over 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
8s | thank you |
17s | hello everyone and Welcome to our ashes |
20s | of creation September update we hope |
24s | that you all are excited I'm cozy I've |
26s | got my leg I know Autumn sweater on it's |
31s | this tis the season it is the season now |
34s | we are finally in the Autumn yes it's my |
38s | favorite season I love it so much but of |
41s | course we have a wonderful show for you |
43s | today we hope that you are excited |
45s | you've been waiting for a month we've |
46s | been waiting for a month we've got a lot |
48s | of stuff that we've been doing uh |
50s | internally and maybe we'll talk a little |
52s | bit more about that on the studio update |
54s | as well but of course |
57s | um today is itinerary agenda is we have |
60s | our reminders we have an event update |
62s | and if you've been following us on |
64s | social we've been letting folks know |
65s | that it's going to be a wave-based |
67s | combat so get excited for a little bit |
69s | of Combat Action I know folks are |
71s | excited for that I had a lot of fun |
73s | playing so yeah like |
77s | like a mofo |
79s | um and then we've got our studio update |
82s | art update and Q a as per usual so |
87s | jam-packed but hopefully today won't be |
90s | as long so you know just hopefully you |
92s | have a good amount of snacks some water |
95s | you don't need to Buckle in this time |
97s | we'll be we'll be a little shorter than |
100s | normal but of course at first we have |
102s | some quick updates and reminders the |
104s | first one here is that we do have a |
107s | comment |
108s | um so today's comment Spotlight from our |
110s | YouTube video from our last development |
112s | development update is the idea behind |
115s | all these nodes are awesome but I wonder |
117s | how it will actually play out in the |
119s | live version the problem is having |
121s | player run or the problem with having |
123s | player run towns is that people come and |
126s | go in video games so will towns die out |
128s | Etc and this is from name is two so I |
131s | think your name is for you know |
133s | subscribing to our YouTube channel and |
134s | leaving a wonderful comment |
136s | yeah that's a good this is a good |
138s | question and and fundamentally I do get |
140s | it a lot too |
141s | absolutely we do and it is it is |
144s | something that's at the Forefront of how |
145s | we you know Design Systems that are |
148s | intended to provide player interaction |
150s | and player agency and player direction |
152s | right |
153s | um one of the |
154s | uh I wouldn't say downsides but risks of |
158s | those types of mechanics and systems is |
160s | that you do have the potential for |
162s | either bad faith actors |
164s | um |
167s | excuse me or just people who come and go |
171s | as you said |
172s | um |
173s | and so you know we incorporate as part |
176s | of those designs certain fail-safes |
178s | certain protections certain automated uh |
182s | progression that takes over when some of |
184s | those decisions are lacking or are not |
187s | made and those decisions can be |
189s | defaulted now of course that would have |
192s | a deleterious effect on kind of the |
194s | direction that a particular node might |
196s | want to go because they're going to be |
197s | doing default behaviors or default |
200s | actions as opposed to something that |
201s | might be in line with the Strategic |
203s | objective of that particular node or the |
206s | specialization that the node has |
207s | previously been attempting to do but |
209s | that is why we have a regularly |
211s | recurring election period where players |
214s | can take the reins of power and can |
217s | elect someone else to come in and |
219s | participate and and re-write the ship so |
222s | to speak so it is absolutely a component |
226s | of having player driven mechanics that |
228s | there is an opportunity for things to be |
230s | less than ideal or less than |
233s | um strategic when certain bad faith |
235s | actors or people leave |
238s | um but there are safeguards in place |
243s | perfect |
245s | um hopefully that suffices for your name |
247s | is too I'm sure you'll let us know what |
250s | your thoughts are on it and of course if |
252s | you do have thoughts on any of these |
253s | things you can head on over to forums we |
255s | are very diligent about taking player |
257s | feedback the next thing speaking of |
260s | player feedback uh Segway |
263s | um we have some Dev discussions the one |
265s | that is currently out we have our Dream |
268s | nodes so if you if you have some |
270s | thoughts on what you would like your |
272s | dream node to be head on over and toss |
275s | us your feedback and up and coming we |
277s | also will have a Dev discussion about |
279s | basic attacks as well so definitely we |
282s | would love to hear your thoughts and |
283s | this is just this is a combination of |
285s | basic attacks and auto attacks as well |
287s | because I think in different games |
289s | people consider these different things |
291s | so we have a lot of questions from the |
293s | development team in regards to how you |
295s | would like to utilize those whether you |
298s | want to kind of stream them in between |
300s | your abilities or if you're not |
303s | interested in that at all so there will |
305s | be a lot of questions for you to answer |
307s | there and I do just want to emphasize |
309s | that these Dev discussions are of |
312s | critical importance to the development |
313s | team obviously the reason why and I have |
316s | I have um echoed this over the course of |
319s | many years and then these uh these |
322s | development updates but uh the reason |
323s | why it's so beneficial for us to partake |
326s | in a transparent development process is |
328s | because it affords us the opportunity to |
330s | collect that real-time feedback and |
332s | experiences and direction to a degree |
335s | from the uh the consumers that we are |
339s | creating this product for from you guys |
340s | The Gamers our community right |
343s | um so if you have the time to go and |
345s | kind of give your commentary on on the |
348s | things that you expect to see out of |
349s | these types of systems the experiences |
350s | that you've had in different games what |
352s | you've enjoyed about them what you'd |
353s | like to see done differently it is great |
356s | because our community team and and and |
358s | and Margaret helps to Shepherd kind of |
360s | all of these these comments into an |
363s | easily digestible format that the |
365s | developers then have an opportunity to |
367s | see what you guys are saying and that's |
368s | something that I think is super |
370s | important to make sure that those touch |
371s | points of communications between the |
373s | community and the development team is of |
375s | critical importance to the development |
376s | and I will say this as somebody who's |
378s | worked in this industry for a very long |
380s | time |
381s | um I love that Stephen affords us that |
384s | not every team gets you know 2q or two |
388s | Community managers to be able to help |
389s | with that but Roshan and bachner have |
391s | been doing an amazing job and getting |
393s | resounding love from our development |
395s | team in regards to their reports so they |
398s | do a very diligent job in reading |
400s | everything you guys Post in all those |
402s | spaces so we really appreciate it and of |
404s | course to play put a caveat on that as |
407s | well because I know there's the |
408s | counteractive that is that of course |
410s | we're not going to do everything that |
412s | players say you know we do have a vision |
414s | and direction of our product and so |
417s | we're going to try to make the best |
418s | decisions for us and what we want to |
420s | create but it is always nice to make |
422s | sure that we're all on the same page |
423s | because for the most part that is that |
426s | has been the case |
427s | um yeah so just keeping that in mind |
429s | yeah just to touch on that point real |
431s | quick the the Elegance of filtering out |
434s | the expression from our player base who |
437s | don't have of course in many cases the |
440s | experience of developing a product like |
441s | this but have the experience of playing |
443s | them and know what they like and dislike |
446s | that is where the community team comes |
449s | in and helps to filter out uh you know |
451s | kind of that feedback so that not only |
453s | is it digestible but that it's cohesive |
455s | and can make sense from a development |
457s | perspective yeah it's it's very well |
460s | done |
462s | um so thank you keep giving us your |
463s | feedback uh you know I think a lot of |
465s | the times when you're a player of a game |
467s | you're like why did they make this |
468s | decision well we're sharing the journey |
470s | with you we're telling you why we're |
471s | making those decisions and we're showing |
473s | you each little bit as we move forward |
474s | so be a part of it if it's something |
476s | that you really want and if you don't |
478s | step away it's okay you don't have to |
479s | either you know make a decision that's |
481s | best for you |
483s | um next up of course is |
485s | I'm sorry I just saw someone in chatted |
489s | that's put in a a a a picture of me that |
493s | ages over time into into Grace I haven't |
497s | seen that before no I haven't yet I've |
499s | never been using it on Discord that's |
500s | concerning and scary |
502s | there's a lot of Stephen uh memes out |
506s | there so some of them are pretty |
508s | intricate videos to Stevens oh my God |
511s | he's like I don't want to know |
514s | um next up this is just a reminder of |
516s | course that the Unseen order Cosmetics |
518s | uh they are going to be our last |
521s | pre-order packet set we have an FAQ on |
524s | our article or yeah an article you can |
527s | check that out at ashes of creation.com |
528s | news and you'll see the Unseen order |
531s | section |
532s | um this is the last pre-order Pack set |
535s | and it is going to end on January 17th |
537s | 2024 at 11 A.M Pacific this does not |
541s | mean that we're not going to ever do |
542s | Cosmetics ever again |
544s | um but or that you're not going to ever |
546s | have access to Alpha 2 or beta 1 or beta |
549s | 2 again but there will just be different |
551s | forms of how you get access to that |
552s | pending whether we think we can support |
555s | more players for those absolutely and |
557s | and I do encourage as Margaret has in |
560s | the past take a look at the FAQ section |
562s | of that |
563s | um you know I went through the FAQ and |
565s | provided as intricate as detailed |
567s | answers as I could regarding the |
569s | potential for future pack sales |
570s | obviously that's predicated on our |
572s | internal and external testing periods |
575s | that we will be incorporating over the |
577s | course of the coming time |
579s | um it's important to note the intent of |
581s | these packages is not to elicit a fear |
585s | of missing out response by our community |
587s | that is why this last pack will be |
590s | extended to to jam when is it January |
593s | January 17th 17th January 17th a lot of |
595s | time so there's a lot of time there in |
598s | addition Alpha 2 will be a a non-ndaid |
603s | um testing period that you will have an |
605s | opportunity to watch and and and and |
607s | partake in from a viewership perspective |
