about 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | [Music] |
17s | hello everyone and Welcome to our |
20s | February development update for ashes of |
22s | creation we hope that you've been having |
24s | a wonderful month we know we have been |
26s | having a busy one there has been a lot |
30s | going on for us internally as you all |
33s | know uh this year we're going into Alpha |
35s | 2 so it's kind of a big exciting thing |
37s | for us and that means a lot of things |
40s | are in the world and thank goodness |
41s | thank goodness we had an extra day this |
42s | month oh whoops you are peeking I am |
46s | peeking I'm peeking |
49s | peekaboo you're just ring everyone's |
51s | ears out |
52s | okay I was I was just saying thank |
54s | goodness we have an extra day this month |
56s | and we're doing our live stream on is |
58s | this this today today's leap day right |
61s | is it is it leap day I think it is Leap |
63s | Day potentially I don't know because |
67s | we're it's the 29th of the month it |
69s | doesn't I remember it always changes |
71s | right I know every four |
73s | years hopefully oh yes Thursday the 29th |
76s | is Leap Day the next leap year will be |
79s | 2028 yeah I don't know how I'm going to |
81s | be able to adjust my uh audio sorry it's |
86s | kind of how the the stuff's coming in so |
89s | I will do can apologies I'll talk |
92s | loudly yeah I don't know why you're |
94s | coming through super loud and I'm I was |
98s | not I don't know it happened last month |
102s | too and I even went through and I tested |
103s | all the audio before we went live and it |
106s | still still did it so that's weird not |
110s | sure what's going on between the last |
112s | couple |
113s | streams well we can try to we can try to |
116s | adjust that yes I will try to adjust it |
119s | as we're going through but in the |
120s | meantime please bear with me I will try |
122s | to uh talk loudly um and get through it |
127s | as best I can for you all um but today |
130s | we have quite a run of show for you as |
132s | you can see below we have our reminders |
135s | we're going to be doing a commissions |
136s | preview commissions are a little quite |
138s | different than probably what you know |
140s | you've seen before in regards to how |
143s | they are incorporated into our world and |
144s | change the world and we're going to |
146s | really show you guys how one little |
148s | thing on a messaging board can change |
150s | world around you as you're exploring um |
152s | and then we also have our studio update |
154s | art update and then we'll do a Q&A as |
157s | per usual but before we get into all of |
159s | that we have our subscriber comment |
161s | Spotlight um and of course this is |
163s | because they have subscribed to our |
165s | YouTube channel and left a comment on |
166s | our big development update post and you |
169s | two can also be spotlighted remember |
171s | that if you are subscribed to us make |
172s | sure that you have that post public and |
174s | then also allow uh us to see that you |
177s | are a subscriber and leave a comment on |
179s | the development up update live stream |
181s | for February the one that you're |
182s | watching right now um but this one is |
185s | from ad adestra and I will show it over |
188s | here on the screen for you |
192s | all all right and they're asking hello |
194s | Intrepid team my question is about the |
196s | enemy's field of vision in the open |
198s | world how far away from hostile targets |
201s | will be will they be before they act |
205s | aggressively towards us more |
206s | specifically will creatures watch us |
208s | murder their friends in the world with |
210s | no reaction will they try to kill us in |
213s | retaliation or will they run away in |
215s | sheer Terror uh thank you yeah that's a |
219s | that that is a great question um you |
222s | know obviously as MMO Gamers we're |
224s | accustomed to the concept of like social |
226s | aggro when I hit a Target out in in in a |
230s | um uh in the field uh they're going to |
233s | Agro other creatures nearby um we have |
237s | similar functionality obviously uh |
239s | however we also you know have this |
241s | concept of a more puzzle oriented you |
245s | know level design right where um you |
248s | have different patrollers that might be |
250s | moving around the world so that Dynamic |
252s | is always changing the creatures that |
253s | are near each other um might be |
256s | something that you need to be cognizant |
257s | of as you begin to navigate those areas |
260s | um and there might even be certain |
262s | faction types right where um you may |
