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Hey everyone,

I've been thinking about the class system in Ashes of Creation, especially the part where we can only master 3 out of the 22 classes like blacksmith, lumberjack, etc. I'm not sure what the official term for these classes is, but you get the idea.

I was wondering, what if we could master more classes, like 6 instead of just 3? And maybe for the classes we don't master, we could still have higher ranks or levels in them. I think it would add more depth to our gameplay and give us more options to explore different skills.

What do you all think about this idea? Would love to hear your thoughts!
about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link

I mean - I abhor player-driven economy.... probably at the bottom of my interests in an MMORPG... even below PvP. It's not a deal-breaker... but I try to avoid player-driven economy as much as possible.
Gamers are too greedy for my liking.

If not a player-driven economy, what type of economy do you prefer in your MMORPGs?