over 2 years ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
12s do
29s hello everyone and welcome to another
33s live stream day for ashes of creation
35s super excited to be with everybody today
37s we have a pretty awesome showcase i
39s think it's something that the community
41s has been asking for for a little while
44s actually i think the last time we
46s showcased uh some combat gameplay was a
49s year ago
51s roughly almost um but i am very excited
54s to show you guys what we have in the
55s works today um
57s i have joining us with me today two of
61s our extraordinary engineers
64s adam and kenan how you guys doing hello
67s stephen
68s doing well how are you i am doing very
71s good running around like a chicken with
73s its head cut off but otherwise very good
77s keenan how you doing buddy
79s i'm doing good glad to be here awesome
82s i'm excited to have you this is your
83s first stream i believe correct this is
85s my first stream very cool adam you've
87s been on a couple ones before this yeah
89s yeah yeah it's good to be back
92s very cool and then i also have
94s joining us today one of our senior game
97s designers mr trad how you doing buddy
101s i'm doing great i'm glad to be back on
102s stream welcome back very excited to show
105s what you guys have been working on what
107s the team has been working on
109s i know i probably already said this on
112s the stream but i'm going to reiterate it
115s here
116s that this what you're about to see is
118s not the final combat in ashes
121s this is a portion of the combat systems
124s obviously a lot goes into making combat
127s right
127s from a visual effects perspective from
130s mechanics and functionality on the
131s engineering side
133s the design elements and how it
134s synergizes with our class kits and
136s ability systems the
138s you know balance of these things the
140s audio component the ui there's a lot
143s that goes into making
144s combat
146s for an mmorpg and the combat you're
148s going to see today is very focused on
151s one component actually two components
153s i'm sorry
154s um the first of which is
156s our
156s basic melee weapon
159s attacks
161s in addition to our floating text ui
164s so keeping that in mind that is the
167s context of today's presentation
169s previously
171s i had decided that i wanted to wait to
173s showcase combat until
176s excuse me until we had um
179s pretty much everything done and ready to
181s show
182s and as
185s time grew i decided what i wanted to do
187s instead was showcase little portions of
191s each uh component of the combat system
193s starting with the
195s basic melee weapon attacks and then
197s we'll move into in a later live stream
200s the ability systems and the class kits
202s and of course we're not going to show
203s every class kit and you know everything
205s that's going to be in alpha 2 we want
206s some of that to be a surprise right but
209s we do want to showcase
211s the work that's been done
213s and the direction that's been taken so
215s that we get player feedback and
218s personally you know playing this i think
220s it feels
221s amazing i think it looks great i'm super
224s impressed continually by our team's
227s talents um as i know a lot in the
230s community are after having seen the
231s character creator and the
234s weather systems and season systems um
237s you know there's a there's a very high
238s quality bar that we're we're setting
240s ourselves up for uh with ashes of
242s creation and i i think it is it is what
245s you know the community wants um but it's
247s great to have these touch points where
249s we get um where we get your feedback so
252s focus today is going to be on basic
253s melee weapon attacks um it's going to be
255s on root motion versus split body the
258s types of agency that's provided to the
259s player while also respecting the
262s weightedness we want from certain weapon
264s groups and also talking about the ui
266s element and showcasing floating text and
268s the types of customization options that
270s players are going to have so keep that
271s in mind that's the context of of today's
273s presentation
275s and when you give the commentary let's
277s let's focus on what you like and what
279s you think there could be improvements on
281s from that perspective so without further
284s ado we are in probably an area that you
287s guys are familiar with um
289s this is the riverlands biome yet again
292s um you saw this in the the last month's
295s stream
296s but we are in an area that is known to
299s harbor
300s um some scary things
303s um so i'm just gonna start kind of
306s walking down in this area and um adam
309s keenan tratt if you guys want to talk a
310s little bit about