609s | even if you're not participating from a |
611s | playing perspective Alpha 2 you know I |
614s | can't reiterate this enough Alpha 2 is |
616s | not an intended game experience it is a |
620s | testing experience it is something that |
622s | that players who are participating in |
624s | Alpha 2 are assisting in the development |
626s | of it there there may be wipes there |
629s | will be periods of time where we're |
630s | taking it down and we're iterating upon |
633s | it it is not intended to be a fun |
635s | experience per se although I believe it |
637s | will be a fun experience I think it'll |
639s | be fun but um but it is intended to test |
642s | our core systems it is intended to to |
644s | test our our Network architectures it is |
647s | intended to prepare the game for an |
649s | official launch right so um or prepares |
651s | for Betas |
653s | um in our courses and our core systems |
655s | and to that end |
656s | um do not feel like if you are not |
658s | participating in Alpha 2 that you're |
660s | missing out you know on something this |
663s | is not integral to to the play |
665s | experience you will have when the game |
667s | launches |
668s | um and so that's that's something look |
669s | at the journey that we've had so far |
671s | right yes see where the game was before |
673s | and where it's come where it's at now or |
675s | if you saw the Alpha One footage which |
677s | is you know you can Google that because |
679s | that was also not undied |
682s | um you can see how far we've come from |
684s | that too so absolutely there's |
685s | definitely going to be a journey here |
689s | um and you can be part of that whether |
691s | you're in game or being able to watch |
694s | um and tell someone else what you want |
695s | them to do for sure maybe we can get the |
699s | programmers to do a chat |
700s | character or like you in chat try to |
703s | make the character do things would be |
705s | fun maybe not for Alpha two but that |
708s | could be a cool experience |
710s | um but yeah just wanted to remind people |
711s | that there is an FAQ make sure you check |
713s | that out that this will be the last pack |
715s | set for now |
717s | um and we are thinking about how we want |
720s | to move forward with other potential |
722s | shop stuff as well I know exclusivity |
724s | has been a problem that people |
726s | um are concerned about and I think in |
728s | future shop items we will kind of remove |
730s | some of that element so we can rotate in |
733s | things so if you missed it there will be |
735s | an opportunity for you to get it again |
736s | later rather than right now where |
738s | everything's very much exclusive but |
740s | that's kind of how we've had stuff set |
742s | up |
744s | um and with that I think we are on to |
747s | our events update if you're ready yes |
750s | I'm ready for it absolutely so |
754s | um I didn't do a lot of prefacing this |
757s | time in the video uh to my dismay after |
760s | the the recording was completed because |
762s | now of course that's a standalone on |
764s | YouTube and some people may not hear |
765s | that this is a work in progress but |
767s | hopefully I've said it enough prior to |
768s | that that it just carries forward I |
771s | don't know regardless I know but |
774s | regardless I do want to preface now that |
776s | what you guys are about to see is a bit |
779s | different than what you saw with our |
782s | story arc system |
784s | um and it is different from our |
785s | commissions system |
787s | um this is our event system and to be |
791s | clear what you're going to see is an |
793s | example of the event system that |
795s | showcases types of content that can be |
798s | popped up in the world around you based |
802s | on predicates of what's happening in the |
804s | world and this particular event that |
807s | you're going to see a pop-up of is with |
809s | regards to a a destructed Caravan that's |
812s | having some wave assault by some Bandits |
816s | excuse me and the reason for that event |
819s | kicking off is because |
821s | in the background there might be |
823s | negotiations there might be advancement |
825s | in relationship status between nodes |
827s | that cause uh the Thematic element of |
831s | this pop-up event being a automated |
833s | Caravan moving throughout the world or |
835s | whatever that hit the snag of the Bandit |
838s | encounter and players in the area around |
840s | it have an opportunity to participate |
842s | now there's a lot of different predicate |
844s | systems that are involved in the event |
846s | system and they correlate uh in some way |
849s | shape or form to some other types of |
851s | world states that are happening within |
853s | Vera at the time and that give players |
856s | an opportunity to interact with those |
858s | events and receive rewards and receive |
860s | experience and receive gold and receive |
863s | some loot tables off of that and these |
865s | pop up kind of around the world right so |
867s | you're going to be seeing an example of |
869s | that here uh in in the upcoming Alpha 2 |
873s | and this is a video that Clayton and |
875s | Scott and ine and a lot of others have |
877s | have obviously helped to stand up the |
880s | event system so that it is a very |
882s | versatile way to deliver content to the |
884s | players so as a disclaimer of course |
887s | this is all a work in progress this is |
889s | in still an alpha State the UI is |
892s | pending additional development as is the |
894s | visual effects and some of the |
896s | performance indicators but this gives |
899s | you an idea of what you can expect |
900s | coming in Alpha two so we do have an |
903s | article of other events too so if you |
906s | want some more event action you can |
908s | check that out oh and real quick yeah |
911s | sorry one last thing I know some people |
913s | are are um are are constantly asking us |
916s | about Alpha two we are going to have a |
918s | little bit of an announcement here at |
919s | the end of the stream uh not too much |
921s | hype just giving a little bit of |
923s | direction with regards to expectations |
924s | for Alpha 2 but we will talk about that |
927s | after the event showcase |
929s | all right |
931s | see ya on the flip side |
953s | hello everyone and welcome to another |
956s | live stream from the Glorious world of |
959s | Vera and we have an exciting showcase to |
962s | give you all today we're going to be |
964s | talking about our event system and I am |
968s | actually joined by three of our |
970s | absolutely wonderful developers with |
973s | whom you've spoken with in the past on |
975s | some other live streams we have one of |
978s | our glorious Engineers Clayton Clayton |
980s | oh absolutely wonderful glorious what an |
983s | introduction I'm doing great I know |
984s | really somebody really so many words to |
987s | show off all of our hard work so |
990s | very excited to see it with you and |
992s | excited to chat with the community about |
993s | it I know you guys have been doing a lot |
995s | of hard work on this we also have two of |
998s | our wonderful designers uh Scott how you |
1001s | doing buddy excellent I'm very excited |
1003s | to be here |
1004s | yay and Amy Amy how are you doing hi I'm |
1007s | good last time I was here we took down |
1009s | two marks so I'm I'm ready today I'm |
1011s | playing cleric again so um yeah I got |
1014s | your back |
1015s | thank you I okay so you heard it here |
1018s | first folks if I die |
1021s | it's of course not my fault it would be |
1025s | the clerical no |
1026s | um but okay so where where are we we are |
1029s | in a familiar biome uh many of you guys |
1032s | should be expecting where we are we are |
1034s | in the wonderful riverlands |
1036s | yep we are a little bit |
1038s | east of the last live streaming location |
1040s | which was Winstead node |
1043s | um yeah I see Carfin in the distance |
1044s | Carfin is even further east from |
1046s | Winstead so we're kind of sandwiched |
1048s | between Winstead and Carfin right now |
1050s | um no big curse happening right now so |
1053s | it's a nice day out okay so it's a nice |
1055s | day out there's not like any type of |
1057s | blood curse or Undead roaming the area |
1058s | no not at the moment no |
1060s | okay very cool and what are we doing |
1063s | here in the riverlands talk to me a |
1066s | little bit about what has brought us out |
1068s | here and I'm going to jump off my my |
1069s | glorious Steed here while we talk about |
1071s | it absolutely so uh we're actually just |
1074s | out here to uh kill some mobs grind some |
1076s | experience get some get some resources |
1078s | maybe out of the land here and uh |
1081s | eventually |
1082s | um the world should react to that and we |
1085s | could potentially create an event here |
1087s | I see a a web weaver so okay so our |
1091s | objective right now is |
1093s | um we're going to be showing off |
1095s | obviously the event system and part of |
1097s | that event system is that it can take a |
1101s | whole host of different predicates to |
1102s | kind of kick off different types of |
1104s | events Clayton talk to me a little bit |
1106s | about what that oh he's on me he's on |
1108s | yeah as soon as I'm not dying but yeah |
1112s | so uh the event system uh it can query |
1116s | uh a lot of different aspects of the |
1119s | dynamic World state right now it's |
1121s | actually just tracking player activity |
1122s | in the world uh and uh you know for this |
1125s | event in particular and uh it's looking |
1129s | for us to kill some stuff so we're out |
1130s | here killing some stuff and eventually |
1132s | the event should trigger once uh it's |
1134s | detected enough player activity |
1137s | very cool and and these and these this |
1140s | type of predicate that is the |
1141s | essentially the activity map for killing |
1145s | yeah the activity Maps that's not the |
1147s | only way that these events can get |
1148s | kicked off there's a whole host of |
1149s | different ways that they can also yeah |
1151s | for sure yeah so we we have a really |
1154s | really awesome system that the designers |
1155s | have access to uh that lets them uh hook |
1159s | into really any Dynamic World State and |
1162s | use that to inform the instantiation or |
1164s | even just like the progression of uh any |
1167s | event |
1171s | very cool yeah these spiders are gross |
1174s | Scott what are what are some uh plans |
1177s | that you have for uh different |
1179s | predicates for uh instantiating some of |
1182s | these events yeah so obviously we just |
1184s | got this kind of generic sort of kill |
1187s | one here uh that we can use for all |
1189s | sorts of different things for tracking |
1190s | player activity |
1191s | um no Big Bear time uh we also are |
1194s | looking at the amount of resources that |
1195s | players can Harvest as a predicate we |
1198s | have |
1199s | uh story arcs that are going on so |
1201s | active stores could cause different |
1203s | events to start yeah um trade Caravans |
1206s | happening relationships between |
1207s | different nodes and also just the state |
1209s | of the nodes themselves I'll even let |
1212s | him beat me up here because it's kind of |
1215s | cool he's charging you yeah |
1219s | he will throw you around those Bears can |
1222s | can really catch you off guard if you |
1224s | let them |
1225s | okay |
1227s | so I see that a nearby event has started |
1230s | the predicate has been met |
1232s | yep oh and I see now on the mini map we |
