Original Post — Direct link
I have been following Ashes for a long time and watching the updates, but I would not consider myself an expert on all that has been said and all of the design principles and goals. That having been said, it seems like the Castle siege content is aimed solely toward larger guilds. Is there PvP content geared toward smaller guilds? Has there been thought put into how to prevent massive zergs from dominating PvP and allowing for smaller groups to skirmish? What instanced content is planned, and has there been discussion of gear-based / skill-based / class-based matchmaking, role queues, etc.?

Thanks in advance!
over 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Both small and large guilds will have parts to play in PvP such as node sieges :)

Be sure to check out the wiki, where you can learn much about the many systems of Ashes of Creation!
