almost 2 years
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | [Music] |
4s | [Applause] |
5s | [Music] |
20s | hello everyone and welcome to another |
24s | live stream in the world of Vera I am |
26s | joined today by three glorious |
29s | developers actually we have quite a few |
31s | of our developers are participating in |
33s | today's live stream I'm not going to go |
35s | through everyone you'll see their |
36s | usernames their game handles on the top |
39s | left side in our radioi but I have three |
43s | amazing developers who are joining us |
45s | today that have all taken part in |
47s | helping to design the Cyclops and the |
49s | combat that goes around it I know you |
51s | guys in the community have been very |
52s | excited to kind of see uh today's |
53s | demonstration We're not gonna get too |
56s | elaborate in the designs of the Cyclops |
58s | right because we don't want to spoil it |
60s | for you but just as disclaimer this is |
62s | one of the very first world raid bosses |
65s | that'll be available for players to |
67s | participate in so this is not super end |
69s | game but it is going to give you some |
71s | insight into how we're designing these |
72s | encounters and first up we have one of |
74s | our senior designers Mr Doug how are you |
77s | doing Doug |
79s | ah good evening I am doing pretty well |
81s | I'm excited to show this off uh we've |
83s | been working on it for a while and so |
84s | yeah I'm super excited for you guys to |
87s | show it off too I know you guys have |
87s | been hard at work on this one and a lot |
89s | of other creatures and this is your |
91s | first time joining us on the stream |
92s | isn't that right that is correct so I |
93s | have not streamed before super exciting |
96s | we have a stream virgin with us very |
98s | cool |
99s | um we also have with us uh one of our |
102s | glorious uh senior technical designers |
105s | uh Mr Jason how you doing Jason hey |
108s | how's it going and you are the uh this |
112s | one's your baby right this Cyclops it |
114s | was kind of your design |
115s | yeah been plucking away at him for a |
118s | while |
119s | I remember the first time we we chatted |
121s | about this guy you had such a a great |
123s | kind of uh uh premise for his backstory |
126s | and and his the design elements of it I |
128s | was I thought it was super cool I love |
130s | the detaching tree which our viewers are |
132s | going to see in a little bit so I'm |
133s | super excited that you have an |
134s | opportunity to kind of talk with the |
135s | community about this and get their take |
136s | on on some of these designs |
139s | um and then we have a one of our |
140s | regularly occurring uh senior designers |
143s | on the combat side Mr tradd how you |
145s | doing Trad |
146s | doing great great good to be back as |
148s | always yes welcome so we find ourselves |
151s | here |
152s | in the riverlands and it appears to be a |
157s | winter time it's beautiful actually I |
160s | really like it so one of the first |
162s | things I would love |
163s | um to chat with you guys about is kind |
165s | of how you set up this particular raid |
169s | boss the Cyclops |
171s | um in the riverlands talk to me a little |
172s | bit about his pathing like where does he |
174s | live in the world what's his backstory |
175s | just tell me things about him |
180s | yeah I think you could take this one |
181s | Jason |
182s | all right um so yeah like um the Cyclops |
186s | his name is tumak and |
188s | um |
189s | a long time ago |
191s | um he you know is from the land of |
194s | sujoma and that's where like all the |
196s | cyclopses are from |
198s | um he decided it would be a good idea to |
201s | try to align himself with the the |
203s | Ancients |
204s | um that then invaded Vera and um he took |
207s | some of his followers to fall on his |
209s | footsteps and that didn't work out so |
211s | well for him |
212s | um he's uh |
215s | he's he's the last remaining Cyclops of |
217s | of his you know his people he took to |
220s | try and uh join the Ancients and uh the |
223s | rest of his people kind of exiled him |
225s | for that and they didn't want him back |
226s | so it's kind of all on his own and and |
229s | is has kind of paid for some of those |
231s | mistakes of misaligning himself okay so |
234s | he's got a little bit of a backstory |
235s | some pain in there you know maybe some |
237s | betrayal and I guess he kind of turned |
