about 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | [Music] |
4s | [Applause] |
4s | [Music] |
21s | hello everyone and welcome to yet |
24s | another day in Vera and today we have a |
27s | pretty exciting showcase for you I know |
29s | it's one that many of you have been |
31s | waiting for for quite a while but before |
34s | we begin I do want to provide you with a |
38s | little bit of our normal reminder that |
42s | this is still a work in progress and |
44s | there are a lot of visual bugs obviously |
48s | uh work in progress UI and art uh that |
50s | you're going to see here which will |
51s | continue to improve but with that being |
54s | said and performance as well with that |
56s | being |
57s | said we're going to take a look today at |
60s | some |
62s | PVP and we're going to talk about PVP |
65s | specifically in the context of Caravans |
69s | um and I am joined by some of our |
72s | glorious developers all of whom you have |
74s | heard from in the past um we have one of |
77s | our glorious senior designers Mr Chris |
80s | Chris how you doing buddy oh I'm just |
82s | wonderful thanks for having me happy to |
85s | have you bud I know you've been putting |
86s | a lot of work into this um and it's |
88s | great to see it kind of come together |
89s | here um and I think we're also joined by |
94s | two other glorious designers on the |
96s | combat side uh Bucky trat how you guys |
101s | doing doing good yep good to be back and |
104s | we uh oh I've lost |
107s | count many many times |
112s | um so we also have a number of different |
115s | testers who are going to be joining us |
117s | uh who are assisting in um getting ready |
120s | ready for Alpha 2 obviously Alpha 2 as |
122s | we announced is going to be starting in |
124s | the third quarter of this year um |
127s | there's still a lot of work to be done |
128s | and and part of that work is finding all |
131s | the bugs and all the crashes and and |
133s | hardening the systems uh as we prepare |
135s | for Alpha 2 but today like I said we're |
138s | going to be talking about a really fun |
140s | system as it relates to Caravans and one |
142s | of the most important aspects of |
143s | Caravans is that there is no reward |
147s | without significant risk in of creation |
151s | and the Caravan system is of particular |
153s | risk because it is how materials and |
157s | commodities are transited within the |
159s | world of Vera and it's difficult to |
162s | navigate the world of Vera it's it's a |
164s | large world and the train is not always |
167s | kind especially to large Vehicles like a |
170s | caravan and today we're going to talk |
172s | about as you Transit this |
175s | world if the node structures are not |
177s | advancing with you and the world State |
179s | isn't changing and you're not |
180s | seeing |
182s | different um Bridges being |
186s | constructed sometimes you might have to |
188s | Ford |
189s | rivers and rivers can be quite the |
193s | obstruction uh for you and present some |
195s | danger wow look at these look at this |
198s | look at this crew you'll not you'll |
201s | notice that this crew they all have |
203s | swords above their head and they're blue |
205s | to me but that's because we've |
207s | discovered that a caravan is taking the |
209s | perilous Journey |
210s | nearby and trying to reach a location |
213s | where they'll be rewarded for all their |
214s | hard work but little do they know we are |
218s | here waiting for them and the |
220s | bandits are going to attempt to to take |
224s | this Caravan Chris talk to me a little |
225s | bit about the risk of Caravan travel and |
229s | what people are about to see here yeah I |
231s | mean well you risk everything you're |
234s | traveling with when you run a caravan |
236s | right um it's definitely way more |
238s | efficient than running a bunch of Goods |
240s | in your inventory to and from nodes but |
243s | it's uh definitely a lot more |
246s | dangerous absolutely Rangers if you guys |
249s | want to come over here with me I've just |
251s | gotten word that there might be a |
253s | caravan down here |
256s | approaching but they appear to have some |
258s | Defenders I can see them I think they |
259s | might even see us here in the |
263s | distance what do you guys say we engage |
266s | them do we want to just kind of Ambush |
268s | them here I don't think they can see us |
270s | we fight you guys should be stealth |
272s | stealthy about it okay I got a t i got a |
275s | Target MC |
276s | stackers Rangers we should open up on |
