5 months
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | every single month since September I've |
6s | said the exact same thing and that is |
9s | this is the best live stream of the year |
11s | uh this is the best live stream of the |
12s | year I'm going to come out and I'm just |
14s | going to say it it was a 10 for |
16s | me cuz it's like dang like Intrepid is |
19s | cooking and the reason that we're having |
21s | this cooking fing is because they have |
23s | the great developers and the great team |
25s | that they have on right |
26s | [Music] |
28s | now guys I'm trying not to be such a fan |
31s | girl right now but I'm going to lose my |
33s | I can't I oh my God I can probably speak |
37s | for a lot of people whenever I say I am |
39s | so excited to see what it's going to be |
41s | like take the first steps into it and |
44s | really have that experience |
48s | [Music] |
60s | ashes of creation October development |
62s | update and of course we have launched |
65s | Alpha 2 which has been really exciting |
67s | for us here in the office um we hope |
69s | that everyone has been well and safe |
71s | over the month we have |
73s | been very busy to say the least um |
77s | obviously Alpha 2 is launched now so |
79s | we'll be talking a little bit about that |
81s | we're going to be hopping into the game |
82s | and playing with folks we've already |
85s | have some players who have found us in |
86s | the world so um we can see you guys but |
90s | before we do so introductions here |
92s | obviously I'm Margaret cron I'm our |
94s | director of communications and with me |
95s | as always is stevenh Sherie our creative |
97s | director we also have Bill tro with us |
99s | which is our director of design you guys |
101s | got to meet him last uh update and we |
104s | also have Brian Langford our executive |
105s | producer who has joined us quite a few |
107s | times I feel like we usually invite you |
109s | every February so this is like a double |
112s | they get a |
113s | double annual shot with |
116s | you also there you go um and a new face |
120s | has joined us for those of you who are |
122s | pretty close knit in our community |
123s | you've probably met Jacob through other |
125s | means um as he has been speaking uh in |
128s | our Discord and stuff like that |
129s | throughout our pre-alpha 2 as well as |
131s | with pi but Jacob welcome he's our |
135s | producer Jacob producer a let's go I'm |
139s | in yeah so let's first uh do like a |
142s | little quick intro for Jacob we usually |
143s | do this for all our new folks can you |
145s | walk kind of walk us through a little |
146s | bit about like what a lead producer does |
149s | here at interpet Studios cuz I think |
150s | that's one of people are curious about |
152s | that first yeah everything yeah as as |
156s | much as possible like to be the producer |
158s | EST of them all um now lead producer |
161s | here is a really cool gig uh it's all |
164s | about facilitating and supporting what |
167s | the vision is figuring out how to |
169s | deliver it working with the developers |
171s | making sure that you know our processes |
173s | work for them making sure that we either |
175s | have the right ones or get rid of the |
177s | wrong ones and then it's you know get |
179s | organized get ready get into a rhythm |
182s | and you know find ways to succeed it is |
185s | all about setting people up to succeed |
188s | that is the gig um and it's a |
190s | challenging one in an MMO like this um |
194s | in this in this Engine with what we're |
197s | up to like there's enough to work on |
200s | that's for sure and and we have we have |
202s | quite quite a journey we have a lot to |
204s | work on obviously Alpha 2 is just the |
206s | start it's not the game isn't finished |
208s | again we keep reminding people this is a |
210s | testing phase we are you know testing |
213s | things as a true Alpha unlike probably |
215s | some of the alphas that you've played |
216s | before which is like usually just a port |
218s | of a game um can you kind of tell us a |
221s | little bit about your history uh you |
223s | know getting till you got here at an |
225s | Intrepid yeah yeah um dang well mostly |
230s | because I love MMOs uh always always |
234s | have started in EQ like I don't know 99 |
237s | 2000 somewhere in there um |
242s | and then the rest of us were just like |
244s | little babies playing I was I was |
246s | playing Bill's game 20 years ago now I |
248s | get the like so many of |
251s | us I was like it was I I think that's |
253s | how I learned English the best because |
255s | like there were some really good writing |
257s | in that game oh yeah so I just you know |
260s | I've Loved MMOs for a long time um and |
264s | you know the this is the 23rd year in |
268s | the industry for me shipped a lot lot of |
270s | stuff I've worked with some really cool |
272s | teams I was super lucky to work on DSX |
276s | and Thief when I first started in the |
278s | industry then I got to work on games |
280s | like Mortal Kombat and uh strangle hold |
283s | and Blitz and Ballers and then I started |
285s | making MMOs with the old net devil crew |
289s | um we made Lego Universe together which |
291s | was a super good time uh and then from |
294s | there I spent about a decade working |
297s | across the pond as they say on the tanks |
300s | and Master of Orion and different |
302s | different products like that for |
303s | wargaming so been here for 11 Milestones |
308s | why why did you decide to come here I |
310s | think that that's kind of like the |
311s | transition I think I think it's probably |
313s | the same reason that most people are |
315s | playing today like they believe in the |
316s | product they believe in the vision you |
319s | know like as a producer kind of |
321s | parachuting into a team it's what you do |
324s | like teams are teams and that's cool um |
326s | but I really respected the vision that |
327s | Stephen had and the way that he had put |
329s | the team together and the people that |
331s | were on the team that I could work with |
333s | and that I could learn from even though |
336s | it's 23 years in the industry I learned |
338s | stuff every day um about how to how to |
340s | do better and how to win so it's been |
343s | pretty cool ride I think the the most |
346s | compelling part of coming to this place |
349s | was was the vision of the product right |
352s | I I want this game badly I play it a lot |
355s | I'm gonna play it today I'm gonna play |
357s | it this weekend Amen brother yeah and I |
360s | think kind of my last one I always ask |
362s | people is kind of walk us through maybe |
364s | like your favorite MMO memory sometimes |
366s | it's hard to pick just one yeah so if |
368s | you have multiple you could share maybe |
369s | multiple it's cool it was a I was |
372s | thinking about it it's a it the thing |
374s | that always comes to the top of my my |
376s | mind is playing Dark Age of Camelot I |
379s | think it was on yeah D wiir and I was |
382s | rolling uh oh super gimped cabalist oh |
386s | they were so bad but um yeah anyways |
389s | played that so the moment that is is big |
391s | for me was a paladin rolls up I'm |
394s | farming trying to get to like 48 and he |
398s | just shows me how it's done and I was |
401s | like dude just kidding I was like I play |
403s | with Paladin so that's so Uber and it |
405s | was in we got into this conversation |
407s | about Uber because that was the |
409s | terminology at that time like you're so |
411s | Uber and he's like you know what you're |
413s | only Uber if other people say it I was |
415s | like all right let's go |
420s | that is true cabalists were never Uber |
423s | but um that was a good moment for me I |
426s | love it of course today we are here |
428s | we're going to talk a little bit about |
429s | some reminders I'll try to be quick |
431s | about them so we can get to the fun and |
432s | of course the big thing that we're going |
434s | to do is just kind of play Alpha too we |
436s | really want to just hop in game and be |
438s | with you guys uh we'll answer a ton of |
440s | questions we're going to be pulling |
441s | those questions live at the end as well |
442s | and as I see things throughout the |
444s | stream I'll also bring those in but we |
445s | have some other things that we want to |
446s | talk with you guys about while we play |
449s | um but of course of course first and |
450s | foremost um we do want to Spotlight our |
453s | YouTube comment as we always do don't |
455s | forget you can subscribe to us over on |
456s | YouTube and follow us in all of the |
458s | places we are ashes of creation um if |
460s | you subscribe to us over on YouTube and |
461s | you make sure that you do it as a public |
463s | subscriber I know it's a little weird um |
465s | you leave us a comment on our |
466s | development update your comment could be |
468s | spotlighted today's random selected |
471s | person is from Edward edwardes and they |
475s | would like to know how does Intrepid |
476s | think about the game being spoiled due |
478s | to the alpha reveal |
480s | revealing too much through content |
482s | creators before the actual launch and we |
484s | do want to do a shout out thank you to |
485s | all the content creators who um have |
487s | been streaming the game we've sent out |
489s | like a little brief for folks and we'll |
491s | go over some of that stuff throughout |
492s | the stream here today as well but |
494s | Stephen I'll let you take that yeah I |
496s | mean that that is that is a good |
498s | question and you know it's it's part of |
501s | obviously what |
504s | um what makes doing transparent |
506s | development uh a bit gunshy31 |
510s | projects obviously is right that idea of |
512s | spoiling uh content of spoiling the |
514s | experience of had other people take your |
515s | ideas but our approach has been one to |
518s | kind of embrace this philosophy of |
521s | Engagement with the players early so |
523s | that we can ensure the systems that |
525s | we're building the content that we're |
526s | making is the content that players want |
529s | to play and there's going to be a lot of |
531s | road ahead of that that we're going to |
532s | continue to develop new content and |
534s | introduce that new content and as the |
536s | testing continues you're going to see |
538s | that content get filled in through the |
540s | world and you know what we're trying to |
543s | create is a tool set that players can |
545s | create their own emergent experiences |
548s | with right that is our kind of sandbox |
550s | approach to the world um and in that |
553s | sense you know it's hard to spoil those |
556s | because they're Dynamic you don't know |
557s | what's going to happen when you give |
559s | players the tools to make those |
560s | experiences right the most memorable |
563s | experiences that many of us have are the |
565s | ones that we have created ourselves in |
567s | those games that we've played in the |
569s | past and so so while it's necessary |
571s | obviously for us to test through this |
573s | content to to have these alphas and |
576s | betas you know help us develop the game |
578s | with your guys's input um it is it's not |
581s | really what's at the essence of Ashes of |
583s | creation as a title that essence of |
586s | Ashes of cre creation is the dynamicism |
588s | is the player driven agencies that |
591s | create the world and the story of each |
593s | unique server um so you know there is an |
596s | opportunity for people to be spoiled if |
598s | they follow the game and they in those |
600s | things the great thing is you don't have |
602s | to follow ashes of creation you don't |
603s | have to watch those content creators |
605s | right now you will be aware when we |
607s | launch the game and you can come back |
609s | and play it at that time if it's very |
611s | important for you not to have U the |
613s | experiences the curated kind of designs |
616s | um uh spoiled so I don't know Bill if |
618s | you have any we haven't really been |
620s | we've been trying to be clo keeping the |
621s | lore stuff kind of close too absolutely |
