about 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | [Music] |
4s | [Applause] |
5s | [Music] |
20s | hello everyone and welcome to yet |
23s | another stream in Vera and we have an |
26s | exciting stream for you today we are |
28s | going to be talking about one of of the |
31s | most core experiences that that all of |
33s | us come to expect from the MMOs that we |
35s | play and that is questing but ashes does |
38s | questing a little bit differently than |
41s | your average MMO and today to help me |
43s | talk about that I have three of our |
47s | absolute glorious developers two our |
50s | senior designers on the narrative side |
52s | Scott Tony how are you guys doing doing |
55s | great I'm awesome I am aw Everything is |
59s | Awesome yes |
61s | absolutely um you are awesome and your |
64s | guys' team have been have been doing an |
66s | an awesome job at creating compelling |
69s | stories and I'm excited to kind of go |
70s | through these today with the community |
72s | and give them some in insight into what |
75s | they can expect uh with their normal day |
77s | in ashes of creation and of course one |
80s | of the gentlemen behind the magic uh our |
83s | glorious engineer Tyler is joining us as |
85s | well Tyler how you doing buddy I'm doing |
88s | amazing thank you so much for having me |
90s | absolutely excited to have you too so we |
93s | are starting out in a familiar space |
96s | obviously this is the node of Mirth we |
99s | have been here before we have turned in |
102s | some glorious uh Caravans within this |
105s | node and you know some of you might be |
108s | thinking to yourself well outside of |
110s | Caravans outside of these Grand kind of |
112s | core architectural systems like |
115s | citizenship and housing and story arcs |
119s | and you know all of those of those types |
122s | of of systems what is the normal |
125s | daytoday questing like in ashes of |
128s | creation and we're going to look at this |
129s | from a solo player perspective and later |
132s | on we might have some Aid and and uh |
135s | assistance uh in completing perhaps some |
137s | of the group based stuff but it all |
140s | begins in a node and it begins |
143s | specifically at this location what am I |
145s | looking at here Scott so this is a |
148s | commission board every mode has many |
151s | different commission boards depending on |
153s | what service buildings are installed |
155s | there and commissions are basically |
156s | these teeny tiny little single objective |
160s | quests that are sort of like appetizers |
162s | or quick little digestible things to |
165s | help you get out into the world and |
167s | start progressing both your character |
168s | and your node contribution okay cool and |
170s | I see that these commissions obviously |
172s | there's eight of them that I can see |
174s | here that says that it refreshes in the |
175s | next roughly 30 minutes uh although the |
178s | clock is not moving for some reason let |
180s | let's see if that oh it is moving we're |
182s | just not seeing a live update so that's |
184s | a bug guys I do want to take this moment |
186s | uh |
188s | to to to obviously give our standard |
191s | disclaimer everything you see here is a |
193s | work in progress uh obviously we are |
195s | working towards our Alpha 2 which is an |
198s | alpha of Ashes of creation we're here in |
200s | the riverlands you're going to see UI |
201s | you're going to see VFX you're going to |
203s | see systems like this um that are still |
206s | in a very functional State um but we we |
210s | are looking at a very um a very pretty |
213s | board here and these kind of remind me |
214s | about a little bit about cards almost |
216s | they feel like cards kind of um and |
218s | there's some standardized information on |
220s | here I see level I see some reward I see |
223s | some basic information about the story |
226s | of these commissions and I also see some |
228s | colors talk to me a little bit about the |
230s | colors sure so commissions uh they come |
233s | in basically different Rarities the same |
235s | way that collectible cards might so |
236s | pretty astute there uh we the rewards or |
240s | the rewards basically grow quite a lot |
243s | depending on the Rarity of the |
245s | commission that gets dealt and and these |
246s | get dealt for everybody like on this |
248s | board so in this node right so and you |
251s | can improve your chances of getting rare |
252s | commissions for your node depending on |