279s | them right when they kind of arrive here |
281s | let them let them come up a little bit |
282s | closer and prepare your uh your |
287s | snipe I have no |
290s | idea actually let's switch targets over |
292s | to n narus let's open in three 2 |
299s | 1 |
303s | oh no okay engage them go go |
311s | go oh my |
321s | god oh it's it's |
327s | Bloodshed this is our loot |
340s | don't let them get |
341s | [Music] |
350s | away think I think we may only there's a |
354s | few left I see CH chibi Bri focusing the |
358s | Caravan |
371s | all right take down the |
388s | Caravan |
397s | time for that delicious |
401s | loot it oh my God okay nobody nobody |
405s | grabbed the loot nobody grabb the loot |
407s | what just happened here Chris Bucky talk |
409s | to me a little about a little bit about |
410s | what we just saw obviously this Caravan |
412s | is now destructed what does that mean |
414s | yeah so this this Caravan was loaded |
416s | with a combination of it looks like uh |
420s | uh commodity crates and material |
423s | crates okay all right so these crates |
426s | have different contents in them yeah so |
429s | um like the last Caravan live stream uh |
431s | we transited a bunch of Commodities |
433s | those special Goods you bought with |
434s | glint um well obviously we can steal |
438s | them now that we've killed their |
439s | Caravans if you want to open up one of |
440s | these guys with a green uh little symbol |
443s | on it okay come up |
447s | there where you at oh I'm right here I'm |
450s | right here right next to you one of |
452s | these guys got it okay I can interact |
455s | with it I see that there's stolen |
457s | Commodities yeah so you can go ahead and |
459s | loot those um now you don't actually get |
462s | the commodity that it was you get these |
465s | special certificates that um we will |
468s | offload at uh the node we're going to |
470s | head to after this uh for some |
473s | monies nice I like monies and then |
475s | there's a second kind of crate here if |
477s | you come uh turn around and walk back |
479s | here this with with this black icon um |
482s | now this is a material crate which means |
483s | they were transiting their materials as |
487s | well oh my God they have a bunch of |
490s | rubies oh spicy I know let me take a |
493s | look at these |
495s | rubies oh nice okay I have 30 of their |
498s | rubies nice but now obviously this is |
501s | too much for us to carry right that's |
503s | one of the aspects of the of the Caravan |
507s | system is that it provides you large |
509s | caring capacity what do we do when |
510s | there's too much for us to carry on our |
512s | backs so there's an item in your |
514s | inventory um that you can use to summon |
517s | an empty Caravan that you have stashed |
519s | at a node um if I recall correctly you |
521s | stashed one at Winstead nearby I do have |
524s | one at Winstead let me summon that so |
526s | out in the wild right now I am able to |
529s | summon this |
532s | Caravan and that's going to come from |
535s | winep yep um now the way summoning works |
539s | is |
540s | the length of that summon is determined |
542s | by where you're right if you were to |
544s | summon from wiad which is pretty close |
546s | to us the weight's not going to be super |
548s | long but if you're summoning from you |
549s | know very very far away it's going to be |
552s | a rough |
553s | wait okay all right so now I begun |
557s | summoning my empty Caravan to come pick |
560s | up these supplies that we've just |
562s | Acquired and obviously if you were in |
565s | the previous raid you can go ahead and |
567s | leave that raid um |
570s | because right now the there's some still |
571s | outstanding functionality required on |
573s | the UI front but it will be intended for |
575s | that to be seamless in the future um but |
577s | now you guys are joining my RAID to |
579s | defend this and once this Caravan |
580s | arrives it's going to allow us |
582s | essentially to grab these outstanding |
584s | supplies is that right correct yeah and |
586s | another um additional reason why you may |
588s | want to summon a caravan instead of |
589s | having all your people here pick up this |
592s | stuff is you're going to get more for |
595s | bringing the crate unopened to a node |
598s | right so that like material crate you |
600s | got you said 30 rubies from it um you're |
604s | going to get way more if we take that to |
607s | the node without opening it in the field |
610s | okay that's cool that's |
612s | awesome and now you know we just |
