π Did you miss the latest livestream showing our Caravan System Preview? youtu.be/Sc7HJknNqjQ
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External link β21s | hello everyone and welcome to another |
24s | live stream from the world of Vera and |
27s | we have an exciting stream for you you |
30s | today we are going to be talking about |
34s | the Caravan system in ashes of creation |
37s | and it has been a little while since you |
40s | guys have been able to see a caravan uh |
44s | actually I believe since alpha 1 but |
47s | there has been a lot of work that has |
48s | been put into Caravan since then and I |
52s | would like to introduce some of our |
55s | absolute Stellar |
58s | developers who helped bring the new |
60s | Caravan system for Alpha 2 to life they |
64s | are one of our regulars senior designer |
68s | Mr Chris juusto Chris how you doing |
70s | buddy oh I'm doing wonderfully how are |
73s | you doing Stephen I am doing swell it is |
78s | Monday day before Halloween we've got |
81s | extra Life coming up and just 5 days |
85s | where we're going to be up straight for |
88s | 24 hours or actually a lot more than 24 |
90s | hours that's going to be crazy but I am |
92s | doing swell sorry that was a long-winded |
94s | answer I love it we also have another |
99s | regular on the stream uh the man Between |
103s | Two Ferns being combat design and |
106s | systems design our glorious designer Dr |
110s | bucky bucky how are you doing sir hello |
113s | I'm doing well I'm ready to move some |
115s | cargo ooh Some cargo cargo actually this |
119s | is the first time I think think the |
121s | community has heard it referred to as |
124s | cargo but cargo is the official name of |
129s | supplies that are transited by Caravans |
133s | and ships and ships that's right yes |
137s | very nice well happy to have you Bucky |
140s | we also have joining us the Stellar |
145s | extraordinary environment artist Hal who |
148s | built all things |
150s | Caravans in this live stream how how you |
153s | doing a I'm doing good yeah I had a lot |
156s | of help from a lot of different |
158s | disciplines but it's not just me I |
161s | promise that is true How's being very |
165s | modest but obviously bringing together a |
168s | system like this requires a lot of |
169s | effort from a lot of people uh but how |
172s | specifically modeled I thought what is a |
174s | glorious klar Caravan the the default |
178s | Kar Caravan which players are about to |
179s | see in a little bit so awesome job there |
182s | Hal happy to have you here A happy and |
184s | then we have joining us an unfamiliar |
188s | role on our live streams but a role |
190s | nonetheless an ingal one of keeping all |
193s | the pieces moving and a nonchaotic and |
197s | somewhat somewhat orderly fashion one of |
201s | our glorious producers Mr Nathan Moore |
203s | Nathan how you doing buddy oh I'm so |
205s | excited uh excited to uh go drifting |
208s | around some Corners uh try drop off some |
210s | Goods make a ton of money it's going to |
212s | be a good day in Vera yes it is going to |
214s | be a good day in Vera indeed now |
217s | speaking of a good day we are in |
222s | a default building for nodes is that |
225s | correct Chris this is a default building |
228s | in the node meaning it comes with the |
231s | node when it reaches level |
233s | three very cool okay so this is the |
238s | hunting lodge or the hunting tur Lodge |
241s | and I see that there is a particular |
243s | vendor of note in this fine Abode a |
248s | commodity vendor tell me what exactly |
251s | the commodity vendor does well he does |
255s | kind of what his name says he sells |
257s | Commodities which as alluded to |
259s | previously is a form of cargo that is |
262s | transited by Caravans but um before we |
265s | talk to him I'd like you to open up your |
267s | inventory and we can talk a little bit |
269s | about what you're going to |
271s | spend to get that cargo |
274s | oo I'm assuming I need to be on my |
277s | materials page because the inventory |
279s | even though I have a th000 gold might |
281s | not really help me here no your gold |
284s | will not help you so uh if it looks like |
286s | you're hovering over uh an item we call |
289s | glint uh comes in a few different |
291s | Rarities uh it was formerly known as the |
295s | monster certificates uh but we have |
298s | rebranded them all right now that is a |
301s | reveal so those of you in the audience |
304s | who remembers what monster certificates |
307s | were glint is now the name of the |
310s | monster certificate system and glint |
314s | serves a very integral role in the |
316s | economy within ashes of creation it is a |
320s | material substance that is acquired |
323s | through various means but primarily |
326s | hunting different antagonists within the |
328s | world and it is the physical form of |
333s | essence within the beasts of Vera so uh |
339s | when you acquire this it is bound to |
341s | your character and that is a very |
343s | important component of the economic |
345s | systems here because glint will be used |
348s | to pay for certain services such as |
351s | taxation for buildings that you have or |
356s | citizenship dues that are necessary but |
359s | within in the context of today's |
361s | demonstration we will be talking about |
363s | glint as a currency to acquire |
367s | Commodities and Bucky talk to me a |
370s | little bit about the importance of |
374s | Commodities yeah so Commodities player |
376s | commodi specifically is one of the main |
378s | ways players can make money or gold in |