254s | how you develop your node okay very cool |
257s | absolutely um the Oak and Bane Overlook |
259s | I just I just took that I see that it's |
262s | been added to my object objective |
263s | tracker and uh Minotaur sounds pretty |
266s | interesting so I'm going to grab those |
269s | and I should be able to now see them |
271s | obviously in my journal um this gives me |
274s | under mirth kind of my active |
275s | commissions that are here within this |
277s | node um and I can take a look at the map |
280s | I assume here and go around and take a |
283s | look at the objectiv so we have the |
286s | scatter The Horde that's here um and Oak |
290s | and Bane Overlook here which is good |
293s | because I think we have some business |
295s | perhaps in the oen Bane area we shown |
297s | that off before but it has some some |
299s | updated interesting things going on |
301s | there okay so let's let's grab these two |
303s | and let's let's head out um obviously |
305s | you were saying these are these are kind |
307s | of bite-sized digestible easily let me |
309s | grab and go um you know show some |
312s | progress in the world but commissions |
314s | are more than just bite-size pieces of |
318s | content they ALS they also feed other |
321s | content systems too right talk to me a |
323s | little bit about how that |
326s | works yeah Tyler you can take this one |
328s | oh sure yeah I'll take it um so right |
331s | every every 30 minutes or so the board |
333s | will refresh the server will query a |
336s | bunch of different information about uh |
338s | the world um and this is from ranging |
340s | from uh story arcs uh that are active |
344s | story arcs that have been completed uh |
346s | weather time of day uh whole bunch of |
348s | different range of |
350s | factors very cool and then oh go ahead |
353s | yeah no no sorry go ahead the board will |
356s | attempt to deliver uh commissions that |
358s | are relevant to these areas and they |
360s | will try to lead you into areas where |
362s | more content can be found kind of like a |
364s | cascading effect of uh commissions and |
367s | and events and and just general things |
370s | to do okay speaking of events I see I |
372s | just had a popup here a pale hornless |
375s | Minotaur is idling nearby and beckons me |
379s | interesting so that is a call out for |
383s | one of our side quests which are they're |
385s | like commissions but but but better uh |
388s | Tony do you want to talk about those a |
389s | little bit |
391s | yeah side quests are like commissions |
393s | you know what you're getting with them |
395s | you you go go to a commission board and |
398s | pick out your car as what you want but |
400s | side quests these are a variety of |
403s | quests with a variety of of objectives |
406s | that are exist in the actual World |
409s | itself so they can be hidden in various |
414s | ways and so during your adventures you |
418s | want to pay attention around you cuz one |
420s | might pop up on your map and you if |
422s | you're lucky you might notice it and be |
424s | able to obtain it and it might lead into |
427s | a really big Quest chain cool or in the |
430s | very least connect to a larger story |
432s | awesome and I'm looking at one of these |
434s | guys here his name is many exiled |
436s | Berserker now we've seen minitar in the |
439s | past but minotaurs actually are a minor |
443s | faction in ashes and and there are |
445s | different um tribes of minitar and |
448s | different uh kind of species influence |
451s | for the minotaurs this guy apparently is |
454s | friendly so I could talk with him okay |
456s | cool look at this guy it's got a little |
458s | profile going on watch yourself godling |
462s | my Ki work nearby and they shall Brook |
465s | no |
469s | intrusion you save yourself somebody on |
471s | voice acting perfect I love it I said I |
474s | love it it is so cool no the the writing |
476s | is is is impeccable it's impeccable um |
480s | okay let's talk to him why is he |
481s | standing here okay so he's trying to |
484s | deliver some pus to his brother uh but |
487s | he's forbidden to see |
489s | him okay let's see if I can take it over |
492s | there uh he's too weak to fight that's a |
495s | rude thing to say about your brother |
498s | um knows his limitations you know okay |
501s | so I've received a minitar pus and I see |
504s | here I have some rewards just to deliver |
506s | this um that includes some dull glitch |
510s | some experience and some cheap |
512s | coin yep so uh side quest can give a |