1235s | have a little bit of a location for it |
1237s | yeah so just south of us here um |
1240s | we were just kind of uh the event has |
1243s | kind of kicked off because of the just |
1245s | us killing stuffer in the area here |
1247s | yeah and we might see some visual |
1249s | indicators over the hill here in a |
1252s | second |
1253s | and so when when one of these events |
1255s | kick off it's not just obviously |
1257s | notifying players based off of their |
1258s | proximity with uh the mini map and with |
1261s | the you know UI toast that pops up but |
1263s | also as you said Clayton we have a |
1265s | visual indicator in world that's also |
1267s | rooting the the event as well yeah for |
1269s | sure uh you know Scott can could |
1271s | probably touch on you know uh the |
1273s | diegetic nature of all of our narrative |
1275s | content and the the goals there but |
1279s | uh oh wait hold on before we get too |
1282s | close I'm seeing that there's some gray |
1284s | Shore archers and a Grace or Grace or |
1287s | swordsman |
1289s | okay all right oh should I join this |
1292s | event as a Defender team definitely yes |
1294s | that'll allow if some other players do |
1298s | come around while we're playing that'll |
1300s | allow them to uh join the event raid |
1304s | group with us so we've effectively taken |
1306s | the party that we had pre-formed and and |
1308s | merged that uh into uh a new raid group |
1313s | okay I slept a couple of these |
1316s | um of the highway captains there's some |
1319s | of them on the settlers right now okay |
1322s | and the settlers are an objective type |
1325s | that exists within this particular |
1326s | archery exactly what I mean yeah oh my |
1331s | God there's a lot yeah no they're |
1332s | sniping from up on top of the rocks |
1335s | thanks Amy oh I see |
1338s | I see I'm sorry I'm gonna go put the |
1339s | long spots down oh god oh no no no no |
1342s | okay the event difficulty didn't change |
1344s | though |
1358s | we're distracting the the bandits from |
1360s | the settlers right now so that's good |
1362s | none of them have died it's Caravan |
1364s | Integrity is good |
1366s | um |
1368s | okay I see the Caravan Integrity on the |
1371s | uh on the event note uh notification |
1374s | window it looks like they're mostly just |
1376s | going for the settlers right now |
1378s | oh no those poor settlers we've we've |
1381s | kept them up |
1382s | nope I just saw one die oh God two of |
1384s | them two of them went out at once |
1390s | I shouldn't have mentioned it they would |
1392s | have been fine |
1393s | so our objective here is to protect |
1395s | these settlers while we eliminate 20 of |
1398s | these hot women |
1400s | okay okay |
1402s | but there's probably another wave coming |
1405s | yes there's still some Shore there's |
1407s | still some gray short people around I |
1409s | see is some of them coming from uh |
1411s | Northeast there's an arsonist coming oh |
1413s | there we go there we go |
1415s | oh and some from uh downhill Northwest |
1417s | too Scott why are they coming from the |
1420s | north |
1421s | so we're actually pretty near one of our |
1423s | pois which is actually under Bandit |
1426s | control uh the apathy named Highwayman |
1429s | Hills is just over the corner just |
1431s | around the corner here |
1432s | um so they'll be attacking NPCs kind of |
1435s | in this area until such a time as uh |
1437s | players deal with it via story arc |
1445s | guys alive right |
1447s | okay all right we did it |
1449s | all right okay did you survive okay so |
1452s | it says prepare for the final assault so |
1455s | this is this is a stage based off of our |
1457s | kind of |
1458s | our our progress our activity our our |
1460s | success what is this yeah so we just we |
1463s | defeated the requisite number of of |
1465s | bandages which is going to progress the |
1469s | stage here and and during this stage |
1471s | here we can reset some of the traps that |
1473s | the bandits used to initially destroy |
1476s | the Convoy and we can use those against |
1477s | the bandits in the next phase which is |
1479s | actually more difficult so |
1482s | yeah we'll definitely need them uh |
1485s | whenever they they the bandits do come |
1487s | with reinforcements they're probably |
1489s | going to be bringing their best so |
1491s | especially because we have more players |
1493s | now so the difficulty of the event will |
1495s | be more when there are more players and |
1496s | of course like all things in ashes the |
1499s | more difficult to challenge the better |
1500s | the rewards and also uh you know our |
1503s | clerics can have some time to heal up |
1506s | the the settlers and uh you know |
1509s | hopefully set us up for Success whenever |
1511s | the next round does come in |
1514s | and how do we how do we leverage the |
1516s | reward system how are people you know |
1518s | getting calculated what rewards they |
1520s | should get uh so for events like this we |
1523s | have kind of a number of metrics that we |
1526s | can use I think we're going to be doing |
1528s | a lot of testing to figure out what the |
1529s | best metrics are because there are some |
1530s | ups and downs using like pure the amount |
1533s | of damage you've done you know in the in |
1534s | the raids and stuff like that um and |
1536s | we're also look like more relaxed things |
1538s | like how much time you spent you know |
1539s | participating in the event whether |
1541s | that's doing damage or healing allies |
1543s | and things like that as a as a |
1545s | percentage of the total time of the |
1546s | event |
1547s | um they all have their drawbacks and |
1548s | benefits some are |
1549s | uh you know we got to be careful about |
1551s | it yeah |
1553s | um but yeah we'll just count up the |
1554s | contribution however we end up balancing |
1556s | that and then we have different tiers of |
1558s | rewards that are given to each |
1561s | individual player based off of their uh |
1563s | contribution score in the event as it |
1565s | works right now it is just simply a |
1567s | matter of how much time you've |
1568s | participated in the event as a |
1569s | percentage of the total time of the |
1571s | event |
1572s | very nice and and so as that kind of as |
1575s | that winds down people will be you know |
1577s | granted a gold silver bronze tier kind |
1580s | of reward status and that will be the |
1583s | entitlement for the types of rewards |
1584s | they get from these events exactly and |
1586s | really that that's just going to |
1587s | determine the reward table that they're |
1589s | going to get and then each player is |
1590s | going to roll their own reward table uh |
1592s | independently |
1594s | very nice I hope I'm gonna get rewarded |
1596s | for all the healing I'm doing yeah yeah |
1598s | uh Amy you deserve it |
1601s | raid leader yep uh our timer is up and |
1605s | Corvin the crusher appears to be on the |
1608s | way |
1608s | oh God he's coming all right we're gonna |
1611s | need healing almost immediately |
1616s | oh my God there's a lot I'm |
1618s | I'll leave some of them |
1621s | oh never mind there's multiple balls of |
1623s | lightning |
1624s | see if I can line this up right |
1628s | he's gonna try and use the perhaps as |
1630s | best I can |
1636s | man this is really great I am on fire |
1639s | wait we have them in a choke point right |
1640s | now we definitely want to keep them away |
1641s | oh there's birds we want to keep them |
1643s | away from the Caravan and in this choke |
1645s | point |
1646s | I got him to trigger the Tripper here |
1647s | I'm hitting them with a lot of aoes |
1649s | right now |
1651s | and the only objective here as you can |
1653s | see from the tracker is to kill Corbin |
1655s | uh so until Corbin goes down yep uh I'm |
1659s | trying to prioritize their healing and |
1661s | DPS so that we can have a better chance |
1664s | here I think with with the uh |
1667s | The Raid group of eight we seem to be |
1669s | set up for Success here |
1671s | uh Corbin the crusher Amy uh Scott would |
1675s | either of you want to touch on uh the uh |
1677s | event difficulty tier and what we intend |
1680s | to do with that as more players join the |
1682s | event |
1684s | as soon as people join in I yep |
1688s | more difficult |
1693s | I don't know if you thought but we had a |
1695s | toast saying that the event has |
1697s | progressed from its original state as a |
1701s | group event to a rage level event that |
1704s | was a veteran |
1705s | that are level in the first that comes |
1707s | with them or challenges more optional |
1710s | objectives but also uh |
1713s | more rewards so it's never it's never |
1715s | going to be like a bother to have other |
1718s | people join you it's uh it's all part of |
1721s | uh part of being in a like multiplayer |
1725s | environment is you know the more friends |
1727s | join up with you the better |
1731s | yeah you know I think it's uh cool that |
1734s | you touched on the rewards because yeah |
1735s | the the designers have have the ability |
1739s | you know just from a technical |
1740s | perspective to use the difficulty tier |
1742s | however they like in the event they can |
1744s | modify any aspect of the event's |
1746s | difficulty or even you know the the |
1748s | reward that you're you're getting they |
1749s | can query that in the reward table data |
1753s | we're doing pretty good here this |
1754s | Caravan hasn't really been taking much |
1755s | damage at all yeah people hold them off |
1757s | pretty well yeah the tank was able to |
1759s | intercept them at that choke point so |
1762s | yeah that's going to be working too this |
1764s | Elite healer is rough |
1767s | yeah that should be very hard to kill |
1769s | some of the gray Shore Swordsmen and The |
1772s | Archers are still alive |
1774s | we can change that we have the |
1776s | technology |
1778s | ah there we go |
1781s | we win |
1784s | congratulations is there Rewards well |
1787s | you know there's also a grateful settler |
1789s | here presenting us the the reward uh |
1791s | maybe he has something to say let me |
1793s | talk to him |
1795s | greetings grateful settler |
1798s | praise aryak |
1801s | they might have killed us without your |
1803s | intervention please help yourself I will |
1805s | help myself thank you what type of |
1807s | supplies are we talking about oh you're |
1809s | one of those Heroes |
1811s | unbelievable this was a difficult a |
1814s | difficult uh task you know you you just |
1818s | head over to Highwayman Hills and join |
1820s | the bandits Stephen unbelievable claim |
1822s | unbelievable I'm a hero in this I'm a |
1825s | mayor of a local network oh my God |
1827s | a shame it came to violence we are |
1830s | hopeful we could leave that behind on |
1832s | Sanctus okay yeah I want you know I'm |
1834s | hopeful of that too but you know |
1835s | sometimes we can't just get what we hope |
1837s | for so Whoa We got some wool |
1841s | yep we got some more okay I got some |
1846s | wool you're also granted uh on the |
1848s | events completion you're granted like a |
1849s | little stipend of golden experience just |
1851s | right away uh but items that can be |
1853s | looted off your body they have to come |
1854s | from like reward chest so every event |
1856s | will have its own little reward cash at |
1858s | the end of it you'll grab your materials |
1860s | items from and I |
1863s | as my reward why'd you get Tim |
1865s | Ember uh well that it rolled I got that |
1868s | uh reward from my reward table maybe I I |