240s | against his fellow citizens of Vera |
242s | where are you guys at by the way I know |
243s | I know we have a couple parties that are |
245s | hanging back at the camp oh there you |
246s | guys are why don't you come join me over |
248s | here I wanna I wanna talk a little about |
250s | you know kind of his pathing and I |
252s | noticed that there are also some like |
253s | winter spiders over here or something |
255s | what is going on over here |
257s | yeah so there are some giant spiders |
259s | over here and one thing that we'd like |
262s | to demonstrate today is that you know |
263s | not every enemy in Vera is going to just |
266s | behave like your simple you know aggro |
269s | immediately and beeline for you uh the |
272s | giant spider might not necessarily want |
274s | to engage these scary looking Adventures |
277s | um so he's gonna stand off and you know |
280s | hope that you |
281s | you know back away and look at that it's |
284s | so creepy I love the atom for this so |
287s | he's he's kind of not necessarily |
288s | aggering but he's just like don't come |
291s | any closer like keep talking back off |
294s | get away yeah he is kind of peacocking |
297s | I'm said to him vulnerable because I |
298s | want us to be able to kind of walk with |
300s | the Cyclops as we see him start to path |
302s | here uh but I I wild animals just you |
306s | know not every single wild animal is |
307s | gonna immediately be lying for you and |
309s | so that's the kind of behavior we want |
310s | to capture some more ambient behaviors |
311s | you might not expect to see in MMO maybe |
313s | some creatures hunting each other you |
315s | know these kinds of you know more |
317s | believable behaviors from wild animals |
320s | that's super cool oh yeah I like them |
323s | that that's awesome it adds an element |
324s | of immersion I feel like |
327s | so you know if you do stay if you do |
329s | stay within their range or get too close |
330s | to them then you know they might defend |
332s | themselves so that's super cool so talk |
335s | to me a little bit about |
336s | um the Cyclops and its path and how you |
339s | guys kind of determine |
341s | um you know where this guy's gonna Roam |
342s | and and why it's an important aspect |
344s | that the boss is kind of roaming through |
346s | the woods you know or through the world |
349s | yeah so we we work with the the world |
352s | team to to decide what that path is |
355s | going to be and we want to make sure |
356s | that that there's something of Interest |
359s | no you know and there no matter where |
361s | you go vulnerable just in case I'm sorry |
364s | go ahead you're good yeah no matter |
367s | where you look no matter what path you |
370s | go down that there's always a chance |
371s | you're going to see something you didn't |
372s | expect or you didn't see before so |
375s | I love this guy he's so massive and I |
379s | like how he kind of walks through the |
382s | trees triggering their destruction |
389s | interacts the environment like that |
391s | yeah definitely gonna help you uh to |
394s | listen you can just listen in the woods |
395s | and if if he's patrolling around you're |
398s | gonna hear him |
399s | oh my gosh this guy's huge now right oh |
402s | oh sorry my bad I thought for a second |
404s | there he was gonna agree me but just so |
406s | you guys are aware in the Stream I've |
408s | I've set myself to invulnerable so that |
410s | we can kind of just walk near him and |
413s | see his massive nature |
416s | and Doug Jason talk to me a little bit |
419s | about the inspiration for this guy as a |
420s | character model like what were you guys |
422s | you know working with the character |
424s | teams to kind of I notice he has this |
426s | massive tree talk to me a little bit |
428s | about that element |
430s | yeah I think that was actually a little |
431s | bit improvised in the design based on |
433s | what the character came back with Jason |
434s | if you want to talk about that |
437s | yeah when the character artists were |
439s | making this they had this cool idea of |
441s | just having this giant tree weapon that |
443s | a cyclops would hold and um we took that |
446s | idea and just kind of embraced it um |
448s | make it part of his character and the |
450s | embellishments that he wears and |
453s | um using that to kind of inform what |
455s | type of encounter that he might be so we |
458s | ended up making the tree like a pretty |