380s | ver and different nodes will sell |
383s | different Commodities at different |
384s | prices so the way you make money is by |
387s | you can either you know sell your glit |
389s | directly to the uh commodity vendor and |
392s | just make some quick money at the node |
394s | or the most profitable way to do it is |
396s | to buy some fler Commodities and then |
399s | Transit them to other nodes where |
400s | they're going to be sold for higher |
402s | prices at the uh side effect is that you |
405s | have increased risk into do Exel very |
408s | cool so glint allows us direct access to |
414s | acquire these Commodities that service |
417s | the risk verse reward |
420s | philosophy of |
422s | transiting Goods around the world |
425s | because the Caravan |
427s | system which carries and I'm going to go |
429s | to the cargo section these Commodities |
433s | available at this particular node let's |
435s | see if I can purchase this okay I see it |
437s | cost a rather good amount of glint on |
440s | that one and grab some of the everb burn |
443s | scented a case of klar |
446s | Wooden |
448s | Soldiers those are toys I assume that's |
451s | cool and some aged alen whiskey |
454s | barrel are these like GI Jo's like KR |
457s | versions of the GI Jo's they are in |
461s | fact that is super cool okay so I have |
465s | acquired a number of these Commodities |
467s | that are unique to this particular biome |
470s | uh Andor node um and now I have an |
474s | option Chris I can either sell the |
478s | Commodities back to to a vendor in |
481s | exchange for gold or I can load them up |
484s | and take them elsewhere why would I want |
485s | to do that yeah so you as you mentioned |
489s | you can sell it back for around the cost |
492s | you bought them for in terms of the |
494s | glint to Gold conversion but uh |
498s | you should be putting them in a caravan |
501s | and taking them to another node because |
503s | that will increase the value based on |
505s | the Node you take it to how far away |
508s | that node is and and how many of that |
511s | commodity has been sold at that node |
513s | over the last s days got it now what |
517s | types of exchange are possible ratio |
521s | wise for taking this amount of |
526s | cargo right now I can get 150 it looks |
528s | like gold and 50 silver on this salt |
532s | cured meat shipment what type of |
534s | multiple can I get if I take it to |
537s | another Noe well so again that's going |
539s | to very based on Turnin rates uh at that |
542s | node um but we're probably looking at |
545s | the node we're taking it to being around |
547s | eight gold for that wow that's huge and |
552s | that node is |
553s | only actually uh the closest one to here |
558s | is that correct now that is that is |
560s | correct now typically uh at launch we're |
564s | obviously going to have to balance these |
565s | numbers a lot more as the world keeps |
567s | getting bigger yes well actually thank |
570s | you Chris thank you for that cue because |
573s | as we have said many times before and |
576s | you shall hear now once again the most |
578s | important disclaimer you will hear in |
580s | this live stream is that everything you |
583s | see today is a work in progress towards |
585s | our Alpha 2 testing environment which |
588s | means that the art gets better |
591s | particularly as it relates to our UI uh |
595s | and our visual effects um so keep |
599s | everything you're seeing with a grain of |
600s | salt if this is the first time you've |
602s | seen ashes of creation and heard that |
604s | particular |
605s | disclaimer uh you can take a look at |
608s | streams from many many ages ago and see |
612s | the difference between today and that |
614s | all right so I have arrived at a |
617s | building that you guys did see during |
619s | our nodes uh |
621s | demonstration um this is the caravaner |
624s | which is also a default building in |
627s | addition to the hunting lodge is that |
628s | correct Chris it is in fact and this is |
631s | where you're going to do all your |
632s | caravanning o exciting exciting okay now |
636s | I don't have a caravan obviously |
639s | because I mean I'm just a lowly Ranger |
642s | out in the Wilds trying to find my way |
646s | in life well this gentleman the Caravan |
649s | Master can help you acquire one oh the |
651s | Caravan master all right I see okay all |
655s | right he |
656s | has some here I see my |
660s | storage uh let me go to my material |
662s | section I have some cargo available but |
666s | I do not see it says no Caravans |
668s | currently available for me that's sad |
671s | yep so at the top left there you're |
674s | going to be able to purchase a |
677s | caravan okay so here I see it says |
680s | purchase and I'm assuming this means |
681s | that I can not only purchase the Caravan |
683s | but also the stall within which the |
686s | Caravan resides yep so um purchasing a |
690s | caravan uh will'll unlock that stall as |
692s | well and put a default Caravan in it all |
696s | right let me go ahead and make a |
697s | purchase here |
699s | ah we have our Caravan it looks like |
703s | with a number of considerable and |
705s | formidable stats I might add uh |
708s | available to it but these stats could be |
711s | improved could they not |
713s | Bucky yeah so Caravans have these items |
716s | within them called components and those |
718s | kind of act like the gear on the Caravan |
720s | so they can modify their stats grant |
723s | them passive and even active abilities |
725s | so you can if you upgrade your |
726s | components you can get power powerful |