1871s | participated better than you so I got a |
1872s | better resource |
1874s | how dare he is |
1875s | I was out there doing a lot of work uh |
1878s | and uh Scott this this NPC he's also |
1881s | configured to actually uh interface with |
1883s | some of the story art content too right |
1884s | if the story arcs were online it's true |
1886s | yeah I think they it is online actually |
1888s | it's just not active check it out check |
1890s | it again Stephen |
1892s | oh okay where am I going uh talk to the |
1893s | guy again I think you might have missed |
1894s | a dialogue option okay here we go okay |
1896s | okay the tough one who are these people |
1898s | why were they who are these people let's |
1900s | see they're desperate folks who prowl |
1904s | the hills captain |
1906s | udoxia in lionhold is looking into the |
1909s | matter I should seek her out and find if |
1911s | there is a better way I could help |
1912s | around here you know what I will do oh |
1914s | okay here we go |
1917s | uh |
1919s | L I see |
1921s | a lot of different placeholder rewards A |
1925s | Bridge Too Far yeah they're the rewards |
1927s | for the for a lot of the quests are |
1929s | still not uh fully done yet uh |
1933s | the events do hook into all of our story |
1935s | art content so if there are store Works |
1937s | online we can like since our quests are |
1939s | non-linear events can help you kind of |
1942s | into those quests |
1943s | um if they're online this event can |
1945s | happen whether or not the historic is |
1946s | online but if it is you can pick up the |
1949s | like uh lead into that Quest from him um |
1953s | if you're not you know if you haven't |
1954s | been to line hold in a while since the |
1955s | story arc has started |
1956s | very cool and so obviously |
1959s | um you know people saw a little bit |
1960s | during this event that the Adaptive |
1964s | Difficulty was predicated on the number |
1966s | of participants that opt into uh to |
1971s | partake in this event right |
1973s | yes so as more players join |
1976s | um the the event does get more difficult |
1978s | with we went from the regular mobs to |
1981s | the elite mobs |
1982s | um in corvin's entourage some of them |
1985s | can be |
1986s | you know more uh more enemies to fight |
1989s | some can have completely different |
1990s | stages or mechanics depending on which |
1993s | what the event actually is and and what |
1995s | your objectives are for that event |
1997s | and these these events are based off of |
2001s | different predicates within the world |
2002s | state so for example this particular |
2004s | event was a caravan that was moving |
2006s | throughout the world and as you as we |
2007s | said in the beginning it was based off |
2009s | of the activity heat map of players |
2010s | within this area but this type of event |
2013s | this Caravan event that was transiting |
2015s | Goods uh popped up because nearby nodes |
2018s | may have either been advancing the |
2020s | relationship between each other or there |
2022s | might have been a trade Caravan that got |
2024s | kicked off in the past and we're |
2026s | representing kind of that |
2028s | um that theming within the World by |
2030s | these event types correct yes so events |
2033s | are predicated by things that players |
2035s | are doing whether that is no development |
2037s | uh you know trade agreements between |
2038s | nodes |
2039s | um |
2040s | all of it like relationship between |
2042s | nodes I mean um so it could be more than |
2043s | just that could be War States or |
2046s | anything like that as well so so cool I |
2048s | noticed that even though we succeeded in |
2051s | the event we're still in our event raid |
2052s | group Scott what's the thought behind |
2054s | that are we supposed to go and adventure |
2055s | with our new group right now |
2057s | if we so desire yeah the event ending |
2061s | doesn't dissolve the open party for the |
2063s | event the open parties have some sort of |
2065s | default |
2067s | uh like party configurations that can't |
2069s | be changed so they'll be stuck with a |
2070s | group Loot and stuff like that |
2072s | um but we do try to encourage people to |
2074s | continue to stick together and play |
2075s | together |
2076s | um the game the game is hard so uh |
2079s | it's good to play with friends yeah I |
2082s | just left the raid I don't want to play |
2083s | with you |
2084s | he's going to join the bandits I called |
2087s | it yes I'm looking for The Highwayman |
2089s | Hill band yeah |
2091s | very cool okay and then obviously we saw |
2094s | during the event um there are obviously |
2096s | multiple stages that exist each of those |
2097s | stages having Unique Mechanics |
2099s | associated with them |
2100s | um there are a lot of different types of |
2102s | events I me that you and the narrative |
2105s | team and Scott that you guys are working |
2106s | on creating each of those events types |
2109s | will have different similar stages like |
2111s | we saw there was a trap stage here that |
2112s | we can set up is it intended that these |
2115s | stages are going to provide players with |
2116s | kind of downtime to recuperate and also |
2119s | perhaps set up and strategize how they |
2121s | want to address the upcoming challenge |
2124s | well I I don't really know about you but |
2126s | I'm I'm my heart speeding right now I |
2129s | feel like we've been challenged and uh |
2132s | of course there's going to be moments |
2133s | where um there are uh like uh less less |
2137s | uh |
2139s | thing challenges which rely Less on your |
2142s | class kit than usual but I think that in |
2144s | general if you want to like really get |
2146s | down and understand the story and the |
2148s | appreciate the world and then probably |
2151s | uh you're gonna want to focus more in |
2154s | the story arcs where you can take things |
2156s | at your own pace |
2158s | we have we have some events that do |
2160s | other things like there could be some |
2162s | that are just puzzles |
2163s | we have an event in here that is |
2166s | actually just like you can attend a |
2167s | funeral for just an NPC that can pop up |
2171s | and there isn't actually any combat to |
2173s | do in that one rewards are adequately |
2176s | scaled but there are events in here that |
2177s | are just kind of for flavor and for |
2179s | fleshing out the world a little bit too |
2180s | that you can participate in and learn |
2181s | more about yeah I think there are going |
2183s | to be some moments where where um you |
2185s | might be like frustrated that an event |
2187s | is like obscuring something that you |
2188s | want to get to like a |
2190s | NPC that you need to talk to for your |
2193s | request or something so then then |
2195s | Gathering people to help you is going to |
2197s | be really useful |
2199s | awesome very cool and that that event |
2201s | there at the last stage had |
2203s | um kind of like a little mini boss dude |
2205s | um is that kind of a component of all |
2208s | events that you guys are intending to |
2210s | incorporate or just kind of some events |
2211s | will have those mini bosses some will |
2213s | have them uh there's gonna be a whole |
2215s | lot of these and they're going to be at |
2218s | different tiers of of Challenge and uh |
2221s | you know kind of I guess uh |
2224s | like power level tiers |
2227s | um you know they're not all going to be |
2229s | you know defeating the you know |
2232s | end-all Dragon being at the end um some |
2235s | are just you know about helping people |
2236s | there's some are about |
2238s | um |
2239s | uh just building up the world of error |
2241s | which is a very difficult and |
2242s | challenging place as people are trying |
2243s | to resettle it there's |
2245s | um there's all kinds of tiers for |
2247s | different levels of heroism |
2248s | um |
2249s | and helping the small time people to |
2251s | Downing giant foes and these are |
2254s | obviously a bit different than what |
2256s | people have seen previously with Carfin |
2258s | where we showed off kind of the story |
2259s | arc system that fundamentally changes a |
2262s | particular location or area for an |
2265s | extended period of time that exists |
2266s | within stages that are might be |
2268s | multi-days in length these are more |
2271s | bite-sized kind of digestible end-to-end |
2274s | 20-minute gameplay right right |
2276s | definitely a shorter than a story arc |
2278s | which yeah as you mentioned before is |
2280s | meant to be taken kind of at a slower |
2281s | Pace |
2282s | um can your individual path through the |
2285s | story arc is a little bit more measured |
2287s | like you're less reliant on |
2290s | like the pace of the actual story arc |
2291s | it's more about your own personal Paces |
2293s | through the quests and then as the story |
2295s | arc advances |
2296s | over time like over the course of days |
2299s | then you you know can dive back into it |
2301s | and get more involved in it again |
2303s | very cool and then if there are people |
2306s | who you know might be |
2310s | um problematic to a particular event |
2312s | like this gendrach guy oh okay |
2316s | I think it's triggering like this |
2318s | gingrac guy we could like you know |
2321s | attack them or something right oh sure |
2323s | we could yes |
2324s | you were aligned with the bandits Maybe |
2327s | uh and there are some events that do |
2330s | have you pick sides in PvP yeah uh you |
2332s | know whenever Stephen joined this event |
2334s | uh he had one option to just merge us |
2336s | into the event raid group this was a PVE |
2338s | event uh but there are going to be |
2340s | events with uh sanctioned PVP where |
2344s | there are multiple team options to join |
2347s | got it got it got it got it okay very |
2350s | cool well |
2352s | I'll let jindrak live this time guys |
2354s | that was a super exciting uh event |
2356s | showcase I know that the community love |
2358s | to kind of see this stuff obviously |
2360s | events are an integral component of |
2361s | making the world feel uh kind of dynamic |
2364s | and representative of what is happening |
2366s | around the area it gives people insight |
2368s | into particular locations and the type |
2372s | of activities that might be occurring |
2373s | but it also gives really interesting |
2375s | ways for us as players to interact with |
2377s | that environment and affect change as |
2379s | well and be rewarded for that uh |
2381s | activity I think it's super cool you |
2383s | guys done a great job with standing up |
2385s | the event system and populating the |
2387s | world of really compelling activities so |
2389s | thank you for showing us a little bit of |
2391s | the work you guys have been doing |
2393s | towards Alpha 2. I know that the |
2395s | community loves it and we'll be back on |
2397s | stream to talk a little bit more about |
2399s | this |
2400s | all right thanks guys for having me |
2401s | Stephen bye thanks Steven absolutely bye |
2403s | everybody |
2406s | foreign |
2411s | welcome back why'd you say whoops oh my |
2415s | light went out |
2417s | in the in the office it went out right |
2419s | at the end there oh no hopefully the |
2421s | internet's gonna be okay it's just yeah |
2424s | I will play the video in the background |
2427s | so yeah very cool uh watch that we do |
2429s | have some questions from chat |
2431s | um about some things so one of the |
2433s | things was |
2435s | um to kind of set expectations for |
2437s | parties |