312s how this process began
314s all those months ago on defining
317s good combat for ashes of creation
322s uh sure um
325s i would say you know it starts with
327s you know all of the hundreds of
330s thousands of hours cumulative hours of
332s mmo we have under our belt right we have
334s a lot of hours of mmo gameplay
339s we just got to push a couple buttons and
340s we're immediately like oh it feels good
342s or it doesn't feel good you know it's
343s funny keenan actually you say that um
345s one of the koala i mean you guys all
347s know this because every one of you went
349s through an interview with me but one of
350s the qualifying aspects of joining the
352s team is what type of mmos do you like to
355s play
355s [Laughter]
357s nice
358s yeah so it starts there uh and then from
362s there we sort of do our research you
363s know we have to take a look at the state
365s of the art and then we
368s [Music]
369s we study it we form hypotheses about
372s what exactly it is that makes things
374s feel good or not feel good
378s and then we make those things in as
380s controlled a manner as we can and then
382s we
382s turn the knobs we tweak things we see
384s what feels good what doesn't feel good
386s we come up with some rules some
388s processes and then uh we put them to the
391s test
392s and this is this is what comes out
394s yeah it's um it's very iterative
397s iterative process right like you know
399s none of these things are like you form
401s your theory on paper and then you go and
404s you make the thing and it comes out to
405s be exactly what you see now right like
407s it starts out the first time not super
409s great and then
411s what we have to be able to do is
413s engineer the designers is
415s identify what's
416s not great about those things and then
418s just continue to integrate on those
420s things
421s as long as you keep making it better
423s each time eventually you're going to end
425s up with something good
426s yeah and for uh this exercise and
429s finding what makes ash is great
431s specifically
433s we wanted to approach it from the ground
435s up uh answering individual questions
437s about uh our hypotheses and what we
440s think is good right so we we really
443s um
444s focused on individual aspects
446s that we think makes good combat and
448s answered them one at a time in a very
451s tightly uh
452s very tight iterative process
455s and uh we ended up at something that uh
458s we think feels really really good so
461s yeah just just playing this i am loving
463s the
465s hit reacts the visual effects all the
467s ancillary components that go into making
470s the combat but but more importantly
472s the pacing of this kind of heavier
475s weapon group
477s um
477s also as a side note uh outside of the
479s combat
481s one of the things i've not necessarily
483s liked about mmos traditionally in the
486s past is that
488s excuse me every portion of land is
490s covered by some type of monster right it
493s kind of gives you this
494s weird feel but here like this is a very
497s dangerous area that we're in the
498s environment and part of it gets
500s communicated by the
502s you know aspect of these rocks and like
505s the
505s specific types of materials that's
507s represented here but you don't know
509s exactly where the threat lies per se
511s right you kind of move up into an area
514s and if you move too far you get the
517s audio cue of the of the monsters like
520s arising your character gets into the
522s combat stance they have some really cool
524s aspects of
525s of animation the animation team did an
527s amazing job with the roles here i am
530s loving and also they're like death just
532s like swinging away and then flying off
534s that is so great
536s yeah i really like like the camp feel of
538s of this area where you know you don't
540s just see these guys scattered around all
543s over the world no matter where you go
544s there's like something that's going to
545s aggro you it's more like i'm gonna grind
548s here for a bit
551s yeah steven
552s you were talking about how you like
555s how heavy the wet the sword feels and um
558s that weight
560s impact that is one of the combat pillars
562s that we have been studying and honing in
564s on in our development process
567s the other side of it is um
569s the other side of it being
571s also like agency you know to what extent
574s does this weapon respect your intentions
576s and that's the part that's important to
577s me i'm a
579s i'm a classic player i come from
580s traditional mmos right like i i want to
583s be able to move and attack at the same
585s time right yes and that was a huge point
587s of feedback actually that we received
589s during alpha 1