459s | core part of it and informs some of his |
463s | combat abilities and phase transitions |
466s | even in the fight yeah I mean it's a |
468s | collaborative process sometimes it's |
470s | designed asking for something specific |
471s | from art and sometimes art is what it |
473s | forms the design so |
475s | oh he looks great the character did a |
478s | great job with this do you know who's a |
479s | character artist that worked on this was |
480s | it Keith Urban Keith |
483s | or could have been gentsy or somebody |
485s | yeah they did a great job either way I |
488s | mean it looks looks phenomenal I know we |
490s | have a couple of parties that are going |
492s | to assist us with this particular fight |
494s | talk to me a little bit about |
496s | this encounter as a raid boss you know |
499s | what is the expectation from the actual |
502s | raid size that that you guys are |
504s | anticipating for the design |
506s | I think that's gonna that's gonna vary |
509s | depending on the level of the raid |
510s | obviously and then sort of how geared |
512s | they are |
513s | um but we're kind of aiming for |
514s | somewhere between you know 16 and you |
517s | know 32 |
518s | um probably depending again on level and |
520s | equipment |
522s | very cool so this guy's a really early |
524s | kind of uh World boss and we want to |
527s | introduce players early to the idea of |
530s | these raids and by the way as we're kind |
532s | of chatting about this those of you who |
533s | are going to be helping us defeat this |
535s | guy with our uh two parties if you want |
538s | to start heading over to the arena we |
541s | are waiting here for you I will set |
543s | myself off of the GM and vulnerability |
545s | here |
547s | see |
548s | um |
550s | there we go |
552s | hopefully I don't agree him |
554s | um you know it's important as we were |
555s | talking about to kind of introduce |
556s | players uh into uh what rating really |
559s | means in ashes and talk to me a little |
561s | bit about kind of the general design |
563s | approach you take uh with creating these |
565s | types of encounters you know they're |
567s | obviously phases there's different |
568s | elements in those phases that kind of |
570s | change dynamically the the way you want |
572s | players to interact what are we gonna |
574s | see here a little bit |
576s | yeah this is definitely like a a more |
578s | introductory rating experience |
581s | um so it's not going to be too |
582s | complicated but I think there are some |
583s | really interesting mechanics regardless |
585s | and I think Jason can talk about those |
588s | um yeah so when I when I first started |
590s | designing this guy |
591s | um you know we had uh Trav and the other |
594s | guys on the archetype team looking at |
597s | you know forming the classes that people |
599s | have been seeing over the scene over the |
600s | live stream and you know really before |
603s | um those kind of come to fruition |
606s | um and knowing like you know what the |
608s | full abilities are and everything we I |
610s | started the design with you know the |
611s | core Trinity in mine |
613s | um so the roles are very obvious |
617s | um tanks will tank healers will heal and |
619s | DPS will |
621s | um try to take down the targets that |
622s | they need to and starting from there I |
624s | tried to |
625s | um |
626s | keep that in mind not not to uh over |
628s | complicate it so that |
630s | um they always have that like individual |
632s | training idea amongst the different |
633s | mechanics |
635s | um |
635s | yeah so we got some classic Staples in |
637s | here we've got you know ads that off |
639s | tanks are going to have to peel off |
641s | um and crowd control that's going to |
643s | need to be applied to Those ads we've |
645s | got priority targets are going to pop up |
647s | that need to be killed we've got you |
649s | know damage that's going to be |
650s | unavoidable so that you know even though |
652s | the expert group that can dodge all of |
654s | his avoidable attacks you know the |
656s | healers are still going to have work to |
657s | do to keep everyone alive |
659s | very cool very cool love it I know you |
663s | guys will notice obviously on the uh the |
665s | stream that there have been some updates |
667s | to a little bit of the uh nameplates |
670s | that Colby and the UI team have |
671s | implemented as well as some of the |
673s | targeting plates as well but who do we |