624s | yeah yeah yeah no I think you covered it |
626s | you know we talked about this a little |
628s | bit last time of making sure that we're |
629s | you know know leaving room for the |
630s | players to tell their stories because |
632s | those are the important ones um and |
634s | we're just constantly going to be adding |
637s | new stuff and there's going to |
638s | constantly be new situations and story |
641s | arcs that are coming in and so it's it's |
644s | always going to be different every time |
645s | you uh come into Vera and it's you know |
649s | uh just making sure that we're seeding |
650s | the world with enough stuff to allow the |
653s | players to tell compelling stories |
655s | absolutely and and obviously you know |
656s | with Alpha 2 starting today you know |
660s | as we have tried to express very much so |
662s | and you guys are doing a great job in |
663s | the community and content creators in |
665s | helping us deliver this message you know |
667s | the focus around phase one is very much |
669s | around stability and performance and so |
671s | with that regard you know not a lot of |
673s | the content that you're going to be |
674s | seeing played this weekend and next |
676s | weekend um is is focused around that |
680s | content right it's focused around |
681s | instead this performance and and |
682s | stability so um something to keep in |
685s | mind as you're watching phase one is |
688s | we're going to continue to implement to |
690s | polish to flush out these systems with |
692s | the content necessary to help give |
694s | players those tools we're talking |
698s | about with that I just kind of wanted to |
700s | or is there anything else anyone wants |
701s | to add on that front before we move on |
703s | from the YouTube |
705s | Spotlight all right thank you for that |
707s | question or that comment over on our |
709s | YouTube channel of course um I wanted to |
711s | just solidify dates again I think |
714s | sometimes it's been a little confusing |
715s | because we do have so many that we've |
716s | shared um but obviously today is the the |
719s | start of phase one of Alpha 2 as we have |
721s | noted in the past and this is for all of |
724s | those folks who have Alpha 2 access for |
727s | October 25th that means um if you are a |
730s | first wve bundle owner you will not get |
732s | in until November 8th well it's not too |
735s | far away it's coming up here in a week |
737s | or so um and then for our second wave |
740s | bundle users we'll be unlocking on phase |
743s | two on December 20th 2024 and of course |
746s | our third wave bundle folks will be |
747s | joining us in phase three on May May 1st |
750s | in 2025 so just keeping that in mind as |
753s | we we continue to progress it's been |
755s | really exciting um obviously we lifted |
757s | our verbal NDA early on even before we |
760s | launched Alpha 2 so folks could start |
762s | talking about it I'm sure you've seen |
763s | some folks talking about it before but |
765s | now we have lifted the NDA completely |
768s | for our Alpha 2 um Realms so for those |
771s | of those folks who are playing on that |
774s | uh in regards to our PTR we are still |
775s | keeping that under visual NDA so that is |
778s | going to be something that we don't want |
780s | people to share that's going to be |
782s | someplace that we're still putting |
784s | content a little earlier before we push |
786s | it to Alpha 2 just keeping that in mind |
788s | as we move forward I think I've covered |
790s | all the dates there but make sure when |
792s | you're buying stuff on the shop that |
793s | you're reading everything that you're |
794s | purchasing because I think some folks |
796s | weren't reading that you know they don't |
797s | get access until November 8th so just |
799s | being conscious of that |
802s | um got a grave High murdering us all |
806s | iname that's ridiculous oh we will sorry |
810s | guys we just we all just we just got we |
812s | just got murdered in game by or I didn't |
814s | but a couple people did I'll I'll revive |
816s | as soon as he runs away um but to go |
820s | over the last things that we have we |
821s | have our Dev discussion um which uh we |
824s | just put up a little bit ago which is |
826s | about crowd control I know a lot of |
828s | y'all have opinions and thoughts about |
829s | crowd control so make sure that you're |
831s | going over there putting your feedback |
833s | in before we create a report and even if |
835s | you put some feedback in afterwards |
836s | we'll still be addressing those and |
838s | looking at them so |
840s | obviously the sooner you can give us |
841s | feedback the better and Stephen just |
843s | recently did he went on a little tour a |
845s | little content creator tour with a lot |
848s | of our core Community uh content |
850s | creators who I'm sure are streaming |
852s | right now and having a ton of fun um we |
854s | had our 1v1 podcast with vladis gaming U |
858s | definitely go check that one out voices |
859s | of Vera which was kind of a little bit |
861s | more pre-recorded they did a lot of |
863s | video editing on that which was really |
865s | fun and that was with the nice gaming |
867s | and is the Reno Reno one else is there |
870s | anyone else sorry the names are |
873s | different um and then of course our AOC |
875s | discussion round folks we've joined them |
876s | a few times over the years I just got |
879s | that by the way yeah you just got his |
881s | name no |
883s | no I thought maybe you read the is there |
885s | anyone else I thought there was a |
886s | question no no that's his name he spells |
890s | it with three and a one so it's like a |
892s | little oh that's right that's right yeah |
894s | yeah it's him and nice that's right you |
895s | were in a podcast or you were in a |
897s | recording I know that's true I just like |
900s | read it weird at first um and of course |
902s | yo-kai da and mix derson we're over |
905s | there with the aocc discussion and um |
907s | Theory Forge uh which we've done a few |
909s | things with them in the past as well so |
912s | yeah thank you all for being amazing |
913s | people in our community we still have |
914s | some other folks we're going to be doing |
916s | stuff with later down the line maybe |
917s | some in-game oriented things as well um |
920s | some folks have submitted some really |
922s | cool uh kind of proposals for some fun |
925s | in in-game events so we may make make |
927s | some of those come to fruition as well |
929s | so keep being awesome in our community |
931s | we love trying to interact with you guys |
932s | as much as possible obviously uh Steph |
935s | is but one person so we have to schedule |
938s | out his time as best we can Winstead is |
941s | leveling up on |
943s | resna that was |
946s | fast like an hour or two like an hour |
948s | and 15 minutes what the |
951s | heck with that let's well before we head |
954s | into game let's let's people would like |
957s | to know how to pronounce the realm name |
959s | names step so if you could maybe oh yeah |
962s | I think we don't have all six of them up |
964s | right now we are going to be bringing |
965s | them up as needed I believe we started |
967s | with two Na and one EU for now and then |
970s | we we will be bringing things is that |
972s | true all up yeah they're all up and |
975s | three okay yeah they're we started with |
976s | that and then we and we have some more |
978s | we have some more on Deck as necessary |
980s | we know that there are several thousand |
982s | players who are currently in Q waiting |
985s | to enter into the to the Realms to give |
988s | you guys some context if you are right |
989s | now sitting in Q to get into the Alpha 2 |
992s | testing um as players move throughout |
995s | the world and start getting out of the |
997s | starting zone and out of the lion hold |
1000s | um introductory um uh settlement um you |
1004s | will start to see those Q numbers start |
1007s | to release into the game so to speak so |
1009s | you know one thing that I talk about in |
1011s | an FAQ that we released to content |
1013s | creators is you know obviously we have |
1015s | our networking stack that is |
1017s | facilitating you know the the the game |
1019s | right now but it doesn't have all the |
1021s | bells and whistles that are intended |
1022s | those are things that we're still going |
1023s | to be introducing through the course of |
1025s | Alpha 2 such as um our mitigation |
1028s | standards our Dynamic um uh our our |
1031s | Dynamic uh boundaries you know all of |
1033s | those things contribute to how we |
1035s | address player density and player |
1037s | density right now uh is very very high |
1040s | as you can imagine within the starting |
1041s | Realms as we just opened up Alpha 2 so |
1043s | so just be patient with us we also know |
1045s | that there are a few bugs with the |
1047s | queuing system you're seeing the UI |
1049s | right now indicate your position strange |
1052s | strange behavior is happening where |
1053s | you're getting position one and then |
1054s | back to your real position and so on and |
1056s | so forth that is something that we're |
1057s | actively troubleshooting and likely |
1059s | we'll have some hot fixes for um that we |
1061s | won't need to bring the Realms down |
1063s | hopefully in order to implement um so |
1066s | just stay tuned for that and if you're |
1067s | not in Discord by the wayes Absol so |
1071s | don't worry we'll continually try to fix |
1072s | things as we can and if you are a part |
1074s | of testing and you are not in Discord it |
1077s | is highly advised that you do get into |
1079s | our Discord server we do put the uh news |
1082s | in the Alpha 2 Channel um you can stay |
1084s | up to dat there as the community team |
1086s | does a phenomenal job with keeping |
1087s | everybody up to date with impending uh |
1089s | changes hot fixes and uh Interruption uh |
1092s | times yeah and we've made those channels |
1095s | we kind of did something a little |
1096s | different with our forums and as well as |
1098s | our Discord channels for Alpha 2 we made |
1100s | them readable by everybody so even if |
1102s | you are not an alpha 2 player you can |
1105s | still read them but you just won't be |
1106s | able to interact in those unless you are |
1108s | an alpha 2 user but we still have our |
1110s | general forms and general chat if you |
1111s | have want to toss us your feedback and |
1113s | thoughts in other ways if you're |
1114s | somebody who hasn't gotten to play but |
1115s | you've been watching a lot of content |
1117s | creators or whatever it may be yeah um |
1120s | so you want to read us off the The Realm |
1123s | names so oh yes absolutely so are you |
1127s | you went on a little tangent there but |
1128s | that's okay those are good things I |
1131s | know um yes so uh right now we've |
1133s | started with three us Realms and these |
1135s | are located within us Central uh they |
1138s | are named after gods and characters |
1140s | within the lore of Ashes of |
1142s | creation our three us Realms are lenth |
1146s | uh VRA and resna and then I believe we |
1149s | have three EU Realms as well these are |
1151s | located within EU West um and those |
1153s | realm names are arok um lotharia and |
1158s | scha I believe correct and for all the |
1161s | German people out there don't come at us |
1163s | with the arok name I know it's very |
1165s | close to something else in German is it |
1168s | really it yeah there's a word that's |
1170s | like [ __ ] and it's very similar oh |
1173s | well he could probably he is he is God |
1177s | of War he could be a little bit of an |
1180s | [ __ ] but uh I'm German that's why I |
1182s | bring that up um but I think we can just |
1185s | pop into game if we want to transition |
1187s | um there's some people taunting us right |
1189s | now and I know Jacob really wants to |
1191s | murder before you know before before we |
1193s | actually we shouldn't murder |
1194s | anybody I was going to say but um before |
1197s | we actually well no it actually yeah |
1200s | let's do the game no no no I was going |