615s | happened upon obviously this Caravan |
617s | here that was carrying supplies but talk |
619s | to me a little bit about the intended |
620s | interaction of hunting Caravans right |
622s | what does that what does that mean can |
623s | you progress in that can you identify |
625s | these carrier vans from a distance is it |
627s | intended to be diagetic or is it you |
629s | know aided with mini map like talk to me |
630s | a little bit about that uh Bucky and |
633s | Chris yeah so uh hunting a caravan is |
636s | tending to be a lot more diagetic right |
638s | you plant spies in other guilds you um |
641s | you know build your information Network |
643s | in the world of Vera um kind of uh |
647s | through through whatever means you can |
649s | right um now there is progression paths |
651s | involved with attacking and defending a |
653s | caravan um that can Aid you in doing so |
657s | um either with better equipment for it |
659s | um faster ways to open crates more yield |
662s | from crates and if you're a Defender |
664s | write better components for your |
666s | Caravans stuff like |
668s | that okay very cool ah the Caravan has |
674s | arrived so now I should be able |
681s | to move up to |
684s | these |
687s | crates and collect the car cargo I |
692s | see yep so you should have an ability to |
694s | collect cargo oh my God yeah I have a |
697s | whole bunch of cargo that I can select |
699s | from so I'm just going to grab each of |
703s | these |
708s | cases okay I have a very large |
716s | chassis and I've collected I've |
718s | collected |
720s | a number of them let me see if I can |
721s | collect some more there's a case of |
723s | everb bur scented |
725s | candles and some more scented candles |
728s | all right I think we have grabbed pretty |
730s | much everything that we didn't already |
731s | loot now talk to me a little bit about |
733s | the differences between looting here |
734s | kind of at the spot and collecting the |
737s | cargo with the |
738s | Caravan I can take this one yeah so like |
741s | looting at the spot obviously uh you can |
743s | do right away and problem with that |
745s | though is you you forfeit a lot of the |
747s | materials a lot more get lost and as you |
749s | C back open those crates but if you're |
750s | able to have your own Caravan uh and |
753s | bring it there you can Loot and you'll |
754s | get more of the uh more of the overall |
756s | materials that way but there will be |
758s | progression for you know like you were |
760s | saying about the highway man faction |
761s | versus The Defender faction and maybe |
763s | there'll be some progression where you |
764s | can uh get better loot percentage out |
767s | the |
769s | field very |
772s | cool now we talked a little bit ago |
776s | about um stolen goods stolen supplies |
780s | what are the intent of that system how |
782s | does how does stolen goods and supplies |
783s | work differently than |
785s | Commodities so when you crack open a |
788s | creative Commodities you get um you |
790s | don't get the Commodities themselves |
791s | since they're like created cargo items |
793s | you actually get stolen goods and you |
795s | can use those stolen uh commodity |
797s | certificates to go and turn them into |
799s | black market to uh get some money |
803s | back okay nice and and that's an upgrade |
806s | path that's available at different |
807s | Marketplace buildings yeah that's a |
809s | specialization of the market normally |
810s | you can sell them back to anything but |
812s | it's not going to be very much like the |
813s | normal vendors of Vera don't want those |
815s | stolen goods but if you you know the |
817s | right people you can get you can get |
818s | your money's worth out of it very nice |
820s | very |
821s | nice now obviously we we just had a |
824s | large scale relatively large scale |
826s | combat between two of these raids um |
830s | Trad talked to me a little bit about |
832s | kind of you know how our approach |
834s | towards Alpha 2 is going to incorporate |
836s | additional development of this group |
838s | based cont combat and PVP and and kind |
841s | of where we are with it now yeah |
842s | absolutely um so as you've seen in a lot |
845s | of our previous uh archetype live |
848s | streams there's been a lot of you know |
850s | representation of single player combat |
852s | like you know we usually go in there |
853s | with one to like maximum of three people |
856s | just cuz we want to really highlight |
858s | like the abilities but here you're |
