over 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | [Music] |
19s | [Music] |
24s | welcome welcome to our |
27s | October ashes of creation development of |
30s | we hope that you all have been having a |
32s | wonderful month um as you can see uh we |
36s | are dressed up for Halloween woo I love |
41s | costume I feel like you can't see it |
43s | because I realized after I was like I |
46s | don't think you can see it from this |
49s | angle but it's a whole thing oh it looks |
52s | great oh my gosh that's amazing which |
55s | princess are you I don't know who do you |
57s | think I am Stephen honestly I'm terrible |
59s | with Disney princesses I don't know is |
61s | it arel tell him who Ariel I didn't know |
67s | oh Belle John said Belle it's Belle |
70s | which one's Belle what what movie is |
72s | that |
75s | one I like that you're like which movie |
78s | is remember hilarious is which is is |
82s | Belle Beauty and the Beast oh Beauty |
85s | there we |
86s | go oh my goodness is that the Disney |
89s | song you're going to sing for extra life |
90s | this year oo I don't know yet do you |
93s | know what you're going to do I don't |
95s | know what I'm people really want us to |
96s | do the for the duet they want us to do |
99s | the Tangled song oh I don't know that is |
102s | there like a Star Wars song that's |
103s | Disney too technically we just go we |
107s | just start like |
108s | [Music] |
111s | huming oh man oh my gosh wait Johnson |
115s | costume too you should take a look come |
116s | get come get on the camera John come |
119s | take a look where's John |
122s | at I don't know he's he's being shy come |
125s | over here yeah come here no you're good |
126s | come take a look show people your |
128s | costume John and I were were Star Wars |
133s | costumes from Rogue |
136s | one he's he's the commander and I am the |
140s | dude s he's got the C show your |
144s | too that's awesome that's awesome I got |
148s | a cape too but it's too warm to wear a |
150s | cape |
151s | I feel oh yeah I'm I'm burning up in |
153s | this thing right now I took off I took |
155s | off the legs actually I just walked |
157s | around the office shot my blaster at |
159s | some of the developers made sure that |
162s | they're hard at work and then came |
165s | back like a true Tyrant no I'm just |
167s | kidding like a true empired |
170s | Stormtrooper get to work oh no um or |
174s | we'll put you out the airlock right |
178s | um anyways um we have a long one for you |
182s | all again so a little bit of buckling up |
185s | hopefully everybody brought their snacks |
188s | um but of course this is our October |
189s | development update uh as you can see |
191s | down below we're going to have some |
193s | reminders a little bit more reminders |
195s | than normal uh as you know October move |
198s | leading into November we have a lot of |
200s | stuff um we have a caravan preview some |
203s | of you have seen some of our Caravan |
204s | stuff in the past you're going to see a |
206s | full run through from one place to |
208s | another with a caravan so Caravan stuff |
211s | you saw in the past is this puts that to |
214s | shame um the team has been hard at work |
217s | and we got a almost an hourong showcase |
220s | today it was like 45 50 minutes minutes |
222s | yeah 45 minutes showing you the full end |
226s | loop from uh collecting resources in the |
229s | world to buying cargo and shipping that |
233s | cargo to a nearby node and collecting |
236s | the reward for it the drivability of the |
238s | Caravans it is truly the Caravan system |
241s | and there has been a lot of people that |
243s | have put a lot of work into the Caravans |
245s | because as you guys know Caravans as a |
248s | system touch a lot of other systems from |
252s | hunting and combat to the economy the |
255s | resources that are possible the node |
257s | system and the caravaner it's a separate |
259s | vehicle with its own components and |
262s | stats um it is a complex system uh |
265s | probably one of the more complex systems |
267s | that we've actually shown on stream um |
270s | so it's going to be exciting and I I I |
272s | had a lot of fun recording it awesome |
275s | it's it seemed like y'all are having fun |
276s | there lot there's a lot of banter um |
279s | Caravans are slow so you got to have a |
282s | good crew to hang out with to give you |
284s | to keep you entertained um and also |
286s | we'll talk a little bit about Studio |
287s | update we know there's been a lot of |
288s | layoffs and stuff so we have you know we |
291s | just want to share information we have |
292s | art update uh it'll be a short one today |
295s | because I know we've already got you all |
296s | for a long time for the other stuff and |
299s | then a Q&A from folks but before we get |
301s | into all of that we do have our |
303s | Spotlight um comment from YouTube If you |
307s | don't know already you can um on our |
310s | development update the full video you |
312s | can leave a comment make sure that |
313s | you're subscribed and that it's |
314s | available for us to see that you're |
315s | subscribed and your comment could be |
318s | selected so today's one is from uh kepri |
321s | 01 and they would like to know might be |
324s | too early for this question but oh yeah |
327s | I think that you didn't put the whole |
329s | question |
330s | Phil what's your overall philosophy |
332s | towards leveling as in is it just a |
335s | means to get to the end game or would |
337s | you prefer the leveling experience to be |
339s | an epic adventure onto itself uh they go |
341s | on to say World of Warcraft for example |
343s | has so much Dev time put into leveling |
345s | Quest but your average new player |
347s | doesn't get to experience 90% of it |
350s | because of how streamlined they've made |
352s | the process to get players to end game |
354s | faster for things such as raiding sure |
357s | you can level alts in weeks instead of |
360s | months now but it made the game feel |
363s | like less of an adventure and more of a |
364s | chore other than that love watching |
366s | these videos hope I can get into Alpha 2 |
369s | um and Capri definitely tune into our uh |
373s | extra life stuff because we might be |
374s | doing some giveaways but if you want to |
377s | talk a little bit about that Stephen |
378s | yeah this is a well first let me address |
380s | the question this is a big question it's |
382s | actually it's kind of like a half half |
383s | it's a half question half statement um |
387s | on the first part is would you like the |
389s | leveling experience to be an adventure |
391s | uh yes I I think obviously you know |
395s | leveling the act of of going out and |
398s | adventuring of killing monsters and |
400s | combat in general is the most tactile |
403s | and momentto moment type of gameplay |
405s | that you're going to experience in ashes |
408s | of creation and I think at every step of |
411s | the way in that Adventure it should be |
414s | fun and it should be something that you |
416s | enjoy doing and it should be something |
418s | that's rewarding and it should be |
420s | something that teaches you more about |
422s | the immersive world that you're in um |
424s | and allows you to follow a compelling |
426s | storyline um I think obviously you know |
429s | the way we're building ashes of creation |
431s | is to provide that type of fun |
434s | experience um I think the complexity of |
437s | what this question SL statement is is |
439s | pointing out is that some games and this |
443s | in this comment uses wow as an example |
447s | some games have been around for a very |
448s | long time and the one of the biggest |
451s | components of an MMO RPG is the social |
455s | aspect of the game and when you've been |
459s | around for you know 20 years or 15 years |
461s | like some of these other games have um |
464s | the majority of the player base lives at |
466s | the end of that adventuring Loop and |
468s | they're participating in highly |
470s | repeatable uh types of content whether |
472s | it be late game dungeon raids or Arena |
475s | systems um or whatever and as a player |
479s | who started in out in those games you |
481s | want to be in that social environment so |
484s | they're kind of a little bit of a |
486s | catch22 because they have the content |
489s | that they've created for that level |
490s | progression uh but the player base |
493s | doesn't exist within those content Loops |
495s | they exist in the later part of it um so |
497s | they have to provide obviously a method |
499s | by which players can relatively quickly |
502s | reach that social Dynamic which is what |
504s | makes an MMO an MMO um now that doesn't |
507s | mean obviously that they didn't spend a |
508s | lot of time towards curating an |
510s | experience that's fun and engaging and |
513s | you know shows the world off it is our |
515s | intent and desire to do that one of the |
516s | ways that we mitigate the kind of quote |
520s | unquote endgame mentality is we provide |
523s | a number of different progression Loops |
527s | that are not all predicated on your |
530s | adventuring level which means that you |
532s | can do things that impact the world uh |
535s | without necessarily needing to be at the |
538s | late game in the adventure in level |
540s | category um and so that prevents uh |
543s | excuse me that provides a number of uh |
547s | strategically relevant decisions that |
549s | the player gets to make about the |
551s | systems they choose to engage with with |
553s | the time that they have and how those |
555s | systems are intricately designed to |
558s | affect other progression Loops within |
559s | ashes of creation um so I hope that |
562s | answers your question a long answer I |
565s | know I'm sorry next up no it's good I |
568s | think people people want you to spend |
570s | time on their question uh our next thing |
573s | to note is extra life we are doing extra |
576s | life again this is our seventh annual |
577s | extra life we always enjoy it and it |
580s | helps our local hospital R Children's |
582s | Hospital which Stephen and I and a few |
584s | of our other crew got to uh check out a |
587s | and like have a tour of the actual |
589s | Hospital which was really really cool um |
592s | and it actually inspired the um giveaway |
595s | cosmetic that we're going to be doing |
596s | this year which is Keeper of the kelp |
598s | which we will have a reveal of on the |
600s | live stream so you'll definitely want to |
602s | tune in on into that on Saturday it'll |
604s | be at the opening and of course we'll |
606s | share it everywhere else um but we do |
609s | have a oh no no no sorry go ahead go |
611s | ahead we do have a pregame before that |
613s | on Friday that's going to start at 3 pm |
615s | Pacific and go till 1000 p.m. Pacific |
617s | there's going to be a whole slew of |
619s | virtual games so come hang out it's |
621s | going to be a ton of our developers just |
622s | playing and having fun and just having a |
624s | really good time and raising money for |
626s | the kids at R Children's Hospital |
628s | through extra life |
630s | on Saturday and Sunday we have a really |
633s | long stream for you we say it's 24 hours |
636s | but it's more like 25 or 26 the way that |
638s | we run it and also because Daylight |
640s | Savings Time takes effect as well but |
642s | for ease we just do 10:00 a.m. November |
644s | 4th to 10 a.m. uh November 5th so we |
647s | hope that you'll tune in we'll have a |
649s | Pathfinder game that we're going to be |
651s | playing in the setting of Ashes of |
652s | creation and the community actually |
654s | created the characters for The Campaign |
656s | which is really cool uh we had so many |
659s | submissions |
660s | and you know with basically 2,000 words |
662s | per submission it took us a while to get |
664s | through them but we have notified the |
666s | winners so they should have gotten an |
668s | email from us so if you are somebody who |
671s | submitted them make sure you check your |
672s | email um but I believe most folks have |
675s | gotten back to us um we also have a |
677s | whole bunch of other things that you can |
679s | um get in reward or for donating um |
682s | obviously if you had to |
684s | bit.ly 2023 o AOC extra life you can |
688s | find all the details over there also |
690s | it's over on our News Post in |
691s | ashesofcreation |
693s | docomo but um we are going to be giving |
695s | for the top two donor segment we will we |
698s | will be providing a 2023 Intrepid extra |
701s | life bundle which will include the |
703s | non-exclusive Cosmetic item the Alpha 2 |
706s | access and one random board game from |
709s | our selection and we'll show those on |
710s | our stream so uh stay tuned for that and |
713s | we'll be doing those at each segment and |
715s | those segments are going to be on |
716s | November 4th at 2: p.m. and 6:30 p.m. |
719s | Pacific and then November 5th at 12:00 |
721s | a.m. before daylight savings time and |
723s | 5:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Pacific we're |
725s | going to stick to those times um we will |
728s | probably talk a little bit about the |
729s | winners in our breaks at at our |
731s | Milestone breaks but those times will be |
734s | locked in and the people running |
736s | donation trackers will be uh contacting |
738s | people through that time frame uh we |
740s | also have our top team on the interruped |
742s | studios extra life team so you can |
744s | actually join our team and also a top |
747s | donor overall for the ashes creation |
750s | extra life campaign so there's two |
751s | campaigns one is the team and one is our |
754s | campaign that we're running on our side |
757s | um and by November 7th 2023 at 10 a.m. |
759s | Pacific we will be looking at the top |
761s | ones for those and they will be getting |
763s | a 2023 Intrepid extra life top supporter |
766s | bundle which is similar to what I just |
768s | noted before but you also get um the |
772s | Cosmetic Alpha 2 AIS and a bundle of 10 |
774s | Alpha 2 codes that you can give away to |
777s | your friends family viewers or personal |
779s | whatever you would like to do with them |
781s | um and you can you know m is selling |
783s | them don't do that and personalize thank |