1201s | to say we could do um we could go |
1203s | through the FAQ content creator thing |
1205s | but I'll let K I think we could do that |
1207s | while we were talking oh yeah yeah that |
1209s | sounds good yeah yeah that totally while |
1211s | we're in game so that we can uh oh all |
1214s | right wait what happened somebody die no |
1216s | we just got to Tech this work all right |
1219s | let's this chickens so Jacob I know that |
1223s | you have been obviously spending a |
1225s | significant amount of time with our uh |
1228s | testing groups over the course of this |
1230s | pre2 testing um and you've been |
1233s | murdering people left and right and |
1235s | running through talk to us a little bit |
1236s | about where we are right now uh this is |
1239s | a a really nice POI uh point of Interest |
1242s | right outside of the Bri Moore farms uh |
1245s | there's some events that spawn here it |
1247s | looks amazing at night when the sun goes |
1249s | down and the light comes through these |
1251s | ruins and the Goblins start start all |
1253s | their fires up uh but we're just going |
1255s | to do a little a little Goblin cleanse |
1258s | over here get some loot there's um some |
1261s | events and maybe some treats hiding up |
1263s | in the top if we are successful at our |
1265s | parkour attempts all uh and mostly we're |
1268s | just going to try and survive and get |
1270s | some fat loots I'm down all right cool |
1274s | let's go get into it and see how busy it |
1276s | is trust is up here I might have lost |
1279s | you guys oh oh no you're good let's go |
1281s | up this um you see that tower on the |
1284s | right with that shiny thing up top oh |
1286s | yeah yeah I want the shiny oh my God |
1290s | how do we get up |
1292s | there follow Jacob be yeah some of our |
1297s | environment um our environment team is |
1300s | awesome and they've been really putting |
1302s | in a bunch of cool stuff here I'm really |
1304s | great at jumping puzzles as we |
1307s | know I so last hey at least you know I I |
1312s | got up there eventually poor Bill |
1316s | didn't that's true |
1320s | oh figure this |
1322s | out get this |
1325s | Shaman so something that is very |
1327s | relevant to Alpha 2 in this stage by the |
1330s | way is that um it's a little rough if |
1334s | you're trying to play solo so highly |
1337s | recommend that for those testers out |
1339s | there that you use the chat system to |
1342s | look at this guy wants gold a a that's |
1346s | sad uh but highly recommend |
1350s | highly recommend beggar in game that you |
1353s | find friends to play with and Ashes of |
1357s | creation as we know is all about uh |
1359s | Community is all about creating you know |
1360s | these pseudo factions that's the whole |
1362s | intent behind the citizenship system |
1364s | within nodes right is to help in the in |
1366s | the religious and social systems is to |
1368s | is to help kind of find you know these |
1370s | pseudo factions that you can become a |
1372s | member of and that can help you |
1374s | throughout the gaming experience and |
1376s | that is especially true in Alpha 2 as we |
1378s | continue to work on content and |
1380s | progression and scaling and tuning and |
1382s | all those things oh he went over here oh |
1385s | here we go I found you oh there's a lot |
1387s | of people over here yep oh God one of |
1390s | the Savage players they saw me flag up |
1393s | and then they ran away that's |
1395s | unfortunate there you go yeah they'll |
1397s | come back they'll come back you were |
1399s | peacocking a little bit it's like hey |
1402s | this is my |
1403s | turf oh God |
1412s | oh whoops my bad oh by the way those of |
1414s | you who play cleric you will probably |
1416s | have |
1418s | noticed that there is a significant |
1421s | update to the cleric visual effects um |
1424s | one in particular that I love is the new |
1426s | communal |
1427s | restoration do do do either of their |
1429s | clerics have that ability right level |
1433s | yet ah let's see how |
1437s | many oh yeah we need be way higher level |
1439s | to get |
1441s | that oh that's good |
1444s | money look it's an MMO there are lots of |
1448s | people there are lots of people people |
1450s | who would have thought love it let's get |
1453s | this flare over here and we'll we'll |
1455s | take a little back route we'll go hit um |
1458s | little Bandit Hill and then maybe we |
1460s | could check out Jim Springs I don't want |
1463s | to be near that guy when he starts |
1464s | swinging |
1465s | around ow that's he hits hard |
1469s | by the way some of you as you're kind of |
1471s | watching other players play today in |
1473s | Alpha 2 um you're going to notice that |
1477s | especially in the starting portal Zone |
1479s | and in the um in the lion hold area that |
1483s | player movement's going to look really |
1485s | kind of stuttery um not so much rubber |
1487s | banding you're not seeing the player |
1489s | location get corrected per se but you're |
1491s | seeing it chug when replicating down to |
1494s | other clients nearby um that is some |
1497s | some performance work that we are |
1498s | current ly working on obviously the |
1499s | whole point of Alpha 2 is to collect |
1501s | that data under load um we are getting |
1503s | great data right now and know that you |
1505s | know over the course of the last few |
1507s | months as well as right now and very |
1509s | much so over the course of the next |
1510s | several weeks um we are going to be |
1512s | drilling in on those issues and |
1514s | Performing fixes and you're going to see |
1516s | remarkable improvements weekend after |
1518s | weekend as we address uh major bugs uh |
1521s | regarding stability and performance lost |
1523s | to Stephen again I'll come back did we |
1525s | lose I'm sorry I'm kind of like I'm in |
1526s | the zone kind of talking where am I |
1529s | going come yeah on the the back Hills OH |
1534s | bring you back this is beautiful loving |
1536s | it Where'd you go you're like on the |
1539s | other side trying to find you oh okay |
1541s | I'm coming I'm coming oh oh my bad yeah |
1544s | I was like I should use the map yeah |
1548s | there's a whole bunch of flagged players |
1549s | over here over here this way you see |
1552s | these flagged players oh that's why |
1555s | they're not here they're following you |
1557s | oh come come here |
1560s | I'm coming no you you're running away |
1562s | from me I found |
1565s | you this players are trying to trying to |
1569s | start some problems yeah they want to |
1570s | start some problems um I don't think |
1572s | they want to start some problems I'd |
1574s | like to finish them let me in let me in |
1577s | coach oh it's too |
1579s | good were they attacking me is that why |
1582s | they were purple I didn't see it I think |
1584s | they're attacking each I may or may have |
1586s | not attacked them first |
1589s | just love Taps little |
1595s | warnings all right all right let's let's |
1599s | go check out little uh Bandit Hill let's |
1603s | go the backside here I'm surprised you |
1606s | got out of there without an army |
1607s | following you true very |
1611s | true |
1612s | o is that copper oh no rip oh I didn't |
1617s | get tools yeah I didn't either went to |
1620s | go chop down a tree and dang it forgot |
1622s | to get the tools live arano live yeah |
1628s | let's go up that road and then we'll |
1629s | hang it |
1635s | right somebody said looking for group to |
1638s | wipe Steven's |
1639s | team |
1641s | no let's |
1643s | go oh |
1647s | no It's A Beautiful World for sure I I I |
1651s | enjoy even in the alphas in the state |
1655s | that you know the bugs exist in and |
1657s | performance and stability are um it |
1660s | feels immersive right it it |
1662s | feels really like it's pulling you in to |
1665s | explore it which is |
1667s | nice which is funny because you say you |
1669s | you say that but then one of our brief |
1672s | things is like why does the game not |
1674s | look |
1675s | great well it's I mean you know the |
1678s | funny thing about that actually is over |
1679s | the course of the last seven years like |
1683s | if you think |
1684s | about really where the games visuals |
1687s | have come from it has constantly been |
1690s | progressing and that's one of the really |
1691s | cool things I think about our |
1692s | development process and the fact that we |
1694s | are open with it is that you can go back |
1697s | from today seven years ago look at our |
1699s | earliest videos and compare them to |
1702s | where we are at today right and and |
1704s | obviously it's a you know very very |
1706s | different um engine being in ue4 versus |
1710s | u5 but you know textures get updated |
1713s | materials get updated shaders get |
1715s | updated like these these things models |
1718s | get updated you know these things get |
1720s | are are constant kind of work in |
1722s | progress right so if if players are |
1725s | talking about like the graphics today |
1728s | you know either bug related or just |
1731s | general quality related like those will |
1733s | continue to improve as we have time to |
1736s | add additional polish to the game and |
1738s | and get where we want them to be |
1739s | lighting especially just over the last |
1742s | two |
1743s | [Music] |
1744s | months has had significant changes and |
1747s | improvements um which is very nice to |
1751s | see and of course we're going to |
1753s | continue to improve those things um and |
1756s | provide more UI customization and things |
1758s | like that as we move forward these |
1760s | person are attacking |
1762s | us who is this they're trying to kill me |
1766s | get him all he you I don't think I'm |
1770s | flagged for |
1772s | combat |
1775s | solvable what did we change that hotkey |
1777s | too alt F alt F alt f y that's right oh |
1781s | that's a that's a bit of respa it's |
1782s | about to get interesting show me your |
1784s | aame gentlemen yeah oh no we got to |
1787s | respawn |
1789s | here oh no I like not letting me |
1796s | he where's where did I the bungo I'm |
1799s | trying to kill this guy did you just |
1802s | Yello off the I just got him no no I got |
1805s | him he's dead yeah but we're trying to |
1808s | heal you that's why no no I'm alive I'm |
1811s | alive let me see did you guys see that |
1814s | projectile did you see that thing just |
1817s | home to it oh that was so |
1819s | good okay let me go grab his |
1824s | stuff let everybody go protect stepen |
1828s | down there we go he's not com back he's |
1830s | got some blint Riv oh he's got some oak |
1834s | wood and |
1835s | Ashwood okay I'm down for |
1838s | that that's what you |
1840s | get rip let's keep let's keep going down |
1845s | that's pretty |
1847s | awesome that uh my ice bolt looked like |
1851s | a Sidewinder |
1852s | missile that thing was crazy down it |
1856s | really did oh God some so another |
1859s | question that we have been we've gotten |
1861s | quite a bit of Steven and I know you |
1863s | even answered this on some of those |
1864s | podcasts which was like where's the rest |
1866s | of Vera BR you know uh obviously we're |
1869s | showing primarily just uh riverlands |
1872s | during this first phase no want to talk |
1875s | a little bit about that well first first |
1877s | and foremost I'm going to say that those |
1878s | of you who have been kind of listening |
1879s | to our testers over the course of the |
1881s | last week as we released the verbal NDA |
1883s | you know you'll see a lot of commentary |
1885s | that yes even though we're showing |
1887s | riverlands even well sorry I'm just |
1889s | trying to it's hard for me to talk |
1892s | coherently and also play well just talk |
1895s | we got you got going to see me Ro we'll |
1897s | follow you around um but anyways you |
1900s | know even though Alpha 2 right now in |
1902s | phase one is only having the desert |
1905s | biome the tropics along with the |
1907s | riverlands um you know it takes a lot to |
1910s | stand up a biome and the world is huge |
1913s | right now I mean this is a big playable |