265s | have dedicated aggro social uh tags |
268s | between certain creature types |
270s | um and that might be like goblins with |
272s | their Goblin dogs right they could be |
274s | far away but they send off an alert to |
277s | those nearby enemies when you aggro |
279s | another Target um and then you also have |
282s | these perception radiuses right and |
284s | there's a number of different perception |
285s | radius types that we incorporate as part |
287s | of our AI um those things might be a |
290s | forward-looking perception cone that |
292s | represents kind of sight based uh uh |
294s | perception uh and then you might also |
296s | have uh a rear perception uh radius that |
299s | might might represent kind of sound um |
302s | and those perception types might even |
304s | interact with unique stats so as a rogue |
308s | you might have a stealth ability or as a |
309s | ranger you might have camouflage ability |
311s | those are going to dampen those stats |
313s | which are checked by those perception uh |
316s | radiuses um and then you might even have |
319s | you know different creature types that |
320s | fly above the battlefield um or beneath |
323s | the battlefield uh and they may have |
325s | downward cone uh type angles the whole |
327s | idea is that that navigating the world |
330s | should be like a puzzle right and as you |
333s | move throughout oh how's it sound we |
335s | doing better I'm adjusting this while |
337s | you're talking oh okay people are |
339s | freaking |
340s | out I just see things going in the chat |
344s | going crazy but anyways as you um as you |
347s | interact with the world you're going to |
348s | be unraveling that puzzle and each of |
350s | the landscape each of the zones that you |
352s | move into are going to be different um |
355s | and uh that that is the important part |
357s | of world design right and and and |
359s | encounter design |
360s | um so it's something we want to make |
361s | sure is |
362s | compelling all right yeah I am really |
366s | not sure what's going on with the audio |
367s | so I apologize in advance I'm working |
370s | through it uh but hopefully you guys can |
371s | still hear you you'll just have to turn |
373s | it up a little bit for now while I'm |
375s | adjusting it apologies um but I also and |
379s | I can keep riffing by the way if you |
380s | want me to if you want to keep |
382s | playing totally fine with me I have no |
385s | problem like yeah sure sure let me talk |
388s | let me talk a little bit more about our |
391s | Ai and and what we've Incorporated for |
394s | perception um you know obviously when we |
397s | talk about enemy factions uh it's not |
400s | just how they interact you but it's I |
402s | just have no idea why my mic is very |
406s | quiet okay got it I think that will just |
409s | be I will just be quieter and I am |
412s | uncertain as to how I can fix that right |
414s | now it's okay I you can talk through me |
417s | just tell me what you just tell me the |
418s | topic you want to talk cuz I can hear |
419s | you great great you just tell me the |
420s | thing you want to talk about I'll |
422s | confused through uh that way for for |
425s | them but I think they can still hear me |
426s | it's |
427s | just it sounds weird um anyways I want |
430s | to move on to the next thing just so we |
432s | can keep things moving along but thank |
435s | you for that YouTube comment we |
436s | appreciate it that's a good one it's |
438s | it's an easy one we already know the |
439s | plan that we have in regards to Ai and |
441s | whatnot um the next thing is Dev |
444s | discussion about Esports and we know |
445s | that this was a hot topic for folks um |
449s | and we're actually very curious about it |
451s | um so the question here was what are |
454s | your thoughts on orts and player run |
456s | competitive events in the MMR RPG genre |
459s | what type of competitive spectator |
460s | friendly content do you think would be |
462s | fitting for ashes of creation are there |
464s | any tools you'd like that would make |
466s | competitive events easier for players to |
468s | run and again I think that this made |
470s | people think we were thinking about |
471s | Esports but it's more of hey if players |
474s | take things off and want to do orts |
476s | oriented things we want to support |
478s | Community wherever the community goes |
479s | and what you guys want to do we want to |
481s | support that and Ashes of creation is |
483s | planned to be a competitive game um and |
486s | so we just want to make sure that you |
487s | all have the tools that you need in |
488s | order to do the cool things that you |