786s | you video from Stephen himself um and |
789s | any team that raises $250 or more on our |
792s | trepid Studios team will be put into a |
795s | raffle by November 7th 2023 at 10: a.m. |
798s | and we will be drawing three winners who |
800s | will be getting our extra life supporter |
802s | bundle and that will give you the |
804s | non-exclusive pet the Alpha 2 access a |
806s | bundle of 10 Alpha 2 codes again to give |
809s | away |
809s | and then also your choice of an agato |
812s | Wave 3 and a wave pop filter or a stream |
815s | deck MK2 so uh and that is worth about |
818s | 150 in value so lots of really goody lot |
821s | lots of good goodies um and on top of |
823s | that there's tons of ways that you can |
825s | donate and affect the game so you can |
827s | actually affect the live game um and |
830s | during our Minecraft building segment |
833s | you can also affect the game there which |
835s | is really really fun um they outdid |
838s | themselves this year the map for the |
839s | Minecraft stuff is insane the rules that |
841s | we we changed are really cool and the |
843s | ways that you can donate in fact the |
845s | games are going to be a lot of fun um so |
847s | we hope that you all how many how many |
849s | Alpha 2 keys are we planning to give out |
853s | or could be given out depending on the |
855s | milestones for this year I think it's |
859s | like 250 or something or might be more |
862s | that almost nearly 250 Alpha 2 keys are |
866s | possible during this um extra life life |
869s | stre and let me just let me just say |
870s | something and and feel free you guys |
873s | more than that I someone maybe do the |
876s | math one feel feel free to to clip this |
880s | segment but I just wanted to say that |
883s | this is our seventh year doing extra |
884s | life it is a truly uh |
888s | remarkable um event that is thrown in |
892s | support and in effort for children's |
895s | hospitals around the United States |
898s | around the world I believe actually |
899s | actually um and we have a a truly |
901s | phenomenal Children's Hospital here in |
903s | San Diego called radi Children's |
905s | Hospital that we've been supporting with |
908s | you guys in our community um for the |
911s | past now almost seven years and we have |
914s | raised over |
918s | $250,000 for this hospital as a |
920s | community uh which is unheard of |
923s | especially being still in development um |
926s | and we had an awesome opportunity to go |
928s | and tour the the hospital and to meet um |
931s | with their charitable um uh coordinator |
935s | Kiara and you'll see from her during uh |
937s | this Friday and |
939s | Saturday um but I would encourage |
943s | everyone in our community to come and |
946s | participate uh by just showing up by |
949s | showing up and and having some fun with |
951s | us the developers uh for ashes of |
953s | creation as we play through a Pathfinder |
956s | campaign similar to D and D um in the |
959s | world of Vera and you get to learn a |
960s | little bit of lore a little bit of story |
962s | watch us act crazy and have some fun and |
965s | if you feel uh if you feel that you want |
968s | to to donate to the Children's Hospital |
970s | by all means do if not that's totally |
972s | fine we're just going to have a fun time |
975s | um so we want to invite all of you to |
977s | join us it's this Friday and Saturday um |
980s | and it has always been nothing short of |
982s | extraordinary uh each of the times we've |
985s | done this thing so so super we rented a |
987s | dunk tank so |
989s | absolutely the dunk tank is going to be |
992s | great and this year we assigned people |
995s | Milestones so uh it won't be like who's |
998s | going to be doing this one it's very |
999s | clear who's doing what for when we hit |
1001s | Milestones uh so when we have our |
1003s | Milestone breaks it'll be a little |
1005s | everything's a little bit more organized |
1006s | then you know every year we try to make |
1007s | it better um but it is going to be a ton |
1011s | of fun so please please come hang out |
1013s | with us it's for a great cause um and |
1017s | you know of course |
1019s | it's going to be good times exciting |
1022s | beyond that we have more um more we do |
1028s | have a couple Dev discussions for you |
1029s | all to partake in um and they're still |
1033s | up so we have a basic attacks one which |
1035s | is how important is it to you to have |
1036s | basic attacks be part of your combat |
1038s | rotation do you enjoy using your skills |
1040s | and abilities in between Auto attacks or |
1043s | are you having the most fun when basic |
1045s | attacks are less important to how uh |
1048s | much damage you're doing and I think a |
1050s | lot of this you know we have polar uh |
1053s | opinions in regards to it so I'm very |
1056s | curious to see how that report will play |
1057s | out we also have our discussion |
1059s | regarding spawn R times uh yeah spawn |
1063s | spawn timers there we go I don't know |
1065s | why I'm saying spawn R times uh how |
1068s | predictable do you like the spawn rate |
1070s | for General and rare mobs in open world |
1073s | Dungeons and raid settings which games |
1075s | do you feel have done this well and what |
1078s | did you feel was good about respond |
1080s | times for mobs so kind of think to your |
1083s | dungeon crawling uh what was best for |
1086s | you um and how you prefer to see that |
1090s | stuff work uh we would love to have your |
1092s | feedback we always try to take |
1093s | everything into account and send those |
1095s | reports to our developers which is super |
1097s | duper appreciated um and last but not |
1100s | least we just want to remind you that |
1101s | the Unseen order Cosmetics will end on |
1103s | January 17th 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific |
1107s | this is our last pack um with an FAQ uh |
1111s | so if you want to check that out you can |
1113s | check that out on our news site and um |
1115s | yeah just want to give people enough |
1117s | notice for |
1119s | that and with that I think we're on to |
1123s | our Caravan |
1124s | update okay let me preface a little bit |
1129s | here um as |
1133s | always I must |
1135s | disclaim that we are still a work in |
1137s | progress that means that we are building |
1140s | towards our Alpha 2 and our Alphas are |
1143s | real Alphas they are not fake Alphas |
1146s | meaning uh they are not a completed game |
1149s | that's being ported over into a new |
1151s | territory uh from a publishing |
1153s | perspective so we are actively in |
1155s | development of Ashes of creation Alpha 2 |
1157s | has not begun yet we have announced that |
1159s | it will next year and that means that |
1162s | things like visual effects and our UI |
1164s | are still very Works in progress uh |
1167s | along with any potenti bugs optimization |
1170s | and performance uh those are cycles that |
1173s | we have not dedicated a considerable |
1176s | amount of time to yet as we are still in |
1178s | the active development of our uh |
1179s | features and core systems so with that |
1182s | being said this particular live stream |
1186s | uh has seen a great deal of work from |
1189s | the team um in particular I want to give |
1191s | some shoutouts to uh Michael Brady uh to |
1194s | Kyle to uh Chris juusto um |
1199s | and uh to how there's a lot of names |
1202s | that have participated in bringing this |
1204s | together um and uh this is a very |
1207s | complicated system as I said it |
1209s | intersects a lot of other systems and |
1211s | that's what makes it complicated in |
1213s | addition to uh the game mode being uh |
1215s | focused around a vehicle and a a vehicle |
1219s | that is unique with regards to the types |
1220s | of components that it can yield uh as |
1223s | well as uh being a stat driven type uh |
1226s | vehicle so um there's a lot of complex |
1228s | here uh and a lot of hard work has gone |
1230s | into it uh it is not the end of the road |
1232s | for this particular system uh there is |
1234s | still a lot of work that needs to be |
1236s | done um but I think you guys are going |
1239s | to enjoy it and it was a lot of fun to |
1242s | record so |
1246s | [Music] |
1250s | [Applause] |
1251s | [Music] |
1257s | enjoy |
1259s | [Music] |
1267s | hello everyone and welcome to another |
1270s | live stream from the world of Vera and |
1274s | we have an exciting stream for you today |
1277s | we are going to be talking about the |
1280s | Caravan system in ashes of creation and |
1283s | it has been a little while since you |
1286s | guys have been able to see a caravan uh |
1290s | actually I believe since alpha 1 but |
1293s | there has been a lot of work that has |
1295s | been put into Caravan since then and I |
1298s | would like to introduce some of our |
1301s | absolute Stellar |
1304s | developers who helped bring the new |
1306s | Caravan system for Alpha 2 to life they |
1310s | are one of our regulars senior designer |
1314s | Mr Chris juusto Chris how you doing |
1316s | buddy oh I'm doing well wonderfully how |
1319s | are you doing stevenh I am doing SW it |
1323s | is Monday day before Halloween we've got |
1327s | extra Life coming up in just 5 days |
1332s | where we're going to be up straight for |
1334s | 24 hours or actually a lot more than 24 |
1336s | hours that's going to be crazy but I am |
1338s | doing swell sorry that's a long-winded |
1340s | answer I love it we also have another |
1345s | regular on the stream uh the man and |
1348s | Between Two Ferns being combat design |
1352s | and systems design our glorious designer |
1356s | Dr bucky bucky how are you doing sir |
1359s | hello I'm doing well ready to move some |
1361s | cargo oo some cargo cargo actually this |
1365s | is the first time I think the community |
1368s | has heard it referred to as cargo but |
1372s | cargo is the official name of supplies |
1376s | that are transited by |
1378s | Caravans and ships and ships that's |
1382s | right yes very nice well happy to have |
1384s | you Bucky we also have joining us the |
1389s | Stellar |
1391s | extraordinary environment artist Hal who |
1394s | built all things Caravans in this live |
1399s | stream how how you doing a I'm doing |
1401s | good yeah I had a lot of help from a lot |
1403s | of different disciplines but it's not |
1406s | just me I |
1407s | promise |
1409s | that is true How's being very modest but |
1412s | obviously bringing together a system |
1414s | like this requires a lot of effort from |
1416s | a lot of people uh but how specifically |
1419s | modeled I thought what is a glorious Kar |
1422s | Caravan the the default Kar Caravan |
1425s | which players are about to see in a |
1426s | little bit so awesome job there Hal |
1428s | happy to have you here A happy and then |
1431s | we have joining us an unfamiliar role on |
1435s | our live streams but a role nonetheless |
1437s | an ingal one of keeping all the pieces |
1440s | moving in a non-chaotic and |
1443s | somewhat somewhat orderly fashion one of |
1447s | our glorious producers Mr Nathan Moore |
1449s | Nathan how you doing buddy oh I'm so |
1452s | excited uh excited to uh go drifting |
1454s | around some Corners uh drop off some |
1456s | Goods make a ton of money it's going to |
1458s | be a good day in Vera yes it is going to |
1460s | be a good day in Vera indeed now |
1463s | speaking of a good day we are in a a |
1469s | default building for nodes is that |
1471s | correct Chris this is a default building |
1474s | in the node meaning it comes with the |
1477s | node when it reaches level |
1480s | three very cool okay so this is the |
1484s | hunting lodge or the Hunter's Lodge and |
1487s | I see that there is a particular vendor |
1490s | of note in this fine abod a commodity |
1495s | vendor tell me what exactly the Comm |
1498s | commodity vendor does well he does kind |
1501s | of what his name says he sells |
1503s | Commodities which as alluded to |
1505s | previously is a form of cargo that is |
1508s | transited by Caravans but um before we |
1511s | talk to him I'd like you to open up your |
1513s | inventory and we can talk a little bit |
1515s | about what you're going to spend to get |
1518s | that cargo |
1520s | oo I'm assuming I need to be on my |
1523s | materials page because the inventory |
1526s | even though I have 1,000 gold might not |
1527s | really help me here no your gold will |
1530s | not help you so uh if it looks like |
1532s | you're hovering over uh an item we call |
1535s | glint uh comes in a few different |
1537s | Rarities uh it was formerly known as the |
1542s | monster certificates uh but we have |
1545s | rebranded them all right now that is a |
1548s | reveal so those of you in the audience |
1550s | who remembers what monster certificates |
1553s | were glint is now the name of the |
1556s | monster certificate system |
1558s | and glint serves a very integral role in |
1562s | the economy within ashes of creation it |
1566s | is a material substance that is acquired |
1569s | through various means but primarily |
1572s | hunting different antagonist within the |
1575s | world and it is the physical form of |
1579s | essence within the beasts of Vera so uh |
1585s | when you acquire this it is bound to |
1587s | your character and that is a very |
1589s | important component of the economic |
1592s | systems here because glint will be used |
1595s | to pay for certain services such as |
1597s | taxation for buildings that you have or |
1602s | citizenship dues that are necessary but |
1605s | within the context of today's |
1607s | demonstration we will be talking about |
1610s | glint as a currency to acquire |
1614s | Commodities and Bucky talk to me a |
1616s | little bit about the import importance |
1618s | of |
1620s | Commodities yeah so Commodities player |
1622s | Commodities specifically is one of the |
1624s | main ways players can make money or gold |
1626s | in Vera and different nodes will sell |
1629s | different Commodities at different |
1630s | prices so the way you make money is by |
1633s | you can either you know sell your glit |
1635s | directly to the uh commodity vendor and |
1638s | just make some quick money at the node |
1640s | or the most profitable way to do it is |
1642s | to buy some player Commodities and then |