516s | variety of rewards uh they're bespoke |
518s | for the side quest itself so uh as you |
521s | progress this chain of side quests here |
524s | you can you can unlock things that are |
525s | specific toward minotaurs whether it's |
527s | like their rare sort of crafting Regents |
529s | uh recipes for their stuff um all kinds |
532s | of different things can pop up and uh |
535s | just like any of our spawning |
537s | systems uh like with what Tyler is |
540s | getting at with the commission board um |
542s | they all are reading World states to |
544s | determine what is allowed to spawn and |
547s | where it should spawn and things like |
548s | that so different side quests can appear |
550s | depending on the world State as well |
552s | okay very cool all right I see here I |
555s | have this guy named |
557s | Maho or girl yes that is who you should |
559s | be delivering your pus to and also they |
562s | have an available quest for |
564s | me as |
566s | well I have brought aus from your |
571s | brother let's see here yes I'll accept |
574s | that reward very |
576s | nice a look at him he's kind of they're |
581s | stretching see if he's got something |
582s | else for me so this kind of leads us |
584s | down the daisy chain like Tony was |
585s | talking about of you know different |
588s | connective tissues of story throughout |
590s | the world relate either to the |
592s | commission the events or story arcs in |
595s | general |
596s | exactly uh and the |
600s | especially like missions and side quests |
603s | like those in completing those you're |
605s | going to be participating |
608s | in activity Maps which you've laid all |
611s | around here and those can spawn events |
615s | those can make a number of things happen |
616s | which then will in turn influence you |
618s | know further spawns that can happen and |
619s | things like that okay cool and I also |
621s | see you know this is obviously thematic |
623s | right it relates to kind of our |
625s | progression of itemization I see this |
627s | person has a a recipe for a store STM |
629s | caller's axe he is also talking about an |
633s | event that relates to some type of it |
636s | looks like storm beneath the stone |
638s | Shadows |
640s | perhaps correct uh so that event is not |
643s | currently happening but uh you can |
645s | provoke that event uh basically by |
648s | working on your |
649s | commission uh to slay minitar that will |
652s | that will draw out their their leader |
654s | whose name is Yuna um but it's sort of |
657s | incumbent upon you and other players to |
660s | to provoke that event got it okay so so |
663s | provocation means essentially I need to |
666s | kill |
667s | 10 uh 10 minur 10 basically Minotaur any |
672s | type of Minotaur here and that's just |
673s | for your commission the activity map is |
675s | actually a separate tally a separate |
677s | counter we've tuned it down for the |
679s | purpose of the live stream because it's |
680s | just you here but other players that had |
682s | grabbed that commission from the node |
684s | might be here as well helping and that |
685s | would that would progress that counter a |
687s | lot more |
688s | rapidly |
690s | good luck with the birds oh no my gosh |
693s | this guy summoned a bunch of birds ah |
695s | got him cool so the summon the summon |
698s | creatures actually dissipate with the uh |
700s | NPC that you kill the the correct the |
705s | Summoner and the world team has done a |
707s | very very good job with the like setting |
710s | up the encounters here and the points of |
712s | interest I think are looking great and |
715s | they feel great to play through they |
716s | counter are difficult if you're not |
717s | careful um if you're pulling multi mobs |
720s | I don't know who would do such a thing I |
721s | know my God I hey that's why I have |
723s | sleep that's true |
729s | yeah that was a nice Arc thank you it |
734s | was |
736s | beautiful go |
744s | away oh |
748s | no |
750s | oh God oh my God no no no not even his |
753s | final |
755s | form let sleep the other |
764s | guy oh that did not work a quick release |
767s | there I might need to use some |
770s | potions yeah the Berserkers are really |
772s | tough when they're on top of you like |
777s | that okay hold on let's put put some ice |
779s | down in front of |
781s | him I'm out of Mana oh |
784s | no oh God I'm totally out of |
789s | Mana got a plan ahead when you're uh |
792s | adventuring by yourself in |
