone to be a to
4262s identify an ability that they're
4263s expected to respond to versus just the
4266s other kind of fluffing noise that is
4268s more for the you know the the visual
4270s fantasy of it um so we we have to kind
4273s of consider gameplay information
4278s first absolutely hey if everybody wants
4280s to come over um near the uh mirror leth
4284s side um head qus um we're kind of
4287s gathering up here as we as we finish
4289s chatting about the Showcase a little bit
4293s um yeah I mean you know obviously I
4296s think U people will kind of see the the
4298s progression that we are reaching now
4300s towards Alpha 2 there's there's a lot of
4303s kind of uh performance related tasks uh
4306s polish and and getting ready for you
4309s know external players to come in and
4311s participate I will say one thing that
4313s has been very beneficial and and the
4316s studios is uh you know very appreciative
4320s of our interaction with the Phoenix
4322s initiative group but they have been um
4325s really successful in assisting us play
4329s test you know this particular uh
4332s gameplay feature that is Wars and the
4334s war events but also you know they did so
4336s with the Caravans and and will continue
4339s to do so over the course of the next
4340s couple of months and we will begin to at
4343s some point in the very near future
4345s extend in that out um uh as we draw
4348s closer to Alpha 2 uh to some alpha 1
4351s participants also hey let's let's keep
4354s it friendly let's keep it friendly let's
4355s not let's not attack these poor people I
4357s can solve that
4358s Stephen oh okay here we go let's see oh
4363s The Peacemaker we have done it well done
4367s while rubbing the score in our faces I
4370s know really you
4371s gotta very nice got to let them know um
4376s now mass mass combat is going to be
4378s something that is is tested as part of
4380s uh obviously Alpha 2 um you guys are
4383s seeing here a a brief taste of that um
4387s as it relates to these node Wars and
4389s these node War events um but there are
4392s going to be PVE contents raids um world
4396s bosses that players are going to be
4397s expected to kind of interact with um in
4399s a similar fashion of player density so a
4402s lot of that performance work we were
4403s talking about obviously goes to make
4405s sure that that those experiences are
4407s enjoyable um that they are running
4409s smoothly for the players um that's going
4411s to be our Focus over these next uh few
4413s months here um talk to me about war
4417s rewards um what are the the types of War
4420s rewards that we are going to be starting
4422s Alpha 2 with but also going to be
4423s implementing um in the long run
4426s Chris sorry multitasking again Stephen
4429s time yeah yeah just talking a little bit
4431s about kind of the the war rewards um
4434s that are going to be available obviously
4436s now but also as we continue into Alpha 2
4438s what are some of those rewards that we
4440s want to kind of get up and running yeah
4442s you know there's a a large laundry list
4446s but I can hit you with a couple few here
4448s um the big ones that we want to hit are
4453s pulling up my list um so obviously like
4457s you're seeing the Buffs with winning
4458s teams I talked a little bit about like
4461s disabling Services uh siphoning gold
4464s from the enemy node uh
4466s uh we want to do temporary mayorship
4469s control where the winning mayor can kind
4472s of take over a
4474s limited uh limited control of the node
4477s that they defeat um reducing taxes for
4480s the citizens within that winning node
4482s obviously stealing their node XP which
4484s is what we're doing
4485s here um and then we also want to do
4489s stuff where this enables new content
4491s that is exclusive for the winners right
4493s like doing this means a raid boss spawns
4496s that um you know that the winners can
4499s participate in
4501s killing awesome very cool um what are
4505s some other topics that we you know I was
4507s definitely zoned in a little bit during
4509s the during the uh the game play there
4512s for the event so um what are some of the
4516s topics that we kind of you know wanted
4517s to chat about as well we can we can
4519s bring up now um I know that we had
4523s mentioned uh the
4526s um excuse me the mount abilities we
4529s talked a little bit about the mounts uh
4531s how that's going to work there's also
4531s going to be Mount abilities that are for
4533s Basic Land mounts as well um those will
4536s be at entrance uh for for Alpha 2 um so
4541s it's not that just obviously the Mayors
4544s have access to these cool you know
4545s Dragon Mounts uh but players will
4547s obviously have access to mounts and some
4549s Mount abilities um also that's work that
4551s you've been uh doing right Trad with uh
4554s with red exactly yeah um those are
4557s already in progress as well they won't
4558s be as spectacular epic and you know raid
4561s raid uh impacting as as the mayor ones
4565s cuz we have to account for potentially a
4568s hundred of them present instead of two
4570s but like you'll still have you know
4572s stuff you can do to more more at a
4575s personal level like you know getting you
4577s know like a cc break or a Sprint um you
4580s know that kind of stuff um so cool
4584s awesome um
4587s all right well guys that was fun I
4589s really enjoyed it and and you know
4591s played well and and obviously there's
4593s still a ways to go when it comes to you
4596s know continuing to develop this ahead of
4598s A2 um but I think that you know what
4601s we're looking for from the community is
4603s to kind of talk to us
4605s about how you felt with regards to the
4608s event the node War system as a whole um
4612s the mass PVP um you know these are
4615s obviously things that that we want to
4617s get feedback on um we've gotten as I
4619s said a tremendous amount of feedback
4621s when it comes to our PI testers but now
4623s as you guys are getting an opportunity
4625s to kind of see this for the first time
4627s um what it plays out as and just to
4629s remind everyone like these events are
4631s not the node War and the node war is not
4633s just these events outside of the Prime
4637s Ed events which is for a particular
4640s server location may occur between you
4643s know 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. um local time
4645s for that
4646s server uh outside of that there is still
4649s the war
4650s overall and that war overall is
4652s essentially being openly flagged uh for
4654s PvP with the citizens of the two nodes
4659s um you know give us your thoughts about
4661s that about the system it is a key
4664s component of the of the pvx aspect uh
4667s and it does carry with it some
4668s significant uh rewards obviously keeping
4670s in mind that visual effects uh
4673s performance UI are still a work in
4674s progress a lot of that is getting
4676s touched up over the next few months uh
4678s but give us your thoughts about what you
4680s saw here today with that being said I
4682s must say to our Phoenix initiative job
4685s well done your assistance is always very
4688s much appreciated as well as our glorious
4691s guests our Engineers Kyle uh Keenan Zach
4694s um along with our designers TRD and
4696s Chris and of course our lovely prod
4698s producer Nathan you guys have done a
4700s phenomenal job in standing up this
4702s particular feature for A2 I think I
4703s speak for the community when I say
4705s everyone is very excited to to play this
4707s to compete with one another their
4709s friends uh and to have some some um some
4712s rivalry in justest uh as it is meant to
4715s be obviously uh that's what MMOs are all
4719s about um with that being said thank you
4721s guys for joining us I hope you guys out
4723s in the community enjoyed it and we will
4724s see you back on stream very soon bye
4728s everybody thanks y'all cheers GG bye