1645s | Transit them to other nodes where |
1647s | they're going to be sold for prices at |
1649s | the uh side effect is that you have |
1652s | increased risk in doing so very cool so |
1656s | glint allows us direct access to acquire |
1661s | these Commodities that service the risk |
1664s | verse |
1665s | reward philosophy of |
1669s | transiting Goods around the world |
1671s | because the Caravan |
1673s | system which carries and I'm going to go |
1675s | to the cargo section the |
1678s | Commodities available at this particular |
1680s | node let's see if I can purchase this |
1682s | okay I see it cost a rather good amount |
1685s | of glint on that one and grab some of |
1688s | the everb bur scented a case of klar |
1692s | Wooden |
1695s | Soldiers those are toys I assume that's |
1697s | cool and some aged alen whiskey |
1701s | barrel are these like GI Jo's like Kar |
1703s | versions of the GI Jo's they are in |
1706s | fact |
1708s | that is super cool okay so I have |
1711s | acquired a number of these Commodities |
1713s | that are unique to this particular biome |
1716s | uh Andor node um and now I have an |
1721s | option Chris I can either sell the |
1724s | Commodities back to a vendor in exchange |
1727s | for gold or I can load them up and take |
1730s | them elsewhere why would I want to do |
1732s | that yeah so you as you mentioned you |
1735s | can sell it back for around the cost you |
1738s | bought them for in terms of the glint to |
1740s | Gold conversion but uh |
1744s | you could be putting them in a caravan |
1747s | and taking them to another node because |
1749s | that will increase the value based on |
1751s | the Node you take it to how far it away |
1754s | that node is and how many of that |
1757s | commodity has been sold at that node |
1759s | over the last 7 Days got it now what |
1764s | types of exchange are possible ratio |
1767s | wise |
1768s | for taking this amount of |
1772s | cargo right now I can get 150 it looks |
1775s | like gold and 50 silver on this salt |
1778s | cured meat shipment what type of |
1781s | multiple can I get if I take it to |
1783s | another node Al again that's going to |
1785s | vary based on Turnin rates uh at that |
1788s | node um but we're probably looking at |
1791s | the node we're taking it to being around |
1794s | eight gold for that wow that's huge and |
1798s | that node is |
1799s | only actually uh the closest one to here |
1804s | is that corre now that is that is |
1806s | correct now typically uh at launch we're |
1810s | obviously going to have to balance these |
1811s | numbers a lot more as the world keeps |
1813s | getting bigger yes well actually thank |
1816s | you Chris thank you for that cue because |
1819s | as we have said many times before and |
1822s | you shall hear now once again the most |
1824s | important disclaimer you will hear in |
1826s | this live stream |
1828s | is that everything you see today is a |
1830s | work in progress towards our Alpha 2 |
1832s | testing environment which means that the |
1835s | art gets better particularly as it |
1838s | relates to our UI uh and our visual |
1842s | effects um so keep everything you're |
1845s | seeing with a grain of salt if this is |
1847s | the first time you've seen ashes of |
1849s | creation and heard that particular |
1851s | disclaimer uh you can take a look at |
1854s | streams from many many ages ago and see |
1858s | the difference between today and them |
1860s | all right so I have arrived at a |
1863s | building that you guys did see during |
1865s | our nodes uh |
1867s | demonstration um this is the caravaner |
1870s | which is also a default building in |
1873s | addition to the hunting lodge is that |
1874s | correct Chris it is in fact and this is |
1877s | where you're going to do all your |
1879s | caravanning oo exciting exciting okay |
1882s | now I don't have a caravan obviously |
1885s | because I mean I'm just a loow Ranger |
1888s | out in the Wilds trying to find my way |
1892s | in life well this gentleman the Caravan |
1895s | Master can help you acquire one oh the |
1897s | Caravan master all right I see okay all |
1901s | right he |
1902s | has some thing here I see my storage uh |
1907s | let me go to my material section I have |
1909s | some cargo available but I do not see it |
1913s | says no Caravans currently available for |
1916s | me that's sad yep so at the top left |
1919s | there you're going to be able to |
1921s | purchase a |
1923s | caravan okay so here I see it says |
1926s | purchase and I'm assuming this means |
1927s | that I can not only purchase the Caravan |
1929s | but also the stall within which the |
1932s | Caravan resides yep so um purchasing a |
1936s | caravan uh will unlock that stall as |
1938s | well and put a default Caravan in it all |
1942s | right let me go ahead and make a |
1944s | purchase here |
1945s | ah we have our |
1948s | Caravan it looks like with a number of |
1950s | considerable and formidable stats I |
1952s | might add uh available to it but these |
1956s | stats could be improved could they not |
1959s | Bucky yeah so Caravans have these items |
1962s | within them called components and those |
1964s | kind of act like the gear on the Caravan |
1966s | so they can modify their stats grant |
1969s | them passive and even active abilities |
1971s | so you can if you upgrade your |
1972s | components you can get power powerful |
1974s | Caravans I see and just looking at this |
1977s | basic Caravan it only has a capacity for |
1981s | 1X two cargo that's relatively |
1984s | unfortunate because that doesn't seem |
1987s | like a lot for my time but I assume if I |
1990s | were to |
1991s | perhaps equip this carriage in its place |
1996s | nope that didn't do anything let's |
1998s | try the reinforced |
2002s | chassie let's take a look at that buddy |
2004s | oh yeah oh my goodness this thing can |
2008s | now take quite a hall but that's not all |
2012s | I'm gonna add the wheel set the uh beast |
2015s | of burden and the plated Armor All of |
2017s | which I assume are doing some amazing |
2020s | things down here in the Caravan stat |
2022s | section yeah the Beast of Burden |
2024s | primarily affects speed uh armor will |
2026s | make you more survivable shoot your en |
2028s | counter combat and then yeah like you |
2030s | were looking at just now the uh chassis |
2032s | and body kind of provides some of the |
2034s | core stats like the health and also |
2036s | storage capacity the |
2038s | Caravan very cool that's awesome |
2041s | um I'm going to take two Salt cured |
2046s | meats |
2047s | because I assume that we're going to be |
2050s | successful we will delivery okay very |
2053s | good we're powerful we are very very |
2056s | powerful all right let me go ahead now |
2059s | do I click launch Chris correct you're |
2061s | going to hit launch and you're going to |
2063s | get uh an item in your inventory once |
2065s | you click launch |
2068s | right oh yeah I'll launch a caravan too |
2070s | with you guys oh okay very cool very |
2072s | cool you got a busted Caravan or you got |
2074s | a good one it's uh you know it's pretty |
2076s | standard but you know it'll get be there |
2078s | oh okay very nice all right uh I see |
2081s | that I have a caravan event oh and it's |
2084s | telling me to find a location to summon |
2085s | the Caravan so this Caravan event starts |
2089s | even prior to me finding the location |
2090s | for my Caravan |
2095s | because yeah you you got to organize |
2097s | your event you know and you also want to |
2100s | find a safe spot to launch your Caravan |
2104s | ah very cool all right now we can go out |
2108s | here in the world I assume within some |
2110s | level of proxim proximity to the node |
2114s | okay I see that's being here by the uh |
2117s | endgame radius okay very cool that's |
2120s | cool got a little slate wolf over here |
2122s | let's take care of him |
2126s | first |
2130s | all |
2132s | right I am going to go ahead |
2136s | and I assume Chris I'm going to open my |
2139s | inventory yep so you're going to have a |
2141s | little Caravan |
2143s | item and when you rightclick it you're |
2146s | going to be in Deployable mode for you |
2148s | to be able to place that uh your it's a |
2153s | representation that you're summoning the |
2155s | Caravan so that people around you know |
2157s | that you are launching a caravan ah very |
2161s | cool all right so then it's important |
2163s | for me to find a place that's relatively |
2166s | obscured so as not to attract any unwan |
2169s | eyes yeah smart of us to get away from |
2171s | the note a little bit in case any other |
2173s | players would have seen our Expedition |
2176s | yes good call good call well done all |
2180s | right you're summoning yours too over |
2181s | here how come your your Caravan isn't |
2184s | like I mean it looks like it's on par |
2186s | with mine |
2188s | yes it could be but it might not be |
2192s | might be the default Caravan Bucky if |
2194s | you just needed some components I could |
2195s | have given them to you no this this |
2197s | one's going to work good I believe in |
2200s | it Luck's a Pro |
2202s | Gamer Bucky are you a Pro Gamer yes I in |
2206s | fact am a Pro Gamer very nice so this is |
2209s | taking a good amount of time it's only |
2211s | mine's only about 50% |
2214s | completed right now this this takes um |
2217s | by default about 2 minutes uh the amount |
2220s | of time it takes can be augmented by how |
2222s | players choose to upgrade the |
2224s | caravaner um but this is taking an |
2227s | amount of |
2228s | time so that people can start to scout |
2232s | for Caravans that might be popping up |
2234s | very nice now another very important |
2236s | aspect of that time that it's taking is |
2239s | that the time is relative to the |
2242s | distance that the summoning is occurring |
2245s | even out in the world let's say you find |
2248s | some some loot that is in the form of |
2250s | cargo and you want to haul that back |
2253s | somewhere you can use an action to |
2256s | summon your Caravan from the closest |
2258s | node to that location and you will spawn |
2261s | this similar summoning function and the |
2264s | time to travel to you will be predicated |
2266s | on the distance to the node the |
2268s | components of the Caravan and any other |
2270s | the potential benefits or Buffs that are |
2272s | denoted by special building construction |
2275s | relics or policies is that correct |
2278s | exactly um and it's also worth keeping |
2280s | in mind you can only summon out in the |
2282s | wild if it's an empty Caravan very nice |
2286s | yes look at mine and look at yours |
2291s | Bucky this the same Caravan they both |
2294s | look |
2295s | great show us the difference between |
2297s | these two pictures they're the same |
2299s | picture oh my gosh how this is a great |
2302s | looking Caravan |
2304s | a it looks amazing mine's like a tank |
2308s | and this is the default klar Caravan is |
2310s | that correct oh no I believe this is the |
2313s | tier two or a tier five I think actually |
2315s | for these on yes yes so I have the |
2317s | upgraded components of it um and there |
2321s | are obviously a different number of |
2323s | skins that you can acquire in the game |
2324s | and um uh Andor Cosmetics that have been |
2327s | purchased that will be different looking |
2330s | Caravans but if you don't have skins |
2332s | applied this is the version of tier one |
2334s | and tier two that you will see in the |
2336s | game |
2337s | by default that looks that that looks |
2339s | great I mean this is this is amazing |
2342s | talk to me how a little bit about what |
2344s | it took to construct these Caravans to |
2346s | build them I mean are this is this a |
2348s | highly componentized system yeah yeah |
2351s | that is correct so you actually have a |
2354s | couple different components like you saw |
2356s | in the um Caravan screen before and each |
2359s | of those are things that can visually be |
2361s | upgraded kind of as like as their own |
2364s | thing so it would be possible to have |
2365s | like only nicer Wheels |
2367s | or like only a nice chassis and that's |
2369s | going to be visually represented so |
2371s | players can kind of like see what |
2373s | potential Buffs you might have for |
2375s | example you can see Stevens has all that |
2377s | tank looking armor that's going to be |
2380s | able to kind of let people just like |
2382s | looking from the outside maybe attackers |
2384s | not that we support stealing Caravans |
2387s | but no of course if I didn't want to do |
2389s | that you know I could see that maybe I |
2392s | would want to go for Stevens's Caravan |
2395s | yes that's right I want everyone out in |
2399s | the maybe I would go for not Steven's |
2403s | carav yeah every Caravan now in ashes is |
2406s | going to be named not Steven's |
2409s | carav oh no well then they would go |
2412s | after not Steven's Caravan so you don't |
2414s | want to name it don't do |
2418s | that oh man I should have got the two |
2421s | horse Edition dude I'm going so slow |
2425s | literally half the horsepower |
2429s | you do have half the horsepower why are |
2431s | you moving so slowly back there well my |
2434s | Beast of Burden isn't as upgraded as wor |
2436s | so I don't have as high of a boost stat |
2438s | as you |
2440s | do once we get to this road though we're |
2443s | going to we're going to get a road buff |
2444s | which will boost most of our movement |
2446s | speeds ah very cool okay so so being on |
2449s | a road versus off-road is more |
2452s | beneficial because of that buff but in |
2454s | addition the components that that we are |
2458s | using um are not necessarily made for |
2460s | offering but will be some that dark yeah |
2463s | exactly so there'll be different |
2465s | variants of each of the components with |
2467s | the wheels for example would have |
2468s | variants that will excel perhaps at |
2471s | off-road over onroad and vice versa so |
2474s | right now we have Caravans that are set |
2475s | up more for the onroad um portion but |
2478s | you do you will travel faster over roads |
2481s | but that obviously comes with the |
2482s | increased risk of running into other |
2483s | players or monsters that are blocking |
2485s | Road oh wow I see I have the I have the |