591s was that we started with this more root
594s motion approach to the basic weapon
597s attacks
598s and ultimately we
600s we called an audible mid test
602s i remember it was in that that end of
604s july or beginning of august month um
607s where we decided to implement a a
609s completely split body approach and get
611s player feedback and of course the
612s feedback was was very positive or
614s soundingly positive right um that
616s players prefer that agency
619s over that weightedness but they also
623s there's a little bit of a conflict there
624s because they also didn't like the floaty
626s feeling which comes along with
629s not having the weighted approach so how
631s did that play into your guys's
634s defining this current approach on the
637s weapon attacks how did you blend those
639s two
640s yes so
641s we kind of approached it from looking at
644s player agency primarily as kanan had
647s said and
648s the games that really handled uh player
651s agency the best are those like classic
652s mmos right
654s players really like how smooth uh the
656s classic mmo feel how much player agency
659s they get out of it and then we we took
661s that and we tried building this sort of
663s impact and weight on top of it really
666s making attacks feel satisfying making it
668s feel like the inertia of the weapon and
671s your movements are are accurate you know
673s physically accurate
675s and we accomplished that through a
676s number of ways uh really again talking
679s about the process we we try to identify
681s each individual aspect of uh
684s of what we got out of these you know
686s more
686s modern action games and tried
689s incorporating that into our classic mmo
691s bass um
693s you know i think
694s i think it all comes down to looking at
697s it not as a binary of
699s you know are we doing split body or are
701s we doing root motion combat it's looking
703s at everything as modular pieces and then
706s dialing in those numbers to
708s make something that
710s feels
711s high in player agency feels very
713s impactful like it has a lot of inertia
716s it feels very physical
718s yeah my litmus test for agency in combat
722s is take any moment in combat pause time
725s look down at your hands look at the
726s keyboard
727s the buttons that you're pressing should
729s be the directions that your character is
730s moving
732s so with these weapons even though there
733s are little uh
734s [Music]
736s like little bits of root motion here or
738s there they're always respecting your was
740s the input and i think that's what makes
742s them feel good
743s i think another thing that you guys did
745s that helps with that is the
747s timing of what that gets registered
749s right like it's not you know at one
751s point one iteration we had it where
754s it
755s detected what your input was at the
757s beginning of the attack and that just
759s felt like if i decided to change my mind
761s and go left instead of right
763s in the middle of that attack
765s it's too bad it already kind of cued
767s that and so i think now what you guys
769s are doing is
770s having it happen at like swing time
772s right
775s yup it's constantly looking at your
777s input and adjusting now i've equipped
779s these these daggers
781s this dual wielding uh
784s these dual daggers talk to me a little
786s bit about the differences between the
788s heavier um weapon group and the light
791s weapon group
793s yeah um so initially in our uh
796s investigation we wanted to start with
798s the the light weapons to figure out
802s how to really blend
804s uh
805s the the weight of an attack um
808s and and
809s introduce or start with player agency
811s and then introduce that weight of the
813s attack into it we figured the least
815s risky plot bin to start with would be
816s the lightest weapon possible you know
818s little daggers that move very fast very
820s high player agency and uh not
823s necessarily focused on
825s big weight much like a heavy sword so
829s um we started with that and tried
830s introducing little bits and pieces here
832s and there uh like small bits of root
834s motion to get that nice like dashy feel
836s in when you're when you're attacking and
839s uh play into that inertia um i know kena
843s might want to talk more about the
846s animation timing sheets we introduced
848s for figuring out these uh timings that
851s feel good
852s yeah that's part of our process for
855s communicating cross department is using
857s frame timing diagrams and being specific
860s about how we not only want to animate
862s but also how we want to move during
864s different frames of the animation
866s and we found that to be very successful
869s but one of the things that makes the