490s | want to do and obviously we'll have some |
492s | in-game run events but we also know that |
494s | players run their own events even during |
496s | alpha 1 there a group of people came |
499s | over to a bridge and they were creating |
501s | like a 1V one battle and we loved seeing |
504s | that um don't think it didn't go missed |
506s | we saw what you guys were doing and we |
508s | really thought it was cool um so just |
509s | want to make sure you guys also have the |
511s | tools that you need yeah you know just |
512s | to comment on this uh real quick Esports |
515s | cuz I you know as an MMO player right um |
518s | I really like what Esports represent |
521s | right which is this this idea of kind of |
523s | team-based uh performance and comp |
526s | competition um what I would say as an |
529s | MMO player is you know Esports tends to |
531s | miss out on a core element that's unique |
535s | to MMO RPGs which is progression right |
538s | and it's difficult to represent that |
540s | progression in the traditional Esports |
542s | format that we see with other game in |
544s | genres today um however what I will say |
548s | is that I have participated in some MMOs |
551s | that have stood up kind of cross server |
555s | competitions um and I've really |
557s | personally enjoyed those types of cross- |
559s | server competitions where you know you |
562s | bring the best that those individual |
564s | servers have to offer with regards to |
566s | you know groups or teams or constant |
568s | parties as we like to call them and you |
570s | allow them to compete in an arena format |
573s | right or in a castle Siege format like |
575s | that is super cool I love that server |
578s | versus server type of type of you know |
582s | competition um and I think that's where |
584s | there is a potential to do something |
586s | interesting with regards to Esports and |
589s | um the MMORPG genre so it was really |
593s | cool to see players kind of opine on |
595s | that um you know there's a lot of |
597s | obviously similar thoughts but as you |
598s | said is it's a highly charged discussion |
600s | yeah it's a it's a spicy one primarily |
603s | because everyone sees it in a different |
605s | way um and obviously Esports has become |
607s | such a big thing in different spaces um |
610s | and that doesn't mean that we're going |
611s | to go by a stadium and start doing that |
614s | kind of thing right at but it's more of |
617s | just being conscious of what the |
618s | community wants and if the community is |
619s | like hey no we don't like that it gives |
622s | us a good perspective on like where to |
623s | spend our time when we're developing |
625s | things and with that we are ready to |
628s | talk about Commission |
630s | do you want to do the preview before |
633s | yeah absolutely I would love to um so |
636s | let me get give you guys a little bit of |
638s | a a preface here obviously I'm going to |
640s | say I'm going to be a broken record as I |
642s | usually am things are still a work in |
644s | progress please keep that in mind as you |
646s | are watching this video and we are also |
648s | going to launch this video at the same |
650s | time on YouTube that we show it here on |
652s | Twitch so for those of you who want to |
654s | see it in the 4K Glory the only um the |
657s | only agreement we're going to make with |
658s | you is that you you don't leave twitch |
661s | you stay here give your commentary we |
663s | want to see what you think about it so |
664s | chat in the twitch Channel while you're |
666s | watching on YouTube um and I want you to |
670s | think about this when you're watching |
671s | the Showcase commissions are a very |
674s | traditional format when it comes to |
676s | questing right questing and MMO RPGs |
678s | we're not trying to um you know to |
682s | recreate the wheel so to speak in what |
685s | that questing feels like however with |
687s | that being said how questing affects the |
690s | world is really the bread and butter of |
693s | where commissions are essentially the |
695s | start of that daisy chain of events um |
699s | these are very small easily digestible |
702s | quick grab and run kind of activities |
705s | that you get to do in the world and |
706s | you're going to see that but they have |
709s | consequences and they influence the |
711s | world based on the number of players |
713s | that are adopting those Quest those |
715s | quests uh those commissions and are |
718s | going out in how they complete them is |
720s | what's going to influence the next step |
722s | it is a domino type effect that creates |