728s | Caravans I see and just looking at this |
731s | basic Caravan it only has a capacity for |
735s | 1 by two cargo that's relatively |
738s | unfortunate because that doesn't seem |
740s | like a lot for my time but I assume if I |
744s | were to perhaps equip this carriage in a |
749s | Place nope that didn't do anything let's |
752s | try the reinforced |
755s | chassis let's take a look at that buddy |
758s | oh yeah oh my goodness this thing can |
762s | now take quite a hall but that's not all |
766s | I'm going to add the wheel set the uh |
769s | beast of burden and the plated Armor All |
771s | of which I assume are doing some amazing |
774s | things down here in the Caravan stats |
775s | section yeah the Beast of Burden |
778s | primarily affects speed |
779s | uh armor will make you more surv Sho |
782s | your encounter combat and then yeah like |
784s | you were looking at just now the uh |
786s | chassis and body kind of provide some of |
788s | the core stats like the health and also |
790s | storage capacity for the |
791s | Caravan very cool that's awesome |
795s | um I'm going to take |
797s | two Salt cured meats |
801s | because I assume that we're going to be |
804s | successful we will delivery okay very |
806s | good we're powerful we are very |
810s | powerful all right let me go ahead now |
813s | do I click launch Chris correct you're |
815s | going to hit launch and you're going to |
816s | get uh an item in your inventory once |
819s | you click |
821s | launch oh yeah I'll launch a caravan too |
823s | with you guys oh okay very cool very |
826s | cool you got a busted Caravan or you got |
828s | a good one it's uh you know it's pretty |
830s | standard but you know it'll get be there |
832s | oh okay very nice all right uh I see |
835s | that I have a caravan event oh it's |
837s | telling me to find a location to summon |
839s | the Caravan so this Caravan event starts |
842s | even prior to me finding the location |
844s | for my Caravan |
848s | because because you you got to organize |
851s | your event you know and you also want to |
853s | find a safe spot to launch your Caravan |
858s | ah very cool all right now we can go out |
861s | here in the world I assume within some |
864s | level of proxim proximity to the node |
867s | okay I see that's being here by the uh |
871s | endgame radius okay very cool that's |
873s | cool got a little slate wolf over here |
876s | let's take care of him |
883s | first all right |
886s | poy I am going to go ahead |
890s | and I assume Chris I'm going to open my |
893s | inventory yep so you're going to have a |
895s | little Caravan |
897s | item and when you run right click it |
899s | you're going to be in Deployable mode |
902s | for you to be able to place that uh your |
907s | it's a representation that you're |
908s | summoning the Caravan so that people |
910s | around you know that you are launching a |
913s | caravan ah very cool all right so then |
916s | it's important for me to find a place |
918s | that's relatively obscur so as not to |
921s | attract any unwanted eyes yeah smart of |
925s | us to get away from the note a little |
926s | bit in case any other players would have |
928s | seen our |
929s | Expedition yes good call good call well |
932s | done all right you're summoning yours |
934s | too over here how come your your Caravan |
937s | isn't |
938s | like I mean it looks like it's on par |
940s | with mine yes it could be but it might |
944s | not |
945s | be might be the default Caravan Bucky if |
948s | you just needed some components I could |
949s | have given them to you no this one's |
951s | going to work good I believe in |
954s | it Bucky's a Pro |
956s | Gamer Bucky are you a Pro Gamer |
959s | yes I in fact am a Pro Gamer very nice |
962s | so this is taking a good amount of time |
964s | it's only mine's only about 50% |
968s | completed right now this this takes um |
971s | by default about 2 minutes uh the amount |
974s | of time it takes can be augmented by how |
976s | players choose to upgrade the |
978s | caravaner um but this is taking an |
981s | amount of |
982s | time so that people can start to scout |
986s | for Caravans that might be popping up |
988s | very nice now another very important |
990s | aspect of that time that it's taking is |
993s | that the time is relative to the |
996s | distance that the summoning is occurring |
998s | even out in the world let's say you find |
1002s | some some loot that is in the form of |
1004s | cargo and you want to haul that back |
1007s | somewhere you can use an action to |
1010s | summon your Caravan from the closest |
1012s | node to that location and you will spawn |
1015s | this similar summoning function and the |
1017s | time to travel to youu will be |
1019s | predicated on the distance to the node |
1022s | the components of the Caravan and any |
1024s | other the potential benefits or Buffs |
1026s | that are denoted by special building |
1028s | construction relics or policies is that |
1031s | correct exactly um and it's also worth |
1034s | keeping in mind you can only summon out |
1036s | in the wild if it's an empty Caravan |
1039s | very nice yes look at mine and look at |
1043s | yours |
1045s | Bucky this the same Caravan they both |
1047s | look great |
1049s | show us the difference between these two |
1051s | pictures they're the same |
1053s | picture oh my gosh how this is a great |
1056s | looking Caravan a it looks amazing |
1061s | mine's like a tank and this is the |
1062s | default Kar Caravan is that correct oh |
1066s | no I believe this is the tier two or |
1068s | tier five I think actually for these on |