860s | obviously seeing that much larger scale |
862s | scenario and that's where we're um going |
864s | to continue moving forward thinking |
866s | about like the group utility because |
868s | that's that's what like adds a lot of uh |
870s | class identity to your character right |
872s | is like when your party invite me |
874s | invites me or your raid invites me like |
876s | what do I provide to the group um and |
878s | that's where we've sort of sh shifted |
880s | our focus on for this uh next iteration |
883s | of ability |
886s | design okay I see there's some dead |
890s | brown bears up here that's |
892s | concerning let's hitch a left here okay |
897s | and so what we're going to do down here |
901s | is we need an an alternate path to reach |
904s | merth because the the path by road is a |
908s | bit obstructed some of the bridges have |
909s | not been developed |
912s | yet so what are we about to do |
915s | now so there's this Nifty thing that I |
918s | think you alluded to last time we talked |
919s | about Caravans but we are going to |
923s | Traverse the river instead of the |
927s | land all right so what you're going to |
929s | do is roll up here and go ahead and walk |
932s | your Caravan as far into the water as |
933s | it'll let |
936s | you all |
939s | right I see beautiful |
943s | Carin all right now you should have an |
945s | ability on your Caravan hot |
947s | bar to transition to Raft convert to |
953s | Raft ooh |
955s | okay and I just deployed this yep just |
959s | deploy |
961s | it oh that is |
968s | awesome so this process takes a few |
971s | minutes um you're going to have |
973s | to basically wait and defend your |
976s | Caravan while um you're transitioning |
978s | draft but riding on the water has its |
983s | benefits I love this now you can still |
986s | Target the dock right and and part of |
988s | this trans transtion process is again |
991s | the risk that you're introducing for the |
994s | reward of having greater flexibility in |
996s | movement through the land um and that |
999s | risk is basically you're a Sitting Duck |
1001s | here for lack of a better |
1004s | term yeah basically um like I said you |
1006s | can't you can't escape and to you can |
1009s | undo this process but the amount of time |
1012s | you've already sunk into it must be paid |
1014s | to undo it I see and now as as this raft |
1018s | is getting constructed I noticed that |
1020s | it's it's essentially D constructing the |
1025s | um the Caravan and using that to |
1029s | construct the raft yep correct and if |
1031s | you actually once it's done constructing |
1034s | you'll notice the the body of your |
1036s | Caravan is sitting on the |
1038s | raft oh I love it Oh okay that's cool |
1042s | that's some Louis and Clark [Β __Β ] I mean |
1045s | stuff oh no um now |
1050s | as we're kind of a Sitting Duck we |
1051s | should probably put some uh maybe some |
1053s | Scouts up near the top of that hill so |
1055s | we don't get jumped I don't |
1057s | know Che Scout I can go take a look I |
1061s | mean I I I can't imagine that they just |
1064s | left oh boy we got some people up here |
1067s | oh no they're back they want their stuff |
1070s | back no me I'm going to go I'm going to |
1072s | go chill with the uh the raft as it kind |
1074s | of comes down while you guys fight them |
1076s | for a second I think it's almost done |
1079s | there we |
1081s | go ah I've gotten the raft I'm |
1086s | running oh God Rangers to the ship |
1090s | quickly join me we must depart this |
1096s | area or we'll catch back |
1100s | up everyone on |
1104s | board Chris Bucky do what you can to |
1106s | hold them uh it's just it's just a some |
1109s | rabble you know these guys don't have |
1111s | anything on us |
1113s | easy moing them |
1116s | up I I expect you to make quick work of |
1119s | them um Chris are you with me or are you |
1122s | over there I don't know where I'm going |
1125s | oh I'm I'm running down I'll run to you |
1127s | I'm abandoning the fight okay yeah we we |
1129s | we've tooken him out we we're coming |
1132s | back now okay very nice we'll run along |
1135s | the |
1136s | shore I like the uh |
1139s | I love the raft it's looking good I know |
1142s | Adam worked pretty hard on the new water |
1144s | Shader looks beautiful it's a nice day |
1149s | out it definitely turned out real nice |
1151s | and shout out to how for the raft yes oh |
1154s | the raft looks so good I'm assuming |
1155s | we're going left yes uh so we're going |
1158s | to keep going straight |