726s | activity which which then causes events |
728s | which then causes story arcs which then |
731s | mold and shape the way the world around |
734s | you exists both from population |
736s | perspective um as well as even the types |
740s | of dungeons that you can enter their |
742s | layout a lot of different things um are |
745s | are unique in that regard and and |
746s | remember like the core tenant the the |
749s | the Central pillar that ashes is setting |
752s | itself apart from other MMOs is that it |
754s | is a dynamic world and that world is |
757s | always in flux so the types of |
758s | commissions that might be available to |
760s | you um are going to change on a momentto |
763s | moment basis um and and that is the the |
766s | aspect of our content you know our |
769s | content drip that is unique um so |
772s | keeping in mind things are work in |
773s | progress especially when it comes to UI |
775s | and visual effects uh and the gameplay |
777s | those are things we are still working on |
778s | towards our Alpha 2 um this is all Alpha |
782s | uh so keep that in mind and and |
783s | hopefully you guys enjoy and we'll see |
785s | you in just a second yeah we'll see you |
787s | in |
788s | out now I am loud there I think we're |
791s | even now and we will see you in about 30 |
795s | [Music] |
799s | [Applause] |
800s | [Music] |
808s | minutes |
811s | [Music] |
815s | hello everyone and welcome to yet |
818s | another stream in Vera and we have an |
821s | exciting stream for you today we are |
823s | going to be talking about one of the |
826s | most core experiences that that all of |
828s | us come to expect from the MMOs that we |
830s | play and that is questing but ashes does |
833s | questing a little bit differently than |
836s | your average MMO and today to help me |
838s | talk about that |
840s | I have three of our absolute glorious |
843s | developers two of our senior designers |
845s | on the narrative side Scott Tony how are |
848s | you guys doing doing great I'm awesome I |
853s | am a Everything is Awesome yes |
856s | absolutely um you are awesome and your |
859s | guys's team have been have been doing an |
861s | an awesome job at creating compelling |
864s | stories and I'm excited to kind of go |
865s | through these today with the community |
867s | and give them some in insight into what |
870s | they can expect uh with their normal day |
872s | in ashes of creation and of course one |
875s | of the gentlemen behind the magic uh our |
878s | glorious engineer Tyler is joining us as |
880s | well Tyler how you doing buddy I'm doing |
883s | amazing thank you so much for having me |
885s | absolutely excited to have you too so we |
888s | are starting out in a familiar space |
891s | obviously this is the node of Mirth we |
894s | have been here before we have turned in |
897s | some glorious uh Caravan an within this |
900s | node and you know some of you might be |
903s | thinking to yourself well outside of |
905s | Caravans outside of these Grand kind of |
907s | core architectural systems like |
910s | citizenship and housing and story arcs |
914s | and you know all of those of those types |
917s | of of systems what is the normal |
920s | day-to-day questing like in ashes of |
922s | creion and we're going to look at this |
924s | from a solo player perspective and later |
927s | on we might have some Aid and in uh |
929s | assistance uh in completing perhaps some |
932s | of the group based stuff but it all |
934s | begins in a node and it begins |
938s | specifically at this location what am I |
940s | looking at here Scott so this is a |
943s | commission board every node has many |
946s | different commission boards depending on |
948s | what service buildings are installed |
950s | there and commissions are basically |
951s | these teeny tiny little single objective |
955s | quests that are sort of like appetizers |
957s | or quick little digestible things to |
960s | help you get out into the world and |
962s | start progressing both your character |
963s | and your node contribution okay cool and |
965s | I see that these commissions obviously |
967s | there's eight of them that I can see |
969s | here that says that it refreshes in the |
970s | next roughly 30 minutes uh although the |
973s | clock is not moving for some reason |
975s | let's see if that oh it is moving we're |
977s | just not seeing a live update so that's |
979s | a bug guys I do want to take this moment |
981s | uh |
983s | to to to obviously give our standard |
986s | disclaimer everything you see here is a |
988s | work in progress uh obviously we are |
990s | working towards our Alpha 2 which is an |
993s | alpha of Ashes of creation we're here in |