1070s | yes yes so I have the upgraded |
1072s | components of it um and there are |
1075s | obviously a different number of skins |
1077s | that you can acquire in the game and um |
1079s | uh Andor Cosmetics that have been |
1081s | purchased that will be different looking |
1084s | Caravans but if you don't have skins |
1086s | applied this is the version of tier one |
1088s | and tier 2 that you will see in the game |
1091s | by default that looks that that looks |
1093s | great I mean this is this is amazing |
1096s | talk to me how a little bit about what |
1098s | it took to construct these Caravans to |
1100s | build them I mean are this is this a |
1102s | highly componentized system yeah yeah |
1105s | that is correct so you actually have a |
1108s | couple different components like you saw |
1110s | in the um Caravan screen before and each |
1113s | of those are things that can visually be |
1115s | upgraded kind of as like as their own |
1118s | thing so it would be possible to have |
1119s | like only nicer wheels or like only a |
1122s | nice chassis and that's going to be |
1124s | visually represented so players can kind |
1126s | of like see what potential Buffs you |
1128s | might have for example you can see |
1130s | Stevens has all that tank looking armor |
1133s | that's going to be able to kind of let |
1135s | people just like looking from the |
1137s | outside maybe attackers not the support |
1139s | stealing Caravans but no of course if I |
1142s | didn't want to do that you know I could |
1144s | see that maybe I would want to go for |
1147s | Steven's Caravan yes that's right I want |
1150s | everyone out in the armor maybe I would |
1154s | go for not Stevens's |
1157s | Caravan yeah every Caravan now in ashes |
1160s | is going to be named not Steven's |
1163s | Caravan oh no well then they would go |
1165s | after not Steven's Caravan so want to |
1169s | name it don't do |
1172s | that oh man I should have got the two |
1175s | horse Edition dude I'm going so slow |
1178s | literally half the |
1182s | horsepower you do have half the |
1184s | horsepower why are you moving so slowly |
1186s | back there well my Beast of Burden isn't |
1189s | as upgraded as yours so I don't have as |
1191s | high of a boost spe stat as you |
1194s | do once we get to this road though we're |
1196s | going to we're going to get a road buff |
1199s | most speeds ah very cool okay so so |
1202s | being on a road versus off-road is more |
1205s | beneficial because of that buff but in |
1208s | addition the components that we are |
1211s | using um are not necessarily made for |
1215s | offro some that are yeah exactly so |
1218s | there'll be different variants of each |
1219s | of the components with the wheels for |
1221s | example would have variants that will |
1224s | excel perhaps at off-road over onroad |
1226s | and vice versa and so right now we have |
1228s | Caravans that are set up more for the |
1230s | onroad um portion but you do you will |
1233s | travel faster over over roads but that |
1235s | obviously comes with the increased risk |
1237s | running into other players or monsters |
1238s | that are blocking the road oh wow I see |
1240s | I have the I have the road buff now |
1243s | where are you bu I'm almost on the road |
1247s | should I wait for you uh |
1250s | yes very well this is a this is a |
1253s | caravan of Caravans right we're a team |
1254s | here oh okay Caravan of Caravans I like |
1257s | that all right here we go we we the |
1259s | decoy you |
1261s | know there we go I see the importance I |
1264s | mean this the Caravan system is is |
1266s | somewhat treacherous I mean you should |
1268s | be you should uh take caution with this |
1272s | I mean I feel very |
1274s | susceptible yeah well we got our group |
1276s | of Defenders with us at least we're not |
1277s | running completely solo that's |
1280s | true yeah it's definitely something and |
1283s | this goes for a lot of the node features |
1284s | right where we're trying to create these |
1286s | ways for you know people who maybe are |
1289s | used to sort of a more solo MMO like |
1292s | gameplay experience to have easy ways to |
1294s | take that first step into like |
1296s | collaborating or competing with each |
1298s | other so that's really one of the things |
1300s | that we spend a lot of time talking |
1302s | about for this system absolutely and |
1304s | perhaps I assume um Bucky or Chris that |
1307s | in regards to the design of the |
1311s | component system if I am utilizing |
1314s | components that might give my Caravan a |
1317s | significantly higher stat of speed it's |
1320s | unlikely that I would also at the same |
1322s | time be able to select components that |
1325s | were to give uh an equitable amount of |
1328s | benefit in the stat of let's say cargo |
1330s | or health it's going to be tradeoff in |
1333s | that sense yeah that's exactly right |
1335s | like so you'll be able to have Caravans |
1336s | of different customizations but there |
1338s | won't be one carav that does everything |
1339s | to best you'll have to make sacrifices |
1341s | depending on what you want to use your |
1342s | Caravan for if you want to have an |
1343s | off-road Caravan a really fast onroad |
1345s | Caravan or just a slow tanky Caravan |
1348s | that can a lot of stuff there'll be lot |
1350s | options players can can choose to uh out |
1353s | their Caravans with very |
1357s | cool already I can see the obvious |
1360s | benefit and |
1361s | choices that certain players will have I |
1363s | mean if as as Nathan was saying if |
1365s | you're the most more solo oriented |
