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If you don't have great solo options in AoC, this game will fail. I have played a ton of MMO's over the last 28 years. The ones that fail in less than a year make EVERYTHING hard to kill. I want to be challenged, but I also want to be able to solo the open world, generally speaking.

I know there needs to be group content, like dungeons and world monsters, plus all the pvp stuff. However, when I login to AoC, I want the OPTION to group with others if I want. I don't want to be stuck grouping all the time to finish simple daily quests.

I was in Alpha 1. There were many quests I could do by myself, but the last step of theses quest were basically impossible to finish without a group.

All I am saying is make the game challenging. Just make sure the option to solo is a viable choice or this game will crash and burn. I have seen this model over and over. It is not good.
over 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
As Dygz showed, Steven has said that Ashes of Creation will feature plenty of solo AND group-based content for players to enjoy. We don't want the game to be entirely one or the other! ^_^