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I feel being in a guild as well as a citizen in a node should be tied to an account akin to how black desert online does it. Since guilds will have limited slots it will make it more fair swapping between your alts as they will all be in the game guild if one joins it. Else you get the issue with people in a bunch of different guilds if they start having alt characters without being able to grow a unique community in the guild and it just turning into a bunch of alts in a single guild. Rather then making multiple guilds for alts it will be easier to manage in one so communities can more easily grow.

Also think if you can be in multiple guilds that cause some issues with people trying to use that to their advantage on being apart of a larger guild but then create smaller guilds for the buffs they can get to boost their character so they have more of an advantage in fights. So have their alt run a smaller guild and their main in the small guild for the boost. As well as the node system when it comes to voting for people and just being able to have a bunch of alts vote you in to being mayor of a node.

If you are going to be in a guild and node you shouldn't be able to make a character and be apart of every guild and every node on the map to use it to your advantage. If you are committing to node and guilds it should be account wise.
over 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
This is certainly interesting to think about. Your idea poses different pros and cons. As others have stated, spying on other guilds and espionage is not just an unintended byproduct of the system, but instead an intentional inclusion of the system.

I think ideas like this generate great, thought-provoking conversations. Keep it up! ^_^