1367s | player you might just want to have the |
1370s | fastest possible Caravan around because |
1372s | one you're not worrying about people to |
1373s | stick you know close to you but also if |
1376s | you do come under attack you're your |
1378s | chances of succeeding at a fight are far |
1381s | less than getting away by |
1383s | speed yeah that's that's true or I could |
1386s | also see a variant though where you want |
1387s | to just you go |
1392s | off why is tuac here uh is he just on |
1395s | his path I think he's just on his path |
1398s | uh you're going to want to turn around |
1399s | we cannot take that oh I wonder if he'll |
1402s | turn around if he detects us I think he |
1406s | probably would okay |
1409s | should stay back here yeah yeah this |
1412s | path is not uh not for us go ahead give |
1415s | us a turn around and I'll show you my |
1416s | secret little off-road path all righty |
1419s | okay all right let's just turn around |
1422s | here apologies I'll hold them |
1427s | off this is what wey for come on over |
1431s | this way no I do I stopped so quick when |
1433s | you guys said that I was like hiding the |
1435s | Rocks already back here that would have |
1437s | turned out to be a very bad |
1442s | stream all right come on |
1445s | through okay like a super peaceful |
1448s | pathway right like it's super peaceful |
1452s | oh good barely even |
1455s | dangerous juust is like I know a way |
1458s | guys don't |
1460s | worry oh God spiders I'm just assuming |
1464s | you guys will take care of that yeah you |
1466s | know that's that's their job as a |
1467s | Defenders we got to keep rolling better |
1470s | be careful not to aggro any |
1472s | Steven no I am trying not to I don't |
1474s | really see any up here though |
1478s | but nothing too crazy up |
1481s | here yeah but this is one of the this is |
1483s | one of the dangers is you may never know |
1486s | what's on the road the road has a buff |
1489s | that's great but it also has a little |
1492s | bit more visibility and that can be a |
1494s | problem and so off-roading is a |
1497s | necessary component |
1499s | of the Caravan system and traveling in |
1501s | general and because of that there will |
1503s | be components that make traveling |
1505s | Offroad a bit easier |
1508s | perhaps yeah |
1514s | certainly I'm trying to get back to |
1516s | the |
1518s | yeah definitely slower I'm rolling we're |
1522s | still rolling should have gone for the |
1524s | off-road wheels maybe did we get lost is |
1527s | there like a path up your back to the |
1528s | road yeah no no you're good you're good |
1530s | you're going the right |
1531s | way follow the spiders oh |
1536s | yeah oh God uh I'm I'm taking starting |
1538s | to take a little bit of damage here hey |
1541s | hey Steven we might need to heal and I |
1543s | remember you equipping some kind of |
1545s | healing item yes okay all right oh |
1548s | they're eating the horses they're |
1549s | definitely eating the |
1551s | horses where's a tank when you need one |
1554s | I just activated the healing thing wow |
1556s | that's actually pretty good those are |
1557s | good heals yeah that's a that's a strong |
1560s | hot right there |
1564s | wow it's perfectly balanced perfectly y |
1568s | final |
1569s | pass I think we could have definitely |
1571s | taken to much I don't know about that |
1575s | spiders versus |
1576s | giant 10 hours |
1581s | later |
1585s | uhoh that would that did not work out |
1588s | oh no you can't you can't drive off |
1590s | cliffs stepen yeah I thought these were |
1593s | those kind of |
1594s | horses the cliff jumper horses yeah we |
1600s | them you actually have to unlock a |
1602s | different service building to get |
1603s | recruitment of those jumping horses so |
1606s | can I get spider |
1608s | horses just different kind no no step |
1611s | come down this way I no this this looks |
1614s | fine this yeah you'll make it you'll |
1616s | make it yeah we can make this one I mean |
1618s | these horses AR that |
1621s | fragile we've made it back to the watch |
1623s | tumach just comes out of |
1626s | nowhere just like I found you I've been |
1629s | waiting for you ob one no how you doing |
1633s | back there Bucky um oh yeah oh yeah was |
1637s | here yeah I mean I've I've just been |
1639s | defending him the whole time uhuh thank |
1641s | you guys yeah yeah you're welcome we do |
1643s | it for you oh I see we've come across a |
1646s | little river up here |
1649s | that looks like we'll have to make a |
1651s | Crossing o this is a great little |
1655s | image I'm digging this hold let me turn |
1657s | off |
1659s | the hold on can you catch me uh on my |
1662s | album cover looking away from the camera |
1665s | who no I can't where are you hold on we |
1668s | got to get the good album cover photo |
1670s | where we're all looking away just |
1671s | looking off into like |
1674s | desperation another day in Vera chance |
1678s | they're distracted I can pass them no |
1681s | even if I gave you a |
1683s | head not with that little |
1686s | hoopie oh yeah my money's on Steven |
1690s | here okay so now uh we were intending to |
1694s | show this upd with this update the |
1697s | transition from land to River with the |
1700s | raft system Caravans when they intersect |
1703s | with a river they uh go into a |
1706s | construction stage wanted to talk to me |
1708s | a little bit about that uh how and |
1711s | Chris yeah so um |
1715s | the primary there's like two kind of |
1717s | methods to crossing rivers right one of |
1719s | them is with Bridges which are |