2438s | um we did talk about how when you |
2440s | disband a party or when you uh end it |
2444s | you know we do encourage you to group up |
2446s | and stay together but people are |
2448s | wondering if they have to like fully |
2450s | reform their parties or what the plan is |
2452s | in regards to that |
2454s | yeah so um there is an option as we said |
2457s | at the end to kind of stick around in |
2458s | that raid and to go off and do some |
2460s | additional things with each other |
2461s | obviously we want to encourage players |
2463s | to kind of cooperate and work with one |
2465s | another that is an MMO after all and |
2468s | that is the name of the game |
2469s | um but at the same time if people want |
2471s | to convert back into a party or if they |
2473s | want to move from that raid they are |
2474s | more than welcome to do so all right and |
2477s | then what happens if someone joins the |
2478s | event and then like |
2480s | goes M.I.A |
2483s | goes to get a coffee goes to the |
2484s | bathroom leaves does that still keep the |
2488s | difficulty |
2490s | uh yeah so there there is a way that we |
2493s | kind of um heat map player activity |
2495s | during the event to help inform that |
2497s | difficulty it's not just going to be |
2498s | based purely off of the number of |
2500s | participants within the area within the |
2502s | raid that's something that is dynamic |
2504s | and scales accordingly but the idea here |
2507s | is that you know we can't necessarily |
2509s | predict the number of players that are |
2511s | going to be participating in these types |
2513s | of events of course because not only is |
2515s | it opt-in but it's also kind of |
2517s | situationally and locationally relevant |
2520s | to uh the player activity now those |
2523s | events kicked off based off of local |
2525s | player activity as you saw here were |
2526s | killing the Bears we're killing the |
2528s | spiders that was one of the predicates |
2529s | that kind of kicked this local event off |
2531s | the event Was Then thematically relevant |
2533s | to kind of activities that were |
2535s | happening around the The Zone and that |
2537s | was like relationship between nodes that |
2539s | was progressing that caused this theming |
2541s | to be about a |
2543s | um a caravan being assaulted by Bandits |
2546s | for supplies and so it kind of gives you |
2548s | a touch point to the rest of the world |
2550s | and what's happening there but we want |
2553s | to scale that difficulty to a degree |
2555s | right we're not talking about like |
2556s | scaling up the player's power scaling |
2558s | down the power of the NPCs but rather |
2561s | how many additional spawners start to |
2563s | activate what different types of NPCs |
2565s | start to join are they going to be |
2567s | Elites is there the boss right those |
2569s | types of those types of things are |
2572s | scalable as part of the event system |
2575s | Google and then uh are you able to heal |
2579s | the Caravan settlers and things like |
2581s | that I know that you were |
2583s | um but we want to clarify like that you |
2586s | do need to protect them to some extent |
2588s | are there implications for if you don't |
2590s | like if a bunch of people die that |
2592s | you're supposed to be guarding will you |
2594s | get less reward what's that for sure |
2596s | there is the ability to fail uh I know |
2599s | that that is a strange concept for a lot |
2602s | of us nowadays playing more modern games |
2604s | but there is absolutely a way to fail |
2608s | um and some of those ways include how |
2610s | you're going to expend resources not |
2612s | just for your fellow players but for |
2615s | some of the objectives that might be |
2616s | present within the event as well and |
2619s | those resources that mainly being your |
2621s | Mana in this circumstance with regards |
2623s | to Healing those |
2624s | um those NPCs is I think a relevant and |
2628s | interesting component that makes it a |
2629s | little bit more dynamic |
2632s | all right and then do the events have |
2635s | cooldowns or could players Force the |
2637s | event to spawn endlessly |
2641s | um events absolutely do have cooldowns |
2643s | that cannot be forced to spawn uh |
2645s | repeatedly over and over again |
2647s | um those cooldowns are not just |
2649s | something that's based on a timer |
2650s | they're also predicated on certain |
2653s | actions occurring within the world once |
2655s | more or at different times and so again |
2658s | the most important thing about this |
2660s | system is that when we're talking about |
2663s | you know being out in a hunting grounds |
2665s | or being out you know transiting across |
2668s | the world these events are constantly |
2671s | popping up around the zones right and |
2674s | they kind of follow player activity and |
2676s | movement and there's a whole host of |
2679s | different types of events from a Content |
2681s | standpoint that reflect to the state of |
2683s | the world |
2684s | um |
2685s | and so it's important that like as |
2687s | players are doing these things these are |
2689s | additional levels of experience grants |
2692s | and reward tables that can be accessible |
2695s | based off of cooperation with other |
2697s | players in the area |
2699s | all right and then |
2702s | um the last one here is what would have |
2705s | happened if the raid group failed the |
2707s | event I know that you talked a little |
2708s | bit about this before |
2711s | um but |
2712s | would something have happened sure if we |
2714s | wouldn't have said yeah so so events |
2717s | that get kicked off |
2719s | um if you would not have saved everybody |
2721s | if this event would have failed and |
2722s | actually it failed many times in testing |
2724s | but |
2726s | um if this event would have failed it |
2728s | would have contributed to a world State |
2730s | tracker right and and events kind of can |
2734s | roll |
2736s | the event outcome can inform other |
2740s | events as predicates as well right and |
2743s | when you get enough events that are |
2744s | being failed |
2747s | when you get enough events that are |
2749s | being failed that can trigger a bigger |
2751s | event and uh when a bigger event fails |
2754s | that can trigger potentially a story arc |
2756s | and that can trigger potentially |
2760s | um uh atrophy events like there's it's a |
2763s | cascading foundational system that |
2766s | serves to predicate how other instances |
2770s | of dynamic reactive world |
2774s | activities respond to player choices |
2778s | player efforts player successes and |
2782s | failures right what we're building is a |
2784s | very comprehensive responsive world and |
2786s | I know a lot of times in different games |
2788s | you hear the buzzwords of like Dynamic |
2790s | and responsive and reactive and you know |
2793s | whatever but we are building the |
2796s | mechanics to inform those systems from a |
2799s | very scaling foundational perspective |
2802s | which can culminate into big |
2806s | server changing things happening right |
2810s | and this is at the very ground level of |
2813s | that overarching system you guys saw a |
2816s | little bit of the story arc system with |
2817s | Carfin and how it fundamentally changed |
2820s | the visuals of that of that area |
2823s | but what can help inform carfin's story |
2826s | arc kicking off is how these smaller |
2829s | feeding events what the outcome of those |
2832s | are right so so that's that's how we get |
2835s | the world that feels |
2838s | respective of player action yeah there's |
2841s | things that happen that have a Domino's |
2843s | effect of other things happening and |
2845s | depending on how that thing happened it |
2847s | may change and it doesn't always have to |
2849s | be the same things that are always |
2851s | happening this is why when we said that |
2853s | every |
2853s | server will kind of pretty much be very |
2857s | very different from another server it |
2859s | would be very very unlikely that they |
2861s | will be exactly the same and in the same |
2863s | state because you'd have to take very |
2866s | specific actions at the same time to |
2868s | make those things uh line up that way of |
2872s | course the video that we have will be up |
2874s | in 4k so if you want to see that you can |
2876s | head on over to our YouTube channel |
2878s | after the stream it will be able to |
2880s | stand up and move around so I can get my |
2881s | life yeah because the motion lights |
2882s | someone should someone at the office |
2885s | come wave around |
2892s | that's funny you don't move fast enough |
2894s | you're like sloth mode |
2896s | and of course we also have a form of |
2899s | event update feedback thread as well so |
2902s | if you have any thoughts after watching |
2904s | this and of course after you look able |
2906s | to like kind of move things around on |
2907s | the live stream or watch it either on |
2909s | Twitch or YouTube |
2911s | um you can feel free to toss your |
2912s | feedback our way we of course will be |
2915s | compiling a report for development in |
2917s | order to ensure that they get all the |
2919s | information from what you guys what your |
2921s | thoughts are so share those with us |
2924s | and with that we shall move over to |
2927s | Studio update |
2931s | Studio update yes |
2934s | um it's funny actually I was watching in |
2937s | chat somebody said how can I become a |
2939s | developer for this yes |
2943s | that's a nice little segue |
2946s | um yeah uh Studio update things are |
2948s | going great at the studio We are |
2949s | continuing to grow we are ending our |
2954s | um our Milestone actually this week |
2956s | actually I think it ended the band of |
2958s | last week we are currently transitioning |
2960s | into our next Milestone right now 29th |
2962s | today 29th oh it ends today that's right |
2965s | um and next week we are having about 20 |
2969s | room 20 of our remote employees are |
2971s | flying in for our Milestone 7 |
2973s | preparation and kickoff uh in San Diego |
2976s | and we're gonna have some fun events uh |
2978s | with the team doing some bowling nights |
2982s | and some uh uh full day reviews of our |
2985s | Milestone and play testing and |
2988s | um it is an exciting time here at the |
2990s | studio and I want to take a moment to |
2995s | um |
2997s | I want to take a moment to talk a little |
2999s | bit about the state of our industry |
3003s | um and you know be respective of the |
3005s | fact that |
3007s | um you know not everywhere in the gaming |
3009s | industry in the tech industry in general |
3011s | right now the economy is obviously uh a |
3014s | point of concern there's a lot of |
3015s | layoffs that have been happening and and |
3017s | it is a it is a very unfortunate and |
3019s | terrible thing of course I made a little |
3021s | bit of a statement on Twitter yesterday |
3023s | and on LinkedIn |
3024s | um you know our hearts go out to those |
3027s | individuals and and it is and it is an |
3030s | incredible experience to be a part of |
3032s | teams that create the magic that games |
3034s | are because really they are magical I |
3037s | mean games are |
3038s | um games are a very important part of |
3042s | our lives right it is important to have |
3044s | a work-life balance and part of of |
3046s | everyone out there who are in this |
3048s | audience that that it get to have down |
3050s | time and experience games with their |
3052s | friends and their families and and and |
3053s | and kind of de-stress with that it takes |
