5 months
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
14s | hello Adventurer welcome to ashes of |
16s | creation Alpha 2 where the world of Vera |
19s | is yours to explore and shape ashes of |
22s | creation Alpha 2 is an important early |
24s | testing phase which we'll be continually |
26s | updating as a participant your journey |
29s | will help shape the game's future |
30s | through providing feedback and hunting |
32s | down bugs to help us refine the world of |
35s | Vera when you first step through the |
37s | portal you'll begin your journey across |
39s | various |
40s | regions one of these is the city of liin |
43s | hold a kalar military |
46s | Outpost it's the launch point for their |
48s | efforts to reclaim their ancestral home |
51s | here you'll meet the locals and embark |
53s | on countless quests and |
55s | Adventures as you continue your journey |
57s | through Vera you'll discover the Citadel |
59s | of the steel bloom once the proud |
61s | headquarters of the order of the steel |
63s | Bloom now it's abandoned and overrun by |
66s | mercenary |
69s | Bandits Treasures dangers and untold |
73s | stories |
75s | await you may be wondering how will I |
79s | travel to all of these places don't |
81s | worry Adventurer there are so many ways |
84s | to explore Vera including a variety of |
86s | mounts to carry you across vast |
88s | Landscapes through the dense forest and |
90s | over rugged mountains to reach your |
96s | destinations nodes are a major part of |
98s | our journey offering you choices that |
100s | will shape the world will you join the |
102s | node of Winstead or Ally with the city |
105s | of Mirth each decision shapes the world |
107s | and the node you choose will grow Thrive |
110s | and evolve based on your |
115s | contributions what are those |
117s | contributions you ask you can help |
119s | expand your node by trading crafting and |
121s | helping it grow into a prosperous City |
124s | you can fight creatures complete quests |
126s | participate in events commissions and |
128s | mayoral commissions node Wars and of |
131s | course |
133s | [Music] |
134s | Gathering throughout your journey you'll |
137s | find valuable resources in the wild from |
139s | ores to herbs to |
143s | Lumber each resource plays a vital role |
146s | in the development of both your node and |
148s | your character |
152s | Caravans are another way to Aid your |
154s | node transporting vital Goods is |
156s | essential for your new H's |
160s | development but be warry other players |
162s | May seek to claim your cargo for |
172s | themselves Caravans aren't the only |
174s | place where you'll face off against |
176s | other players Dawn your equipment and |
178s | prepare for node Wars where skills |
180s | strategy powerful gear and teamwork will |
183s | determine Victory or |
188s | defeat travel to Oaken Bane keep to |
190s | challenge the formidable beasts lurking |
193s | within not all threats are ordinary deep |
196s | in the wild two mock the oneeyed Cyclops |
200s | awaits beware he doesn't take kindly to |
207s | Intruders the world of Vera is alive and |
209s | ever changing shaped by your choices so |
213s | prepare yourself Adventurer Alpha 2 is |
215s | just the |
217s | beginning the journey awaits will you |
220s | rise to the challenge |
225s | [Music] |