2487s | road buff now where are you Bucky I'm |
2491s | almost on the road should I wait for you |
2494s | uh |
2496s | yes very well this is a this is a |
2499s | caravan of Caravans right we're a team |
2501s | here oh okay Caravan of carav I like |
2503s | that all right here we go we we the |
2506s | decoy you |
2507s | know there we go I see the importance I |
2510s | mean this the Caravan system is is |
2512s | somewhat treacherous I mean you should |
2514s | be you should uh take caution with this |
2518s | I mean I feel very |
2520s | susceptible yeah well we got our group |
2522s | of Defenders with us at least we're not |
2524s | running completely solo that's |
2527s | true yeah it's definitely something and |
2529s | this goes for a lot of the node features |
2530s | right where we're trying to create these |
2532s | ways for you know people who maybe are |
2535s | used to sort of a more solo MMO like |
2538s | gameplay experience to have easy ways to |
2540s | take that first step into like |
2542s | collaborating or competing with each |
2544s | other so that's really one of the things |
2546s | that we spent a lot of time talking |
2548s | about for this system absolutely and |
2550s | perhaps I assume um Bucky Chris that in |
2554s | regards to the design of the component |
2558s | system if I am utilizing components that |
2561s | might give my Caravan a significantly |
2564s | higher stat of speed it's unlikely that |
2567s | I would also at the same time be able to |
2569s | select components that were to give uh |
2572s | an equitable amount of benefit in the |
2575s | stat of let's say cargo or health it's |
2578s | going to be tradeoff in that sense yeah |
2580s | that's exactly right like so you'll be |
2582s | able to have Caravans of different |
2583s | customizations but there won't be one |
2585s | Caravan that does everything to best you |
2586s | have to make sacrifices depending on |
2588s | what you want to use your Caravan for if |
2589s | you want to have an off-road Caravan a |
2591s | really fast onroad Caravan or just a |
2593s | slow tanky Caravan that can hold a lot |
2594s | of stuff there'll be lot options players |
2596s | can can choose to uh out their Caravans |
2600s | with very |
2603s | cool already I can see the obvious |
2606s | benefit and |
2607s | choices that certain players will have I |
2610s | mean if as as Nathan was saying if |
2611s | you're the most more solo oriented |
2613s | player you might just want to have the |
2616s | fastest possible Caravan around because |
2618s | one you're not worrying about people to |
2619s | stick you know close to you but also if |
2622s | you do come under attack your chances of |
2625s | succeeding at a fight are far less than |
2627s | getting away by |
2629s | speed yeah that's that's true or I could |
2632s | also see a variant though where you want |
2633s | to just you know go |
2635s | off |
2638s | no why is tuac here uh is he just on his |
2642s | path I think he's just on his path uh |
2644s | you're going to want to turn around we |
2645s | cannot take that oh I wonder if he'll |
2648s | turn around if he detects us I think he |
2652s | probably would okay should is stay back |
2657s | here yeah yeah this path is not uh not |
2659s | for us we go ahead give us a turnar |
2661s | around and I'll show you my secret |
2663s | little off-road path all righty okay all |
2666s | right let's just turn around here |
2669s | apologies I'll |
2674s | hold this is what wecky for come on over |
2678s | this way no D I stopped so quick when |
2679s | you guys said that I was like hiding the |
2681s | Rocks already back here that would have |
2683s | turned out to be a very bad |
2688s | stream all right come on |
2691s | through okay just like a super peaceful |
2694s | pathway right like it's super peaceful |
2699s | okay barely even |
2702s | dangerous is like I know away guys don't |
2706s | worry oh God spiders I'm just assuming |
2710s | you guys will take care of that yeah you |
2712s | know that's that's their job as a |
2713s | Defenders we just got to keep rolling |
2715s | better be careful not to aggro any |
2718s | Steven no I am trying not to I don't |
2720s | really see any up here |
2724s | though nothing too crazy up |
2727s | here yeah but this is one of the this is |
2730s | one of the dangers is you may never know |
2732s | what's on the road the road has a buff |
2735s | that's great but it also has a little |
2738s | bit more visibility and that can be a |
2740s | problem and so off-roading is a |
2743s | necessary component of the Caravan |
2746s | system and traveling in general and |
2748s | because of that there will be components |
2750s | that make traveling off-road a bit |
2752s | easier |
2754s | perhaps yeah certainly |
2761s | I'm trying to get back to |
2763s | the yeah I'm definitely slower I'm |
2767s | rolling we're still rolling should have |
2769s | gone for the off-road wheels maybe did |
2772s | we get lost is there like a path up here |
2774s | back to the road yeah no no you're good |
2776s | you're good you're going the right |
2777s | way follow the spiders oh |
2782s | yeah oh God uh I'm I'm taking starting |
2784s | to take a little bit of damage here |
2787s | Hey Hey Stephen we might need to heal |
2789s | and I remember you equipping some kind |
2791s | of healing item yes okay all right |
2794s | they're eating the horses they're |
2795s | definitely eating the |
2797s | horses where's a tank when you need one |
2800s | I just activated the healing thing wow |
2802s | that's actually pretty good those are |
2803s | good heals yeah that's a that's a strong |
2806s | hot right there |
2810s | wow it's perfectly balanced perf y final |
2815s | pass |
2816s | I think we could have definitely taken |
2818s | two buck I don't know about that spiders |
2822s | versus |
2823s | giant head hours |
2827s | later |
2831s | uhoh that would that did not work out oh |
2835s | no you can't you can't drive off cliffs |
2837s | stepen yeah I thought these were those |
2839s | kind of |
2840s | horses the cliff jumper horses yeah |
2845s | we |
2847s | you actually have to unlock a different |
2848s | service building to get recruitment of |
2850s | those of jumping horses so can I get |
2852s | spider |
2854s | horses just different kind no no even |
2857s | come down this way I no this this looks |
2860s | fine this yeah you'll make it you'll |
2862s | make it we can make this one I mean |
2864s | these these horses are that |
2867s | fragile we've made it back to the watch |
2869s | t just comes out of |
2872s | nowhere just like I found you I've been |
2875s | waiting for you you |
2878s | OB how you doing back there Bucky um oh |
2882s | yeah oh yeah here yeah I mean I've I've |
2885s | just been defending him the whole time |
2887s | uhhuh thank you guys yeah yeah you're |
2889s | welcome we do it for you oh I see we've |
2892s | come across a little river up |
2894s | here that looks like we'll have to make |
2896s | a |
2897s | Crossing ooh this is a great little |
2901s | image I'm digging this hold let me turn |
2904s | off the |
2905s | uh |
2906s | hold on can you catch me uh on my album |
2908s | cover looking away from the camera well |
2911s | no I can't where are you hold on we got |
2914s | to get the good album cover photo where |
2916s | we're all looking away just looking off |
2917s | into like |
2920s | desperation another day in Vera now it's |
2924s | my chance they're distracted I can pass |
2925s | them no even even if I gave you a |
2929s | head that with that little |
2932s | hoopty oh yeah my money's on Steven here |
2937s | okay so now uh we were intending to show |
2940s | this upd with this update the transition |
2943s | from land to River with the raft system |
2948s | Caravans when they intersect with a |
2949s | river they uh go into a construction |
2953s | stage why don't you talk to me a little |
2955s | bit about that uh how and |
2958s | Chris yeah so um |
2961s | the primary there's like two kind of |
2963s | methods to crossing rivers right one of |
2965s | them is with Bridges which are |
2967s | constructed by Mayors and players uh but |
2970s | the other method is via a transformation |
2974s | into a raft um now it will push you at a |
2978s | little bit of a um it'll make you a |
2981s | little bit of a Sitting Duck while |
2982s | you're transitioning once you're in the |
2984s | water you'll get kind of a nice speed |
2986s | boost from the currents um and it's a |
2989s | alternate means to getting stuck on the |
2991s | choke points that are |
2994s | bridges very |
2996s | cool yep that will be an update coming |
3000s | shortly it was uh we were having some |
3003s | bugs I'm really stoked for you guys to |
3005s | see it though it's already looking |
3006s | really cool and yes I'm so hyped about |
3009s | it oh how how has been intrical in |
3013s | creating the assets for showcasing what |
3017s | that transition looks and feels like and |
3020s | helping to demonstrate the construction |
3022s | process of the raft it is super cool to |
3025s | see even how how you've Incorporated the |
3027s | more componentized system of creating |
3030s | this Caravan as a whole into being able |
3033s | to adapt uh for that construction scene |
3037s | um all the pieces that are relevant on |
3039s | different skins and cosmetics for the |
3040s | Caravan as well yeah it's been really |
3043s | fun kind of figuring out how we're going |
3045s | to like like show certain things make |
3048s | everything work together like balance |
3050s | all the pieces but it's yeah it's been a |
3052s | fun time and I think kind of visually |
3055s | showing things like for example like the |
3057s | cargo um to kind of like which can we're |
3060s | still kind of working with techart to |
3061s | get this fully up and running but you |
3063s | are eventually going to be able to get a |
3065s | good visual view of like how much cargo |
3067s | someone's going to be holding and you |
3068s | know the possible reward you're going to |
3070s | be able to get too so it's yeah it's |
3072s | it's been a really fun time yeah it's |
3075s | been it's been super cool to watch this |
3077s | this bridge by the way is a a bit slower |
3080s | than the road well you're not getting a |
3083s | road buff on this bridge |
3084s | Stephen |
3086s | oh that's so sad so Bridges bridges can |
3090s | be upgraded you know and that will let |
3093s | them provide you more speed I should be |
3095s | getting the uh uh Road the bridge buff |
3099s | the bridge buff should be |
3101s | just super |
3105s | powerful you Tokyo drift off a bridge |
3108s | yes |
3109s | exactly they did that a few times in uh |
3112s | whatever that |
3114s | was there are lots of movies that have |
3116s | drifting I know no there's only one |
3119s | there's only one it's the Polar Express |
3122s | isn't |
3125s | it no it has like been diesel in them um |
3129s | Fast and the Furious yes Fast and the |
3131s | Furious you know that one Fast and the |
3133s | Furious movie that one out of 30 Fast |
3135s | and Furious |
3138s | M we should get some fast and furious |
3141s | versions of the |
3144s | Caravan you say it the more you will it |
3147s | into existence ju has like his finger on |
3150s | the trigger to just make like t7 Caravan |
3154s | components you can't carry any cargo you |
3156s | just max speed and you get a drifting |
3158s | ability that's it that's all he wants in |
3160s | life my God that' be so |
3162s | good that be so |
3166s | great I'm loving I'm getting like the |
3168s | Cinematic shots right now yeah the |
3172s | environment team has done such an |
3173s | amazing job about bringing ver to life |
3175s | and the that's been another cool thing |
3176s | about us being able to show off this |
3178s | live stream is we've kind of kept a lot |
3180s | of the uh exploration of Vera uh Under |
3184s | Wraps because we want to you know make |
3185s | sure that people get that first glimpse |
3188s | of it when the servers go online for A2 |
3190s | but we can show off some of that stuff |
3192s | here super oh my God there's a bear oh |
3195s | oh no danger bear get CH somebody oh |
3201s | no oh we just entered a super moody part |
3204s | of the forest |
3207s | okay there's a bear that way I'm going |
3209s | to go this way I'm going to go left |
3211s | opposite the direction of the Bears yes |
3213s | yes I'm going to go oh there's little |
3216s | Rabbids over there too oh |
3219s | no |
3222s | okay just got off the bridge oh oh |
3225s | whoops my bad just calling it out you |
3227s | know for the team we're just going to |
3229s | wait here and admire the the beautiful |
3232s | scene which by the way Zachary and um |
3236s | Hans did a phenomenal job with looks so |
3240s | good yeah it's looking really cool I |
3242s | like this next area coming up |
3244s | too almost on our way to mirth here oh |
3248s | Mir like I really like this next area |
3250s | he's talking about the second bridge |
3252s | still it's like yeah the river you guys |
3254s | seen The River yet wow oh no there's a |
3259s | bridge there you need to be careful |
3260s | there were some trolls |
3262s | nearby ah you made |
3264s | it |
3266s | welcome back Bucky I really should have |
3268s | just given you some components to put on |
3270s | your Cur really just the horse the extra |
3271s | horse could have probably helped a lot |
3273s | you know yeah or just the horse yeah |
3275s | it's |
3277s | true it's too bad we can't have like a |
3279s | pit stop and put on the another horse |
3282s | for you just spot it into existence that |
3284s | would be cool although once the Caravans |
3286s | are parked you're are able to upgrade |
3288s | the |
3289s | components so every time every time you |
3292s | park the Caravan in the stall at any |
3294s | node you can adjust |
3296s | oh whoa |
3298s | who what's up ahead there's a giant |
3302s | fallen |
3304s | tree I don't think I can chop through |
3306s | this one guys no let's let's uh maybe we |
3310s | go Offroad a little bit |
3313s | here so juo I could be wrong but this |
3315s | looks like one of our environmental |
3317s | hazards at work |
3319s | yeah oh ju you're |
3322s | muted how about now there you go |
3326s | there we go I made it uh yeah so |
3328s | something um that can happen to Caravans |
3331s | while they're traveling along roads or |