794s | Vera okay here we go here we go here we |
796s | go and uh one one thing you'll see about |
799s | the commission board and how it |
801s | generates it commissions um one thing is |
803s | that all players uh in the node will see |
806s | the same commissions so there is a |
809s | really good chance when you take one of |
811s | these from the board that there will be |
813s | many other players fighting alongside |
815s | you and that's how we get those like |
817s | large activity uh map generation to |
820s | start spawning |
823s | events yeah that that is I mean |
825s | obviously these these help to kind of |
827s | you know move player traffic throughout |
830s | the world because as we said nodes act |
833s | as a hub and one of the ways they they |
836s | they direct player traffic is obviously |
839s | through the commissions the buy orders |
841s | you know things that that essentially |
843s | are are supplying that Demand right of |
846s | activity or action from the player um |
849s | and then what what the players choose to |
851s | do is essentially the agency that's |
853s | provided and helping to dictate how the |
856s | world state will change and I think |
858s | that's obviously you know questing is a |
861s | is a kind of standard and staple tried |
863s | true method of of of core gameplay Loop |
867s | that players come to expect from MMOs |
869s | but what they haven't traditionally seen |
871s | is the followup of how those actions |
873s | that the players participate in yield a |
876s | response from the environment from the |
877s | server from from a historical identity |
881s | that now can be kind of seen in the |
883s | world um and we're to see that here |
886s | right yeah and that's not to say that |
888s | our Quest content doesn't get much more |
891s | complicated especially when you start |
893s | getting involved in story arcs at that |
894s | level uh but this is all sort of you |
897s | know story ARS don't happen without |
899s | nodes being built up and and nodes don't |
901s | get built up without players doing |
903s | commissions and grinding experience and |
904s | things like that so um all this stuff |
907s | does uh all play together and creates a |
909s | very nice Loop to like unlocking the uh |
913s | the bigger more complicated adventuring |
921s | content |
923s | um |
925s | and storx as well like are also one of |
928s | the potential predicates for for side |
930s | quests and things like this starting so |
932s | uh as you Lev with your node and that |
935s | begins more story arcs even more content |
937s | related to those stories as they |
938s | progress in real time um become |
944s | available oh how many do I have so far I |
948s | have |
950s | seven |
952s | oh okay so you sufficently sufficiently |
956s | agitated the minitar and they've brought |
957s | out their leader uh the storm |
960s | caller uh and he comes with a storm oh |
964s | very cool |
966s | okay this is pretty awesome doubly so |
969s | because since you instigated this event |
971s | which changed the weather that will also |
974s | now influence spawns nearby uh you could |
976s | potentially be spawning well you are |
978s | spawning uh side quests that relate to |
981s | the Rain uh changes in enemies that |
983s | relate to the Rain um and that's just |
986s | that's driven on player action so it's |
988s | it is like a feedback loop away as well |
990s | all right very cool so I see obviously |
992s | the weather here as you said has changed |
995s | uh it is now raining and the wind is |
998s | picking up um and I also see that there |
1001s | is lightning that ooh looks a lizard |
1005s | little |
1006s | hazardous yes uh that lightning will |
1010s | hurt you very bad if it strikes you uh |
1013s | weather events and and encounters |
1014s | themselves can include hazards like that |
1016s | that can appear um and shake things up |
1019s | they can also it can also help too if |
1020s | you can kite enemies into the lightning |
1022s | strikes or whatever very cool now do I |
1025s | have a I think I might need a little |
1026s | team for this this seems to be a lot of |
1028s | uh of stream there's quite a lot of them |
1029s | there I I I'm perched up on this hill if |
1032s | you guys are nearby and want to join |
1034s | me uh let me see if I can find |
1037s | you yeah so you starting that event |
1040s | would have like we can see that from |
1042s | quite far away which would if if players |
1044s | weren't already here for the purpos of |
1045s | the commissions they might be tempted by |