3056s | a lot to make those things and it takes |
3059s | a lot of effort and dedication and |
3062s | commitment and when things outside of |
3065s | your control and outside of your power |
3066s | impact your ability to do that it's |
3068s | obviously a moment of pause and |
3070s | reflection and Intrepid in intends and |
3074s | strives to be one of those places that |
3076s | takes |
3078s | um that takes sustainable growth |
3081s | practices as part of building up our |
3085s | company and our team in the efforts to |
3088s | deliver this product now of course MMOs |
3091s | are the biggest game you can make our |
3094s | MMORPG is probably one of the more |
3096s | ambitious ones and from the get-go we |
3100s | knew and you guys knew from a community |
3102s | perspective that this was going to be a |
3104s | journey and it continues to be that but |
3106s | every time we onboard a new person to |
3109s | this company to our team to our Intrepid |
3112s | family and I know that's a hot button |
3113s | issue to even use that word sometimes in |
3115s | a work setting but I I that is the type |
3118s | of feeling we we try to achieve at |
3121s | Intrepid every time we onboard someone |
3124s | new |
3125s | we do so with the conscious effort to to |
3129s | to to know what the end goal is in our |
3132s | development journey and to treat that |
3135s | team member that family member |
3137s | um with the type of of respect for their |
3141s | work and |
3144s | um |
3145s | and participation in this project right |
3147s | and so if you know somebody that's been |
3149s | impacted uh by these layoffs recently if |
3153s | if you guys are are in the ecosphere of |
3156s | of Twitter and or LinkedIn of these |
3158s | developers who are some of your favorite |
3159s | developers that have worked on projects |
3161s | in the past and you've seen the the |
3163s | product of their toils |
3165s | um then make sure to send them a message |
3167s | and let them know that we exist that |
3169s | ashes of creation is a project and that |
3171s | we have a lot of positions that are open |
3174s | um and if they don't see a position |
3176s | that's open they can go to |
3177s | intrepidstudios.com to our careers page |
3179s | and they can submit their resume and |
3181s | their portfolio and experience and we |
3183s | will |
3184s | spend the time and effort in order to |
3187s | evaluate their potential on the team so |
3190s | um you know that is that is something |
3192s | that I think is important and it's a |
3194s | it's a rough time out there right now |
3195s | for sure and our hearts go out to the |
3197s | people that are impacted by some of |
3199s | these layoffs but |
3200s | um but things are looking good here at |
3201s | Intrepid Studios and we continue to move |
3203s | forward in their next milestone is going |
3205s | to be a big one and with that being said |
3210s | well I I would yeah I think that I have |
3213s | some notes here too from our HR team |
3214s | which I'm not going to share everything |
3216s | they gave me because some of that is |
3217s | like private information for us but I |
3219s | think one of the cool things is I'm a |
3221s | data junkie as someone who does a lot of |
3223s | marketing stuff |
3225s | um we have an insanely great attrition |
3229s | rate comparatively to the industry so I |
3231s | mean for us we're at like 3.4 people are |
3234s | going to come and go they're going to |
3235s | have reasons why they want to maybe |
3236s | they're going to get paid more at |
3238s | another company or they they want a |
3240s | different type of job and we don't have |
3241s | that available for them although we do |
3243s | accommodate quite greatly for people |
3246s | um or they want to be 3.4 though that's |
3249s | not bad what's the industry average the |
3252s | software development or the the global |
3255s | average is 38.9 and the software |
3260s | development specifically is 57.3 so we |
3264s | are we are extremely low because people |
3267s | really do enjoy working here and I know |
3269s | it is cliche when it sounds cliche when |
3271s | you say family but Stephen and John |
3273s | really treat us all like family like |
3275s | there is love and care there that I have |
3278s | not always had at other companies so |
3279s | thank you well absolutely we we love you |
3283s | and we love our team and |
3285s | um it is something special that I think |
3287s | we built here at this company and it |
3289s | definitely feels like that |
3291s | um I think it would be great for us to |
3295s | talk a little bit about a common |
3297s | discussion point that obviously you and |
3300s | the community end so we're gonna do that |
3301s | before the art oh before oh okay okay my |
3304s | bad I'm sorry we can do it no we can do |
3306s | it we can do it now okay okay yeah do it |
3307s | now |
3309s | so wild in you guys as you guys know we |
3313s | have reserved our |
3316s | um uh uh announcement for dates until we |
3319s | are certain that we can hit them we've |
3321s | we've been burned in the past with that |
3323s | we took our licking because we learned |
3325s | no more dates Stephen until correct this |
3327s | happened I've been a good boy I've been |
3329s | a very good |
3331s | I haven't said any dates |
3334s | um and what I would like to do is as I |
3336s | see often in the community with a lot of |
3340s | different |
3341s | um uh conversations with content |
3343s | creators you know when is Alpha 2 going |
3345s | to be is it this year is it next year is |
3348s | it you know 20 30 you know kind of uh |
3352s | wild speculation that I think |
3355s | um I have attempted to address by saying |
3357s | Alpha 2 is not years away but it's also |
3360s | not right around the corner |
3362s | um and so as we grow closer to Alpha 2 |
3366s | we will give a definitive date the next |
3370s | time you hear from us about when Alpha 2 |
3372s | is going to be it's probably going to be |
3374s | delegated to a particular quarter and |
3376s | then when we're probably a few months |
3378s | away we will have the date in mind but |
3380s | for now I can definitively tell you that |
3384s | Alpha 2 is going to be and Q |
3389s | the video |
3404s | oh |
3406s | we're back |
3409s | hey that wasn't too bad that was pretty |
3411s | good so guys we can say that from now on |
3414s | when people talk to you about what Alpha |
3416s | 2 is going to be it is no longer a |
3419s | question of if but when next year Alpha |
3423s | 2 will be rolled out for public testing |
3425s | we have a number of different testing |
3427s | events that are going to be |
3428s | participating uh over there |
3430s | clarifications absolutely and includes |
3433s | some of that so yes the exact date as |
3435s | Steven said will be provided in a future |
3436s | uh in the future and of course when we |
3439s | do provide that date we will also give |
3442s | you guys further information in regards |
3443s | to testing schedule what's included in |
3446s | Alpha 2 because I know that that's where |
3447s | this is going to go next |
3449s | um and uh also the NDA spot testing that |
3453s | will be before Alpha two we will we will |
3456s | have first one with our PI members then |
3458s | we'll have some with our Alpha One users |
3461s | and then our Alpha 2 users and of course |
3463s | Alpha 2 will not be NDA but that's spot |
3467s | testing will be NDA yes so keep that in |
3469s | mind and then note that Alpha 2 is only |
3472s | accessible for players who have Alpha to |
3475s | access so just because you had Alpha One |
3476s | axis does not mean that you will have |
3478s | Alpha 2 X's to make sure that you do |
3480s | have Alpha two axis in your inventory |
3482s | it'll say Alpha two if you do but you |
3486s | will be able to partake in pre-tests |
3488s | because that's technically still Alpha |
3489s | One yes absolutely and guys I want to |
3493s | talk to you |
3494s | a little bit about setting expectations |
3496s | right appropriately |
3498s | um |
3499s | anytime you're delivering a software as |
3502s | as big as even what Alpha 2 is there's |
3505s | going to be bumps there's going to be |
3507s | hiccups there's going to be things that |
3509s | we don't account for |
3511s | that's just the nature of the Beast |
3514s | um part of that is many communities |
3517s | don't have an opportunity to see those |
3518s | bumps and hiccups because projects keep |
3521s | things very tight to the chest we have |
3523s | since the get-go decided not to take |
3525s | that approach and instead take the good |
3529s | bad and ugly approach which is you guys |
3531s | get to see uh that stuff and so as we're |
3535s | moving towards Alpha 2 in 2024 you can |
3539s | expect to see part of our development |
3541s | updates we'll be showcasing of course |
3542s | continually these systems you know some |
3544s | of those systems will be very big some |
3546s | of those systems will be smaller but our |
3548s | intent is to get feedback on them and |
3550s | kind of get experiential feedback |
3551s | especially so that we can help inform |
3553s | the revisions and the iterations that we |
3555s | do to them that's why we do these |
3557s | development updates right it's not just |
3559s | Margaret and I love being here with you |
3561s | guys and being a part of this process |
3563s | but we don't do it because we love it we |
3565s | do it because it is an integral |
3567s | component of making a good product right |
3570s | um and and that is our our philosophy so |
3573s | with that being said |
3575s | um I can hopefully now put to rest some |
3578s | of the question marks that arise out of |
3581s | the when is Alpha 2 going to be we |
3582s | definitively they're still going to ask |
3584s | I know January 1st goes and be like so |
3589s | what day is it |
3591s | discussion out of the realm of years |
3593s | into the realm of months which month is |
3595s | it gonna be right yeah so so that is |
3598s | that is I think a positive out and like |
3600s | what Stephen said we will our next |
3602s | update will give you a quarter and then |
3604s | we will provide dates after that so just |
3606s | keep that in mind there is going to be a |
3610s | progression of that information |
3612s | absolutely absolutely yeah very cool |
3615s | what a time to be alive I know this has |
3618s | been it has been wild a wild uh time in |
3622s | general for all of us |
3624s | um but yeah do I miss anything else on |
3625s | the studio update uh yeah I think we got |
3628s | we got everything so art stuff look at |
3631s | pretty art stuff let's do it yeah let's |
3633s | do it let's look at Art |
3635s | um no I just got a message from our web |
3636s | team that the website is currently |
3638s | getting hit hard |
3645s | the packages are going to be available |
3647s | till January 17th so so it'll be okay |
3652s | um I probably shouldn't have said that |
3653s | on the Stream |
3656s | or the the career page people might have |
3659s | been going to that too so |
3661s | um first and foremost we've got the |
3662s | deepwood uh syrinx drinks I think is |
3665s | what it's called uh it's like an |
3667s | instrument of some sort |
3669s | um which is really cool and that now has |
3671s | has its model and you may have seen |
3675s | these little potion traps on the ground |
3678s | that were created |
3680s | um I love seeing the work in progress uh |
3682s | images so I always like sharing that |
3684s | stuff with you guys and so that's what |
3686s | access to this and this is what you saw |
3688s | in |
3690s | um in the game yeah very cool and then |