1162s | here all |
1166s | right now this can be very helpful |
1169s | having the option but it can also be |
1171s | kind of dangerous because you don't know |
1173s | who might be laying in weight ahead of |
1175s | you along the |
1177s | shorelines but it also lets you as we |
1179s | said Traverse the world in a little |
1181s | different way and there's also a current |
1183s | here correct yeah so there's a current |
1185s | system that increases your speed if you |
1189s | go with the current and decreases it if |
1190s | you go against it uh you're want to |
1192s | Hitch right here |
1197s | Steven |
1200s | and those currents are kind of different |
1201s | based on the location in the river |
1203s | correct yeah they are they're different |
1205s | based on the location in the river and |
1207s | like the strength of the river right so |
1210s | like you know where we kind of started |
1212s | there was more of a lake body so the |
1214s | current's not super intense but you know |
1218s | we could have a place that's you know |
1219s | near Rapids |
1221s | right got |
1225s | it where are we going here this is |
1227s | looking con |
1229s | turning oh |
1231s | Steven did I ever tell you have the |
1233s | sense of direction of |
1236s | amongus oh my God shoot on on the Rock |
1240s | the other |
1242s | way take them |
1245s | out Stephen you're going to crash into a |
1247s | rock oh |
1250s | god oh you're going to want to hit your |
1252s | right here I'm sorry I wasn't paying |
1254s | attention to my |
1255s | map no no no no not yet not yet not yet |
1259s | oh I'm trying to watch behind us you're |
1261s | going to beach |
1263s | us is there someone on |
1268s | board oh |
1270s | no that was a |
1274s | Defender oh heavy fire onread all right |
1278s | I think we made it out we're safe now |
1280s | TRD how's it going on the battle side uh |
1283s | I'm outnumbered I'm running oh no meet |
1285s | us at the Landing point if you if you're |
1288s | if you are a bandit get out of there and |
1291s | meet us at the Landing |
1293s | Point don't let them follow you |
1296s | though win the fight then meet us yes |
1299s | win the fight then meet us or die and |
1301s | meet us how about what we do that the |
1303s | other way around yeah that'd be |
1308s | good |
1310s | so these are obviously some of the risks |
1312s | of traveling by |
1315s | raft let me turn down um my sound |
1319s | effects just a little bit there we go |
1322s | um now it's not all bad because we can |
1326s | land and turn us back into a land |
1329s | Caravan again and that's coming up here |
1332s | correct it's coming up pretty shortly |
1334s | now you can't turn into a land Caravan |
1336s | anywhere right you still need kind of |
1339s | like how you saw we showed up at a beach |
1341s | to turn into a raft uh we need to do |
1343s | something similar and if you notice |
1345s | around us there aren't a huge amount of |
1347s | beaches and that's super intentional to |
1349s | create like you know locations players |
1352s | can rely |
1353s | on got |
1356s | it are we coming up on one up here |
1360s | yeah on one on the right |
1363s | there we're up here let me see if the |
1366s | let me see if the current kind of |
1367s | carries us forward a little bit oh it |
1369s | does I'm not |
1370s | moving our current |
1374s | moves a very a light influence for this |
1377s | current it's a very light |
1380s | current all right everybody secure the |
1383s | perimeter I am converting into a land |
1386s | Caravan |
1388s | again it it has |
1392s | begun securing |
1394s | perimeter perimeter secured so after we |
1397s | go back and forth with the um with the |
1400s | Caravan turning back into a land Caravan |
1402s | it's keeping all the components that it |
1404s | had before obviously right Chris yeah so |
1407s | um all your components |
1409s | all of the stuff in like that you've |
1411s | either looted or launched with sticks |
1414s | with you um all that all that good stuff |
1419s | oh DA's not in the raid anymore reinvite |
1421s | him let's bring da back I'm sure that |
1425s | the the opposing side is going to try |
1428s | one last time to recover their goods oh |
1431s | they will for sure so we need to be |
1433s | conscientious of that as we kind of |
1435s | progress through these these this more |
1437s | rocky area a lot of places that yeah |
1439s | this is it's also very narrow not a lot |
1443s | of places for us to |
1446s | run love the view of Carin |
1450s | here so when we when we get to mirth |
1453s | though assuming that we successfully |