1047s | the event as well you can invite you |
1049s | into our party |
1050s | here let me just gather some of these |
1054s | bushes yay there's some minur just to |
1057s | behind you Tyler watch |
1059s | out all right wait where where's Tony we |
1062s | need Tony he's right here oh no wait |
1064s | where is he I'm here oh here I'm wearing |
1067s | a lot of armor I'm not going into that |
1068s | lightning oh God oh God maybe we can |
1071s | kill one of the minotaurs with the |
1074s | tree looks like youa died to the |
1077s | lightning oh my God serious seriously |
1080s | yeah all right let's do this Leroy let's |
1084s | go kill |
1089s | him all right so these are the storm |
1091s | Weavers that he was trying to kill I see |
1093s | this guy over |
1097s | here I will call the |
1102s | lightning oh I have a Healer that's |
1105s | nice I got your |
1107s | back |
1113s | oh I need to get my back oh no |
1119s | wait just them into |
1121s | the lighting oh there's a supply |
1130s | chest oh no oh no you two are going |
1135s | down wait let me sleep him let me sleep |
1137s | him I'm going to sleep him |
1141s | okay all right hold on he's |
1143s | asleep let's see if we can get a bolt of |
1145s | lightning we need some |
1148s | lightning well several of them have died |
1151s | that as well I'm ashes I'm ashes and |
1154s | Ashes so oh maybe we can get you res |
1157s | up hold on I'm going to the Healer I'm |
1159s | going to keep him keep him slept while |
1162s | you guys come |
1164s | back wait for |
1167s | it sleeping the are pretty hard to move |
1171s | yeah they |
1174s | are oh you know what we need to show off |
1176s | as well that we didn't show off last |
1177s | time oh here we go |
1181s | oh oh my |
1183s | gosh somebody res |
1186s | me can't res just a sword somebody |
1189s | somebody get back here and res me oh |
1191s | there he goes he just got hit |
1197s | got oh no okay I got 45 seconds before I |
1201s | got to |
1203s | release that Tyler's coming oh sweet |
1211s | yes oh nice okay all right very cool |
1215s | very cool let me grab some of my |
1218s | stuff great I'll grab some of your stuff |
1221s | as well oh yeah help yourself thank you |
1225s | let me actually get this Supply |
1227s | chest so this is just the reward for |
1230s | participating in the event so even |
1231s | people that didn't have the side quest |
1233s | to do the event could still get rewards |
1236s | from |
1237s | participating Oh okay that's cool that's |
1240s | awesome and again guys this is all a |
1242s | work in progress still right there's |
1244s | this is a very functional |
1247s | um implementation currently of the |
1249s | system um and there will be additional |
1251s | controls where you can um split raid |
1255s | essentially and each person can interact |
1256s | with the supply chest and get their |
1258s | reward from the |
1261s | event uh oh |
1264s | God rabbit oh no not the |
1267s | rabbits oh let me kill these guys real |
1270s | quick I'm going to sleep that battle |
1272s | priest while you guys murder the |
1274s | rabbits they're |
1277s | gone |
1282s | okay there we go all right now we've |
1286s | cleared this little portion |
1289s | but obviously the the weather is still |
1291s | active um and that's because the Zone |
1293s | has changed kind of to the activity that |
1295s | we've that we have presented |
1298s | here yep uh so that means there's some |
1300s | new opportunities together or New |
1302s | Opportunities available for you we can |
1303s | we can leave you to carry on turning |
1305s | your quest yeah it was an honor by the |
1307s | way yeah no just glad to be here glad |
1311s | thanks for the carry Stephen yeah |
1313s | absolutely no problem yeah yeah I |
1315s | definitely couldn't have done it without |
1316s | you grab that Minotaur pigment |
1319s | uh I see a sudden scholar has also |
1321s | spawned oh and I see the I see the event |
1323s | is still going there that's cool um that |
1325s | just to collect the rewards here let me |
1327s | go over to this sudden |
1330s | scholar where is that at so talk to me a |
1333s | little bit about this weather system |
1335s | right that's pretty cool that we had the |
1336s | uh environmental hazards that spawned |
1338s | and that doesn't just pertain to the |
1340s | event right these these types of weather |
1341s | systems they can kind of be anywhere in |
1344s | the world yes so just like regular |
1346s | weather they can also they can also just |