994s | the riverlands you're going to see UI |
996s | you're going to see VFX you're going to |
998s | see systems like this um that are still |
1001s | in a very functional State um but we are |
1005s | looking at a very um a very pretty board |
1008s | here and these kind of remind me about a |
1010s | little bit about cards almost they feel |
1011s | like cards kind of um and there's some |
1014s | standardized information on here I see |
1015s | level I see some reward I see some basic |
1019s | information about the story of these |
1021s | commissions and I also see some colors |
1023s | talk to me a little bit about the colors |
1026s | sure so commissions uh they come in |
1028s | basically different Rarities the same |
1030s | way that collectible cards might so |
1031s | pretty astute there uh we the rewards |
1035s | are or the rewards basically grow quite |
1037s | a lot depending on the Rarity of the |
1040s | commission that gets dealt and and these |
1041s | get dealt for everybody like on this |
1043s | board so in this node right so and you |
1046s | can improve your chances of getting rare |
1047s | commissions for your node depending on |
1049s | how you develop your node okay very cool |
1052s | absolutely um the Oak and Bane Overlook |
1054s | I just I just took that I see that it's |
1057s | been added to my object objective |
1058s | tracker and uh minur sounds pretty |
1061s | interesting so I'm going to grab those |
1064s | and I should be able to now see them |
1066s | obviously in my journal um this gives me |
1068s | under mirror leth kind of my active |
1070s | commissions that are here within this |
1072s | node um and I can take a look at the map |
1075s | I assume here and go around and take a |
1078s | look |
1079s | at the objectiv so we have the scatter |
1082s | The Horde that's here um and Oak and |
1085s | Bane Overlook here which is good because |
1089s | I think we have some business perhaps in |
1090s | the Oaken Bane area we shown that off |
1092s | before but it has some some updated |
1095s | interesting things going on there okay |
1096s | so let's let's grab these two and let's |
1098s | let's head out um obviously you were |
1100s | saying these are these are kind of |
1102s | bite-size digestible easily let me grab |
1104s | and go um you know show some progress in |
1107s | the world but missions are more than |
1110s | just bite-size pieces of content they |
1114s | ALS they also feed other content systems |
1117s | too right talk to me a little bit about |
1118s | how that |
1121s | works yeah Tyler you can take this one |
1123s | oh sure yeah I'll take it um so right |
1125s | every every 30 minutes or so the board |
1128s | will refresh the server will query a |
1130s | bunch of different information about uh |
1133s | the world um and this is from ranging |
1135s | from uh story arcs uh that are active |
1139s | story ARS that have been completed uh |
1140s | weather time of day uh a whole bunch of |
1143s | different range of |
1145s | factors very cool and then oh go ahead |
1148s | yeah no no sorry go ahead the board will |
1150s | attempt to deliver uh commissions that |
1153s | are relevant to these areas and they |
1155s | will try to lead you into areas where |
1157s | more content can be found kind of like a |
1159s | cascading effect of uh commissions and |
1162s | and events and and just general things |
1165s | to do okay speaking of events I see I |
1167s | just had a popup here a pale hornless |
1169s | Minotaur is idling nearby and beckons me |
1174s | interesting so that is a call out for |
1178s | one of our side quests which are they're |
1180s | like commissions but but but better uh |
1183s | Tony do you want to talk about those a |
1184s | little |
1185s | bit Yeah side quests are like |
1187s | commissions you know what you're getting |
1190s | with them you you go go to a commission |
1192s | board and pick out your cars what you |
1194s | want but side quests these are a variety |
1198s | of quest with a variety of of objectives |
1201s | that are exist in the actual World |
1204s | itself so they can be hidden in various |
1208s | ways and so during your adventures you |
1213s | want to pay attention around you cuz one |
1214s | might pop up on your map and you if |
1217s | you're lucky you might notice it and be |
1219s | able to obtain it and it might lead into |
1222s | a really big Quest chain cool or in the |
1225s | very least connect to a larger story |
1227s | awesome and I'm I'm looking at one of |
1229s | these guys here his name is many exiled |
1231s | Berserker now we've seen minitar in the |
1234s | past but minitar actually are a minor |