871s daggers different than the sword is that
874s the daggers never really slow you down
876s they're both respecting your directions
878s but the swords will actually slow you
880s down at certain times like leading up
881s into the strike your split body movement
884s is sort of uh
886s blending down towards zero and then you
888s strike and then it blends back up toward
890s the one the daggers are are not doing
893s any blending like that you're just split
895s body and then you're striking and then
896s you're back into split body and it's
898s sick of seeing this process
901s yeah i'm just playing with the
902s directionals here i mean on the
903s animation team they did a a phenomenal
906s job i'm loving
908s the kind of foot placement and movement
910s the
911s strafing feeling on the body there i
913s know alexi did a lot of work on the ik
915s as well that we can see like when you're
917s you know kind of stepping up different
918s portions um
920s that's it feels really good to to play
924s oh yeah considering how uh physically
927s based we are and animation driven our
929s combat system is
930s uh it was super important that the
932s animators you know get all of that right
934s and they absolutely knocked it out of
936s the park i mean one of the biggest
938s things i think
939s uh to making good feeling attacks is
942s getting
942s all of the departments involved in what
944s feels good and on the same page right
947s getting everyone iterating so you know
949s like in the process we started with
951s chopping up animations to build an
952s ability that we thought felt good and
954s then we wanted to pass that off to
955s animation to finalize those animations
958s by chopping up our abilities and making
960s animations that feel good and then we
962s can all loop everyone back together and
964s finalize that ability you know vfx has
966s the same process too so you know it's
969s it's a bunch of different departments
970s iterating on a very micro scale to build
973s something that is just awesome
976s yeah the animation team definitely had
978s to take a deep breath when we went to
980s them like hey
981s you know those three-part weapon combos
983s that we like so much uh we want
985s different ones for each direction that
987s you can move in
989s oh and also you need to be able to weave
991s between the directionals at any time
995s that is pretty funny um one of the
997s things that's uh interesting and is
1000s always a point of contention for those
1002s of us who have perhaps played different
1004s games and have become accustomed to a
1007s specific
1009s visual representation of these
1010s these damage
1012s floating text right
1014s and i want to showcase a little bit
1016s i'm going to let them hit on me for a
1017s little bit just so you can kind of see
1019s directionally damage you take which is
1021s indicated in this red number floats
1023s towards your left hand side and when you
1026s do damage to a target they float to your
1030s right hand side
1031s now
1032s one of the very important aspects of
1034s these floating texts
1036s is providing the player with
1039s customization options that they can
1041s adjust the size of the floating text
1043s they can adjust the color composition on
1046s how these texts are represented they can
1048s also include damage icons to indicate
1052s the ability that's used for those
1054s floating texts um and importantly
1057s excuse me
1059s we also call out the um uh the crits
1062s that you do in a separate way how they
1064s pop in they're slightly above those um
1067s the other numbers um and then more so we
1069s also have additional functionality for
1071s cumulative damage uh value so i'm going
1073s to kind of go through that you'll see
1075s here as i press
1077s uh
1078s you know different option now we've
1079s changed the colors
1081s um whoops hold on let me see make sure
1085s is that color going off differently or
1087s am i just do i not have my
1090s hold on
1092s is it okay let me try this
1095s quick
1101s oh maybe that's not
1104s oh let me find a different monster i
1106s hope that's working if it's not we can
1107s show that a little bit later
1111s let me press this button oh here we go
1114s okay so you see the color is changing
1116s now and that's something that the player
1118s has agency over right you can assign
1120s different types of colors that you want
1123s um
1124s that was changing i think the one i was
1126s pressing actually was changing the size
1128s so let me try to change that size again
1131s there you go you can see that size now
1132s is larger you can showcase xp if you
1135s want you can bold it um
1137s the numbers a little bit as well but
1139s providing kind of maximum flexibility