676s | have as our tank today |
680s | Doug will be tanking all right all right |
683s | very cool and then we also have |
686s | um I'll be playing as a mage but |
689s | um |
690s | I will be trying to capture some good |
692s | shots of the encounter to a degree Chad |
695s | what are you playing |
696s | I am a mage as well just look at you oh |
699s | okay very cool |
701s | and then how about you Jason |
702s | I'm playing the cleric nice well Doug I |
706s | don't want to stand in the way of your |
708s | greatness so please by all means sir you |
711s | may commence when ready |
713s | all right Leroy Jenkins Leroy let's do |
716s | this yeah try not to let me dodge it |
719s | yeah no promises |
721s | uh he's an angry to muck |
725s | oh my God that looks like it hurts yeah |
730s | if you don't block that you get smooshed |
733s | I love his animation so talk to me a |
736s | little bit about some of these attacks |
738s | what what do you got going on here Jason |
740s | and Doug |
743s | um so yeah his first phase |
745s | um here he has a lot of uh physical |
748s | attacks but he also employs a lot of |
750s | attacks using his tree like we see there |
751s | but the roots hitting us and right now |
754s | you can see he's also he's he's |
757s | um pulling some fungus out of the tree |
759s | and using that to heal himself |
762s | um he has a tank Spike attack where he |
765s | smashes the the tree into the tank that |
767s | Doug was blocking earlier |
770s | and generally does a lot of like AOE |
772s | Splash damage |
774s | that other melee will want to avoid not |
777s | stand stand together yeah he's not um |
780s | particularly complex uh raid boss but |
782s | he's a great example that of sort of |
785s | what we want to do with large creatures |
786s | and Ashes having them interact with the |
788s | environment having that that camera |
790s | shake that you know those knockdowns |
792s | that make it feel like he is here and he |
795s | is crushing you |
800s | all right |
803s | no he looks oh my God he keeps just |
806s | charging there |
809s | I'm just barely missing him |
811s | now talk to me a little bit about kind |
814s | of the raid Boss Designs like you guys |
817s | are working with multiple stages I |
819s | noticed that right now he's just kind of |
821s | you know roaming around he has different |
824s | targets on his hate list tell me like |
826s | what's your general philosophy how did |
828s | you guys approach this |
830s | yeah so I think um I just ended this a |
833s | little bit earlier but we designed this |
836s | boss pretty early on when a lot of the |
837s | classes were still their sort of nasic |
839s | form so we really just wanted to focus |
841s | on the whole the Trinity you know making |
843s | sure that everyone has a purpose in this |
846s | read a role whether you're someone who's |
848s | focused on CC whether you're a tank A |
850s | Healer a DPS you know giving those |
852s | classic mechanics to give everybody a |
854s | job in the in the raid like right now |
856s | for instance he's put this tree down and |
858s | there are going to be |
860s | um these healing caps that appear |
862s | and those are going to be a priority |
863s | objective for DPS to take down before |
865s | they grow to full size because if they |
867s | do he's going to go over he's going to |
869s | stomp him and he's going to get healed |
870s | for a huge percentage of his health |
873s | wow |
875s | so we got to take this tree out because |
878s | he's just gonna keep healing |
880s | yeah and you definitely gotta switch |
882s | over to those healing caps when they |
884s | appear |
888s | there that's super cool so he so he |
890s | heals off of the mushrooms as well |
893s | yeah and as a player if you destroy them |
896s | or even if he Stomps on them if you |
897s | happen to be nearby when they blow up um |
899s | you can cut that heel as well so if |
902s | you're taking some damage from the |
903s | Thorns from the tree or you got hit by |
905s | one of his large uh you know stop |
906s | attacks you know you might have a chance |
908s | to get healed up if you run over to |
910s | those mushrooms before they pull up |
912s | okay we almost have this tree down come |
914s | on guys focus it down Focus major DPS on |
917s | the tree |
918s | let's try to kill this thing |
921s | it's almost done get it get it before he |
923s | picks it up |
924s | yes everything release it all |
927s | oh well done oh |
