about 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s you should have um those stolen goods
4s that you got from the crate that you
5s opened up so if you talk to this if you
8s talk to this gentleman and hover over
9s it'll tell you how much they sell for to
11s the commodity vendor I'm talking to this
14s vendor and do I just hover over them in
17s my uh backpack uh yep sell price it says
21s is zero uh so this man is not going to
24s give you a lot of money for that how
27s dare this man yeah he's he's a reputable
29s vendor but yeah we got a guy so if you
32s follow me into this little back alley
35s and into this little
37s ouse
39s oh we found the black market now this
43s was because this is an expansion that
44s mirth has in their Market correct yeah
47s so uh marketplaces don't normally come
49s with a black market and it's a part of
51s the expansion tree so it's a choice you
53s can make on your Marketplace to be a
55s where Bandits take their stuff