1141s and character customization um excuse me
1143s player customization options for these
1145s floating text i think is super important
1147s but i love the way that they feel that
1148s kind of classic um very almost um
1153s uh what are we saying canon very vanilla
1154s vibe
1155s oh yeah sometimes the best flavor is
1158s just vanilla absolutely totally heavy
1163s yeah but the ui team's done a great job
1165s on the functionality for that i think
1167s it's feeling pretty good
1171s yeah that's very cool so
1172s where are we
1173s now when it comes to kind of the the
1176s spectrum of light to heavy attack
1179s options on these basic weapon
1181s attacks
1182s um what's kind of next for this as we
1185s showcase it to the players
1188s well i think we've sort of defined our
1190s spectrum with the light and the heavy
1192s when it comes to
1193s agency versus weight versus impact
1196s when you look at the heavy i think we're
1199s we're close to saying that this is sort
1201s of the most we want to compromise agency
1204s for
1205s weight and impact and once we have that
1208s upper bound we can sort of play with all
1210s of the different uh
1212s intermediate points right as we start to
1213s build out other weapons
1215s but we have interesting explorations as
1217s well and how all of this translates into
1219s ranged and um also ultimates we might we
1223s might take the limiters off for
1224s ultimates and just see what the coolest
1226s things we can make are yeah that that's
1228s going to be pretty interesting another
1230s component by the way of defining um
1233s kind of this weapon attacks is also the
1235s visual effects side um and weapon
1238s trailings the intensity of those weapon
1239s trailings how they scale based on the
1241s type of weapon the level of weapon that
1243s you have uh but not just the trailing on
1245s the weapon per se but also the grand
1247s ground decals like for this heavy weapon
1249s that first strike you see that kind of
1251s that decal in the ground is i love that
1254s look and even on the back swing like
1256s when i hit the ground behind me
1258s it's causing that decal
1262s yeah a lot of that stuff gets down into
1264s the really low level systems details
1266s like we want to pass
1268s the artists as much information as we
1271s can about actual combat ongoings so that
1274s they can inform the effects as precisely
1276s as they can
1277s or as precisely as they need to rather
1280s yeah and
1282s we really wanted to um
1284s build the on a technical side we really
1286s wanted to build the combat system to
1289s like like i said earlier be as physical
1291s as possible so we have it very animation
1293s driven um everything is handled
1296s uh based on a reference of animation as
1298s opposed to uh like
1301s nebulous timings right which allows it
1303s to feel very impactful and very
1306s responsive so when you hit the ground
1308s the ground decal actually
1310s appears on the ground when it should uh
1312s you know that's
1314s something that may not be seen in other
1316s mmos so we really wanted to make a big
1318s focus on that and and focus on the
1320s responsiveness
1322s yeah one thing i failed to mention by
1324s the way apologize for that is actually
1326s um you guys are seeing
1328s the pirate male for the first time in
1332s game i know we've showed him on this on
1333s the stream before
1335s um as these character races get further
1337s fleshed out but here you're seeing him
1339s in full flesh and blood so to speak
1341s virtual flesh and blood i guess um
1344s in the game that's that's pretty cool to
1345s see i can't wait for players to kind of
1347s get a look at the customization options
1349s and the character creator for this
1351s for this race um uh also another thing
1354s that's um
1355s you know
1356s really important i think is uh the audio
1361s component and cat has done a phenomenal
1364s job
1366s in both the sound design
1368s for creatures as well as for the
1371s the weapon and actually
1373s you guys haven't seen anything yet
1374s because we have a lot in store on that
1376s front that i think is going to be is
1378s going to be pretty cool and it and it's
1380s all part of the presentation right it's
1382s all part of what makes
1383s combat feel good is also the auditory
1387s component um in that talk to me a little
1390s bit about the capabilities that that the
1392s audio team has
1395s when it comes to accessing combat and
1398s the abilities
1399s yeah similar to vfx we plan on piping in
1402s a lot of information you know that's
1404s something we've been working a lot on
1405s recently
1406s is tooling for vfx and sound effects
1409s right it's a super important part as you