3333s | out in the world is um there are events |
3336s | kind of waiting for Caravans yes I can |
3339s | chop them well first I got to I have to |
3343s | do a little cheating first but yes I can |
3345s | do that um you actually you can interact |
3348s | with the environment though to free up |
3349s | the area to move through too yeah that'd |
3351s | be |
3352s | yep hold |
3354s | on |
3356s | don't show my GM |
3362s | panel oh my God just killed a |
3367s | horse what is wrong what is wrong with |
3370s | you oh no Chris |
3376s | no uh excellent this |
3381s | isry we had an unbelievable you're |
3386s | I didn't do it on purpose so we're going |
3388s | to transfer the goods from Steven's |
3390s | Caravan over to buy that's that's a good |
3393s | that's a good Community question do |
3394s | players want trees do fall |
3398s | damage we all know what the answer to |
3400s | that question is the answer is the |
3402s | resounding Yes trees falling on people |
3404s | should do damage should destroy Caravans |
3407s | one |
3408s | shot |
3411s | unbelievable I'm sorry Chris what were |
3413s | you saying uh something about Caravans |
3416s | on routes um they uh so yeah when you're |
3420s | traveling with the Caravan um there are |
3422s | events that can trigger as a result of |
3424s | you being there with a caravan um that |
3427s | can either block your way or um spawn |
3431s | things to attack your Caravan um and |
3433s | require you to kind of um make decisions |
3436s | about how you want to proceed right |
3438s | whether you turn around and go somewhere |
3439s | else or you find a path Offroad um all |
3443s | with different kind of dangers assoc |
3445s | iated with |
3446s | them very |
3451s | cool how are you doing back there Bucky |
3454s | fall in your tracks it's looking |
3457s | good after our assistance and clearing |
3460s | the path for you you're welcome thank |
3462s | you yeah you you were doing a good job |
3463s | guiding me too attempted murder little |
3467s | column a little column B I'm believable |
3470s | listen I've only been playing a defender |
3472s | of your |
3474s | Caravan |
3476s | the long con right before we get |
3483s | there actually good good call out though |
3485s | is that if you register to defend a |
3487s | caravan you won't never be able to |
3488s | unregister and immediately attack the |
3490s | carav beginning to the end ah very good |
3492s | call very good point there and then in |
3494s | addition to that you can be registered |
3497s | participant in multiple Caravan events |
3500s | at |
3501s | once so if you had let's say a caravan |
3506s | of you could put both Caravans in the |
3509s | same rate mhm very cool speaking of |
3513s | Caravans welcome thank you I returned |
3516s | you have nice of you to join us |
3523s | Caravan I go right here oh you're going |
3525s | to go right |
3528s | yeah there's some time for the holidays |
3531s | yeah oh they came back oh no oh no are |
3534s | they alive |
3539s | I'm not |
3540s | stopping oh this is creepy with the fog |
3546s | too |
3549s | okay there's another skeleton over there |
3553s | all right I'm sure this one won't notice |
3554s | us yeah no you're good it eyes aren't so |
3558s | good no zombies in the middle of the |
3564s | road |
3566s | oh oh no okay maybe not |
3570s | zombies no I don't think these are |
3572s | zombies it |
3574s | say I'm going to scout ahead and see if |
3577s | uh oh god oh this this seems like hey |
3580s | Bucky do you want to go ahead Bucky |
3582s | forward okay oh oh what are you doing |
3585s | you pulled them I didn't pull anything |
3588s | no no I learned from watching you I'm |
3591s | going to Repulsor blast do it do it do |
3593s | it get get out of here here oh oh my God |
3597s | they went flying just keep driving |
3599s | Steven fly I don't think they can find |
3601s | their way back to us I think we're good |
3604s | okay are we good nope they found him oh |
3608s | it's shooting me those |
3610s | heals run St run it's shooting the |
3614s | Caravan go on without |
3617s | us oh the |
3620s | blast oh |
3623s | no can I get some of those heals no all |
3626s | right just just |
3629s | reject some heels you got heals I'm |
3631s | actually I'm I'm hanging in |
3634s | there not keeping up |
3637s | oh oh gosh I love that blast St use the |
3641s | Sprint get out of here okay all right |
3643s | good luck |
3646s | run oh I just activated that Sprint I am |
3650s | there he goting out of here right |
3654s | now |
3656s | oh thanks |
3657s | guys maybe I'll make it after all I |
3661s | don't think so all right now we target |
3662s | Bucky no |
3667s | no healers after your Caravan I'm almost |
3670s | at miror how far is Mir holy sh you're |
3673s | right it's right around the corner this |
3675s | is the closest |
3678s | node I mean the world's pretty big |
3681s | Stephen that was a nice little nice |
3683s | little Caravan Expedition we did I am |
3686s | arriving oh God there's more skeletons |
3688s | and there's bats or |
3691s | Ravens where why aren't they in their |
3693s | Rookery they're wild they're wild f with |
3699s | Ravens wow okay I am I think coming |
3702s | actually |
3703s | upon mirth |
3707s | yeah how' you guys |
3710s | fair I mean I'm uh hopping behind you |
3713s | very slowly |
3716s | oh the rudest |
3719s | stepen actually just speed boosting me |
3722s | right you're like why walk when you can |
3723s | just be repuls or blast on cool down |
3726s | that was so |
3730s | funny so I've lost the uh Street buff uh |
3734s | yeah once you're in to the node yeah |
3736s | once you're in the perview of the node |
3737s | you you got to travel at slow speeds or |
3741s | the guards will get |
3743s | you |
3746s | all |
3747s | right we're almost |
3750s | there |
3752s | whoa we're almost there is that how it |
3755s | goes exactly exactly that's the exact |
3758s | lyrics of the song for sure gets |
3761s | copyright |
3762s | struck |
3765s | no now what happens so I'm seeing that |
3768s | we have this little area in front of us |
3771s | that denotes the Turnin radius what |
3774s | happens when I reach well you're |
3777s | about a second away from finding |
3780s | out oh we did it well not yet |
3784s | technically we're almost doing |
3791s | it it is |
3796s | done all right so I assume now that |
3799s | there is going to be a hunter Lodge here |
3801s | where I can go and sell this cargo |
3804s | exactly come follow me follow me we'll |
3807s | go and see ah I |
3811s | see uh so if you want to give him a |
3814s | little chat here all right let us |
3816s | discuss with this fine gentleman whoops |
3820s | there we |
3822s | go you'll notice cargo you're going to |
3825s | go to your materials and look at that we |
3828s | got mirror if you scroll down to the |
3830s | bottom of the mirror left tab you're |
3832s | going to see what you |
3833s | delivered |
3835s | very nice okay that's cool so now this |
3838s | is worth yeah eight eight gold 69 silver |
3842s | I can do math well |
3845s | done oh that's cool I'm going to sell |
3848s | that sell that and that and that and you |
3852s | notice this gentleman sells different |
3854s | items than the last node you were in oh |
3856s | yeah he's got some ancient alen wine and |
3859s | a case of dunar |
3862s | tools oh that's cool |
3866s | nice very |
3868s | nice cool that's awesome well look at |
3872s | that we've fully demonstrated the |
3874s | Caravan loop from uh certificates or the |
3877s | newly named glint into Commodities |
3881s | transited with the Caravan system |
3883s | discussed a little bit about the intense |
3884s | of that system and how it is intended to |
3886s | be used for Alpha 2 as a core Loop of |
3889s | the economic gam play and we have |
3892s | succeeded in delivering through the |
3894s | perilous Journey that was the riverlands |
3897s | our Commodities to M |
3900s | blath juusto Bucky plan andorf and Hal |
3906s | thank you all for joining us today and |
3908s | demonstrating the Caravan system I know |
3911s | that I speak for the audience when I say |
3913s | your guys's hard work is extremely |
3916s | appreciated and cherished by this |
3918s | community that cannot wait for ashes of |
3920s | creation I hope that everyone in the |
3921s | audience enjoyed the demonstration today |
3924s | if you have thoughts um please share |
3927s | them with us that is why we do these |
3929s | streams that is why we show you guys |
3932s | monthly the updates to the game um it is |
3935s | obviously very important to us to hear |
3937s | uh your comments on what you enjoyed |
3940s | what you thought could be done |
3941s | differently um leave them in Twitter on |
3944s | the forums on Reddit on Discord uh and |
3947s | on YouTube it means the world to us we |
3949s | capture all that information and we |
3951s | analyze it internally but with that |
3954s | being said |
3955s | said very excited to get to Alpha 2 so |
3958s | that all of you can start playing with |
3959s | these systems and testing it's going to |
3963s | be pretty exciting guys thank you for |
3964s | joining us thank you see you back on |
3967s | stream byebye bye |
3973s | bye all |
3975s | right well I'm going to play that video |
3978s | whilst we answer some questions from we |
3981s | had twitch chat uh we've got we have a |
3985s | part a watch party if you didn't know |
3986s | you can head on over to our Discord |
3988s | there's a watch party and they all chat |
3990s | and listen to it at the same time um and |
3992s | also from Discord so we've been pulling |
3994s | questions from everywhere Roshan and |
3995s | vagnar have been killing it they've been |
3997s | sending them to me if your question |
3998s | doesn't get answered here it might be |
4000s | because it's already from a forum Q&A |
4002s | question because we did get quite a few |
4004s | Caravan questions from that so first and |
4006s | foremost uh people are wondering are we |
4009s | to transfer physical Goods I.E fish from |
4011s | a coastal region into the mountains to |
4013s | sell to other plac players absolutely |
4016s | yeah that is this was commodity focused |
4019s | right so there are um two primary or |
4022s | three I guess primary methods by which |
4024s | Caravans Transit the world the first is |
4026s | when players are moving Commodities the |
4029s | second is when players are moving |
4030s | materials and resources right and that's |
4033s | to your question um that's relevant |
4035s | because materials and resources across |
4037s | the world are unique to the geographic |
4040s | region in which they are produced or |
4042s | which they spawn and and crafting |
4045s | stations are located at certain nodes |
4048s | and nodes specialize the types of |
4049s | crafting stations that they can have so |
4051s | the transit of those materials across |
4053s | the world is a necessary component of |
4055s | keeping the economy alive and where |
4057s | there is a demand there will be a supply |
4060s | um so that's with regards to the second |
4062s | reason for transiting Caravans the third |
4064s | is when Mayors and system generated |
4067s | Caravans Transit the world uh this is |
4070s | for nodes to acquire certain types of |
4073s | node Commodities or node resources that |
4075s | they need to initiate Public Work |
4077s | projects and to initiate construction |
4079s | projects um so what we saw today was |
4082s | Commodities which is going to be the |
4084s | primary method by which players earn |
4086s | gold and that's through acquiring |
4088s | Commodities with glint which is a bound |
4091s | uh currency uh and then turning that |
4094s | those Commodities in for gold which is |
4097s | then player-to-player traded |
4099s | currencies all right um our next |
4102s | question is can you lose the Caravan |
4105s | upgrade components if the Caravan is |
4107s | destroyed you have to then get upgrades |
4109s | again not only yeah not only can you |
4111s | lose the Caravan components if the |
4113s | caravan's destroyed you lose all of the |
4115s | Caravan components and you lose the |
4117s | Caravan um however if the Caravan takes |
4121s | damage damage can be done to components |
4124s | directly as well depending on the source |
4126s | and directionality of the damage uh and |
4129s | those components can be destroyed even |
4132s | if the Caravan survives um which which |
4134s | would require replacement of those |
4135s | components as well all right and you |
4138s | talked a little bit about gold here |
4139s | people are wondering and obviously I |
4142s | know the answer here but are gold prices |
4144s | seen on stream too low maybe you know |
4147s | obviously we're not at balance point in |
4150s | regards currency yeah there's there's |
4152s | two points there one which is the point |
4154s | you're making is that I wouldn't read |
4156s | into anything regarding balance right |
4157s | now at this stage we are we have not |
4160s | done balance passes when it comes to |
4162s | currencies when it comes to damage |
4163s | numbers when it comes to cool down |
4166s | probably be that time frame when we want |
4168s | more balance we we'll do different |
4171s | levels of balance checks at different |
4173s | stages right and how and what you're |
4175s | describing with beta is where we get |
4177s | really granular and we prepare the |
4179s | balance passes for launch um we do |
4181s | fingerin the wind balances right now |
4183s | right so we don't spend a lot of time in |
4185s | it we just do what kind of feels okay |
4187s | our poor economy folks are like I'm |
4189s | making spreadsheets all day Stephen I |
4191s | know I know exactly um but uh that's the |
4195s | first point the second point is remember |
4198s | the demonstration you just saw was from |
4201s | one node to another that was the closest |
4204s | node so the further you Transit the |
4207s | Commodities in the world the greater the |
4210s | return rate is for that commodity why |
4213s | because the risk is greater the further |
4215s | you travel the more risk you inherit um |
4218s | now it's important to note that at the |
4219s | end of this uh demonstration you just |
4221s | saw I sold the Commodities to the mirth |
4226s | node I didn't have to do that I could |
4228s | have kept the Winstead Commodities that |