1915s | space and like I said you'll hear a lot |
1917s | of testers say that you'll see that over |
1918s | the course of this weekend and next |
1920s | weekend that you know we are still in |
1923s | development of those additional biomes |
1925s | and it takes a lot to stand them up |
1926s | outside of just foliage and vegetation |
1929s | and the trees there then the resources |
1931s | that are within those zones you know |
1932s | there's a lot that goes into making a |
1934s | particular Zone um as it relates to NPCs |
1937s | the content everything there right so so |
1940s | you know give us time over the course of |
1941s | phase one and phase two especially and |
1944s | when we get into phase three you're |
1945s | going to see a lot of those different |
1947s | biomes come up in a very quick amount of |
1949s | time um and the reason for that is |
1951s | because you know we very much so |
1953s | establish our development tools through |
1955s | the process of creating the riverlands |
1957s | of tropics and the desert um so that |
1959s | when we are ready to scale into |
1961s | production of the additional biomes all |
1963s | of those pipelines those processes those |
1965s | tools are ready to |
1968s | go yeah Stephen why don't you hit M and |
1971s | and scroll out and show them how big the |
1972s | map is oh yeah good call it is quite a |
1977s | considerable side I mean look so like |
1979s | this is this is us here and then as we |
1982s | just kind of continue to pop |
1985s | out you have all of this playable space |
1990s | which is a massive amount of world and |
1993s | if you think about that and take it |
1994s | outward right to to how we intend to |
1998s | um to continue expanding that world like |
2001s | bear is a big |
2003s | place has this |
2010s | oh I got |
2018s | rooted he's hire in Raiders yeah I think |
2023s | we're on a worker |
2026s | line |
2030s | nice where are we going Jacob well you |
2033s | started heading this way we just started |
2034s | following you cuz you were going the |
2036s | different direction than we were |
2038s | it's a very dangerous place for us to be |
2041s | and I like it I like it too I'm down I |
2045s | expect we'll find plenty of oh I |
2047s | remember here I yeah this is where we |
2049s | did those of you who remember this is |
2051s | where we did our uh cleric update over a |
2053s | year ago come over here and |
2057s | find it's getting dark by the way |
2060s | probably set it to |
2062s | yeah probably set this one to home if |
2064s | you |
2066s | want I will ATT |
2070s | so now we know this area and then we can |
2073s | also set it to our home pretty y yep |
2078s | tune it twice for the longest time these |
2080s | were just little way they're so pretty |
2082s | now yeah I know they are very pretty |
2084s | beautiful um those of you guys who are |
2086s | testing make sure this is a pro tip |
2089s | right now the um Attunement is a little |
2092s | bit bugged so you have to make sure if |
2094s | you want it to be your home Shrine that |
2097s | um you are a tuning to it |
2099s | twice yep once done lock it we're |
2103s | pulling we're pulling tens oh boy they |
2106s | feel like |
2108s | tens we're good not so bad yeah what was |
2112s | easy peasy we let oh |
2115s | Stephen follow Stephen everybody yeah |
2118s | I'm following him he's going somewhere |
2120s | else like cool what's over here |
2124s | guys get him Ste get him |
2128s | easy look at |
2130s | that I got a oh my |
2135s | God oh my God where are my cler ow |
2139s | trying to revive you but I'm getting M |
2143s | unbelievable hilarious tro you lived |
2147s | something's hitting me and stunning me |
2149s | it's this Archer get the Archer I got |
2152s | him let's see what stepen had I think I |
2156s | got you up oh we have a there's a purple |
2158s | [ __ ] unbelievable yeah that's what you |
2160s | get there's a purple guy named Pink |
2162s | hiding in the corner over here that's |
2164s | why I died it a purple guy where where |
2167s | where no he'd be red I don't see |
2170s | him no he's over here somewhere oh maybe |
2173s | he got killed by this Raider or healer |
2174s | down that's down |
2179s | there this is beautiful uh it is really |
2182s | nice oh I mean that that's a good segue |
2185s | to um one of the things here which was |
2188s | like hey this is a gank gank box um you |
2191s | want to talk a little bit about |
2193s | coruption Stephen and like our intention |
2195s | with that and obviously where it's at |
2197s | currently versus where we want it to be |
2199s | long term CU obviously it's not quite |
2201s | there yeah I mean um obviously our |
2205s | intent for phase one is to persist |
2208s | across all weekend so your progression |
2211s | you know hopefully is going to matter |
2212s | and although that's not our Focus for |
2214s | phase one our focus is stability and |
2216s | performance so if it calls for it and we |
2217s | have to wipe the servers which hopefully |
2219s | we won't have to do but if we have to um |
2221s | that's a potential um but that can play |
2224s | into kind of how players engage with PVP |
2226s | right because obviously consequences uh |
2229s | as a determined are need to be something |
2232s | that players respect and and if |
2234s | persistence isn't going to to exist that |
2237s | can be something that is difficult to |
2238s | pers to um to respect so corruption is |
2242s | obviously the mitigating uh uh mechanic |
2245s | um and in that sense you may see players |
2247s | who try to just openly kill you out in |
2249s | the wild as you're doing Alpha 2 things |
2252s | um and if they do that and you don't |
2254s | respond to the attacking they can go red |
2256s | and gain that corruption as we all know |
2258s | um right now corruption is in a state |
2260s | that isn't fully implemented oh my god |
2263s | what have we |
2264s | done no not I am I am I am getting |
2269s | corrected with |
2271s | uh with my port hold on I require |
2276s | additional Mana |
2278s | you got some rations in your bag if we |
2280s | can get out of combat I know good trying |
2283s | to get to there we go let's um let's |
2286s | have a sit down no that's a questionable |
2289s | place for a sit down yeah I would not |
2291s | sit down |
2294s | there okay let's sit down here oh this |
2298s | is kind of dangerous too but we're good |
2300s | oh there's a bear there's a big bear |
2301s | over there oh |
2304s | no don't make noises um so basically um |
2309s | the corruption system is not fully |
2310s | implemented right now however gaining |
2312s | corruption obviously as a deterrent is |
2315s | is what we're intending to provide so |
2316s | that players who do kill other players |
2318s | and gain corruption have stat dampening |
2321s | they have gear that they can drop |
2323s | they're going to not spawn at re uh |
2325s | respawn at shrines if they die and |
2327s | persist their corruption uh but what's |
2329s | outstanding still is a cumulative uh |
2332s | corruption score that takes into account |
2334s | how many players you've killed and level |
2335s | disparity between you and the target of |
2337s | the player that you've killed |
2338s | um this is super important but there's a |
2340s | lot of opt-in PVP systems currently in |
2342s | Alpha 2 including Guild Wars node Wars |
2345s | node War events Caravans and the Lawless |
2348s | territory so hopefully we won't see too |
2350s | many pkers going red out in the wild but |
2352s | if they do know that there's a great |
2354s | opportunity to hunt them down and to get |
2356s | their gear |
2357s | so depends on how you want to play well |
2360s | here comes that bear oh my god oh Lord |
2363s | oh that may have been a mistake I'm |
2365s | healing you I got you |
2368s | than away my dude dude this bear is |
2370s | Beefy he's a |
2373s | onear oh God yeah wow what happen you |
2376s | Brian he's chasing me so hard he's |
2378s | chasing me run I can't I'm slow I'm com |
2381s | back I'm coming back oh dude you look |
2384s | you pulled the two star name no I don't |
2387s | know if we can go through that you guys |
2389s | these are like level 11 I got I got one |
2391s | more on me the Bear's down the Bear's |
2393s | down okay the next one FL healing oh oh |
2396s | God it's okay it's okay oh oh that's |
2400s | Growler yeah he's got fat loot I want it |
2403s | kill him he's a two star yeah we got |
2409s | this cuz you're too far away from me |
2412s | that's so oh sorry okay I'm pulling |
2414s | aggro oh you know what I pressed that |
2417s | was probably not a good idea yeah that |
2418s | was probably not a good ide oh my |
2420s | God yeah you're M oh man oh we're wiping |
2425s | it's a tpw no chance he's busy doing |
2428s | something else I'll revive you or no you |
2431s | got him oh what's he doing what's he |
2432s | doing he's sleeping oh this dude's back |
2435s | uhoh we just got attacked oh he's trying |
2438s | to murder you he's trying to murder you |
2441s | I'll help you dude the oh yeah the |
2445s | purple yeah he's down yeah it seems oh |
2448s | go go loot his body yeah I'm going to |
2449s | loot him |
2451s | again he's got some blues take him he's |
2455s | got some blues all right now we really |
2457s | need man again oh he's got some more |
2461s | wood he's got some more wood let me take |
2465s | a look yes very nice he |
2468s | revived oh yeah here let me go sit on |
2472s | his body real quick just to Ultimate |
2474s | dises you're going to get respawned |
2476s | on to get |
2478s | reported oh what is this something's |
2480s | hitting you I know oh it's the you got |
2483s | responded on the arch you made friends |
2485s | with the high wom oh gosh |
2488s | Wolf's back the two star wolf is Back |
2491s | The Growler oh my gosh five hit points |
2495s | down |
2496s | to wow ouch ouch ouch dude The Growler |
2499s | is still here yeah yes yeah he respawned |
2503s | I think did he yeah oh no don't call |
2507s | friends don't call friends don't call |
2509s | friends he called friends |
2512s | no I'm out of |
2514s | Mana I'm about to be oh back girl you're |
2518s | so |
2520s | squishy me too got him oh he's gone got |
2524s | him |
2528s | off I'm all the way out of Mana all |
2531s | right slave wolfes going down this feels |
2533s | too far away from me where are you Bill |
2535s | we did |
2536s | it we did it right here I think it's the |
2539s | xais is being a little weird dude |
2542s | Growler is huge man no fat loots no fat |
2545s | loots what |
2548s | we rolled poorly come on what are you |
2550s | talking about did you get loot yeah I |
2554s | just got growler's Helm oh on I want to |
2558s | see it's probably too high level cuz |
2560s | we're these are it's a recipe it's a |
2562s | recipe that's how you get rich that's |
2565s | how you get rich Bill did you start |
2567s | making those then you can make stuff for |
2568s | us big |
2569s | money big money cool before we keep |
2573s | getting spawned on in this through or |
2575s | around which way oh wait steen's going |
2578s | around |
2580s | SOC stay can we just go should we just |
2584s | should we just go oh he's back hey |
2587s | friend there's a three star swordsman |
2590s | over here it's all good not a friend |
2593s | what you talking about oh my gosh I just |
2595s | got like one shotted |
2598s | almost ow uh that's me being corrupted |
2602s | oh no did you go red it's uh it's fine |
2606s | oh it's fine it's |
2608s | I got |
2610s | friends okay yeah yeah yeah we're good |
2612s | we're good we're |
2613s | good that is a bug though I can't see |
2616s | you red oh really you're green to me so |
2619s | we've set the wrong party priority on |
2621s | the |
2623s | UI oh but you are red so we have to |
2626s | sounds like a replication |
2629s | problem You' been having Oh no you're |
2635s | Trigg our end is that |
2638s | who what happened you die Jacob I just |
2640s | got murdered somebody uned your body |
2643s | though uh it's probably me no he's good |
2646s | he's he's I'm all |
2648s | right um we are getting close to the end |
2650s | time for this segment so we're going to |
2653s | move over to our Q&A Stephen okay I'm |