1411s said of the package in order to sell
1413s that weight and that immersion in the
1414s game
1415s and there's going to be a lot coming
1417s online
1418s so i'm you know really excited to see
1422s what we have in store for for that so
1424s yeah
1425s yeah i don't know if we'll ever show it
1427s on stream but we've we're we're building
1429s a sort of a
1430s singular tool that all of the teams can
1432s use to build abilities and tweak them uh
1436s sound of their
1437s sound effects visual effects animation
1440s design engineering all using the same
1443s tool grip
1445s grounded in animation
1446s you know to build these abilities
1450s yeah absolutely another component um
1453s adam which um
1455s you guys worked on is camera controls
1457s and adding
1458s um talk to me a little bit about the
1462s the kind of visuals that are provided
1463s through these cam additional camera
1465s controls for abilities and combat
1467s yeah so
1468s i mean the word of the day has been
1470s impact and weight right and a lot of
1472s that is sold through what the the player
1475s sees you know we didn't want anything to
1476s be uh nauseating or over the top and you
1479s know certainly people can adjust it in
1481s option settings but we wanted something
1483s that would uh that would sell a lot of
1485s the weight
1487s without you know being too over the top
1489s and too sort of cartoonish right
1492s and so we implemented a few different
1494s camera effects you know things like
1496s camera shake radio blur and a few other
1498s things involved
1500s and
1501s really tried to
1502s maximize uh
1504s you know our bang for the buck with
1506s those to to sell the weight of these
1508s attacks and it really adds a lot uh
1510s especially um i've noticed a lot of how
1513s your peripheral
1515s interprets the way that the attack
1517s really sells it for me as a player
1519s so that's something we've been focusing
1521s on and it's it's made huge improvements
1524s to the feeling of these attacks
1527s yeah absolutely
1529s i love it
1530s um
1532s so
1533s looking forward
1535s as we
1537s continue to flesh out both the medium
1539s melee weapons and we'll be showcasing
1541s our ranged weapons in combat
1544s in a future stream we're also going to
1546s be talking a little bit about and
1548s showcasing
1550s uh which you guys got a little sneak
1551s peek on a few abilities um some class
1553s kits and the ability systems as a whole
1556s um and what we're able to accomplish for
1559s alpha 2. um of course you know we
1561s promised at the beginning of this year
1562s that you guys would be getting some
1564s pretty exciting
1566s showcases of all the work that's being
1568s done on the project towards alpha 2 you
1570s got that with the character creator you
1572s got that with the seasons and weather
1573s systems now you're starting to get a
1575s little bit of touch on the combat side
1578s and i know that there's a lot of stuff
1580s that design has been prepping
1582s around you know the work that's been
1583s done on these class kits and and the the
1585s different archetypes that are going to
1587s be playable across alpha 2. um but
1590s there's a lot in store and there's a lot
1591s of functionality that the engineering
1593s team has provided our designers when it
1595s comes to
1596s both the functionality of certain types
1598s of abilities as well as the
1600s synergies possible between them you want
1602s to talk a little bit adam keenan and
1604s trout about um what's possible given our
1607s ability toolkit
1611s definitely man um i mean we've
1613s so this whole you know prototype process
1616s has been kind of you know two steps one
1618s of those steps was what you know adam
1620s and keenan were talking about a bit
1622s there with you know their
1624s hypotheses on you know what makes good
1627s feeling combat and they've done a great
1628s job on that but the other side of that
1630s was also just you know
1633s coming up with these almost mock class
1635s kits um and you know
1637s the idea was this might not be the final
1640s class but there will be things that we
1641s can take from it that would like and
1642s then get rid of that we don't like
1644s unless we make something
1646s and you guys have kind of seen
1648s some sneak peeks of that already from
1649s the assassin in the
1651s previous stream and now you're seeing
1653s something from weapon master uh that was
1655s the other one that we took to
1658s experiment with and contrast these
1660s different
1661s types of combat and um
1663s what i was kind of going for here
1666s was you know getting fast energies in
1668s place where you know
1670s maybe you know for example you've got a