1348s | spawn based on a number of of like |
1351s | variables in the environment like |
1353s | precipitation and things like that um so |
1356s | you'll you you can get weather naturally |
1357s | but uh players can also affect it too |
1359s | and and that can it can be more than |
1361s | just the weather like |
1362s | there's uh STS and and side quests that |
1365s | can do things like placing an eternal |
1368s | Knight in an area change the seasons and |
1370s | things like that they can be quite quite |
1373s | Stark um and all those things like like |
1375s | we mentioned before create new and |
1377s | different opportunities for or uh what |
1380s | types of content you might |
1382s | find oh no I'm sorry give me a |
1390s | second oh no are you still in trouble |
1393s | Stephen do need to help you again no I'm |
1396s | I'm I'm doing fine okay I'm doing |
1399s | fine I'm going take my pigment and get |
1401s | out of here okay there we |
1403s | go talk to me a little bit about kind of |
1406s | these um this area the minotaurs as a as |
1410s | a faction and kind of what um you know |
1414s | how the spawners can kind of change |
1416s | around the world to represent that |
1417s | player |
1418s | activity uh yeah it's especially |
1420s | prevalent with the Minotaur who are |
1422s | nomadic uh so these minitar in |
1426s | particular are interested |
1427s | in like spiritual sites so sites that |
1430s | have to do with like ferary rights and |
1433s | things like that of ancient alens and uh |
1437s | that's that ties a lot into into the |
1438s | story of this this POI which is called |
1441s | Titan ring um all that stuff gets |
1444s | developed in other side quests and uh |
1447s | and and St |
1448s | potentially uh that can come can come |
1452s | around because like you mentioned before |
1453s | these aren't just necessarily menar all |
1454s | the time there are other things that can |
1456s | be happening here um depending on the |
1458s | state of the world got it umide aspect I |
1461s | see Luna here for example she spawned as |
1463s | a side quest because this rain event |
1466s | occurred correct yes she is one of the |
1470s | side quests that are attached to the |
1471s | Rain State okay cool she wants me to |
1474s | defeat some myelon along the lonely Oak |
1477s | Creek which I assume is up |
1480s | ahead it's yeah right around the corner |
1482s | there from you oh okay very cool all |
1485s | right let's take a look I love the |
1487s | stormy effect I think the obviously |
1489s | players have seen our uh season system |
1493s | in place but we haven't really seen a |
1495s | bit more of the um weather events and |
1498s | this looks great I think Todd did a |
1500s | great job on the kind of rain effect |
1502s | here sounds good um I love the the wpo |
1507s | on the trees and the |
1509s | wind cool yeah uh the standarded |
1513s | environment really really really shine |
1516s | in this game I really love the work that |
1517s | they're doing on |
1518s | it uh so if you follow the River South |
1521s | uh cuz you do still have that commission |
1523s | that you you picked up very early on to |
1524s | go to the Oak and Bay Overlook which is |
1527s | not too far from where you are it's just |
1528s | south of you a little ways um and that |
1531s | is kind of uh you wanted to check out |
1534s | Oaken Bane anyway and that that will |
1535s | take you to a really nice place to to |
1537s | take a look at it all right let me um so |
1540s | you can you can clear the Ming along the |
1541s | way I notic you notic you forgot to turn |
1543s | in your uni Quest that's okay which |
1547s | one your did you turn in your storm |
1549s | Color Quest oh I think I didn't let me |
1551s | go where do I where do I turn that in at |
1553s | back at the uh yeah bring it back to M |
1556s | okay I'm sorry I can do that |
1559s | I just want I just want to make sure |
1560s | that you get your your quest rewards you |
1562s | know all right let me grab |
1565s | it you can give stepen a little sherp of |
1568s | actually you know what I can I can |
1570s | probably let me |
1573s | um let me just run back there real |
1577s | quick I'm on my |
1580s | way or actually can I complete it from |
1584s | here side quests |
1587s | no you can't yeah yeah side quests have |
1590s | to go back to either their either the |
1593s | place that the commission was or the |
1594s | side quest was given or uh also |
1597s | potentially other places the side quest |
1599s | will specify where you're supposed to |
1600s | bring your |