1237s | faction in ashes and and there are |
1240s | different um tribes of minitar and |
1243s | different uh kind of species influence |
1246s | for the minotaurs this guy apparently is |
1249s | friendly so I could talk with him okay |
1251s | cool look at this guy it's got a little |
1253s | profile going on watch yourself godling |
1257s | my kith work nearby and they shall Brook |
1260s | no |
1264s | intrusion you see yourself somebody on |
1266s | voice acting I love it I said I love it |
1269s | it is so cool no the the writing is is |
1272s | is impeccable it's impeccable um okay |
1275s | let's talk to him why is he standing |
1277s | here okay so he's trying to deliver some |
1279s | pus to his brother uh but he's forbidden |
1282s | to see |
1284s | him okay let's see if I can take it over |
1287s | there uh he's too weak to fight that's a |
1290s | rude thing to say about your brother |
1293s | um knows his limitations you know okay |
1296s | so I've received a minitar pus and I see |
1299s | here I have some rewards just to deliver |
1301s | this um that includes some dull glint |
1305s | some experience and some cheap |
1307s | coin yep so uh side quest can give a |
1311s | variety of rewards uh they're bespoke |
1313s | for the side quest itself so uh as you |
1316s | progress this chain of side quest here |
1319s | you can you can unlock things that are |
1320s | specific toward minotaurs whether it's |
1322s | like their rare sort of crafting Regents |
1324s | uh recipes for their stuff um all kinds |
1327s | of different things can pop up and uh |
1330s | just like any of our spawning |
1332s | systems uh like what Tyler is getting at |
1335s | with the commission board um they all |
1337s | are reading World states to determine |
1339s | what is allowed to spawn and where it |
1342s | should spawn and things like that so |
1344s | different side quests can appear |
1345s | depending on the world State as well |
1347s | okay very cool |
1349s | all right I see here I have this guy |
1350s | named |
1352s | Maho or yes that is who you should be |
1354s | delivering your PST to and also they |
1357s | have an available quest for |
1359s | me as |
1361s | well I have brought Aus from your |
1366s | brother let's see here yes I'll accept |
1369s | that reward very |
1371s | nice a look at him he's kind of they're |
1375s | stretching see if he's got something |
1377s | else for me so this kind of leads us |
1379s | down the daisy chain like Tony was |
1380s | talking about of you know different |
1383s | connective tissues of story throughout |
1385s | the world relate either to the |
1387s | commission the events or story arcs in |
1389s | general |
1391s | exactly uh and the especially like |
1396s | missions and side quests like those in |
1399s | completing those you're going to be |
1402s | participating in activity Maps which |
1405s | you've laid all around here and those |
1408s | can |
1409s | spawn events those can make a number of |
1410s | things happen which then will in turn |
1412s | influence you know further spawns that |
1414s | can happen and things like that okay |
1415s | cool and I also see you know this is |
1417s | obviously thematic right it relates to |
1419s | kind of our progression of itemization I |
1421s | see this person has a a recipe for storm |
1424s | caller's axe he is also talking about an |
1428s | event that relates to some type of it |
1431s | looks like storm beneath the stone |
1433s | Shadows |
1435s | perhaps correct uh so that if event is |
1438s | not currently happening but uh you can |
1440s | provoke that event uh basically by |
1443s | working on your |
1444s | commission uh to slay minaur that will |
1447s | that will draw out their their leader |
1449s | whose name is yauna um but it's sort of |
1452s | incumbent upon you and other players |
1454s | to provoke that event got it okay so so |
1458s | provocation means essentially I need to |
1461s | kill |
1462s | 10 uh 10 minur 10 basically Minotaur any |
1467s | type of Minotaur here and that's just |
1468s | for your commission the activity map is |
1470s | actually a separate tally a separate |
1472s | counter we've tuned it down for the |
1474s | purpose of the live stream because it's |
1475s | just you here but other players that had |
1477s | grabbed that commission from the node |
1479s | might be here as well helping and that |
1480s | would that would progress that counter a |
1482s | lot more |
1484s | rapidly good luck with the birds oh no |
1487s | my gosh this guy summoned a bunch of |
1489s | birds ah got him cool so the summon the |
1492s | summon creatures actually dissipate with |
1494s | the uh NPC that you kill the the correct |