1455s | navigate past the evil |
1459s | Merchants |
1461s | um what are we going to be doing then |
1463s | we're going to be turning in this this |
1465s | cargo yeah so we're you know you're |
1469s | going to be able to unpack those crates |
1472s | which you currently don't know what's in |
1473s | them um you know we do have a plan for a |
1476s | progression path for kind of Caravans in |
1479s | general where you will be able to look |
1480s | into them but um you haven't done your |
1483s | grind stevenh |
1486s | what I haven't done my grind yet NOP and |
1490s | you're also going to go and turn in |
1492s | those black market or not the black |
1495s | market certificates the stolen |
1497s | Commodities at the black Market to make |
1498s | some |
1499s | money got it now guys obviously as |
1503s | you're watching this and you're seeing |
1504s | the kind of transition again as a |
1506s | reminder everything you're seeing is a |
1508s | work in progress especially from an art |
1510s | perspective um UI visual effects |
1514s | animation those are all still works in |
1516s | progress I'm going to I'm going to jump |
1519s | on this okay here we |
1521s | go I am ready let's do |
1526s | this I'm speed boosting it would be very |
1530s | nice if some tanks were on the front |
1532s | line with this sad little Mage get out |
1534s | of the way yeah let's some Rangers ahead |
1537s | too in their camo get some scouting |
1540s | going |
1543s | nice we must |
1545s | protect I'm in danger I'm in |
1549s | danger I need an adult go tread dispense |
1553s | the |
1556s | heathens um we should pull back got |
1558s | people on the H Cliff up on the right |
1560s | here I got |
1562s | eyes H ahead all right stay out of my |
1565s | way I'm just I'm just going to go |
1566s | straight through this just send it Sten |
1568s | I'm going straight through everybody get |
1570s | out of my |
1571s | way |
1574s | run oh |
1576s | God some some casualties of our own side |
1580s | it's it's worth it |
1582s | though tanks pull him down from the |
1585s | rock use your javelins |
1594s | oh running |
1597s | running yeah we're kind of just walking |
1599s | right through them honestly not even |
1601s | really scared at all they don't have |
1603s | enough to contest us we're too |
1606s | powerful they fear they fear the might |
1608s | of our Bandit |
1614s | Army I remember this this way last time |
1617s | there were a bunch of zombies and |
1618s | skeletons |
1619s | here yeah yep I think the world team has |
1623s | changed them to rock |
1625s | Golem oh or the world state has changed |
1630s | perhaps or maybe they did change the |
1632s | rock that's going to be a Jeremy |
1636s | question we've left we've left vertek |
1639s | good sacrifice did we make it |
1642s | out um we're still being chased hey |
1646s | everybody up here go back and kill those |
1647s | people don't let them near |
1650s | me back |
1655s | fiends I'm going to use my last speed |
1657s | boost my God they're using dark magic |
1660s | The Rock Elemental oh yeah don't pull |
1663s | aggro definitely |
1666s | not I'm I'm triling trailing behind you |
1669s | I found the |
1670s | skeletons cyons what I wanted you to |
1677s | do they've overextended the fools the |
1682s | fools heal heal I cannot heal oh where |
1686s | are you oh I see I see |
1692s | you my gosh all right we're almost |
1698s | there we're so |
1704s | close you know I'm really envious of You |
1706s | Stephen being able to like sit and drive |
1709s | something while we all have to walk I |
1711s | legs hurt honestly it's not a very |
1714s | comfortable ride the suspension on this |
1716s | vehicle and the rocks on the |
1719s | ground well you know the roads will |
1721s | upgrade when the node levels up and |
1722s | it'll get a little |
1724s | nicer that's true that's a good point so |
1727s | as the as the nodes Advance as we've |
1729s | said in the past the roads Advance as |
1731s | well and that speed buff does get some |
1735s | benefit and a road like this would |
1737s | eventually become Stone right so the the |
1739s | Caravan won't be as |
1740s | bumpy we have almost |
1743s | arrived at |
1746s | mirth I've lost the road buff now we're |
1749s | super |
1750s | slow you're officially in mirth I still |
1754s | see Lex behind us is Lex on the good |
1756s | side or the bad side he's on our side oh |
1758s | okay we do have enemies coming up though |
1761s | okay still haven't killed them guards |
1763s | get them kill the I had more heals I'd |