1603s | completion right and a lot of times |
1605s | those that's because they're leading you |
1608s | to another place that might hold |
1610s | something else related to that side |
1612s | quest you just completed not all the |
1614s | time but but that's one of the intents |
1619s | yeah very cool yeah bread crumbing is |
1623s | very important for |
1625s | these I'm going back to Maho that's |
1628s | right yeah okay let's see where is Maho |
1632s | he is right there on your left oh okay |
1637s | sweet oh my |
1640s | friend yaa is |
1644s | dead uh yes that is very true he did put |
1648s | a little bit of a fight but the weather |
1649s | actually was to his detriment as well |
1653s | yeah Okay cool so I'm going to get the |
1655s | the storm collar recipe uh additional |
1658s | minitar pigment which is obviously uh a |
1661s | rare material component that's probably |
1663s | used uh in CRA it is specifically for |
1666s | crafting Minotaur objects yeah nice |
1668s | awesome okay so these different factions |
1672s | hold unique rewards that are delivered |
1674s | both through the questing as well as |
1675s | drop tables uh for the minotaurs and |
1678s | other you know local environments that |
1681s | contribute directly to crafting those |
1683s | types of items yeah the minaar pigments |
1685s | are actually pretty rare So that we just |
1687s | got a little bit lucky there but uh the |
1689s | side quests are a nice way to get a |
1690s | guaranteed little injection of |
1696s | them um and yeah there's there's stuff |
1699s | like that for all of the factions |
1702s | especially ones that |
1703s | have uh like a set of crafting like |
1707s | crafting sets and go cool very cool all |
1710s | right I am headed back this way I |
1714s | believe is that right did I under the |
1717s | you need to make your way back toward |
1718s | that I you can get there straight from |
1720s | the way you were going but oh okay cool |
1723s | go back this way you do you have the |
1724s | melan kills uh I can't see let me see |
1730s | here I don't think you have them |
1732s | yet I don't think so although I see some |
1735s | melion down here now yeah |
1738s | yeah I mentioned just cuz the over the |
1740s | Overlook was fairly close to where you |
1742s | just were all right yeah it's that very |
1744s | last objective you have in your tracker |
1747s | all |
1748s | right oh my |
1750s | gosh that was |
1753s | unfortunate yeah the |
1755s | uh NPC teams like I think they've done |
1759s | just an incredible job lately with the |
1762s | the fights |
1763s | like I feel like the encounters are |
1766s | getting very very fun and dynamic |
1770s | vared absolutely they are getting very |
1772s | CL very good actually challenging right |
1774s | now that we're having good |
1776s | representative kind of progression |
1777s | within the A2 world oh that little dude |
1780s | disappeared um was T's parent that you |
1783s | destroyed okay let me see if I can avoid |
1785s | these guys I'm getting some type of |
1788s | injury they actually yeah they they will |
1791s | poison you sit down |
1794s | here nope not going to sit down there |
1798s | let me move forward probably not going |
1801s | to sit down there |
1803s | either oh no we're doing the old |
1807s | trainer I don't I can't I'm pot |
1810s | committed I am pot committed it's |
1813s | happening it is happening uh where do I |
1816s | need to go just turn around turn okay |
1819s | all right all right the Overlook is like |
1821s | on those ruins just to your right to the |
1823s | right up there yeah that's the top of |
1825s | the room so go left here |
1828s | oh |
1830s | no what are we |
1833s | doing break left go up the I'm going to |
1836s | go up oh |
1838s | God oh my |
1843s | God are you doing this no I'm not I'm |
1845s | really not I'm really not I swear I |
1847s | swear I'm just trying to run okay to the |
1850s | right here I'm just running here let me |
1851s | put some |
1853s | some okay up here I didn't know we were |
1856s | going to see a mimic |
1858s | I did not know we were going to see a |
1859s | mimic either holy |
1862s | smokes |
1864s | ah can I go to the right the Overlook |
1867s | The Overlook is to your right I don't |
1868s | know if it's safe to even go up there |
1870s | with this many he chasing you but uh |
1873s | hold on let me just see if I can sleep |
1876s | them oh okay they're fleeing they're |
1880s | Le I wonder if I can kill this thing oh |
1883s | no definitely cannot kill that |