1499s | Summoner and the world team has done a |
1502s | very very good job with the like setting |
1504s | up the encounters here and the points of |
1507s | interest I think are looking great and |
1509s | they feel great to play through they |
1511s | counter are difficult if you're not |
1512s | careful um if you're pulling multiple |
1514s | mobs I don't know who would do such a |
1516s | thing I know my God I hey that's why I |
1518s | have sleep that's true |
1524s | yeah that was a nice Arc thank you |
1528s | it was |
1531s | beautiful go |
1539s | away oh |
1544s | no oh God oh my God no no no not even |
1548s | his final |
1550s | form let's sleep the other |
1557s | guy |
1559s | well that did not work a quick release |
1562s | there I might need to use some |
1565s | potions yeah the Berserkers are really |
1567s | tough when they're on top of you like |
1572s | that okay hold on let put some ice down |
1574s | in front of |
1576s | him I'm out of Mana oh |
1579s | no oh God I'm totally out of |
1584s | Mana got a plan ahead when you're uh |
1586s | adventuring by yourself in |
1589s | ver okay here we go here we go here we |
1591s | go and uh one thing you'll see about the |
1594s | commission board and how it generates |
1596s | its commissions um one thing is that all |
1599s | players uh in the node will see the same |
1602s | commissions so there is a really good |
1604s | chance when you take one of these from |
1606s | the board that there will be many other |
1609s | players fighting alongside you and |
1611s | that's how we get those like large |
1613s | activity uh map generation to start |
1616s | spawning |
1617s | events |
1618s | yeah that that is I mean obviously these |
1621s | these help to kind of you know move |
1623s | player traffic throughout the world |
1625s | because as we said nodes act as a hub |
1629s | and one of the ways they they they |
1632s | direct player traffic is obviously |
1634s | through the commissions the buy orders |
1636s | you know things that that essentially |
1638s | are are supplying that Demand right of |
1641s | activity or action from the player um |
1644s | and then what what the players choose to |
1646s | do is essentially the agent that's |
1648s | provided and helping to dictate how the |
1651s | world state will change and I think |
1653s | that's obviously you know questing is a |
1656s | is a kind of standard and staple tried |
1658s | true method of of of core gameplay Loop |
1662s | that players come to expect from MMOs |
1664s | but what they haven't traditionally seen |
1666s | is the followup of how those actions |
1668s | that the players participate in yield a |
1671s | response from the environment from the |
1672s | server from from a historical identity |
1676s | that now can be kind of seen in the |
1678s | world um and we're going to see that |
1680s | here right yeah and that's not to say |
1683s | that our Quest content doesn't get much |
1686s | more complicated especially when you |
1687s | start getting involved in story arcs at |
1689s | that level uh but this is all sort of |
1692s | you know story ARS don't happen without |
1694s | nodes being built up and and nodes don't |
1696s | get built up without players doing |
1698s | commissions and grinding experience and |
1699s | things like that so um all this stuff |
1702s | does uh all play together and creates a |
1704s | very nice Loop to like unlocking the uh |
1708s | the bigger more complicated adventuring |
1716s | content |
1718s | um |
1720s | and Stor as well like are also one of |
1722s | the potential predicates for side quests |
1725s | and things like this starting so as you |
1727s | love your node and that begins more |
1730s | story arcs even more content related to |
1733s | those stories as they progress in real |
1734s | time um become available |
1742s | how many do I have so far I have |
1745s | seven |
1747s | oh okay so you so sufficently |
1750s | sufficiently agitated the minitar and |
1752s | they've brought out their leader uh the |
1754s | storm |
1755s | caller uh and he comes with a storm oh |
1759s | very cool |
1760s | okay this is pretty awesome doubly so |
1764s | because since you instigated this event |
1766s | which changed the weather |
1768s | that will also now influence spawns |
1770s | nearby uh you could potentially be |
1772s | spawning well you are spawning uh side |
1775s | quests that relate to the Rain uh |
1777s | changes in enemies that relate to the |
1778s | Rain um and that's just that's driven on |
1781s | player action so it's it is like a |
1783s | feedback looping away as well all right |
1785s | very cool so I see obviously the weather |