4231s | I originated with in mirth and launched |
4235s | another Caravan at a later time to take |
4238s | those Commodities to a node even further |
4240s | away and sold it for a higher exchange |
4243s | rate in addition depending on the times |
4246s | in which nodes exist it is entirely |
4250s | possible that Winstead might be |
4252s | destroyed at some point in the future |
4254s | and I have a hoorde of Winstead |
4256s | Commodities that I've been saving in |
4259s | other nodes that would dramatically |
4261s | increase the price as well so there's |
4263s | speculation within the market also which |
4266s | is an important component I think of the |
4268s | intricacies that uh a good economic |
4271s | gameplay needs to provide oh and any of |
4273s | us who have played any MMO you know |
4276s | there's a a whole game just with selling |
4280s | and trading things so uh for people who |
4282s | enjoy that aspect they will definitely |
4284s | be that for you um maybe even on a |
4287s | larger scale um the next question here |
4289s | is how large is the radius for the |
4291s | announcement of the Caravan like how how |
4294s | why does that go out to people who are |
4297s | maybe in the area who either want to uh |
4300s | take you know and attack it or maybe |
4303s | help it defend absolutely so what you're |
4306s | describing is essentially an event |
4308s | notification and at a certain proximity |
4311s | to the Caravan any player will receive |
4313s | the event notification to participate |
4315s | either as an attacker or as a Defender |
4319s | um that proximity radius can be |
4322s | augmented either through uh players |
4326s | advancement within The Highwaymen uh uh |
4329s | uh system which is for Defenders or |
4332s | attackers um you can increase the radius |
4335s | but also the components can increase and |
4337s | or decrease uh the radius of that um |
4340s | event notify as well uh so it is |
4344s | something that we're going to be |
4345s | balancing as you described earlier uh |
4347s | through Alpha 2 testing is going to be |
4348s | important for that um but you know the |
4352s | idea here is that the Caravan system has |
4354s | an inherent risk and that is that |
4356s | players out on the roads when you're uh |
4359s | you know far away from these node |
4361s | locations uh can gank your Caravans but |
4364s | as I was describing uh in the in the um |
4369s | uh stream in the |
4371s | Showcase this is something that will |
4374s | influence how you construct your Caravan |
4376s | and which components you want to go for |
4378s | so for example if you're a solo player |
4381s | and you don't intend on transiting a lot |
4383s | of materials at once you may not need |
4385s | the large cargo capacity but instead you |
4388s | want the faster uh speed because you |
4391s | intend to outrun any potential |
4393s | adversaries that you might face on the |
4396s | roads um that is a viable strategic uh |
4400s | option for you when constructing your |
4402s | Caravan um in addition you saw that |
4405s | there are a number of different |
4406s | abilities that Caravans can be equipped |
4408s | with based on the loadout of the |
4411s | components that you have for your |
4412s | Caravan that is also going to influence |
4415s | um how you interact with PVP and |
4417s | potential adversaries and since you're |
4419s | talking about you know how much you can |
4421s | put on your Caravan folks are wondering |
4423s | what is the most one Caravan can |
4426s | transport that's a good question that |
4428s | that that question has not been answered |
4430s | yet and it likely will not be answered |
4432s | until we have been a able to test the |
4435s | system with a good amount of players and |
4437s | in a relatively persistent setting uh |
4440s | which is what Alpha 2 is intended to |
4442s | provide this next question is a very |
4444s | interesting one because it affects a lot |
4446s | of our content creators um especially |
4448s | those who stream live and they're |
4450s | curious are there any plans to prevent |
4451s | streamers from getting harassed when |
4453s | trying to start a |
4455s | caravan that's a that's that's a tough |
4458s | question um you know obviously we will |
4462s | have um you know certain systems that |
4466s | won't lend well to streaming uh because |
4470s | certain systems have uh a requirement of |
4473s | secrecy Andor at least some level of |
4475s | strategic ambiguity so uh players need |
4478s | to be conscientious of that fact uh when |
4481s | they're intending to uh both stream and |
4484s | play ashes of creation um you know those |
4487s | are things that we cannot solve uh |
4490s | because Intrigue is an intrinsic part of |
4492s | the game um recommendations there are |
4496s | options to have stream delays for your |
4497s | stream you can choose how long that |
4499s | delay is I know that that makes it hard |
4501s | for having interactions but as a fellow |
4502s | streamer I understand I've played many |
4505s | PVP games and uh sometimes it's fun |
4508s | because it brings the battle to you so |
4509s | if you're cool with that I've always |
4511s | enjoyed that in that in like FPS games |
4513s | MMO games I've always brought friends |
4515s | with me so I would highly recommend you |
4517s | know having a crew that askes protection |
4520s | for you cuz you're going to need it |
4524s | absolutely um but that's the whole point |
4526s | of MMOs is to have friends create a |
4529s | community I'm still friends with some of |
4530s | the people I met when I was like 14 |
4532s | which is pretty cool oh yeah uh the next |
4536s | one here is does speed vary based on the |
4538s | weight of the items in the Caravan or is |
4541s | it primarily just the Caravan itself and |
4543s | the upgrades that you have on it yeah at |
4546s | this time speed is not influenced by |
4548s | capacity uh speed is a stat that lives |
4551s | on the vehicle and that stat can be aug |
4553s | augmented through the component choices |
4555s | that are made uh but weight is not a |
4557s | factor um that's where we leave the game |
4559s | play primarily to the spatial uh system |
4563s | um obviously we want to emphasize that |
4565s | components have the ability to expand |
4568s | the spatial uh uh uh inventory of the |
4571s | Caravan and being kind of uh strategic |
4575s | in the choice of components you utilize |
4577s | uh for the shapes that are available is |
4579s | going to be relevant because it will |
4581s | influence how much of a thing you can |
4583s | transport in any one given trip U but |
4585s | weight does not influence the speed of |
4587s | the Caravan no all right we just have a |
4589s | few more here uh and then we're gonna |
4591s | have to move on otherwise we'll be here |
4593s | all day we can't answer every question |
4594s | y'all um but our next one is and there's |
4597s | a potluck by the way get too there's a |
4600s | potluck going on we have a costume |
4602s | contest in the office so lots of fun |
4604s | stuff going on at the office I'm like |
4606s | juggling announcements for all these |
4608s | things at the same time as being on a |
4610s | stream um but our next thing is could |
4612s | you upgrade roads in the node to upgrade |
4615s | the path the speed of the Caravan |
4617s | because you kind of talked a little bit |
4618s | about how you can create a bridge and |
4621s | things of that sort are there ways that |
4623s | like the mayor or other people can help |
4626s | uh you know Caravans move faster from |
4628s | one node to the other absolutely so that |
4631s | buff that you saw is a buff that can be |
4633s | changed in the world based on the world |
4635s | State some of those World State uh |
4638s | interactions include certain types of |
4641s | relics that the nodes which govern your |
4643s | area might have access to and might be |
4646s | actively employing some of it might have |
4648s | to do with policies um you might be able |
4650s | to extend the guard influences across |
4653s | the road uh radius uh further out for |
4656s | certain nodes if you have certain |
4658s | policies uh you might be able to enhance |
4660s | and Empower those guards uh through |
4662s | itemization choices that are granted by |
4664s | building upgrades that the node selects |
4666s | to build um you know there's a number of |
4669s | different influences uh that the |
4671s | intricacies of our systems provide |
4674s | um and it is a complex landscape because |
4676s | um again this is a very highlevel meta |
4680s | strategy style of mmor RPG uh where |
4685s | player player activity Community Choice |
4689s | and uh certain Key Personnel within the |
4692s | world key players that have assumed |
4694s | certain positions have the ability to |
4700s | influence sorry I had a cat that's okay |
4702s | um |
4704s | time hopefully that helps you get bingos |
4706s | I don't know uh I haven't seen the bingo |
4708s | card today so I don't know what's on it |
4710s | um usually the cats are uh but I'm going |
4713s | to wrap it up with these last two so in |
4716s | PvP what is looting a caravan like with |
4719s | the caros system SE onstream sure um so |
4723s | when a caravan gets destroyed it creates |
4726s | a wreckage um that wreckage will have a |
4730s | number of the supplies that the Caravan |
4733s | will was carrying um and when stolen by |
4736s | attackers those supplies become |
4738s | essentially stolen glint or corrupted |
4741s | glint uh and or uh stolen resources that |
4746s | the Caravan was hauling um if they are |
4748s | Commodities they uh they can they |
4751s | maintain their commodity type um and |
4754s | players will have to summon a caravan |
4756s | from a nearby node uh that would be |
4759s | empty in order to haul those crates back |
4762s | if they um uh you can also break into |
4765s | the crates or the cargo itself uh |
4768s | instead of hauling the cargo as a |
4769s | completed shipment doing so reduces the |
4772s | number of total um um uh resources that |
4776s | you can gather from the crate so a |
4778s | portion of it is sunk to the system and |
4781s | then a portion of it gets sunk further |
4783s | if you choose to break open the crates |
4785s | uh versus attempting to haul them back |
4788s | all right and in the future you may see |
4791s | keeping in mind keeping in mind a few |
4792s | things obvious obviously systems like |
4795s | this which are highly detailed and |
4798s | Incredibly intricate in the world they |
4800s | are subject to constant revision play |
4804s | testing internally and the designs may |
4807s | change you might even have noticed I saw |
4809s | some commentary during the presentation |
4812s | that when you summon the Caravan uh |
4814s | previously we had stated that Caravans |
4816s | would have a topown view of a map that |
4819s | you would select a location and the |
4820s | radius of the node we opted to change |
4823s | that design to a held item that you can |
4827s | summon in front of your character |
4829s | because we felt that it was more um feel |
4833s | more immersive because it's like in in |
4835s | the world versus taking you out into UI |
4838s | and not only that but there's inherent |
4840s | risk in deploying a construction zone at |
4843s | a location that you cannot see with the |
4845s | top down map view as opposed to having |
4848s | that item in your inventory and |
4850s | summoning it in front of you when you |
4852s | know there's no one around to see and |
4854s | you want to eat that time up in a safe |
4857s | location you saw on the stream they were |
4859s | like hey let's not do this right in the |
4860s | open here let's move off to the side |
4863s | absolutely the last question here since |
4865s | we are talking about wreckages of |
4866s | Caravans or people coming and stealing |
4868s | your stuff can you purchase some kind of |
4871s | form of insurance for your |
4874s | Caravans no there's no insurance system |
4877s | for the Caravans Caravans you know it's |
4879s | a treacherous road out there not a lot |
4881s | of insurance companies are willing to |
4883s | that level of risk I'm I'm like |
4885s | imagining people like knocking up on |
4886s | people's like free holds being like I'm |
4888s | here to ask you about your Caravan |
4890s | Insurance yeah but there's nothing to |
4893s | say that that can't be player organized |
4896s | if some particular Guild wanted to go |
4899s | and create a caravan mercenary Corp that |
4903s | helped Aid in the defense and Transit of |
4905s | Caravans they could employ some type of |
4907s | insurance system if they had D offer |
4909s | that to streamers so that they you can |
4911s | protect them on their stream that would |
4913s | be pretty sweet 100% And they would live |
4917s | and die by their reputation so um you |
4920s | know obviously the bigger more reputable |
4922s | guilds would have an opportunity I think |
4924s | to capitalize on those types of things |
4925s | but I would be um I'd be scared to see |
4928s | the type of premiums if you organize |
4929s | things like that uh definitely let us |
4931s | know because uh I know Roshan and Vagner |
4935s | on the community side we have a lot of |
4936s | plans to um kind of do some server |
4940s | specific news and things like that and I |
4942s | think it'd be really to see like what |
4943s | kind of cool Community things that |
4946s | people come up with that they end up |
4947s | doing I always love that stuff that |
4949s | that's what makes MMOs for fun um next |
4952s | up we're just going to talk a little bit |
4954s | about Studio update stuff and I |
4956s | apologize if it keeps switching between |
4958s | October and September legit that |
4960s | September asset is nowhere in the scenes |
4963s | it's like some weird ghost to the |
4964s | machine |
4965s | happening during the during the video I |
4967s | was like searching and I was like that |
4969s | asset's nowhere I don't know how it's |
4970s | switching between it it's creepy |
4975s | but if you want to talk a little about |
4976s | Studio updates we've had uh we just |
4978s | recently this last uh week had Bungie do |
4982s | a bunch of layoffs which has been really |
4983s | rough I know um it's been rough in |
4986s | general in the game industry with |
4988s | layoffs it has been rough you know it's |