3694s | we've got the notice by the way notice |
3697s | the kind of styling of the magical |
3700s | fantasy the kind of magical realism not |
3702s | so much too far on the steampunk side |
3705s | not too much magic Tech side but you |
3708s | know still keeping Steven doesn't like |
3709s | it's a high fantasy you know it's not |
3712s | that I don't like it I think that |
3713s | there's a lot of really cool interesting |
3715s | kind of Steampunk |
3717s | um iteration that's done in these games |
3719s | it's just I'm a hat I'm a high fantasy |
3722s | guy yeah we had some like designers who |
3725s | were trying to like plot out uh |
3727s | steampunk I was like no that's not ashes |
3729s | of creation move on |
3732s | um but next up we've got the Legionnaire |
3734s | outfit which now has a model as well |
3739s | I think it should rotate it's great I |
3741s | believe I have a turntable for this as |
3743s | well |
3745s | very different type of armor I know some |
3747s | people weren't sure how they felt about |
3749s | this set but the lore4 is really cool |
3752s | and some of the other pieces that they |
3754s | have for this set are coming along |
3756s | really well so I'm excited to share |
3759s | those |
3760s | next up is we've been working out some |
3763s | options for VEC plate and this is kind |
3765s | of a little preview of one of oh I love |
3768s | the directions bottles and the plate |
3770s | looks so good |
3773s | yeah I think Jan has been working on |
3776s | this and killing it |
3780s | yeah that looks great and that was the |
3783s | face masks the helmetless the helmets |
3787s | we have the turntable for this |
3791s | people can kind of see how that looks |
3792s | and look yeah you can see the model |
3794s | looks great |
3796s | so this is the female model |
3798s | and then I will also show you it on the |
3800s | |
3805s | and remember guys as you guys are seeing |
3807s | these different armor sets um |
3811s | you know the armors that we work through |
3814s | of course gradually increase in tier |
3817s | right based off of kind of the level |
3818s | that we're provisioning the armors for |
3821s | um now is this a cosmetic set or was |
3823s | this this is not no so this is one of |
3827s | the plate achievables yeah and and I |
3829s | believe that this armor judging off of |
3831s | its silhouette is probably going to be |
3833s | about a tier two armor from a tier V |
3836s | system right |
3837s | um so this would probably be something |
3839s | that's a fact that you would have access |
3841s | to between levels like 15 to 25-ish |
3844s | roughly yeah Beyond knows he can DM me |
3848s | and I can update it but |
3850s | um yeah very very cool and then of |
3853s | course we've got the silk fur Dune |
3855s | hunter that jincey has made the model |
3857s | for and it looks so cute I mean they |
3861s | just make like the concept art look |
3863s | exactly like the character it's wild to |
3865s | me how amazing they are |
3870s | who else is excited to ride this like oh |
3873s | my gosh so cute |
3876s | um and with that we're ready to head on |
3878s | over to our q a |
3881s | so I'll play the video in the background |
3884s | just so you have something to watch |
3886s | whilst |
3888s | um we answer some of y'all's questions |
3890s | from the forums uh the first one here is |
3892s | from plastic lemons don't eat those uh |
3897s | ask about mayor history I once tried to |
3900s | eat a plastic grape when I was a little |
3902s | kid it did not go well I I did the same |
3905s | thing I didn't try to eat it though I |
3906s | just chewed on it yeah well I couldn't |
3908s | eat it so I spit it out but yeah I was |
3911s | chewing on it I thought it was a real I |
3913s | used to love those little plastic grapes |
3914s | I would just grab them and chew on them |
3916s | oh just like okay |
3920s | interesting you learned something new |
3923s | every day see somebody just said LOL |
3925s | same were you really |
3927s | yeah |
3929s | Breakers maker |
3931s | oh my gosh maybe you guys have a |
3934s | teething or something you're like a |
3936s | little chew toy somebody else said that |
3938s | explains a lot |
3941s | it's so good maybe there's too much |
3944s | TMI uh we have mayor history which is |
3948s | Will players have a way to see who past |
3951s | mayors of their node were like a little |
3953s | like a log that'd be cool yeah |
3956s | absolutely yeah so something about other |
3958s | actions |
3959s | well maybe not all their actions but |
3963s | we can dream guys |
3965s | it is something that we do intend to |
3966s | provide obviously historical references |
3968s | within the game of not just the mayors |
3972s | of nodes but also |
3974s | um you know server first downs of |
3976s | certain bosses and this first like Guild |
3978s | achievements and Guild Hall ownership |
3980s | like we wanna you know the Achievement |
3985s | System should record things of note so |
3990s | that people are able to etch their name |
3992s | or their Guild in the history in the in |
3995s | the |
3996s | um in the history of the server and |
3998s | mayorship would be one of those things |
3999s | very cool |
4001s | um |
4003s | it would be cool if Mayors could like |
4005s | leave a little note and then all the new |
4007s | mayors get to see all the past notes |
4009s | Margaret was here just like etched in |
4011s | the desk yeah or something |
4015s | some might be helpful some might not be |
4017s | it's like uh what's that game |
4020s | anyways moving on ezrae from uh node |
4023s | about node government wants to know are |
4026s | there plans for official game supported |
4029s | node positions other than the mayor like |
4031s | a stable master or a procurement officer |
4034s | that word's hard to say |
4036s | are there other node-based positions |
4040s | basically like yes there there are other |
4042s | node-based positions |
4044s | um some of the most of them relate to |
4047s | um social organizational structures uh |
4049s | like the temple and the um uh social |
4052s | organization a building that the node |
4054s | might construct |
4056s | um those are ladder systems of |
4057s | achievement that players can work |
4059s | through on a seasonal basis to achieve |
4061s | the highest level of that for the |
4062s | particular node and by doing so they |
4065s | will then have titles bestowed upon them |
4067s | which grants certain types of powers and |
4068s | benefits |
4070s | speaking of which I'm going to forward |
4072s | to one of the questions here from cadek |
4073s | in regards to social organizations will |
4076s | progression in Social organizations be |
4078s | permanent or must it be maintained like |
4081s | PVP there will be a portion of your |
4085s | Social progression that does remain uh |
4088s | static but then when you move into a |
4091s | section of the ladder system that's more |
4094s | competitive |
4096s | just that section of achievement will be |
4099s | ticking and seasonal and you'll have to |
4101s | repeat efforts there so so you can |
4103s | achieve a certain status rank that will |
4105s | be permanent unless you choose to leave |
4107s | the system and then there will be a |
4108s | section that's ladder based cool and |
4111s | then the next one here is about music uh |
4115s | Doug bug 27 wants to know cities in MMO |
4118s | parges tend MMORPGs tend to have iconic |
4122s | music to match the aesthetic of |
4124s | locations how do you expect ashes of |
4126s | creation and bear Mercury uh |
4129s | specifically to create music to fit |
4131s | nodes when they will be changing all the |
4134s | time and easy answer predicates well uh |
4138s | it's yeah it's a great question |
4140s | um so uh cat and a bear obviously we |
4145s | have a great um |
4147s | we have a great process by which |
4150s | there are different levels of associated |
4153s | soundtracks based off of |
4156s | um defining |
4157s | features in the game so if we're talking |
4159s | about nodes then we're talking about |
4161s | what's the cultural representation of |
4162s | that node uh soundtracks and theming |
4164s | music will then be accompanied based off |
4166s | of the culture that the node expresses |
4167s | if we're talking about biomes and we're |
4170s | talking about pois each of those will |
4172s | have distinctive themes that are |
4174s | associated with them so when you're out |
4175s | in the wilderness or you're out at a |
4176s | specific POI those will have soundtracks |
4179s | that will play as well each of those |
4182s | systems will Encompass a um a layered |
4185s | effect that can reflect the stage of |
4189s | certain types of events within an area |
4190s | so for example the POI that is carfen |
4193s | that will have a general theme for |
4195s | Carfin that will play as you move into |
4197s | the area but depending on the effects of |
4201s | a particular story arc we may weave in a |
4204s | layer of of of the soundtrack that |
4207s | reflects perhaps the voice of the raid |
4210s | boss when she's present right and if |
4212s | she's not that layer won't be weaved in |
4215s | um so so those soundtracks are |
4217s | constructed in such way obviously where |
4218s | you can get a lot of usage out of them |
4221s | and there are components and themings of |
4223s | those that can weave together and layer |
4225s | together and it's intended to be |
4227s | something that not just as pleasant but |
4229s | informative of the world as well |
4231s | in different states right like if you're |
4233s | in combat you might have that's correct |
4235s | yes there's combats absolutely there's |
4237s | combat States as well yes |
4239s | um |
4241s | speaking of Music our next uh question |
4243s | is from song roon and it's about bards |
4245s | what equipment slot does a Bard's |
4248s | instrument take up |
4251s | it takes up the |
4253s | um instrument slot |
4255s | yes so there there will be an instrument |
4258s | slot um that can be available uh as well |
4261s | and The Bard can equip uh something |
4263s | there but that is obviously subject to |
4264s | change it is something that has been of |
4266s | heavy discussion within the combat team |
4268s | and the player character team and how we |
4271s | want to facilitate instrumentation |
4273s | um and it's something that we haven't |
4275s | yet really delved into from development |
4276s | perspective |
4277s | it's a little bit later on a |
4278s | prioritization list but the intent is |
4281s | that there would be an instrument slot |
4283s | all right and killjoy from The Forum |
4286s | wants to know about no taxes since taxes |
4288s | are set by the mayor is there going to |
4290s | be a way to see the tax rates in |
4294s | different nodes from like a world map or |
4296s | something like that so you can decide |
4297s | like hmm where should I take my |
4300s | strawberries today yes absolutely yes if |
4303s | you want to take your strawberry |
4304s | somewhere where the the man isn't trying |
4306s | to pinch every dime out of you you can |
4308s | go into your world map and you can hover |
4310s | State over certain nodes and you'll be |
4311s | presented with some basic informations |
4313s | of which of course taxation will be a |
4316s | component and then as you arrive in that |
4319s | node you will also have additional uh UI |
4322s | interface that can present you with uh |
4324s | more granular data such as active items |
4328s | on the warehouse and or excuse active |
4330s | items on the auction house in that |
4331s | location and different types of services |
