I have been a long time follower of AoC and I have been thinking a lot lately about the ships and mechanics of sea content in the game. Just to clarify, this isn’t me calling for all this to be in the game. I understand that the team at Intrepid have a vision in mind and I know that whatever they have planned will be awesome. Expecting them to change a major game mechanic based on a random’s post is silly. This is more of thoughts for what I think life on the Verran Sea could be like.
One of my favorite games of all time is The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and one of the reasons I loved it so much was because the sea not only felt vast but it felt populated with creatures. I know most of the mobs in that game are static but as a kid It was the coolest and most terrifying experience running into a giant squid and being caught in its current. Not to mention the small mobs sharks and cannon ships or even friendly mobs like the treasure hunters and the traders were all fun to interact with. It made exploring in that game so much fun! I would love to see something similar in AoC with a major difference that the encounters should be random.
Think about this: you and your crew are vibing on the sea then suddenly, the sky turns dark and rain and hale began to fall. You look off to the distance and see a horde of Storm Elementals causing chaos and you need to make a choice of fighting to end the chaos and risk your ship and crew for loot or turn back to live another day.
Or how about this: You are in your skiff bringing goods across the channel to trade for a bigger profit when suddenly you hear the most beautiful singing coming at you in all directions. Before you know it there is a siren taking bits of your ship off and you have to stop the damage before she sinks you.
Going out to sea and not knowing what you will run into would give a since of adventuring not seen in other game, because not only do you have to worry about PvP but you have to mobs attacking as well. They don’t have to be all enemy mobs either! You have have random trader ships or treasure hunter ships to trade with or even take quests from.
Like I said before though, these are just some thoughts and hopes I have. I’m sure I am gonna love it no matter what they do. I can’t wait for it to come out so I can explore the sea!
What kinda mobs/NPCs you would you guys like to see?
Edit: Spelling
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