2656s | I'm cool with that what should we just |
2658s | run around real quick and and kill a |
2660s | bunch of people TM but there's it's up |
2663s | to you what are you want to do there's |
2664s | one more named here we're Bill to get |
2666s | more fat loot from where is he he's over |
2669s | here ninja loo follow me hey I can't |
2672s | help it |
2673s | luck follow |
2675s | me all right m is I need |
2680s | Mana where it is where's the named |
2684s | one um he's over |
2689s | here |
2691s | usually yeah it looks like he some |
2693s | people are saying 24-hour stream do it |
2697s | he's G A this is a murderous thing |
2700s | Captain Knuckles boy yeah that doesn't |
2702s | sound good we'll come back later he's |
2704s | level 15 it's not Captain Knuckles it's |
2707s | Captain Knuckles Captain Knuckles Capp |
2710s | Knuckles those Highwayman Raiders hit |
2712s | hard though because they're like level |
2713s | 11 we're we're babies I have uh rare |
2718s | gear |
2721s | Stephen I was wondering because you're a |
2724s | mage you're squishy I know I don't know |
2727s | if we I don't okay we can try let's try |
2729s | it yeah we can try I mean maybe you |
2730s | shouldn't pull maybe someone tankier |
2732s | like Bill oh yeah are you a tank yeah |
2735s | yeah this not a tank but all get him all |
2740s | all right go get him and then we all |
2742s | just leave Bill I know that' be |
2747s | funny oh I didn't have any Mana when we |
2750s | started this yeah who need it's just |
2753s | captain and Knuckles what we need Mana |
2754s | for oh my God |
2759s | oh nice peel Stephen nice peel the wand |
2762s | peel I got nice skill I'll help you kill |
2766s | that thing there it |
2768s | is tro is doing work you like crazy I |
2772s | got a lightning bolb for us but I'm |
2774s | going to take out the Raider or no I'm |
2775s | going to go cap Knuckles |
2778s | here uhoh |
2781s | uhoh boom where did build |
2784s | out I think bild's still alive I'm still |
2787s | alive yeah I think |
2789s | just on him to heal |
2793s | him oh that's me just face pulling stuff |
2797s | Arro more |
2799s | stuff uh yeah yeah he just aggroed two |
2801s | more mobs that's |
2807s | fine okay another lightning |
2809s | bolt I need a |
2814s | potion what's happening |
2818s | amazing healing Margaret very nicely |
2820s | done uh I'm cheating with |
2823s | potions yeah Knuckles is gone nice |
2828s | fragment oh there we go Shield fragment |
2831s | that's a mat for his uh Shield he drops |
2835s | that's very good need |
2838s | yoink I also did |
2841s | need you all don't have any Mana yeah a |
2845s | ruby necklace ruby necklace |
2849s | what's that take that oh what's this |
2851s | over here is everyone needing these oh |
2853s | yeah what is that what is this oh |
2856s | somebody got the ruby necklace which |
2857s | would be me who was |
2859s | itz Bill what bill hardcoded it so that |
2863s | that he all the loot he earned it giving |
2866s | the guy designed EQ I'm down take the |
2869s | loot man bill I'll CH you the shield |
2872s | fragment for the necklace he tanked that |
2873s | all with a bow that's how Le he is yep |
2876s | exactly |
2879s | all right well we're about out of here |
2881s | we killed these couple last we're |
2885s | good all right do we want to switch over |
2887s | to Q Anda times yeah that sounds good |
2891s | let's see if the folks a some question |
2894s | oh yeah we got lots of questions in here |
2897s | um all right are we switching out of |
2899s | game or do you want to stay iname while |
2900s | we answer them we could stay in game I'm |
2902s | cool with that I'm just going to run |
2904s | around okay first question here is from |
2907s | the silver spoon and they want to know |
2909s | how much will the second class like your |
2911s | secondary archetype uh change the |
2914s | primary uh for example summon summon uh |
2918s | which uh when switch to a necromancer |
2920s | will the primary switch to skeletons and |
2922s | such ex we've definitely talked about |
2924s | this a lot in the past so I would highly |
2927s | advise that those of you who are |
2930s | following the game or newer that you |
2931s | check out the Ash's Wiki I think it is a |
2934s | phenomenal resource that's managed by |
2936s | Lex and and um obviously Community |
2938s | contributors um but oh what what |
2942s | happened there's a big oh my |
2946s | godob there are many mounts but this one |
2948s | is mine Oh I thought that was a monster |
2951s | Chas I thought it I totally thought it |
2953s | was I was like what is that thing coming |
2956s | after me So for anybody who purchased |
2958s | this it's pretty sick that thing so good |
2960s | super cool I'm digging it that's awesome |
2963s | it's very uncomfortable but it's very |
2965s | cool yeah your bum's proba not so |
2967s | comfortable sitting on that well it's |
2970s | perfectly placed on a |
2972s | tombstone um but anyways to answer the |
2974s | question there is a significant amount |
2977s | of flavor change as well as you know |
2979s | mechanics change that exists uh when |
2982s | adopting a secondary um archetype as we |
2984s | Implement that in the future um that is |
2986s | the intent behind the augment system um |
2989s | that it it very much changes kind of the |
2992s | class fantasy uh and adopts one that's |
2994s | more representative of those of uh |
2996s | combinations |
2997s | music can's coming in again no he said |
3000s | he won't attack okay i' we've been |
3002s | fighting the whole time me and |
3005s | him anyway next one is from cap Earth |
3008s | and they want to know how do you find |
3010s | friends in game will there be a friends |
3012s | list |
3014s | Etc how do make friends Stephen how do |
3017s | make friends there are a lot of |
3018s | different ways to make friends as it |
3019s | stands right now in Alpha 2 obviously |
3021s | chat is going to be a great resource |
3023s | join us on Discord joining us on Discord |
3026s | organizing with players kind of doing |
3028s | those old school belly to belly |
3030s | networking that makes the gaming |
3033s | community so awesome um we have a guild |
3036s | Forum section and a guild um recruitment |
3039s | sections people have been already |
3040s | recruiting so definitely uh head on over |
3043s | there and we'll probably be doing some |
3044s | fun Guild program stuff in the future so |
3048s | absolutely little teaser um but again |
3050s | you know understanding that ashes of |
3052s | creation is a non-action based game so |
3054s | we're not going to tell you who your |
3055s | friends and enemies are that's something |
3056s | that you are going to develop as you |
3059s | build a reputation for yourself and as |
3061s | you understand the reputation of those |
3062s | who are playing on your server with you |
3064s | um we build our systems to accommodate |
3066s | that we incorporate it as part of our |
3069s | general design philosophy that we are |
3071s | helping to create spaces that are pseudo |
3073s | faction um that give you an opportunity |
3076s | to align with different groups of people |
3078s | that might have competing interests in |
3080s | that types of friction is what makes the |
3082s | game compelling and |
3084s | interesting or you be like music an and |
3086s | you just hang out and buff your friends |
3088s | they might invite you to the group oh |
3091s | yeah we should get them in the group |
3092s | let's get music I don't even know who |
3093s | music C is oh want me to add them to the |
3096s | group are you |
3098s | yeah I assume he's watching the stream |
3100s | all right we get it I mean it's a Bard |
3102s | we get buff bring them on in mus look at |
3105s | that just straight out of the community |
3108s | and into the dev |
3111s | stream uh will we have anything like a |
3115s | friends list or things like that |
3118s | oops I got caps on I'm sorry say it |
3120s | again will we have friends L absolutely |
3121s | longm yes long term okay let me see are |
3126s | you watching the |
3130s | stream uh I megas wants to know uh or |
3134s | I'm ages how however prefers to |
3136s | pronounce it were they uh most other |
3138s | MMOs focus on endgame and various |
3141s | endgame content loops with leveling |
3143s | taking so long in ashes of creation what |
3146s | do you see the leveling up content Loop |
3148s | being well was a long there's going to |
3150s | be a long list here um I'm sorry I was |
3154s | typing in real quick high level what was |
3156s | that again uh what with leveling kind of |
3159s | taking longer in ashes of creation what |
3161s | do we see the leveling content Loop |
3163s | being um they were basically talking |
3165s | about how previous or a lot of other |
3167s | MMOs focus on endgame content what what |
3169s | is our focus on how Bill you want to |
3172s | grab that |
3174s | one yeah I mean you know uh our focus is |
3177s | on everything right I mean that's that's |
3180s | the that's the bottom line with with |
3182s | ashes is uh you know we're focused on uh |
3185s | making make sure the that the the the |
3187s | leveling experience is fun and rewarding |
3189s | and and and uh and then of course at at |
3193s | at in game that you have uh various |
3195s | things to do like right right now you |
3197s | know uh there's there's PVP uh in the |
3201s | the tropics and the desert which which |
3203s | you know uh are the first things that |
3205s | we're trying out um and as well as |
3208s | there's uh Carin and uh you know we have |
3211s | the the big dragon that you can fight |
3213s | and uh the the giant as well so um you |
3217s | know we're always going to be dividing |
3219s | our efforts uh uh equally kind of |
3222s | between you know a bunch of different |
3223s | things to do at end game as well as |
3225s | making sure that we're changing up the |
3227s | the leveling experience and so that it's |
3230s | uh always different you know and |
3231s | encourages people to try out new things |
3233s | all the variety of classes that we have |
3235s | and uh making sure that each of them is |
3238s | a you know feels like a a new way to |
3242s | play all right the next question here is |
3246s | from Iain Dutch asked uh a fun one uh |
3249s | can you guys add the ability to equip |
3251s | dual Shields as a tank I've heard this |
3255s | question a lot actually there will not |
3257s | be dual Shields as a tank there will not |
3260s | be dual Shield is not a |
3264s | tank big frog |
3267s | oh look at the |
3269s | froggy where's the Frog oh right there |
3271s | he's |
3273s | camouflaged ni he's am the dead and he |
3276s | had oh my God what he just licked me oh |
3282s | that's nasty I thought something bad |
3285s | happened he just giving you a little |
3287s | little |
3288s | kiss maybe it'll turn into a |
3291s | prince I don't know about |
3295s | that no |
3297s | Faith all right uh tianz or um hopefully |
3301s | not doing something to get tib anzor um |
3304s | wants to know Stephen you mentioned the |
3307s | team was in a state of crunch for some |
3310s | time how have things come along to set |
3313s | up the tools to set up the tools to |
3316s | maintain the game and add updates |
3318s | without relying on crunch going |
3320s | forward well I would say that you know |
3323s | we don't rely on crunch to add updates |
3326s | what we |
3327s | you know crunches I discussed before is |
3329s | obviously something that in the |
3332s | studios's history we have not |
3333s | historically done very often very rarely |
3336s | in fact um but you know we made certain |
3338s | announcements and obligations to |
3341s | ourselves as a studio as a team and to |
3344s | um the players and sometimes there are |
3346s | unexpected circumstances that can arise |
3349s | during development um you don't always |
3351s | know the unknowns that lie ahead of you |
3354s | and obviously ashes of creation is an |
3357s | incredibly complex game when it comes to |
3359s | being highly systems driven and those |
3361s | systems being very interconnected with |
3363s | each other um we're trying to do a lot |
3366s | of things that are that are quite |
3367s | difficult um and so we decided to roll |