4990s | been a rough time for the world just |
4993s | thinking about where we were last stream |
4995s | in the world and where we are this month |
4998s | a lot has changed and it's you know it's |
5001s | getting a little bit more |
5003s | um concerning and you know especially |
5006s | from a job market perspective as well in |
5008s | the industry um you know we continue to |
5010s | see layoffs but Intrepid is continuing |
5012s | to grow as a matter of fact I believe |
5014s | this month we've I think this month |
5017s | we've hired almost 11 people um quite a |
5021s | considerable number of people so far for |
5023s | the team so we're continuing to hire and |
5026s | we continue to search for incredibly |
5028s | talented individuals to join our team uh |
5030s | there's a number of positions that are |
5031s | posted on tripid Studios |
5033s | obviously you guys in the community are |
5035s | incredibly helpful in helping to spread |
5037s | that information about both the game uh |
5039s | but also the opportunity at the company |
5042s | um but things are going great things are |
5044s | going good at the studio yeah we're |
5046s | doing really good like like Stephen said |
5048s | we have a potluck right now we have a |
5049s | costume contest um we have extra Life |
5052s | coming up which a ton of our staff are |
5054s | going to be partaking in in a very in a |
5056s | variety of different ways um and however |
5058s | they can assist and volunteer their time |
5060s | because this remember this is like |
5061s | outside of our work hour |
5063s | so um yeah it's really really good stuff |
5066s | we have a good family here and |
5069s | everyone's just kicking butt and trying |
5071s | to make this awesome game and sometimes |
5074s | you know um it can be hard when you see |
5077s | other folks you have like survivors |
5079s | guilt CU you're not sure like how can I |
5082s | help you so if there's any way uh if |
5084s | there's HR folks out there or anybody |
5087s | who wants to reach out please reach out |
5088s | to us um we will you know Assist you in |
5091s | any way that we can even if we don't |
5093s | have job offers we can also you know |
5095s | help point you in the right direction |
5097s | for other positions like that yeah |
5099s | anybody out there jobs at entrep |
5100s | studios.com is a great resource uh and |
5103s | our website inre studios.com all right |
5107s | and uh we just have a little bit of art |
5109s | to share with you all um so first and |
5113s | foremost we have this cutie um this was |
5116s | made by jiny this is the fishan Komodo |
5120s | um and we have some images of that guy |
5122s | as well well with the 3D |
5124s | model um yeah that one's looking awesome |
5128s | so if anyone snagged that can't wait to |
5131s | see how it walks because those ones |
5133s | always crack me up little Waddles a |
5136s | little fast waddle yeah next up we've |
5138s | got the Charmed |
5142s | threads a couple images of |
5146s | that if it'll rotate there you go see |
5149s | the cloak yeah it's great got very |
5152s | autumn tumbnail |
5154s | colors I know yes desert biome goodness |
5158s | for sure you could wear this in the |
5159s | desert see folks saying that um and I |
5162s | think I have a turntable of this and |
5164s | this was done by Danny so Danny good job |
5168s | great job |
5171s | Danny yeah reminds me of |
5175s | Tennessee next up we've got the um my |
5180s | stuff here is LA different uh this is |
5184s | the uh veteran orite Drake and this was |
5188s | done by Yan Jan |
5192s | Yan Jan |
5195s | Jan this is a German in me wants to say |
5198s | Yan y yan yan yan um this guy flies by |
5204s | Braille well this one doesn't fly this |
5206s | is a ground uh this guy walks by |
5209s | Braille uh Stephen thought his ear holes |
5213s | were eye holes he's like well if he's |
5215s | going to be blind he should you should |
5216s | cover his eyes and I was like those are |
5218s | his ears they did not look like ears to |
5221s | me they look like uh they look like I |
5223s | think maybe I can show you again |
5224s | unfinished eye |
5225s | sockets I messaged I messaged our our |
5228s | glorious character team last night and I |
5231s | was |
5232s | like is the blindfold offset I was like |
5237s | should be covering those so this is the |
5238s | image he was referring to where you |
5240s | could see the he thought that was an eye |
5242s | socket but it's just their ear |
5244s | hole um but looks pretty awesome this |
5248s | was one of from one of our sets it's |
5250s | it's all broken and blind but very very |
5254s | cool so good and with that we are going |
5256s | to swap over I'll just play more of the |
5259s | Caravan video um so you all can have |
5261s | something uh you know Pleasant to look |
5264s | at whilst we answer the final bit of |
5266s | questions from the Q&A from the forums |
5269s | some of these do include some Caravan |
5271s | questions um so the first one is from |
5274s | the dark sorcerer and they want to know |
5275s | about Caravan controllers uh this was |
5278s | also asked a bunch in the in the twitch |
5279s | chat and watch party too I think some |
5282s | folks asked um who is able to Pilot the |
5285s | different types of Caravans and will it |
5286s | be possible for trolls to take over your |
5289s | Caravan and then also there was |
5291s | tangentially from twitch and and Discord |
5294s | people were wondering if other people |
5296s | could ride your Caravan so if you can |
5298s | answer both of those so uh I'll break |
5301s | those up with regards to uh Caravan |
5305s | driver settings uh the owner of the |
5307s | Caravan will have an option to create a |
5310s | permanent list of friends uh from their |
5312s | from their uh known players that they |
5315s | can select to have the rights to drive |
5318s | the Caravan um in addition anyone can |
5322s | drive the Caravan unless the owner of |
5325s | the Caravan activates the um uh the uh |
5330s | writer's permission uh ability and the |
5333s | riter's permission ability restricts |
5336s | access to the driver's seat for a period |
5339s | of time um to only that owner and the |
5343s | selected members that the owner approves |
5346s | of now the player who's driving the |
5349s | Caravan receives a very significant buff |
5352s | that uh alleviates any concern for cc |
5356s | effects that can be applied while |
5358s | they're driving the driver uh so they |
5360s | have a strong driver's buff and it also |
5362s | increases damage mitigation |
5364s | significantly so it's quite a task to |
5367s | Dethrone the rider from the actual |
5369s | vehicle this is true not just for |
5371s | Caravans but also for uh ships as well |
5375s | um but not for Mets uh so just vehicles |
5379s | uh now should that driver however be |
5383s | killed and removed from the vehicle um |
5386s | after a period of time that uh uh |
5390s | owner's lockout um with will be released |
5393s | and anybody can grab the Caravan and |
5395s | drive it off now the Caravan will Des |
5398s | summon after a time a significant amount |
5401s | of time right now I think we have it |
5403s | coded at 15 to 20 minutes um so that |
5407s | robbers could potentially Drive the |
5408s | Caravan away if necessary same for ships |
5411s | um now if the Caravan does get despawned |
5414s | the cargo is then left as a wreckage as |
5417s | if the Caravan were destroyed uh for |
5419s | either the owner to reach and pick up um |
5423s | themselves by summoning another Caravan |
5424s | that would have to be empty they'd have |
5426s | to have a caravan available to do so uh |
5428s | at a nearby node and the further the |
5429s | node is the longer it'll take to summon |
5431s | the Caravan um uh or the attackers can |
5435s | do so um so that was a question with |
5437s | regards to the driver there's a second |
5440s | part of the question the second part is |
5441s | like can other people ride on your |
5443s | Caravan oh yes so the Caravan does have |
5445s | Collision um uh and players could jump |
5449s | on top and and kind of go with the |
5451s | Caravan yes |
5453s | all right um the next one here is from |
5457s | AKA bear or AA bear and they would like |
5459s | to know about Caravan sabotage well |
5461s | players have the ability to set up an |
5463s | ambush or trap a caravan Caravan that |
5466s | may block the route temporarily we did |
5468s | see a log that was down there examples |
5471s | was the uh like a fing tree rolling |
5473s | Boulders uh lighting fires things like |
5476s | that yeah um as it stands currently uh |
5480s | it would be difficult for players to be |
5483s | able to block the Caravan now that's not |
5485s | to say that certain types of effects |
5487s | cannot be applied to the Caravan through |
5489s | ability use such as slowing effects or |
5492s | or um uh pause effects stun effects |
5495s | against the Caravan itself not the riter |
5498s | um but uh right now we do have a |
5501s | collision priority system which means |
5504s | that Vehicles move players and mounts |
5507s | right mounts and players cannot stop |
5510s | vehicles from moving uh the vehic iicle |
5513s | its Collision has priority um and then |
5516s | ships have the ultimate priority uh |
5518s | nothing can move ships or block push the |
5521s | players out of the way if they're in the |
5522s | way that's correct |
5525s | yes all right uh the next one here is um |
5530s | how will the game handle multiple people |
5533s | trying to send Caravans from the same |
5534s | place at the same time and this is from |
5536s | Land Shark X like for example let's say |
5538s | I've got 300 people in my guild we all |
5540s | stand them where we're like all right |
5542s | we're going to summon our Caravans right |
5544s | here absolutely so as a player you can |
5548s | you can participate in events that have |
5550s | as many Caravans collocated as you want |
5553s | so if you have you know 20 Caravans that |
5556s | you're trying to move all in a single |
5557s | Caravan raid with all of your players uh |
5560s | you can join all 20 of those Caravans |
5562s | into the same Caravan defense group um |
5565s | and that is that is the intent of the |
5568s | system um the same is true for then the |
5570s | attackers the attackers can join join |
5572s | against all of those Caravans speaking |
5575s | of attackers or Defenders um Gaul is |
5577s | actually wondering about Caravan |
5578s | affiliation and their question is will |
5580s | players receive the player and Guild |
5582s | name of the Caravan owner before |
5584s | choosing to attack or defend to |
5586s | determine Friend or Foe yes that'll be |
5588s | part of the event notify uh when you |
5591s | choose to either participate as an |
5592s | attacker or Defender again keeping in |
5594s | mind what you're seeing here with |
5595s | regards the UI is a work in progress |
5598s | this is our very functional form of UI |
5602s | after functional comes testable after |
5604s | testable comes playable right um and so |
5606s | we are not even at those stages of |
5608s | iteration |
5609s | yet someone wanted to let you know |
5611s | Stephen that you're the most informed |
5613s | Stormtrooper they've ever encountered um |
5615s | and they would like to give kudos to |
5618s | your trainer uh within the Empire thank |
5621s | you that is actually J John is my |
5623s | trainer now I'm not that good with a |
5625s | blaster but I can I can Riff on some |
5628s | it's okay they just kind of shoot |
5630s | everywhere anyway um |
5632s | the next question is from guil chees |
5635s | mojito which is the most ridiculous name |
5638s | and they want to know about buffing the |
5639s | van can the Caravan itself be affected |
5643s | by defense Buffs or protected by any |
5645s | like cover style abilities from the |
5648s | tank uh there are certain abilities that |
5650s | do interrupt projectiles uh they do |
5653s | offer collision and block Collision |
5656s | presumably yes you could utilize some of |
5659s | those abilities especially on the tank |
5661s | um to block some incoming attacks |
5663s | against the |
5664s | Caravan um okay yeah so not like a ton |
5670s | of abilities but there may be some it |
5672s | just kind of depends on the |
5674s | circumstances um to to wants to know |
5677s | about or tomb sorry tomb wants to know |
5679s | about node representation do nodes |
5681s | provide their citizens some kind of |
5683s | clothes or ornaments capes tabards or |
5686s | something that they can basically |
5687s | represent their node be like I'm from |
5690s | marilith look how cool I am |
5692s | for player characters yeah for player |
5695s | characters um you know the NPCs do I'm |
5699s | not sure if that if that is part of the |
5703s | I mean technically the node does have a |
5706s | Sigil or Insignia um and there will be |
5709s | certain armors that you can uh customize |
5713s | Insignia Andor symbols on so yes you |
5717s | could probably achieve |
5720s | that all right |
5722s | and then uh arano wants about node |
5724s | elections is the E economic node blind |
5728s | bid election process a gold sync or does |
5731s | the gold go into the node treasury so |
5734s | when everyone it's a gold sync okay yeah |
5736s | it's a gold sink how we get the gold out |
5737s | of the system bro that's right it's I |
5740s | mean you're paying for the political |
5744s | power um and you're pay for the position |
5748s | correct that's right and then that gold |
5751s | goes to |
5753s | charity oh I like that goes to the |
5755s | orphanage down the street exactly uh a |
5758s | wants to know about religion can the |
5760s | special items that are only available |
5763s | for the highest ranking members of a |
5765s | religion be traded or soloed or sold uh |
5768s | to other players nope they are bound to |
5770s | the character and they are timed so when |
5773s | you lose that position you lose access |
5775s | to the items all right and then Nick |
5778s | wants to know about player gear |
5780s | progression could you explain in detail |
5781s | what you mean by 50% of player power |
5784s | when talking about gear influence on |
5786s | player power this is something you had |
5788s | mentioned in a previous stream in |
5789s | regards to where power comes from for |