1766s | be up there more somebody them go I'll |
1770s | stay with you until the end we're going |
1773s | in don't don't wait up for your guys I |
1775s | don't even think they followed they're |
1778s | gone go get him he's running in we've |
1782s | almost arrived who's that solo hero the |
1785s | River Town of |
1793s | Mirth look at that beautiful |
1795s | view it's a very nice little little |
1800s | node so now I have some stolen |
1803s | Commodities in the form |
1806s | of stolen goods yep and then I also have |
1812s | cargo yep and I believe I remember you |
1814s | saying you picked up a bunch of rubies |
1817s | uh candles and a bunch of uh and a |
1820s | couple of crates now the crates are a |
1823s | mystery so I'll I'll walk you through |
1825s | how to find out what goes in them |
1829s | we did |
1830s | it |
1831s | yes we've done it should I |
1834s | Dismount uh yeah get off that thing all |
1837s | right great work everybody well done |
1839s | everyone beautiful you all be paid 10 |
1842s | copper for your services and I'll get |
1843s | the rest now where are we going to go to |
1846s | turn this stuff in first thing we're |
1847s | going to do come back this way we're |
1849s | going to talk to the Caravan Master talk |
1851s | about a change since last you guys saw |
1854s | the Caravan system um if you open that |
1857s | up and switch to the storage of the |
1859s | Caravan you have here you'll see the |
1860s | goods are still in there do you see the |
1863s | goods in there Steve cargo storage yes I |
1866s | do so you're going to part of the change |
1869s | is that when you land a caravan it |
1871s | doesn't automatically flood the nodes uh |
1874s | cargo with the stuff that was on your |
1877s | Caravan it stays on the Caravan as |
1879s | additional cargo storage okay um so what |
1882s | you're going to do if you notice there's |
1883s | a couple of crates I think they're two |
1885s | by ones in there yes I see do medium |
1888s | crates you're going to right click |
1890s | that okay oh look at that there's some |
1894s | balt in these so what you can do is |
1897s | unpack that crate which is going to move |
1899s | the goods that were in there into your |
1902s | material inventory but um unpacking |
1905s | takes time so they're going to be locked |
1907s | uh for a period of time okay so I won't |
1910s | see them in my you will see them in your |
1912s | material inventory but you won't be able |
1914s | to take them out uh so if you want to go |
1916s | ahead and unpack it you can tab over to |
1917s | the material inventory and check it out |
1919s | just show up there later cuz it's not |
1920s | showing up there now uh did you hit the |
1921s | unpack button oh I did not oh good call |
1927s | thank you so |
1931s | sorry oh that was good that was good |
1933s | okay all right so they're locked right |
1935s | now oh okay so in 5 minutes I can access |
1937s | them yep now that timer scales with how |
1939s | the node progresses um that's actually |
1941s | an extremely fast unpacking time um but |
1945s | typically it's going to be on the scale |
1946s | of days |
1949s | okay very cool and what about these ever |
1951s | bur scented candles those are |
1953s | Commodities you're going to be able to |
1954s | sell that to the commodity man oh do I |
1956s | put those where in the storage uh you |
1958s | can just leave you can just leave them |
1959s | right there I can show you come on this |
1961s | way all right sweet sweet |
1965s | sweet and now obviously the unpack |
1968s | unpacked time fees everything associated |
1970s | with it those are all options that you |
1972s | can choose to manipulate within a node |
1975s | so you can make your node kind of the |
1977s | you know hub for trade or for landing |
1979s | Caravans and whatnot depending on the |
1982s | options that the cities choose exactly |
1984s | so if you go ahead and talk to this |
1986s | vendor here okay uh it should open up |
1989s | your storage as well and if you go to |
1993s | Cargo oops all right go to Cargo and |
1996s | check out your cargo and |
1998s | mirle done um you should be able to sell |
2002s | those Commodities to this gentleman |
2003s | straight from your Caravan inventory if |
2005s | you scroll down to the bottom of your |
2007s | cargo inventory oh there it is yes very |
2009s | nice okay |
2011s | cool hold on let me fix that guys |
2013s | remember UI is a work in progress right |
2016s | now this is very functional not playable |
2020s | um okay so I see a bunch of these I can |
2022s | sell them right now uh what am I selling |