1721s | constructed by Mayors and players uh but |
1724s | the other method is via a transformation |
1727s | into a raft um now it will push you at a |
1732s | little bit of a um it'll make you a |
1735s | little bit of a Sitting Duck while |
1736s | you're transitioning once you're in the |
1738s | water you'll get kind of a nice speed |
1740s | boost from the currents um and it's a |
1743s | alternate means to getting stuck on the |
1745s | choke points that are |
1748s | bridges very |
1750s | cool yep that will be an update coming |
1754s | shortly it was uh we were having some |
1756s | bugs I'm really stoked for you guys to |
1759s | see it though it's already looking |
1760s | really cool and I'm so hyped about it oh |
1764s | how how has been intrical in creating |
1768s | the assets for showcasing what that |
1771s | transition looks and feels like and |
1774s | helping to demonstrate the construction |
1776s | process of the raft it is super cool to |
1779s | see even how how you've Incorporated the |
1781s | more componentized system of creating |
1784s | this Caravan as a whole into being able |
1787s | to adapt uh for that construction scene |
1790s | um all the pieces that are relevant on |
1793s | different skins and cosmetics for the |
1794s | Caravan as well yeah it's been really |
1797s | fun kind of figuring out how we're going |
1799s | to like like show certain things make |
1802s | everything work together like balance |
1804s | all the pieces but it's yeah it's been a |
1806s | fun time and I think kind of visually |
1809s | showing things like for example like the |
1811s | cargo um to kind of like which can we're |
1814s | still kind of working with tech art to |
1815s | get this fully up and running but you |
1817s | are eventually going to be able to get a |
1819s | good visual view of like how much cargo |
1821s | someone's going to be holding and you |
1822s | know the possible reward you're going to |
1824s | be able to get too so it's yeah it's |
1826s | it's been a really fun time |
1828s | yeah it's been it's been super cool to |
1830s | watch this this bridge by the way is a a |
1833s | bit slower than the road you're not |
1836s | getting a road buff on this bridge |
1839s | Stephen oh that's so sad so Bridges |
1843s | bridges can be upgraded you know and |
1846s | that will let them provide you more |
1848s | speed I should be getting the uh um Road |
1852s | the bridge buff the bridge buff should |
1853s | be |
1855s | just super powerful |
1860s | you Tokyo drift off a bridge yes |
1863s | exactly they did that a few times in uh |
1866s | whatever that |
1868s | was there are lots of movies that have |
1870s | drifting I know no there's only one |
1873s | there's only one it's the Polar Express |
1876s | isn't |
1879s | it no it has like B diesel in them um |
1883s | Fast and the Furious yes Fast and the |
1885s | Furious you know that one Fast and the |
1887s | Furious that one out of 30 Fast and |
1892s | Furious we should get some fast and |
1894s | furious versions of the |
1897s | car the more the more you say it the |
1900s | more you will it into existence gust has |
1902s | like his finger on the trigger to just |
1905s | make like t7 Caravan components you |
1909s | can't carry any cargo you just max speed |
1911s | and you get a drifting ability that's it |
1913s | that's all he wants in life oh God that' |
1915s | be so |
1916s | good be so |
1920s | great I'm loving I'm getting like the |
1922s | Cinematic shots right now yeah the |
1925s | environment team has done such an |
1927s | amazing job about bringing Vera to life |
1929s | and that's been another cool thing about |
1931s | us being able to show off this live |
1933s | stream is we've kind of kept a lot of |
1934s | the uh exploration of Vera uh Under |
1937s | Wraps because we want to you know make |
1939s | sure that people get that first glimpse |
1942s | of it when the servers go online for A2 |
1944s | but we can show off some of that stuff |
1946s | here super excited God there's a bear oh |
1949s | oh no danger bear get him CH somebody oh |
1955s | no oh we just entered a super moody part |
1957s | of the |
1960s | forest okay there's a bear that way I'm |
1962s | going to go this way I'm going to go |
1964s | left opposite the direction of the Bears |
1967s | yes yes I'm going to go oh there's |
1969s | little Rabbids over there too oh |
1973s | no |
1975s | okay boys Bridge oh oh whoops my bad |
1980s | just calling it out you know for the |
1982s | team I we're just going to wait here and |
1984s | admire the the beautiful scene which by |
1987s | the way Zachary and um Hans did a |
1991s | phenomenal job with looks so |
1994s | good yeah it's looking really cool I |
1996s | like this next area coming up |
1998s | too we're almost on our way to mirle |
2001s | here he like I really like this next |
2004s | area he's talking about the second |
2005s | bridge still like yeah the river you |
2008s | guys seen The River yet wow oh |
2011s | no there's a bridge there you need to be |
2014s | careful there were some trolls |
2015s | nearby ah you made |
2019s | it welcome back Bucky I really should |
2022s | have just given you some components to |
2023s | put on your C really just the horse the |
2025s | extra horse could have probably helped a |
2026s | lot you know yeah or just the horse yeah |
2031s | true it's too bad we can't have like a |
2033s | pit stop and put on a another horse for |
2036s | you just spoted in into existence that |
2038s | would be cool although once the Caravans |
2040s | are parked you're are able to upgrade |
2041s | the |
2042s | components get so every time every time |