4333s | presented by the service buildings |
4337s | all right and then we've got from Grand |
4340s | serpent about active blocking has the |
4343s | team considered grapples or guard breaks |
4346s | to go along with the potential uh active |
4348s | blocking so kind of like what the player |
4350s | is looking for is and wondering is if |
4353s | there will be ways to interrupt or |
4354s | cancel another player's active blocking |
4356s | so I'm blocking you yeah |
4360s | for sure there there is intended to be |
4362s | uh an interaction between uh different |
4366s | types of reactive and predictive skill |
4368s | sets of which if a player is in a state |
4370s | such as an active block or an active |
4373s | tumble State |
4374s | um there will likely be some types of |
4376s | abilities that interact with |
4378s | um uh reacting to those types of states |
4380s | and will either overcome surpass or |
4383s | cancel out those States uh particularly |
4385s | as it relates to not just active |
4387s | blocking but also potentially passive |
4389s | blocking as well and that would be |
4391s | um you know something probably related |
4393s | to like physical penetration values as a |
4395s | stat |
4396s | um |
4397s | or even CC breaks that could be relevant |
4400s | as well for those types of things I |
4402s | think that's on the radar for the combat |
4403s | team uh but it's something they haven't |
4405s | or they actually are I think exploring |
4408s | exploring active blogging right like |
4411s | yeah I know you're not sure if the final |
4413s | answer is that we will have active |
4414s | blocks yeah I just well I just had a |
4416s | discussion with the combat team last |
4418s | week uh with Trad and with Brian about |
4422s | um how we're going to implement the |
4424s | active blocking into the Alpha 2 kits |
4427s | um and that is something we are moving |
4429s | forward with right now that's going to |
4431s | be tested with a stamina-based system |
4433s | which is universal energy of course |
4434s | across all the different classes |
4436s | um and yeah that'll be something we |
4438s | Showcase in the future in a future live |
4440s | stream I think right now it's very much |
4441s | in development so stay tuned everybody |
4444s | in regards to that I know that that's a |
4445s | hot like I was like we also probably |
4447s | should address active blocking as a |
4450s | whole because uh I know last time we |
4452s | talked about this we were like we're |
4453s | exploring it |
4455s | um yes and of course we're not only |
4457s | exploring it now we are actually |
4458s | actively developing for it and we'll be |
4460s | testing with it I believe the Sprint and |
4462s | things may change from alpha too I mean |
4464s | that's why we want you guys to get your |
4465s | hands on it test stuff give us your |
4467s | feedback and we'll be looking at data |
4469s | for that as well our next question here |
4471s | is from go we're asking about world map |
4476s | information will players be able to view |
4479s | their server's current vassal node |
4481s | networks on a world map through a |
4484s | general filter a special node building |
4486s | or other means like they filter and find |
4488s | things like if I'm looking for a |
4490s | specific building can I figure out which |
4491s | node has that so I know where to go yeah |
4494s | yeah the the only real question there is |
4497s | kind of how that how the user collects |
4499s | that information whether or not it's |
4500s | readily presented to the player just by |
4504s | being a player in the world or if they |
4506s | have to travel to locations and update |
4507s | that locations in the past we talked |
4509s | about having a library that was capable |
4511s | of facilitating players exchanging |
4513s | information for map data like that but |
4515s | we've moved a little bit more in a |
4517s | direction of just presenting that |
4518s | information up front to the player |
4519s | because travel is such a meaningful |
4522s | portion of the game and we don't have |
4524s | fast travel so I think that for Alpha 2 |
4528s | what's planned is that we're going to be |
4530s | showcasing kind of the intricate details |
4533s | of services offered at these node |
4534s | locations from just a UI presentation |
4538s | standpoint within the map |
4540s | and that's going to uh to service |
4543s | players being able to kind of strategize |
4544s | about their about their travels |
4548s | all right and then emoxator wants to |
4551s | know about gear bonuses will there be |
4553s | equipment gear bonuses for either single |
4555s | pieces or entire gear sets uh that are |
4558s | that offer unique abilities that could |
4560s | change how a class is played |
4563s | um and I'm |
4565s | I think there's like two parts yeah from |
4567s | our end um so I guess the fundamental of |
4571s | that question is are there certain types |
4573s | of bonuses that could impact the way you |
4575s | play your class |
4576s | I think the answer to that is yes |
4580s | um because anybody can wear any armor so |
4582s | correct yes but but at the fundamental |
4585s | is like if I were to get a set bonus |
4589s | that gave me you know a 10 crit modifier |
4593s | on my waterfall stat and now I'm like |
4595s | you know quitting often with my weapon |
4597s | attacks or with my abilities like I |
4599s | might lean in more towards being a crit |
4601s | heavy focused class because of that |
4604s | particular bonus or as what I think what |
4606s | they're asking for is a is it am I going |
4609s | to get a item that gives me like a |
4612s | fundamental new ability chain rather |
4615s | than augmenting my existing ability sets |
4618s | right and I don't think the intent is to |
4621s | provide something new from an ability |
4623s | perspective with majority of our set |
4625s | bonuses right the intent is that we are |
4627s | augmenting existing waterfall all stats |
4629s | with set bonuses and there are going to |
4632s | be active skills that do get associated |
4634s | with certain types of pieces of armor |
4637s | and or weapons those will be much on the |
4640s | higher end if they're an active ability |
4642s | that comes with those things but I still |
4644s | don't think that the intended impact of |
4646s | those types of abilities is for us to |
4648s | radically redefine the way a particular |
4650s | archetype might |
4652s | play those those determinations are made |
4655s | within the archetype kit and within the |
4658s | secondary archetype kit as well |
4661s | all right and then lashing wants to know |
4664s | about experience apologies real quick |
4666s | one person asked what is a waterfall |
4668s | stat oh a waterfall stat is a derivative |
4670s | of an attribute right so if dexterity is |
4673s | your attribute stat and a waterfall from |
4675s | dexterity is critical rate that would be |
4678s | considered a waterfall stat the critical |
4680s | rate yeah of terminology I'm sorry |
4683s | usually I'm pretty good about catching |
4684s | that |
4686s | um uh the next question is about |
4688s | experience debt from lashing does |
4690s | experienced debt at max level interact |
4692s | with rested experience so let's say I |
4695s | have experienced at max level will I be |
4697s | able to use rest experience to gain the |
4701s | experience back yes yeah arrested |
4704s | experience is a modifier that occurs |
4705s | when you first receive the experience |
4707s | and then after that modifier happens |
4709s | where that experience goes to buy down |
4712s | the debt is what happens so if you have |
4714s | rested experience and you have |
4715s | experience debt and you go out to |
4716s | collect experience you will be working |
4718s | that debt off faster because of the |
4720s | arrested experience |
4722s | all right |
4723s | Google and with that we have answered |
4726s | the questions from the forums thank you |
4727s | all for submitting questions uh every |
4729s | development update we put out some new |
4731s | question or a new questions form post so |
4734s | if you would like to get yours uh chosen |
4737s | we do we pick 10 at random so make sure |
4739s | that you get your questions in and only |
4742s | ask one question follow the rules uh and |
4745s | we will be selecting those for the next |
4748s | time |
4749s | um but of course as we wrap up today's I |
4752s | can't believe I feel like we've done so |
4754s | many really long ones that this feels |
4757s | very weird to be ending this was this |
4760s | was a this was a breathing stream and |
4763s | then next stream is going to be an |
4765s | exhale stream |
4768s | um yeah I'm like what is our next one no |
4772s | I'm just kidding uh I think you'll just |
4774s | come and tune in we do tease stuff on |
4776s | our social and things like that so if |
4778s | you want to know in advance uh sometimes |
4780s | we do share that information earlier or |
4782s | on our Discord and forums and things |
4784s | like that so definitely follow us on all |
4785s | the places where ashes of creation were |
4787s | super easy to find our uh wonderful |
4790s | Peter who is our social media manager |
4791s | does an amazing job keeping that filled |
4793s | with content that you guys can all |
4795s | consume and interacting with you all |
4797s | um so please please go check those |
4799s | things out and of course we're going to |
4800s | upload uh the full development update |
4802s | video tomorrow pending the internet |
4804s | cooperates with us and of course the 4K |
4807s | video for the gameplay segment will be |
4809s | out today and you can find those over on |
4811s | our YouTube channel and of course on our |
4813s | next development update if you want to |
4814s | be spotlighted for a comment make sure |
4816s | that you leave a comment and uh |
4819s | subscribe to our channel that way we can |
4821s | select you |
4823s | a little a little hint there |
4827s | sorry they said give hint there's your |
4830s | hint |
4831s | um and of course please head on over to |
4833s | our forums forums ashesofcreation.com we |
4836s | have a whole bunch of feedback requests |
4837s | over there two development updates that |
4839s | will be or Dev discussions that are |
4841s | going to be there for you to fill out as |
4843s | well as the events update as well so |
4846s | event update uh form thread give us your |
4849s | feedback feedback the hint is that it's |
4851s | in the riverlands no I'm kidding |
4855s | that's too good |
4858s | I love it |
4859s | um and then we also have the Unseen |
4861s | order Cosmetics that will be ending on |
4863s | July or January January 17th 2024 at 11 |
4866s | A.M Pacific there's an FAQ with all the |
4868s | details of that and of course as we |
4871s | noted here Alpha 2 is coming in 2024. |
4874s | um we are excited to have you all join |
4876s | us next year and it is going to be very |
4878s | fun our development team has been |
4881s | kicking butt and working hard and we are |
4883s | continuing to do so and it is very |
4886s | exciting of course thank you so much for |
4888s | tuning in today we hope that you'll come |
4890s | watch our next development update and |
4892s | thank you to Clayton Amy and Scott and |
4895s | all of the developers who have helped |
4896s | with the events um Event Event stream |
4899s | and just actually the creation as a |
4902s | whole and of course Steven for your time |
4903s | and we will see you all next month bye |
4907s | everyone bye |
4914s | thank you |
4936s | foreign |
4985s | thank you |
5015s | foreign |