5793s | sure that's just a a a kind of General |
5796s | allocation of what players can expect to |
5799s | pursue when enhancing their player |
5801s | character power now obviously the |
5803s | distribution and ratio of those types of |
5805s | influences whether it be itemization |
5807s | whether it be level whether it be um uh |
5812s | augments uh choices Andor uh skill tree |
5815s | choices like those influences and ratios |
5818s | change through the leveling curve uh so |
5821s | at lower levels your character level is |
5823s | going to be more influential over |
5824s | character power than itemization will be |
5827s | but at endgame or higher levels or at |
5829s | the end of the adventuring level |
5830s | progression um that's when itemization |
5833s | really gets an emphasis for its uh ratio |
5837s | of player power and our last question |
5839s | here is from Top wombat which is an |
5842s | adorable name I love wombats they're so |
5844s | cute uh they want to know about server |
5846s | Tech how do you expect to handle many |
5849s | people at once in certain zones like |
5852s | some MOS some MMOs do layering or uh |
5856s | different you know sure um so player |
5859s | density is a very important aspect of |
5862s | our uh of our custom Network layer um |
5866s | Zach and his team have been doing an |
5867s | incredible job of creating a uh unique |
5872s | uh Network layer that we utilize in |
5875s | ashes of creation to facilitate not just |
5878s | the player density goals uh but also the |
5881s | open world and seamless travel across |
5885s | that World um there's a number of |
5887s | different strategies that we employ when |
5889s | architecting the network layer some of |
5891s | those things have to do with um uh with |
5895s | the significance of replicated data that |
5898s | the player is receiving as the density |
5900s | gets higher we m at call and reduce uh |
5903s | the significance distance the um the net |
5906s | relevancy distance um you know we keep |
5909s | things specifically that uh need to be |
5914s | uh known for the player directionality |
5917s | which which direction they're facing um |
5919s | those are the most pertinent data that |
5920s | we transfer that we transmit to the to |
5922s | the player character um so there's a lot |
5925s | of different strategies it's a it's a |
5926s | relatively complex system um but our |
5929s | goal is to is to satisfy hundreds of |
5931s | players uh available within uh a given |
5934s | area and certain events especially |
5936s | Castle sieges Caravans are one of those |
5938s | types of events as well um and our |
5940s | architecture facilitates |
5942s | that fabulous and that will wrap that up |
5946s | so just as a reminder if you have some |
5949s | thoughts if you have feelings about |
5951s | Caravans we will have a thread over on |
5953s | our forums you can check that out at |
5954s | forums. aofc creation.com we implore you |
5957s | to head on over there our developers |
5959s | read everything it's pretty amazing Roan |
5961s | and Vagner our community managers put |
5963s | together these wonderful reports that |
5965s | make everything uh concise for them so |
5967s | they're able to kind of sift through |
5969s | that information and really understand |
5971s | your guys' thoughts and opinions on uh |
5973s | these different systems obviously when |
5974s | we head into Alpha 2 you get your hands |
5976s | on it you can really tell us how it |
5978s | feels but right now we're just looking |
5980s | for f in the water so kind of give us |
5982s | your thoughts on and I guess Stephen if |
5984s | you have any specific things you're |
5985s | looking uh for feedback on I I mean you |
5990s | know obviously um |
5992s | with regards to the Caravan Loop |
5994s | thoughts about the components thoughts |
5996s | about uh the Commodities and the glint |
6000s | um the interactions between the exchange |
6002s | rate Turnin values and ratios the risk |
6006s | versus reward aspect of the system what |
6008s | concerns you what excites you you know |
6011s | anything that uh has to do with what you |
6014s | saw today and we're going to be |
6015s | uploading obviously this video in 4k a |
6017s | little bit later after the Stream So you |
6019s | get to watch it in all of its Glory um |
6021s | but you know we do these things so that |
6023s | we can collect your feedback and we can |
6025s | make sure that the ship is going in the |
6026s | right direction the proverbial MMO ship |
6029s | is going in the direction that that our |
6031s | community wants and that the the genre |
6033s | is asking for that's why it's so |
6035s | beneficial to be transparent about our |
6037s | development process and talking about |
6039s | that you know I think people say well |
6041s | you've been developing for a while MMOs |
6043s | are a big |
6045s | big it is a lot of moving pieces and |
6048s | remember we didn't have as much staff as |
6050s | we did then and now we have a lot so |
6052s | things are moving a lot faster now and I |
6054s | think people can even notice that as |
6056s | you're seeing our updates change but |
6057s | we've taken you through the entire |
6058s | Journey what it looks like from concept |
6060s | to prototype to what development is |
6063s | fully fleshed looking like as we move |
6065s | into alpha 1 and Alpha 2 and for those |
6068s | of you who maybe haven't been with us |
6069s | the entire time we did announce last |
6071s | month that we are going to be moving |
6073s | into Alpha 2 in 2024 so we have't |
6075s | announced that probably in our next |
6078s | stream we'll talk a little bit more |
6079s | about quarter um and then later on we'll |
6083s | talk a little bit more about like Hard |
6085s | dates so kind of keep that in mind we we |
6087s | will share information with you we just |
6088s | want to make sure we have dates that |
6090s | we're we're confident we can hit for you |
6092s | all yeah I would I would say just to add |
6094s | on to that a little bit look it is a it |
6097s | is a a journey it is a journey to make |
6101s | this game um and it is a massive game |
6105s | it's an ambitious game it's a game |
6107s | that's doing certain things that haven't |
6109s | been done before and and uh because of |
6113s | that particular reason there's obviously |
6115s | a considerable amount of risk in doing |
6117s | things in a way that haven't been done |
6119s | before but honestly that's how you |
6122s | innovate that's how you create explosive |
6127s | change within a particular genre and it |
6130s | should be the desire of every one of us |
6133s | who love |
6134s | MMORPGs to encourage Studios and |
6137s | Publishers to take risks and to do what |
6141s | hasn't been done before um the World |
6144s | building aspect of Ashes of creation is |
6147s | one of its greatest appeals and one of |
6149s | its greatest risks um and as Margaret |
6152s | said we're an independent developer |
6154s | meaning we don't have a major publisher |
6156s | behind us we are self-publishing and we |
6158s | are |
6159s | self-developing um and which comes with |
6162s | some strengths and some weaknesses you |
6163s | know of like everything yeah like like |
6167s | everything there are strengths and |
6168s | weakness in in in the dynamic of of any |
6170s | situation |
6172s | um but you know the strength that we |
6174s | have in being that self-publisher and |
6177s | that developer um is that we get to |
6179s | dictate what we feel is right when it |
6183s | comes to the development of this game |
6185s | and we're doing that in concert with you |
6188s | guys the community uh and the way we |
6192s | keep those communication channels is |
6194s | through these development updates is |
6196s | through the forums where we ask you the |
6198s | questions to participate in the |
6199s | discussions um |
6202s | these types of games don't get made |
6205s | quickly and we have taken a very |
6207s | sustainable growth trajectory as a |
6211s | company so that you know when we are |
6215s | when we are looking at our production |
6216s | schedule going forward we're hiring the |
6219s | right amount of people we're not over |
6220s | hiring at a time where things are still |
6223s | in the air about how we're going to |
6225s | develop some things right now we're a |
6227s | little bit more into that Groove That |
6229s | Swing of hiring and we've had a lot of |
6230s | success there which now we're like oh my |
6232s | gosh just make all things exactly but in |
6235s | 2017 and in 2018 and in 2019 you know a |
6239s | lot of that stuff was still very paper |
6242s | design |
6243s | oriented and some of those pipelines |
6245s | weren't well established so we didn't |
6247s | overhire then uh even though we had you |
6250s | know goals that we wanted to achieve so |
6253s | with that being said transparent |
6255s | development process is not for everybody |
6257s | if you are finding as a community member |
6260s | that there just too much angst to wait |
6263s | for this game that you know you are you |
6266s | are becoming um you know kind of |
6268s | impatient with the development process |
6270s | that's totally fine that is absolutely |
6273s | fine Absolut 100% step away play another |
6276s | game you know do what come back to us |
6278s | later when we're closer to launch you |
6280s | know we will still be here and we will |
6282s | still be constructing something that is |
6285s | what the players want hopefully and when |
6288s | we do launch that's your opportunity to |
6290s | come come back and take a look um so |
6293s | just keep that in mind it's a real based |
6295s | perspective uh but I think it is it is |
6297s | the right one not just for our game but |
6299s | for any game yeah I think sometimes |
6301s | people hype themselves up a little too |
6303s | much a little too excited which is not |
6306s | bad thing it's not a bad thing it's just |
6308s | whenever things don't meet your |
6309s | expectations sometimes it can be rough |
6312s | um but of course we do want to remind |
6313s | you all that we are going to be |
6315s | streaming more this weekend um if you |
6317s | want to meet more of our develop uh |
6319s | developers and uh hang out with us while |
6321s | we play games uh we're going to be |
6323s | playing on Friday November 3rd from 3:00 |
6325s | p.m. to 10: p.m. a bunch of virtual |
6327s | games so come hang out with us and play |
6329s | some games with us or watch us play |
6331s | games I should say some of them you |
6333s | might be able to battle against us could |
6335s | be fun and spread the word tell your |
6337s | friends come join us just hang out you |
6339s | don't have to donate just come chill |
6340s | with us yeah and then on Saturday we're |
6343s | going to be starting our 24hour live |
6345s | stream which is more like a 25 due to |
6347s | Daylight savings uh but it will will |
6350s | start from Saturday November 4th 10: |
6351s | a.m. Pacific to Sunday November 5th at |
6354s | 10: a.m. Pacific so we hope that you'll |
6355s | tune in we're going to be playing uh |
6357s | Pathfinder games set in the world of |
6359s | Vera with veren creatures and or |
6361s | characters so we're going to be toying |
6363s | around with some of the stuff that's in |
6364s | Pathfinder to make it work for us um but |
6367s | we hope that you'll hang out and donate |
6369s | and you can donate to affect the game as |
6370s | well which is really cool and then also |
6373s | uh we'll be doing a Minecraft part to |
6374s | let our main Pathfinder crew get some |
6376s | sleep and oh my gosh have they put some |
6379s | crazy things together for the community |
6381s | building game uh it is going to be an |
6384s | insane competition the world area that |
6386s | they built out is freaking phenomenal |
6388s | with all the mini games so I really hope |
6390s | that you all will tune in and you can |
6391s | check everything out at bit. l223 aocc |
6395s | extra lifee make sure you keep all of |
6396s | the Caps proper there um but we also |
6399s | have the link over on our news page and |
6401s | Ashes of creation.com newws so you can |
6403s | get all of the information but if you |
6405s | just pop in and watch over on twitch.tv/ |
6407s | ashesofcreation this weekend we will be |
6409s | sharing tons of information and links |
6411s | for you throughout the time um and with |
6415s | that I do want to thank you all for |
6416s | tuning in with us for hanging out I know |
6418s | it's been a little bit long of a stream |
6420s | um we also want to thank Hal and juo and |
6423s | Bucky and Nathan of course for helping |
6426s | us with showcasing this showcase and |
6429s | Stephen of course all of your time and |
6432s | your answers to a million questions um |
6435s | we appreciate it as a community and we |
6437s | hope that everyone stays safe and |
6439s | healthy throughout this Halloween |
6440s | weekend um definitely send us your |
6443s | costume pictures we want to see them we |
6445s | love seeing that on social media um and |
6447s | of course you can follow us on all of |
6449s | the places um we are ashes of creation |
6451s | super easy to find us and we do try to |
6454s | post often and interact with everybody |
6457s | as much as possible um the VOD will be |
6459s | up on Twitch for you if you're watching |
6461s | here on Twitch but we'll also have a 4K |
6462s | version over on our YouTube channel |
6464s | shortly so stay tuned for that and um if |
6467s | you leave a comment on the development |
6469s | update so the October the one labeled |
6471s | October development update this one when |
6473s | it goes to YouTube uh you could be a |
6476s | possible lucky winner to be spotlighted |
6478s | for a comment all you need to do is |
6479s | subscribe to our Channel and uh follow |
6481s | us there and um leave a comment for that |
6485s | and with that we are going to wrap |
6487s | things up I think Stephen wants to have |
6489s | his helmet on for this |
6492s | part I don't know if he's going to be |
6494s | able to say anything but uh we will wrap |
6497s | this up we hope that we will see you all |
6499s | next month if we don't see you this |
6501s | weekend like I said this weekend's going |
6503s | to be a lot of fun for us and our |
6504s | developers so Doodles |
6522s | everybody |