1672s thing that if you kill someone with one
1674s of your other abilities it'll reset the
1676s cooldown on one of these abilities and
1677s there was a lot of that kind of stuff
1679s going on
1680s in this kit whereas there wasn't so much
1682s of that interaction in the kits and you
1684s know the previous outfit it was an area
1686s that we felt could really improve
1688s and the good thing about that um whole
1691s exercise that we did is we came up with
1693s a lot of cool abilities you're not
1694s seeing them all here but um
1697s they you know
1699s what it really did for us is it
1700s developed our tools because we realized
1702s oh we can't do this or we can't do that
1704s and so like the designers and adam and
1707s keenan
1708s here would
1709s kind of go back and forth and say like
1710s you know
1712s designers need to be able to do this
1713s particular thing that we can't currently
1715s do and then they would take that and
1716s make it possible
1718s so we're really putting our method
1720s forward here now we're
1722s going into like the full class design
1723s we're gonna have a lot of stuff that we
1725s can get the crowd running absolutely
1727s oh go ahead kevin
1729s oh i was just gonna sort of build on
1731s tracks point like all of these exercises
1734s or throughout all of these exercises
1736s we're very careful
1737s on the
1738s ability system side to make sure that
1741s when we're adding something new we make
1743s it as modular as possible we really want
1745s to think of these abilities as being
1747s made out of like lego pieces
1750s not being sort of like molded from a
1752s single block of clay so whenever we're
1755s trying something and we build something
1756s new that's a new piece that we can have
1758s that we have to explore and combine with
1760s all of the other pieces that we've
1762s already made
1763s absolutely um the other thing that's
1765s important and is important probably for
1767s players to understand with regards to
1768s alpha 2 is that this is another testing
1771s ground right alpha 2 is a test and
1773s in alpha 2 we're going to represent
1776s components of the class kits and the
1778s ability system that may not make it to
1780s launch but it is a perfect area for us
1783s to kind of get both player feedback as
1786s well as
1787s for us to log data
1789s around its usage its impact its um you
1791s know feasibility as essentially a
1793s component of our class kits right we're
1795s going to be experimenting a lot
1797s with regards to that for alpha 2.
1801s so
1802s it's very exciting um definitely we're
1804s just getting started yes absolutely well
1807s guys this has been a
1809s fun stream i think um
1812s i really enjoy
1813s obviously talking about this stuff and
1815s showcasing the hard work that you guys
1816s are doing everybody on the team is doing
1818s across um everyone that makes combat a a
1821s fun and tactile thing for us to play
1823s with um there's a lot that goes into it
1825s but
1826s i think the team is hitting it out of
1828s the park with these showcases as we show
1830s you know essentially what our quality
1832s bar is for
1833s ashes of creation so i want to thank
1835s everybody for tuning in and watching
1838s please make sure it's very important
1839s that you guys give feedback uh with
1841s regards to kind of what you saw today
1843s um you know it is always something that
1846s we are iterating upon uh but
1849s generally based on
1851s what feedback we already received out of
1852s alpha one and the pursuits that our
1855s engineering side as well as our design
1857s side have been
1858s have been examining and and and playing
1860s around with we feel really confident in
1862s this approach for the basic weapon melee
1865s attacks um but we want to hear your
1867s guys's feedback what you thought of
1868s today so make sure to comment both in
1870s the youtube section
1871s as well as on stream on our forums on
1873s our discord connect everywhere we value
1875s your feedback very much it is an
1877s important part of creating ashes of
1878s creation and remember this is a work in
1881s progress this is something that we are
1882s still expanding upon something that we
1885s are still improving um it is never truly
1887s finished but of course uh it is getting
1890s close to to alpha 2 ready um thank you
1893s guys again for tuning in uh adam keenan
1896s trad thank you guys for being a part of
1898s it always appreciate the insight and the
1900s talents you guys bring to ashes of
1901s creation as a as a game um we're very
1904s happy to have you guys so everybody in
1906s chat give a give hearts for our awesome
1909s guests today and i will see you guys
1911s back on stream
1920s [Music]
1955s you