3370s | up our sleeves and to deliver on that |
3373s | promise to our players and make sure |
3374s | that we get the game into a state in |
3377s | Alpha 2 where we can now move forward |
3380s | working from this starting point around |
3382s | stability and performance within phase |
3384s | one um to achieve a a solid very solid |
3388s | foundation when we turn the corner on |
3391s | content creation and and moving oh The |
3394s | Hills Have Eyes um are you guys with me |
3397s | yeah yeah there's there's |
3398s | yeah as we um oh there's an |
3402s | event y you want to |
3404s | defend um we can try while we while we |
3407s | let answer questions it'll get |
3409s | interesting yeah um as as obviously as |
3413s | we as we get the game into a good state |
3415s | where we can start turning and burning |
3416s | on content creation and adding that into |
3418s | the game and fleshing out the additional |
3419s | systems um so uh what I can assure not |
3423s | just to the audience but to the team and |
3424s | and and what we provided to the team is |
3426s | that we're paying this debt down now so |
3429s | that we save ourselves the pain uh later |
3432s | and that is an exchange that we feel is |
3434s | well worth |
3436s | it and then Kobe wants to know uh will |
3439s | the HUD be resizable it is currently |
3441s | some parts of it uh like can I move the |
3444s | mini map chat and so on do you want to |
3445s | show some of that right now Stephen like |
3447s | what is customizable and obviously as we |
3449s | progress we will continue to add more |
3451s | customization um yeah I believe it's |
3454s | control h shift or no I think it's the |
3457s | the bracket window uh so the under your |
3460s | space bar that little line bracket and |
3463s | then you can move stuff around um and |
3465s | you can resize them |
3468s | um underneath your backspace button oh |
3472s | underneath backspace said space bar that |
3474s | little that line we've recently changed |
3476s | some of the um key biing that's a |
3478s | default you can change the key key biing |
3480s | to whatever you want that's just what it |
3481s | is now um so yeah you can grab these uh |
3485s | little elements in the UI in the HUD and |
3487s | you can kind of change them and move |
3488s | them around as you want that's under |
3490s | your backspace button it is it is the |
3492s | back slash um the intent here is |
3495s | obviously to make things customizable uh |
3498s | but um the goal is to you know solve the |
3500s | bugs that are related to the system such |
3502s | as there you go see now it's gone I just |
3503s | tried to pull it and it's missing um and |
3506s | yeah if you want to go also if you can |
3507s | go to your options and go into interface |
3509s | and HUD and kind of show people like how |
3512s | you can scale your UI that way |
3516s | too um oh opt where do you want me to go |
3519s | options interface and then your HUD |
3521s | there as well as I'm going to reset it |
3523s | to default because I lost that thing |
3525s | gotcha gotcha I brought friends name |
3529s | plates and action bars and obviously |
3530s | we're going to continue to add more |
3532s | stuff thank you for friends oh wow these |
3535s | are high lels these are 15 AR friends |
3538s | level |
3539s | 15 loot friends you have a going be a |
3544s | lot of OD definition definition of |
3547s | friend |
3549s | yeah well Jacob invited the person who's |
3551s | been murdering us into our friend group |
3554s | so which is which is why my name is now |
3556s | purple thanks uh oh or was uh oh did we |
3560s | crash the realm or the we crash the |
3562s | server we might have we might have maybe |
3565s | we have server workers make up a single |
3567s | realm that's right so so you guys will |
3570s | see today uh and throughout the um the |
3573s | testing of course over this weekend and |
3574s | potentially next weekend as we get these |
3576s | types of crashes that the network |
3579s | infrastructure our glorious engine team |
3581s | has created allows for these types of |
3583s | crashes not to interrupt the entire |
3585s | realm but rather they recover within the |
3587s | space that the worker exists within so |
3590s | even though we'll get disconnected and |
3592s | you might get disconnected within a |
3593s | particular area of the world if it does |
3596s | crash |
3597s | um the rest of the world will not come |
3598s | down and you'll be able to reconnect |
3600s | because eventually that server will |
3602s | recover automatically um that's |
3604s | something that's awesome for the tech uh |
3606s | it is it's what makes us a bit uh |
3608s | tolerant from an uptime perspective uh |
3610s | but it are it is something you're going |
3612s | to experience within the um within the |
3615s | game right now because that's what phase |
3617s | one is all about yeah we can go back to |
3619s | the full screen with all of us if Kyle |
3621s | has already done so okay cool cool um |
3624s | and answer these last couple questions |
3626s | so the question here is from the Casual |
3628s | Gamer 2385 asking I'm wondering if |
3630s | there's a ballpark figure of what you |
3632s | think it will take to make a biome from |
3635s | beginning to finish State and how many |
3638s | people will it take to do so that's a |
3641s | great question that sounds like an |
3642s | awesome production |
3643s | question did you did you see Jacob's |
3646s | face Jacob |
3648s | like he was like can I just disappear |
3651s | for a moment so you want to build a |
3654s | biome so do we we've got a I've been |
3657s | asking Jacob this question a lot yeah |
3660s | yeah yeah how long how many folks does |
3662s | it take I mean how good do you want it |
3664s | to be yes uh it it depends right and it |
3667s | depends |
3668s | on now with the tool set we have now or |
3672s | the tool set that we're building so it |
3674s | it's wildly Dynamic the short story is |
3676s | we need to find nice ways to build |
3678s | awesome content quickly um and I will |
3682s | talk about our approach to Alpha 2 a |
3684s | little bit in the answer of this |
3685s | question because yeah go for it we've |
3687s | been we made conscious decisions and |
3690s | commitments to build the riverlands to |
3693s | the place that we felt could represent |
3695s | what our core Loops look like our combat |
3698s | loop our crafting loop our node loop our |
3702s | artisanship Loop and we've been very |
3704s | very focused on continuing to push that |
3707s | and by doing that we committed to a |
3710s | single place to push and I know probably |
3713s | sick of seeing the riverlands in these |
3715s | like get it me too doesn't mean the |
3718s | other ones aren't being worked on |
3719s | doesn't mean the other ones aren't in |
3721s | flight but our commitment has been to |
3723s | build this vertical slice and that |
3725s | that's that's been a nice experience for |
3727s | me in the past with other games because |
3729s | if we could put all of our core loops |
3732s | and all of our features into a place to |
3733s | prove that the vision stands on its own |
3736s | to find the fun to iterate on that to |
3738s | work with you guys on that and to listen |
3740s | to you on that then when it comes time |
3742s | to build the biomes I'm less concerned |
3744s | about building biomes as a and more |
3746s | concerned about building it right the |
3748s | first time absolutely the it's been a |
3752s | while since we started making this game |
3754s | and here we are right and trying to make |
3757s | good decisions now about implementing |
3760s | things we can ship now has been a |
3762s | Guiding Light for us it's What's led us |
3764s | here it's the reason we worked our butts |
3766s | off this year so far we're not done yet |
3768s | um but we've been after it for reasons |
3770s | and it delivered us this day right I |
3773s | feel super good about being here on |
3775s | October 25th and not being here in |
3777s | February or March or December like this |
3780s | feels really good to me and I guess |
3783s | that's a a long winded answer to how to |
3785s | how to build a biome but wanted to |
3788s | provide a little context yeah I just you |
3790s | know just chime in and say you know the |
3792s | place where the place ultimately where |
3794s | we want to be is where the biggest |
3796s | complaint that our player base has is |
3798s | that there's not enough that we want |
3800s | more that's the right problem we want to |
3803s | get to that place yep yeah and uh |
3807s | cont coming throughout the updates so |
3810s | we'll talk a little bit more about that |
3811s | before we wrap up I got a little baby if |
3813s | you guys want to see him so for those of |
3815s | were asking yes I did have my baby he's |
3819s | here bring him the C Bri bringing let's |
3824s | see my goodness he's too far away look |
3827s | at him this is first time on |
3831s | stream he's eating |
3834s | beautiful getting his man back there's a |
3836s | couple he's Mana potioning |
3841s | there um but I am going to be going back |
3844s | I'm attorney leave for a little bit more |
3846s | we I just had to come back for the fun |
3847s | for the live stream absolutely for the |
3849s | launch uh but our next question here is |
3851s | from liutenant Yorkie or I'm assuming |
3853s | it's Lieutenant because it says LT |
3855s | Yorkie uh they want to know uh is there |
3858s | a possibility of community art and |
3859s | concepts for outfits to get into the |
3861s | game if I can take this one Stephen then |
3863s | might yeah for sure absolutely pleas in |
3866s | the past we've done uh at other |
3868s | companies that I've worked for before |
3869s | we've done kind of contests where people |
3871s | can submit uh you know outfits or other |
3874s | things like that um and then we've |
3876s | picked winners and had them actually in |
3878s | game and which has been a really cool |
3879s | thing I foresee us doing some fun stuff |
3881s | like that in the future um obviously |
3883s | there's some legal stuff that goes into |
3885s | it but you'll have to agree to those |
3886s | terms um as part of the contest but I |
3890s | don't foresee a reason why we cannot do |
3892s | something fun like that unless stepen |
3894s | foresees a reason otherwise yeah sounds |
3897s | awesome and then our next one is from |
3899s | Sun I don't even know how to pronounce |
3901s | this |
3902s | s6k there's like a lot |
3904s | of yeah numbers and letters in there are |
3908s | stealth and C or Andor camouflage |
3910s | abilities planned for |
3913s | mounts uh there are some plans to |
3915s | incorporate abilities along those lines |
3917s | when we get into the additional content |
3920s | of Mount abilities which will be phase |
3922s | two and three um but it is absolutely a |
3926s | a type of ability that can exist on a |
3928s | mountain is a super cool one in my |
3930s | opinion um and then the last one is how |
3933s | often do we think we'll wipe an alpha |
3936s | 2 as little as necessary um that is the |
3941s | that is the goal that is go and I will |
3943s | say that we have made some very good |
3946s | strides towards that goal just over the |
3948s | course of the last month and a half um |
3951s | and that is something that our our pre |
3953s | A2 testers can attest to over the course |
3955s | of testing uh that they've experienced |
3957s | at least over that period of time as |
3959s | well um we'll see how things go right uh |
3961s | we don't we don't you know you have a |
3963s | plan until you're hit in the face by a |
3966s | giant brick and then the plans change um |
3970s | so we hopefully there's no bricks flying |
3971s | at us right now but um the goal is not |
3975s | to be wiping persistence play on words |
3977s | there for people who don't always know |
3979s | the cont context is when we when |
3981s | someone's character gets broken in a |
3982s | state where they they can't just it's |
3984s | broken we call that being brick |
3986s | yeah so for context um obviously we'll |
3990s | be here all day if we answered questions |
3992s | forever so we're going to wrap questions |
