Original Post — Direct link
Sorry if I am jumping the gun a little here @Vaknar . I just find the topic interesting. :smile: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Commissions
Commissions are simple types of system-generated quests with singular objectives that enable characters and nodes to gain XP
The system generates them based on the state of the POIs and surroundings of the node. My two questions for this topic are:
  1. What types of quests would you like to see? From the word "simple" it sounds like kill or gather quests.
  2. Should they provide the node with more than XP? Like temporary node buffs or materials, or better gear sold from NPC merchants, etc. Or is XP enough and anything else should come from mayoral decisions?
Node commissions (the system generated ones) are similar to the Mayoral Commissions in some ways, but a crucial difference might be that node commissions don't provide the mayor with Node Mandates. The mandates are like an energy system for mayors they can use on things like policies, adjusting taxes, initiating construction, bypassing policy votes, node wars and more. Honestly, before the February dev stream next week, I recommend watching the dev stream from August 2023 to give you all some context. If you jump to the 31:46 mark they start talking about mandates and then move on to mayoral commissions and policies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvsXn43Gak0&t=1906s Going back to the system generated node commissions, in some ways it sounds like a daily quest system. I know many people dislike the D-word, but compared to other games, the difference seems to be that different nodes will have different quests based on the surrounding world state. So there is some variance. Also, instead of just doing them for personal gain, they help the node with XP. I hope they also give other rewards to the node, beyond the XP. I imagine one of the purposes of the node commission system is to get players involved with the surrounding POIs to trigger one of the local events. This could be a monster invasion, which when defeated spawns a raid boss. Or something completely different. This way, even if the commissions themselves are akin to simple daily kill or gather quests, they help start interesting events in and around the node.
about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I'm glad to see you're excited about the upcoming livestream topic! While it may not be as exciting of a topic as Caravan PvP to some, Commissions are a system many players will interact with often, so it is important! The team looks forward to showing their progress and getting feedback ;)