931s | oh |
932s | God why is he so mad |
936s | he does not like when you break his |
937s | weapon what the heck |
939s | I mean who would |
943s | Jason where'd you get the idea for that |
945s | for the kind of tree totem |
948s | um a lot of that came from the uh |
950s | original uh design that we got from |
952s | character art in that we really enjoyed |
956s | the way the that it's energized with his |
958s | looks we wanted to employ the use of the |
961s | tree as as like a core part of his uh |
963s | encounter |
966s | um we ended up using it as like a |
968s | magical like a magical tree where he |
970s | gets a lot of his abilities but without |
972s | that he seems to get really mad and his |
974s | more Primal Cyclops giant nature comes |
977s | back as we see here |
982s | wow that's cool so talk to me about |
984s | those kind of slams that he's doing and |
986s | also I noticed like as he's running |
988s | around the trees are falling the stone |
991s | obelisks are kind of getting destroyed |
993s | is there intent for these kind of |
996s | environmental |
998s | um hazards to exist as well as part of |
1000s | the raid design yeah absolutely for our |
1003s | large creatures you know Cyclops is |
1004s | dragons things like that we we want to |
1007s | make sure that the world feels Dynamic |
1008s | and it's reacting to their big size you |
1011s | know if a huge you know |
1013s | 20 meter tall Beast is walking through |
1016s | the woods and not knocking down a single |
1018s | tree that just doesn't feel believable |
1020s | so we want to make sure that you know |
1022s | you're gonna steer that and that's gonna |
1023s | be a way you can know in the distance |
1025s | there's something that you want to go |
1027s | and investigate |
1032s | that is super cool I died but I'm on my |
1035s | way back |
1038s | those slams hurt really bad yeah |
1043s | um one of the aspects of the the phases |
1045s | in this fight is actually that uh he has |
1048s | those healing abilities when he has his |
1049s | totem tree against nature magic but uh |
1052s | and he is more Primal when he's in this |
1053s | phase as a result you can take him down |
1055s | a little quicker when he's enraged but |
1057s | it's also going to be a lot more |
1059s | incoming damage for your healers to work |
1060s | through so |
1062s | um depending on your raid composition |
1064s | your you know equipment level you might |
1065s | want to sustain longer in that earlier |
1068s | phase even if it takes the while through |
1070s | all that healing um because if you push |
1072s | him too early uh you might just wipe |
1079s | oh I love it guys |
1081s | here he goes no no no no no no no no no |
1083s | no no no no |
1088s | no it's getting crushed there right |
1090s | under his fists |
1093s | oh this poor guy |
1097s | look at him |
1099s | his little eye |
1102s | wow that was very cool well done guys |
1104s | that was awesome does he have any loot |
1108s | can we loot him I wonder oh |
1112s | sword of the Briar home a longbow |
1115s | a short bow and a mace oh very nice well |
1119s | that was a lot of fun very well done I |
1122s | thought that that was very cool guys as |
1124s | you guys are watching this remember |
1126s | obviously this is one of the earliest |
1127s | World bosses in ashes of creation that |
1130s | you'll have an opportunity to encounter |
1131s | just getting your feet wet and what the |
1132s | raid boss system is going to look like |
1135s | we have a lot of fun designs that are |
1137s | intended with a lot of different |
1139s | creatures but give us your feedback what |
1141s | are the raid bosses you enjoyed in other |
1142s | games that you've played what about the |
1144s | mechanics what about the phases that you |
1146s | thought were were cool what did you |
1148s | enjoy seeing here today |
1150s | um and what would you like to see in the |
1152s | future but otherwise Trad Jason Doug |
1156s | thank you guys for joining us and giving |
1158s | us a little sneak peek under the hood of |
1160s | the encounter design particularly as it |
1162s | relates to tumak The Wretched I thought |
1165s | that that was that was super cool a lot |
1167s | of fun |
1168s | um and I look forward to seeing more |
1169s | from you guys in the future but with |
1171s | that being said uh I would like to thank |
1174s | you all and we will see everyone back on |
1177s | stream here in just a moment |
1179s | bye everybody |
1184s | [Music] |