3994s | up there obviously there's a lot of |
3996s | places where you can find us we have a |
3998s | questions channel in Discord uh so if |
4000s | you want to go over there and ask |
4001s | questions a lot of our community will |
4003s | provide answers uh Stephen like also |
4005s | mentioned that the wiki that Lex and Co |
4007s | run um has lots of great answers for you |
4009s | guys over there our community managers |
4011s | are always usually very helpful as well |
4014s | they're believe me they're working hard |
4016s | uh doing a lot of things we're trying to |
4017s | get through our CS tickets as quickly as |
4019s | possible so we're trying to help as many |
4020s | people as we can Stephen did already |
4022s | talk about the Q times and Q details on |
4024s | that front so if you want to listen to |
4026s | the first part of this live stream he |
4028s | did talk a little bit about that because |
4029s | I know there are people still concerned |
4030s | about the Q times we will bring up more |
4032s | Realms as we need uh so kind of stay |
4035s | tuned with us obviously we have got a |
4037s | lot of our executive people here in the |
4039s | Stream So once we get out of here we |
4040s | will come make some decisions um but of |
4044s | course uh I want to give Sten a moment |
4046s | and maybe I can only imagine I can only |
4048s | imagine the fires right now that are |
4050s | like where's stepen where's Jacob and |
4052s | Bill and Brian |
4054s | like um but uh yeah just to just to just |
4057s | to kind of summarize guys those of you |
4060s | the the some 3500 people who are live |
4062s | right now watching this stream and the |
4064s | thousands of you who will be watching |
4066s | this as we post this update later um it |
4069s | is very important to us at the studio |
4072s | not everyone in the extended audience is |
4074s | familiar with this development approach |
4076s | that we're taking they're not familiar |
4078s | with the idea of releasing an NDA that |
4080s | still has bugs um that still has uh a |
4083s | lot of stability and performance |
4085s | concerns however it is our opinion that |
4087s | this process is the right process that |
4090s | it is one that Gamers who are interested |
4092s | in participating in this development |
4094s | Journey deserve in order to ensure that |
4096s | the outcome of our product development |
4098s | is something players want to have right |
4101s | this isn't the end of the road this is |
4102s | quite literally the start of the road |
4105s | when it comes to taking this game to a |
4107s | place where it needs to be and that |
4109s | involves engaging with the audience very |
4111s | often it involves you guys making sure |
4114s | that players are aware when they're |
4116s | seeing this game that this is an alpha |
4118s | this is phase one of that Alpha and this |
4121s | is where we are going to improve and |
4122s | introduce content into the game uh and |
4124s | where we're going to be addressing bugs |
4126s | you're going to see literal night and |
4127s | day differences weekend after weekend |
4129s | especially in this phase one as we |
4130s | address the top offenders that we see |
4133s | through this experience that includes |
4134s | right now the Q times that you're |
4135s | talking about the Q issues um the |
4137s | performance related issues on player |
4139s | movement you know the the networking |
4141s | issues all of those things are things |
4142s | that we're really Drilling in on as this |
4145s | phase |
4146s | continues um and I don't know if you |
4148s | want to cover track like based on that |
4150s | topic as well Stephen talk a little bit |
4151s | about kind of like I think a lot of |
4154s | people go oh you guys have been in |
4155s | development for a long time kind of |
4157s | touching base on that topic as well yeah |
4161s | you know I I released actually um a |
4164s | really great um content |
4167s | creator uh uh brief deck and and in that |
4171s | brief deck you know content creators out |
4173s | there if you guys are chatting with your |
4175s | audiences and you see kind of common |
4177s | questions that come in um around uh uh |
4181s | around the state essentially hold on one |
4183s | second I was just finding where I put |
4185s | that thing and I have it right here um |
4189s | that that relates to kind of the the |
4190s | state of the game and what Alpha is um |
4193s | one of the questions that I posted there |
4195s | was um uh ashes ain't ever coming out |
4198s | man right we see that commentary often |
4201s | from people and and really what that |
4202s | boils down to is it's taking too long to |
4205s | develop when is the full release well |
4207s | it's important to note that ashes of |
4208s | creation began back in 2017 with a team |
4210s | of 12 people right we we were a very |
4214s | small ragtag group of people looking to |
4216s | create a massive game um and over the |
4218s | years we've grown into a team now over |
4220s | 200 very veteran developers who worked |
4222s | on a lot of titles that you and I have |
4224s | played and loved um that's only in the |
4226s | last couple years that we've gotten that |
4228s | number and we have grown significantly |
4230s | over the course of the last couple of |
4231s | years but along that Journey we've |
4234s | experienced our fair share of challenges |
4235s | that we've had to overcome and there's |
4237s | still a lot of content that we need to |
4239s | make and polish that we need to do and |
4240s | we understand that this journey is not |
4243s | for everyone that is totally fine most |
4246s | people most players just want to be told |
4248s | when a game is ready that they can play |
4250s | it and that they can go participate in |
4251s | that game we decided to do something |
4254s | different right we have set out to uh a |
4258s | commitment that allows for an open |
4260s | process doing what it takes to iterate |
4263s | making sure that ashes is the MMO that |
4265s | we've set out to create so Ash's design |
4267s | is a super complex one that's |
4269s | interconnected with systems heavy |
4271s | approach that dedicated to to player |
4273s | agency and integrity most importantly no |
4275s | pay to win no pay to convenience we've |
4277s | not announced a release debt a release |
4280s | date yet so there's still a road ahead |
4282s | of us to kind of work towards right but |
4284s | you're going to be a part of every step |
4286s | of that way and we're going to make sure |
4288s | that this process is done right and that |
4290s | at the end of the day when this product |
4292s | is ready that it had a the sufficient |
4294s | time to cook and that's what this is all |
4297s | about yeah and obviously as we're |
4300s | wrapping up here uh there are things |
4302s | that we are looking for from you guys |
4304s | who do want to be part of that Journey |
4306s | uh do you want to talk a little bit |
4308s | about that part Stephen kind of |
4310s | reiterating it of course you guys we |
4312s | already have our ashes of creation for |
4313s | Alpha 2 forums up forums ases ofc |
4316s | creation.com head on over there there's |
4317s | an alpha 2 Section um as well as Alpha 2 |
4320s | section on our Discord those will be |
4323s | visible to people who are not part of |
4325s | the Alpha 2 so you can still read and |
4326s | follow along um and obviously in our |
4328s | general uh spaces you can talk um but |
4331s | those spaces will only be you'll only be |
4333s | able to allow allowed to talk in those |
4335s | spaces if you're part of the the process |
4337s | it kind of lets us delineate feedback um |
4340s | but you can still send us feedback |
4341s | either way um depending on which uh yeah |
4345s | and if you're if you're in the client do |
4347s | a slash buug and write up the bug or |
4351s | write up your feedback uh I see a lot of |
4353s | great posts on the forums that are |
4354s | thoughtful and well organized put |
4356s | together about features um but you know |
4360s | slash buug is a as a mechanism that we |
4362s | use every day to look at what you all |
4365s | are writing what you're saying what |
4367s | you're thinking how your experience is |
4369s | going so I would encourage you to |
4371s | continue to do that if you're in in the |
4373s | game as well yeah and we will be making |
4375s | reports um our team continually makes |
4377s | reports for the development team on your |
4379s | guys' feedback the top feedback the top |
4381s | concerns you guys have every day so |
4383s | please continue to uh provide us your |
4385s | information as and we'll continue to |
4387s | make sure that we're progressing we've |
4389s | been pretty quick those of those who |
4391s | have been part of our pre-alpha 2 |
4392s | testing know that we try to make |
4394s | iterations as quickly as possible |
4396s | obviously with these you'll be seeing |
4397s | updates every week weekend when we come |
4400s | up with each new weekend we'll have a |
4401s | new update for you guys so we'll try to |
4403s | make iteration on a weekly basis and hot |
4406s | fix as needed during the weekends as |
4408s | well for those like big crash |
4412s | issues anything else you guys want to |
4414s | add on that before we kind of wrap her |
4416s | up no I just I would just reiterate like |
4419s | that's you know that's the Mantra that |
4421s | we always that we have internally is you |
4423s | know every day we're trying to make the |
4425s | game better we're making you know every |
4427s | day um and that's based off the feedback |
4431s | that we get from you and and the the |
4433s | fact that you're all a part of this uh |
4436s | with us and uh makes it possible so |
4439s | we're really appreciative of that and uh |
4442s | that it you know that's that's how we |
4445s | think we're you know ashes becomes the |
4448s | game we all want is by listening to you |
4450s | and making it better every day |
4454s | absolutely say better myself across the |
4456s | board on all of those things these guys |
4458s | have been saying so I don't have much |
4459s | else to add except I did see someone ask |
4461s | where we can get a cool ashes of |
4462s | creation hoodie like I'm just going to |
4464s | say look around at link for back |
4467s | they're coming soon they're coming soon |
4468s | we'll we'll figure that out at some |
4470s | point but uh if you look really closely |
4473s | at langford's box there you might see |
4476s | some other cool merchandise we've been |
4478s | working on but we're working hard on |
4479s | that stuff I think uh for those of you |
4481s | who maybe aren't following us as closely |
4482s | we know that some of you guys really |
4484s | really want at least our core Community |
4485s | really wants um merchandise it's a |
4488s | different team than the development team |
4489s | don't worry we don't have devs working |
4490s | on it um but we are working towards that |
4493s | some stuff is still in manufacturing uh |
4495s | we do have some things already in um our |
4498s | warehouse but we're working towards that |
4499s | and we'll be bringing up uh that shop |
4502s | soon the website is looking pretty cool |
4505s | so um yeah we're working hard on on all |
4507s | of the things they're just uh it's like |
4509s | a tree there's a lot of things being |
4510s | worked on at once as I'm sure Jacob can |
4513s | let you know um from the production side |
4516s | of things um again thank you all for |
4518s | joining us for today's live stream we |
4520s | hope that you had fun obviously our goal |
4522s | today was just to have fun with folks in |
4524s | Alpha 2 we're so happy that we've been |
4526s | able to get it launched obviously we |
4528s | know it's still in an alpha state of |
4530s | course because it's Alpha 2o um so |
4532s | please please join us in providing us |
4534s | feedback suggestions slugging anything |
4536s | that you encounter so that we can |
4538s | continue to improve the product and make |
4540s | Vera a place where we all are really |
4542s | excited to continue to play um and you |
4545s | know there's a lot of content that's |
4546s | going to be coming up uh stay tuned with |
