4 months
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | amazing healing Margaret very nicely |
3s | done uh I'm cheating with |
6s | potions G Knuckles is gone nice |
11s | fragment oh there we go Shield fragment |
15s | that's a mat for his uh Shield he drops |
18s | that's very good need |
21s | yoink I also |
24s | did you all don't have any Mana yeah a |
28s | ruby necklace ruby necklace |
32s | what's that take that oh what's this |
34s | over here is everyone needing these oh |
36s | yeah what is that what is this oh |
39s | somebody got the ruby necklace which |
40s | would be me who was it youz Bill what |
44s | bill hardcoded it so that that he all |
47s | the loot he earned it giving the guy |
49s | designed EQ I'm down take the loot man |
54s | bill I'll change of The Shield fragment |
55s | for the necklace he tanked that all with |
56s | a bow that's how L he is |