1886s | thing um yeah it's level 20 okay they're |
1890s | fling they're FL okay good good okay we |
1893s | did it and we did it thank you somehow |
1896s | amazing amazing you survive that uh oh |
1900s | my God okay up the uh so the Overlook is |
1905s | up on top of these ruins here yeah you |
1907s | can climb up the ruins okay so this is |
1910s | for uh the oak Bane Overlook got it yeah |
1916s | okay |
1918s | okay this is also a little bit of a |
1920s | dangerous area yep all right let's go oh |
1924s | can't go this way either there's a |
1926s | little watch D Jeremy made sure that |
1929s | it's pretty hard to sneak around through |
1930s | here |
1935s | okay let just see oh |
1942s | God |
1946s | nice oh God oh |
1950s | God oh no guys everybody look away IM |
1955s | muffs IM muffs I |
1957s | [Laughter] |
1959s | muffs and we're good we're good let me |
1961s | just pick up all these things that I |
1963s | died with and that's |
1966s | good and I normally don't want to do |
1969s | that but I am trying to |
1971s | just I didn't know that guy was going to |
1973s | spin to win right as I was uh trying to |
1978s | pass |
1980s | him that's a that's a Berserker for you |
1982s | just when you at least expect it I know |
1984s | and watch I'm probably going to get him |
1986s | low here and he's going to probably get |
1988s | some temp Health as |
1991s | usual there's the temp |
1995s | Health |
2000s | go got at least he spun one that time |
2003s | and it didn't work out for him yeah that |
2005s | was a nice shatter look at that that was |
2006s | a nice shatter thank you thank you Tyler |
2009s | I appreciate the additional support |
2010s | there right now the stream is most |
2012s | definitely roasting |
2016s | me okay so I'm I'm assuming since this |
2019s | is getting a view of Oak Bane that I |
2021s | should be up here yeah it's also marked |
2024s | on your map and and implied in the in |
2026s | the quest text that you're supposed to |
2027s | CL up here but oh okay this is a |
2029s | beautiful view actually |
2034s | yep nice we did it we have discovered |
2038s | the location oh the node is there |
2042s | okay wow look at this |
2046s | view oh my God what is |
2048s | this so yeah when nodes level up they |
2051s | will create new content new story arcs |
2053s | will start and story arcs are very big |
2056s | like big area changing things that can |
2058s | happen right like we saw with Carin like |
2061s | we saw with Carin uh this is one for |
2063s | Oaken |
2064s | Bane oh my gosh that is cool |
2069s | oh I want to go down there and check it |
2071s | out uh it'd be it'd be pretty pretty |
2075s | tough a long drop |
2078s | yeah ow oh okay I made |
2081s | it oh this is awesome okay so so this |
2084s | area now has entered into a story arc |
2088s | correct uh and you're you're not right |
2092s | near where the questgivers would would |
2094s | would get you kind of started on the |
2095s | story for this but they're not far |
2098s | um and uh and yeah these would be the |
2101s | the quests involved in St are a little |
2103s | bit more complicated than commission |
2104s | style and side quest style quests but |
2107s | um there's there's a whole big long |
2111s | chain to deal with the dark magic that |
2113s | you just saw settling in over this once |
2116s | sacred resting place for old Heroes W I |
2118s | love it this looks great well this was |
2121s | quite a presentation obviously it was |
2123s | really enjoyable to kind of go through |
2125s | you know commissions and and and give |
2127s | the community an insight to Alpha 2 kind |
2130s | of what their daily activities are going |
2132s | to include but more importantly how |
2135s | those |
2136s | commissions change the state of the |
2139s | world around you and kick off these |
2142s | almost Domino likee effects with regards |
2144s | to events and side quests in the story |
2147s | arcs where you constantly see a changing |
2149s | world around you that is really the |
2152s | promise of Ashes um and as the world |
2154s | changes you're a part of building what's |
2157s | to come next so Scott Tony Tyler thank |
2162s | you very much for joining me and thank |
2164s | you for all the hard work you guys have |
2165s | been doing it's really paying off and |
2166s | it's looking really really fun thanks |
2169s | for having us it's great to show it yeah |
2171s | thank you so much absolutely and |
2172s | everyone I'll see you guys back on |
2174s | stream real soon bye everybody |
2182s | [Music] |
2186s | bye |