4548s | us you might see some of these |
4549s | development updates become more almost |
4551s | like P oriented where we'll be showing |
4553s | off what's coming up but kind of like |
4555s | the the two guide but it'll be with um |
4557s | you know patch notes of like what is |
4559s | coming up new content that's coming uh |
4561s | every six weeks we'll have these big |
4563s | content updates and every 3 weeks we'll |
4564s | have kind of smaller bug fix updates so |
4567s | just kind of stick with us we'll provide |
4568s | patch notes for you guys as those things |
4570s | come forward and we'll be showcasing |
4572s | some of the cool content that's coming |
4573s | down the line um for the things that you |
4575s | guys are really excited about like the |
4577s | Summoner and the Rogue and big pois like |
4580s | some of the other biomes so kind of just |
4582s | stick with us we have so much stuff to |
4584s | do for Alpha 2 as well as all the |
4586s | leading all the way up to launch so |
4588s | continue with us on our journey if you'd |
4589s | like and if you don't that's okay we'll |
4591s | let you know whenever we're launched and |
4592s | you can come back then as well um thank |
4595s | you to Brian to Bill to uh Jacob and |
4600s | Stephen for joining today I know you |
4601s | guys are very very busy these guys are |
4603s | like constantly in meetings and working |
4606s | hard uh to direct and ensure that our |
4609s | product is being created in the way that |
4610s | we best possibly can um and beh behind |
4613s | the scenes mad shout out to Kyle who's |
4614s | running the broadcast today so thank you |
4616s | Kyle um and of course all of our team |
4619s | back at the studio who's just kicking |
4621s | butt and working so hard I know they're |
4623s | watching this live stream right now I |
4625s | just want to get all if we can get some |
4628s | hearts in chat uh for all of our |
4630s | developers I know that that would mean a |
4631s | lot to me Ju Just to just to expand on |
4634s | that um yeah go for it big big props to |
4639s | the Intrepid team because it has been |
4642s | quite a |
4643s | few Sleepless night not not long days |
4647s | long nights last night say day and night |
4650s | combin you know last night there there |
4653s | were a few of us that were up till 4 in |
4655s | the morning um making sure that we could |
4658s | get some fixes in um and there's going |
4661s | to be some long nights over the course |
4662s | of the next few weeks as we stamp on |
4665s | some of these bugs uh and get things |
4667s | more stable and performant um obviously |
4670s | we do it because we love our community |
4673s | and we love our fellow mmor PG G Gamers |
4675s | that's why we're here building this MMO |
4678s | is because we have a significant amount |
4680s | of love for the genre as developers |
4682s | ourselves so um I just want to give a |
4685s | big shout out possible you guys in the |
4687s | community please help me deliver this |
4689s | message home to everyone on the Intrepid |
4691s | team your hard work the sweat Blood and |
4694s | Tears that you're putting into ashes of |
4696s | creation could not be more appreciated |
4699s | by a very dedicated fan base who are |
4701s | looking forward to what we are intending |
4703s | to deliver with this product um man we |
4706s | know it's from a place of passion for |
4708s | all of us um so big props to you guys |
4710s | yeah we care a lot um I think one of the |
4713s | hardest things as developers is to hear |
4715s | someone say oh they don't care um I know |
4717s | that like it may feel like that |
4720s | sometimes to players when they're like |
4721s | all this stuff is buggy oh this stuff |
4722s | isn't there but again like we've |
4724s | reiterated we're going to continue to |
4725s | improve things we we owe that to you |
4728s | guys we we know that that's where we |
4729s | want to be in the long run so just stick |
4731s | with us bear with us we're working |
4733s | towards it and um thank you for love uh |
4737s | yesterday we we provided a little like |
4739s | Montage of a bunch of the cool quotes |
4741s | from you guys saying all all these like |
4743s | really motivating words uh like one more |
4746s | day you guys just make it |
4748s | through um and the team really loved |
4750s | some of the comments that you guys had |
4751s | sent us over the last week so we really |
4754s | appreciate that um of course this video |
4756s | will be up over on our YouTube channel |
4758s | uh for those of you to relive the |
4760s | experience of us people trying to murder |
4762s | Us in game and us getting murdered by |
4764s | NPCs |
4765s | um of course uh you know if you don't or |
4769s | if you can leave us a comment over there |
4771s | and you could be the next Spotlight for |
4773s | our YouTube Spotlight um we also have |
4775s | all kinds of live or all kinds of social |
4777s | media platforms uh please follow us on |
4779s | all of them we are ashes of creation at |
4781s | all of the places we try to post almost |
4783s | daily so you'll keep up with us on all |
4785s | the cool stuff that we're working |
4786s | towards um we keep the news pretty |
4788s | updated as well so if you just follow us |
4790s | in all the places or your favorite |
4792s | platform uh we do try to keep you guys |
4794s | notified on what's going on um and of |
4797s | course for those of you who are part of |
4798s | our Alpha uh please make sure that you |
4801s | are checking your emails as well we will |
4802s | be sending you guys things through that |
4804s | um join us on Discord Discord is going |
4806s | to be the fastest way for us to |
4807s | communicate um and of course our Forum |
4810s | so that we can continue to get feedback |
4811s | loops from you guys and if you're in |
4813s | game like Jacob said earlier please use |
4815s | the slash buug uh tool that is going to |
4818s | be the best way to submit issues that |
4821s | you find in game and provide us all of |
4823s | the information that we need the biggest |
4825s | tip that I can give all of you testers |
4827s | today and you can help me deliver this |
4829s | message to other testers who may not be |
4831s | watching this live stream is that over |
4833s | the course of this weekend as we address |
4835s | Performance issues and stability issues |
4838s | the further away you move from the |
4840s | starting areas the better the experience |
4842s | will likely be from you so fan out into |
4844s | the world start setting up those nodes |
4847s | there's a lot of them out there there's |
4848s | a lot of work to be done buildings to be |
4850s | created start developing those |
4852s | Crossroads and get those encampments |
4854s | online and eventually those Villages |
4855s | where you can start electing Mayors and |
4857s | building buildings um that is what we |
4859s | want you guys to do as testers don't |
4861s | stick around the starting areas at least |
4863s | for this weekend um we're going to be |
4865s | addressing issues as we see them uh but |
4867s | that will improve your experience at |
4869s | least uh from a testing perspective and |
4871s | if you'd like to join us and you didn't |
4873s | get in early enough to join the the |
4874s | start of Alpha 2 which is obviously |
4876s | today October 25th uh we do have some uh |
4880s | bundles available up on our site |
4881s | reminder again that the first wve bundle |
4883s | will give you access on November 8 the |
4885s | second wave will give you access |
4887s | December 20th and the third wave will |
4889s | give you access on May 1st please make |
4891s | sure you're reading the the details of |
4894s | the shop items uh because we want to |
4895s | make sure that you're aware of when you |
4897s | will actually get access uh you'll |
4899s | probably get an email the day before |
4901s | with all of the details on how to access |
4902s | the game and other information um |
4905s | obviously the further along we'll have |
4906s | more content for you uh so those of you |
4909s | who are interested in in a product |
4911s | that's a little bit more refined |
4913s | obviously go later down the line um but |
4915s | if you're in in it for joining us for |
4917s | bug hunting and uh the craziness of |
4920s | alpha join us now we'd love for you to |
4922s | do so and with that I think we'll wrap |
4924s | up for today's live stream did yeah |
4927s | we'll see you guys in we're all GNA be |
4929s | playing all weekend so if you see us in |
4931s | game we'll uh we'll murder you no kid |
4935s | unbelievable wow |
4938s | only he's bloodthirsty man he was just |
4941s | like a aching to like murder the lot of |
4943s | long nights lot of long night yeah you |
4945s | got to have |
4948s | somewhere all right than guys bye |
4951s | everyone bye everyone |
4965s | thanks hello Adventurer welcome to ashes |
4968s | of creation Alpha 2 where the world of |
4971s | Vera is yours to explore and shape ashes |
4973s | of creation Alpha 2 is an important |
4976s | early testing phase which we'll be |
4978s | continually updating as a participant |
4980s | your journey will help shape the game's |
4982s | future through providing feedback and |
4984s | hunting down bugs to help us refine the |
4986s | world of |
4987s | Vera when you first step through the |
4989s | portal you'll begin your journey across |
4991s | various |
4992s | regions one of these is the city of liin |
4995s | hold a kalar military |
4998s | Outpost it's the launch point for their |
5000s | efforts to reclaim their ancestral home |
5003s | here you'll meet the locals and embark |
5005s | on countless quests and |
5007s | Adventures as you continue your journey |
5009s | through Vera you'll discover the Citadel |
5011s | of the steel bloom once the proud |
5013s | headquarters of the order of the steel |
5015s | Bloom now it's abandoned and overrun by |
5018s | mercenary |
5022s | Bandits Treasures dangers and untold |
5026s | stories |
5028s | await you may be wondering how will I |
5031s | travel to all of these places don't |
5033s | worry Adventurer there there are so many |
5035s | ways to explore Vera including a variety |
5038s | of mounts to carry you across vast |
5040s | Landscapes through the dense forest and |
5042s | over rugged mountains to reach your |
5048s | destinations notes are a major part of |
5050s | our journey offering you choices that |
5052s | will shape the world will you join the |
5054s | node of Winstead or Ally with the city |
5057s | of Mirth each decision shapes the world |
5060s | and the node you choose will grow Thrive |
5062s | and evolve based on your contributions |
5068s | what are those contributions you ask you |
5071s | can help expand your node by trading |
5073s | crafting and helping it grow into a |
5075s | prosperous City you can fight creatures |
5077s | complete quests participate in events |
5080s | commissions and mayoral commissions node |
5082s | Wars and of course |
5085s | [Music] |
5086s | Gathering throughout your journey you'll |
5089s | find valuable resources in the wild from |
5091s | ores to herbs to Lumber |
5096s | each resource plays a vital role in the |
5098s | development of both your node and your |
5103s | character Caravans are another way to |
5106s | Aid your node transporting vital Goods |
5108s | is essential for your new home's |
5112s | development but be wary other players |
5114s | May seek to claim your cargo for |
5116s | themselves |
5125s | Caravans aren't the only place where |
5127s | you'll face off against other players |
5129s | Dawn your equipment and prepare for node |
5131s | Wars where skills strategy powerful gear |
5134s | and teamwork will determine Victory or |
5140s | defeat travel to Oaken ban keep to |
5142s | challenge the formidable beasts lurking |
5145s | within not all threats are ordinary deep |
5148s | in the wild two mock the oneeyed Cyclops |
5152s | awaits beware he doesn't take kindly to |
5159s | Intruders the world of Vera is alive and |
5162s | Ever Changing shaped by your choices so |
5165s | prepare yourself Adventurer Alpha 2 is |
5168s | just the |
5169s | beginning the journey awaits will you |
5172s | rise to the challenge |
5178s | [Music] |