2045s | you park the Caravan in the stall at any |
2047s | node you can adjust oh whoa |
2052s | who oh what's up ahead there's a giant |
2055s | fallen |
2057s | tree oh I don't think I can chop through |
2060s | this one guys no let's let's uh maybe we |
2064s | go Offroad a little bit here so juo I |
2068s | could be wrong but this looks like one |
2069s | of our environmental hazards at work |
2073s | yeah oh juusto you |
2076s | needed how about now there you go there |
2080s | we go I made it uh yeah so something um |
2084s | that can happen to Caravans while |
2085s | they're traveling along roads or out in |
2087s | the world is um there are events kind of |
2090s | waiting for Caravans yes I can chop them |
2093s | well first I got to I have to do do a |
2097s | little cheating first but yes I can do |
2099s | that um you actually you can interact |
2102s | with the environment though to free up |
2103s | the area to move through too yeah that' |
2105s | be |
2106s | yep hold |
2109s | on don't show my GM panel |
2116s | uh oh my God just killed a |
2121s | horse what is wrong what is wrong with |
2124s | you oh no Chris no |
2131s | uh excellent this |
2134s | is we had believable you're we had an |
2139s | offro I didn't do it on purpose you |
2142s | going to transfer the goods from |
2144s | Steven's Caravan over to bies hey that's |
2146s | that's a good that's a good Community |
2148s | question do players want trees fall |
2152s | damage we all know what the answer to |
2154s | that question is the answer is a |
2156s | resounding yes trees falling on people |
2158s | should do damage should destroy Caravans |
2161s | one |
2162s | shot |
2165s | unbelievable I'm sorry Chris what were |
2167s | you |
2168s | saying something about Caravans on |
2170s | routes um they uh so yeah when you're |
2174s | traveling with a caravan um there are |
2176s | events that can trigger as a result of |
2178s | you being there with a caravan um that |
2181s | can either block your way or um spawn |
2184s | things to attack your Caravan um and |
2187s | require you to kind of um make decisions |
2190s | about how you want to proceed right |
2192s | whether you turn around and go somewhere |
2193s | else or you find a path Offroad um all |
2197s | with different kind of dangers |
2198s | associated with |
2200s | them very |
2205s | cool how are you doing back there Bucky |
2208s | fallowing your tracks it's looking |
2211s | good after our assistance and clearing |
2214s | the path for you you're welcome thank |
2216s | you yeah you you were doing |
2218s | attempted murder little Callum a little |
2221s | colum B |
2223s | unbelievable listen I've only been |
2225s | playing a defender of your |
2228s | Caravan the long con right before we get |
2237s | there actually good good call out though |
2239s | is that if you register to defend the |
2241s | car you won never be able to unregister |
2243s | and immediately attack the car when |
2244s | beginning to the end ah very good call |
2246s | very good |
2248s | and then in addition to that you can be |
2251s | registered participant in multiple |
2253s | Caravan events at |
2255s | once so if you had let's say a caravan |
2260s | of you could put both Caravans in the |
2263s | same rate mhm very cool speaking of |
2267s | Caravans welcome thank you I returned |
2270s | you have |
2275s | Caravan last Caravan F I go right here |
2279s | oh you're going to go right |
2282s | yeah it's some time for the holidays |
2285s | yeah oh they came back oh no oh no are |
2288s | they alive |
2292s | again I'm not |
2294s | stopping oh this is creepy with the fog |
2299s | too |
2303s | okay there's another skeleton over there |
2306s | all right |
2307s | I'm sure this one won't notice us yeah |
2309s | no you're good we're good it eyes aren't |
2311s | so good hope there no zombies in the |
2313s | middle of the |
2319s | road oh oh no okay maybe not zombies no |
2325s | I don't think these are zombies it |
2328s | says I'm going to scout ahead and see if |
2331s | uh oh god oh this this seems like hey |
2334s | Bucky do you want to go ahead Bucky |
2337s | okay oh oh what are you doing you pulled |
2340s | them I didn't pull anything no no I |
2343s | learned from watching you I'm going to |
2345s | Repulsor blast do it do it do it get out |
2348s | of |
2349s | here oh my God they went fly just keep |
2353s | driving |
2354s | stepen I don't think they can find their |
2355s | way back to us I think we're good okay |
2359s | we good nope they found him oh it's |
2362s | shooting me those |
2364s | heals run St run it's shooting the |
2368s | Caravan go on without |
2371s | us oh the |
2374s | blast oh |
2377s | no can I get some of those heals no all |
2380s | right just just |
2382s | reject here some heals you got heals I'm |
2385s | actually I'm I'm hanging in |
2388s | there keeping up |
2390s | oh oh gosh I love that blast St use the |
2394s | Sprint get out of here okay all right |
2397s | good |
2400s | luck oh I just activated that Sprint I |
2403s | am there he goes out of here right |
2409s | now oh thanks |
2411s | guys maybe I'll make it after all I |
2414s | don't think so all right now we target |
2416s | Bucky no |
2421s | no healers after your Caravan I'm almost |
2424s | at Mir how far is Mir holy sh right it's |
2427s | right around the corner this is the |
2429s | closest |
2432s | node I mean the world's pretty big |
2435s | Steven that was a nice little nice |
2437s | little Caravan Expedition we did I am |
2440s | arriving oh God there's more skel and |
2442s | there's bats or |
2445s | Ravens where why aren't they in their |