2024s | them for oh you're selling them for gold |
2026s | you stole another man's uh potential |
2029s | gold I I recovered them they stole it |
2031s | from us to begin with that's right oh |
2033s | sure sure |
2034s | sure we're the good guys Chris do I |
2037s | right click click those to sell them yep |
2038s | right click them to sell them um this is |
2040s | functionality we showed in the last live |
2042s | stream it's just they're not they |
2043s | weren't yours to begin with no I see |
2045s | when I right click it it tell it opens |
2047s | up the crate and inside I see nothing |
2051s | that could be a bug that's a bug that |
2053s | could be a bug guys you're going to see |
2055s | some bugs um the way things go so last |
2057s | thing I want to show you though Stephen |
2058s | yes uh I want you to while you're |
2060s | talking to this vendor in your |
2063s | inventory your player inventory you |
2066s | should have um those stolen goods that |
2069s | you got from the crate that you opened |
2070s | up so if you talk to this if you talk to |
2073s | this gentleman and hover over it'll tell |
2075s | you how much they sell for to the |
2076s | commodity |
2077s | vendor but don't sell |
2080s | them yeah we know a guy |
2084s | stepen I'm talking to this vendor and do |
2087s | I just hover over them in my uh backpack |
2091s | uh |
2091s | yep sell price it says is zero uh so |
2095s | this man is not going to give you a lot |
2098s | of money for that but how dare this |
2100s | we've got a guy come follow me yeah we |
2102s | got a guy oh he doesn't he doesn't trade |
2104s | in stolen goods yeah he's he's a |
2106s | reputable vendor |
2107s | but okay all |
2111s | right we're looking for somebody over |
2114s | here so this is the new upgraded |
2116s | Marketplace here in mirth um now as we |
2119s | kind of briefly mentioned there are |
2121s | upgrade paths to the marketplace now |
2123s | this one's been expanded so if you |
2125s | follow me into this little back alley |
2128s | and into this little |
2130s | ouse |
2132s | oh we' found the black |
2135s | market my |
2138s | goodness ailia |
2141s | Blackwater now this was because this is |
2143s | an expansion that mirth has in their |
2145s | Market correct yeah so uh marketplaces |
2148s | don't normally come with a black market |
2150s | and it's a part of the expansion tree so |
2152s | it's a choice you can make on your |
2153s | Marketplace to be a where Bandits take |
2155s | their stuff so I'm going to right click |
2158s | on the stolen Commodities |
2160s | yep oh okay it just gave me some |
2166s | gold very |
2169s | nice I've sold it and now you have to |
2171s | pay us all so everyone line up to get |
2173s | traded all right yep where's my cut oh |
2175s | yeah everybody line |
2176s | up all right a little bit line up there |
2179s | a little bit all right well done and |
2181s | then just wait here I'll be right back |
2182s | oh no no wait let me hey block the door |
2185s | oh no okay I'll be back you guys stay |
2187s | there um ladies and gentlemen we have |
2191s | just uh seen some PVP we've seen some |
2195s | whitewater rafting we've seen some |
2198s | Caravan um events and we've had a great |
2202s | time uh little bit of some bugs |
2204s | obviously this is still our road to |
2206s | Alpha 2 so that's to be expected uh but |
2209s | I do want to thank um obviously our |
2211s | developers for joining us and explaining |
2213s | everything our testers for helping |
2215s | participate so that we're able to kind |
2216s | of show off all of these systems um and |
2219s | as a reminder of course I know I can't |
2221s | say this enough as we continue to |
2224s | progress towards Alpha 2 you will |
2226s | continue to see polish be done bugs get |
2229s | fixed stability improve performance |
2231s | improve right now we are on that road um |
2235s | we have just come off of heavy |
2237s | development of our feature uh and core |
2239s | systems our features and core systems um |
2241s | and now we're going to be refining that |
2243s | we're going to be tightening that Loop |
2244s | and we're going to be um fixing things |
2246s | up so that we can get a lot of people in |
2248s | game and start testing these uh these |
2250s | systems I hope you guys enjoyed today uh |
2252s | we had a lot of fun doing it um and |
2254s | there's a lot of stuff still yet to show |
2257s | but with that being said thank you all |
2259s | for joining me and thank you for |
2262s | watching we'll see you back on stream |
2269s | [Music] |
2274s | bye |