2447s | Rookery they're wild they're wild fair |
2451s | with |
2453s | Ravens wow okay I am I think coming |
2456s | actually |
2457s | upon mirth |
2461s | yeah how' you guys |
2464s | fair I mean I'm uh hopping behind you |
2467s | very |
2468s | slowly |
2470s | oh the rudest |
2473s | step actually just speed boosting me |
2476s | right you're like why walk when you can |
2477s | just be Repulsor blast on cool down that |
2480s | was so |
2484s | funny so I've lost the uh Street stuff |
2487s | uh yeah once you're in to the node yeah |
2490s | once you're in the purview of the node |
2491s | you you got to travel at slow speeds or |
2495s | the guards will get |
2501s | you almost |
2504s | there |
2506s | whoa we're almost there is that how it |
2509s | goes exactly exactly that's the exact |
2512s | lyrics of the song for sure gets |
2515s | copyright struck no |
2519s | no now what happens so I'm seeing that |
2522s | we have this little area in front of us |
2524s | that denotes the Turnin radius what |
2527s | happens when I reach it well you're |
2531s | about a second away from finding |
2533s | out oh we did it oh well not yet |
2538s | technically we're almost doing |
2545s | it it is |
2550s | done all right so I assume now that |
2552s | there is going to be a hunter's Lodge |
2554s | here where I can go and sell this cargo |
2557s | exactly come follow me follow me we'll |
2561s | go and see ah I |
2565s | see uh so if you want to give him a |
2568s | little chat here all right let us |
2570s | discuss with this fine gentleman whoops |
2574s | there we |
2575s | go you'll noticego you're going to go to |
2579s | your materials and look at that we got |
2582s | mirror leth if you scroll down to the |
2584s | bottom of the mirror left tab you're |
2586s | going to see what you |
2588s | delivered very nice okay that's cool so |
2591s | now this is worth yeah eight eight gold |
2594s | 69 silver I can do math well |
2599s | done oh that's cool I'm going to sell |
2602s | that sell that and that and that and you |
2605s | notice this G sells different items than |
2608s | the last node you were in oh yeah he's |
2611s | got some ancient alen wine and a case of |
2614s | dunor |
2616s | tools oh that's cool |
2620s | ni very |
2622s | nice cool that's awesome well look at |
2625s | that we've fully demonstrated the |
2628s | Caravan loop from uh certificates or the |
2631s | newly named glint into Commodities |
2635s | transited with the Caravan system system |
2637s | discussed a little bit about the intents |
2638s | of that system and how it is intended to |
2640s | be used for Alpha 2 as a core Loop of |
2643s | the economic game play and we have |
2646s | succeeded in delivering through the |
2648s | perilous Journey that was the riverlands |
2651s | our Commodities to Mir |
2654s | blath juusto Bucky plan andorf and Hal |
2660s | thank you all for joining us today in |
2662s | demonstrating the Caravan system I know |
2665s | that I speak for the audience when I say |
2667s | your guys's hard work is extremely |
2670s | appreciated and cherished by this |
2672s | community that cannot wait for ashes of |
2674s | creation I hope that everyone in the |
2675s | audience enjoyed the demonstration today |
2678s | if you have thoughts um please share |
2681s | them with us that is why we do these |
2683s | streams that is why we show you guys |
2686s | monthly the updates to the game um it is |
2689s | obviously very important to us to hear |
2691s | uh your comments on what you enjoyed |
2694s | what you thought could be done |
2695s | differently um leave them in Twitter on |
2698s | the forums on Reddit on Discord uh and |
2701s | on YouTube it means the world to us we |
2703s | capture all that information and we |
2705s | analyze it internally but with that |
2708s | being |
2709s | said very excited to get to Alpha 2 so |
2712s | that all of you can start playing with |
2713s | these systems and testing it's going to |
2716s | be pretty exciting guys thank you for |
2718s | joining us thank you see you back on |
2721s | stream byebye bye |
2725s | bye |
2733s | yeah |
π Did you miss the latest livestream showing our Caravan System Preview? youtu.be/Sc7HJknNqjQ
π¬ Let us know what you think in the comments!
External link βWhat's the point of showcasing a primarily PvP-oriented system without heavily focusing on and explaining the PvP part in detail? No one really cares about this fluff in a forced PvP game, the fluff is just there to provide a venue for PKing (and people who care about it definitely aren't your target audience since they don't want forced PvP).
What people need to see is what they will experience in the actual game (so either being able to run caravans 24/7 because they're in the freefarm guild and no one dares to attack them, or not being able to run them because they're not in the freefarm guild so they're being ganked 24/7). If you have a third option that somehow solves this issue that existed in every single sandbox PvP game so far, why didn't you just explain it?
This just looks like gameplay on an opt-in PvP server, which you already said you won't have, so who are you trying to attract with this misrepresentation of the system and why?
One of our goals of these Development Updates is getting feedback on specific systems. This month we want feedback on Caravans, and connected systems like Glint and Commodities.
We felt that bringing PvP into today's stream would have dominated the conversation, and taken away from what we're looking to discuss with players. There will definitely be a time to talk PvP in the future, but that wasn't what our focus was for this update. β