1788s | here as you said has changed uh it is |
1790s | now raining and the wind is picking up |
1794s | um and I also see that there is |
1796s | lightning that ooh looks a l little |
1801s | hazardous yes uh that lightning will |
1805s | hurt you very bad if it strikes you uh |
1807s | weather events and and encounters |
1809s | themselves can include hazards like that |
1811s | that can appear um and shake things up |
1814s | they can also it can also help too if |
1815s | you can kite enemies into the lightning |
1817s | strikes or whatever very cool now do I |
1819s | have a I think I might need a little |
1821s | team for this this seems to be a lot of |
1823s | uh of stream there's quite a lot of them |
1824s | there I I I'm perched up on this hill if |
1827s | you guys are nearby and want to join |
1829s | me uh let me see if I can find you sure |
1833s | yeah so you starting that event would |
1835s | have like we can see that from quite far |
1837s | away which would if if players weren't |
1839s | already here for the purpos of the |
1840s | commissions they might be tempted by the |
1842s | event as well you can invite you into |
1844s | our party |
1845s | here me just gather some of these |
1849s | bushes yay uh there's some minur just |
1851s | behind you Tyler watch |
1854s | out all right wait where do where's Tony |
1856s | we need Tony he's right here oh no wait |
1859s | where is he I'm here oh he I'm wearing a |
1862s | lot of armor I'm not going into that |
1863s | lightning oh god oh oh God maybe we can |
1866s | kill one of the minotaurs with the |
1869s | tree looks like you have died to the |
1871s | lightning oh my god seriously |
1875s | yeah all right let's do this Leroy let's |
1879s | go kill |
1884s | him all right so these are the stormm |
1886s | Weavers that he was trying to kill I see |
1888s | this guy over |
1892s | here I will call the |
1897s | lightning oh I have a Healer that's |
1900s | nice I got your |
1907s | back oh I need to get my back oh no |
1913s | wait just them into |
1916s | them lighting oh there's a supply |
1925s | chest oh no oh no you two are going |
1930s | down wait let me sleep him let me sleep |
1932s | him I'm going to sleep |
1935s | him okay all right hold on he's |
1938s | asleep let's see if we can get a bolt of |
1940s | lightning we need some |
1943s | lightning well several of them have died |
1945s | to that as well a ashes I'm ashes and |
1948s | Ashes so oh maybe we can get you res |
1952s | up hold on I'm the Healer I'm going to |
1955s | keep them keep them slept while you guys |
1957s | come |
1959s | back wait for |
1962s | it sleeping the are pretty hard to move |
1966s | yeah they |
1969s | are oh you know what we should need to |
1971s | show off as well that we didn't show off |
1972s | last time oh here we go |
1975s | oh oh my |
1978s | gosh somebody res |
1980s | me can't res just a sword somebody |
1984s | somebody get back here and res me oh |
1986s | there he goes he just got hit |
1991s | got oh no okay I got 45 seconds before I |
1996s | got to release |
1998s | n Tyler's coming oh sweet |
2006s | yes oh nice okay all right very cool |
2010s | very cool let me grab some of my |
2013s | stuff great I'll grab some of your stuff |
2016s | as well oh yeah help yourself thank you |
2020s | let me actually get this Supply |
2022s | chest so this is just the reward for |
2025s | participating in the event so even |
2026s | people that didn't have the side quest |
2028s | to do the event could still get rewards |
2031s | from |
2032s | participating Oh okay that's cool that's |
2035s | awesome and again guys this this is all |
2037s | work in progress still right there's |
2039s | this is a very functional |
2042s | um implementation currently of the |
2044s | system um and there will be additional |
2046s | controls where you can um split raid |
2049s | essentially and each person can interact |
2051s | with the supply chest and get their |
2053s | reward from the |
2056s | event uh oh |
2060s | god oh no not the |
2062s | rabbits oh let me kill these guys real |
2065s | quick I'm going to sleep that battle |
2067s | priest while you guys murder the |
2069s | rabbits they're |
2072s | gone |
2077s | okay there we go all right now we've |
2081s | cleared this little portion but |
2084s | obviously the the weather is still |
2086s | active um and that's because the Zone |
2088s | has changed kind of to the activity that |
2090s | we've that we have presented |
2092s | here yep uh so that means there's some |
2095s | new opportunities together or new |
2096s | opportunities is available for you we |
2098s | can we can leave you to carry on turning |
2100s | your quest yeah it was an honor by the |
2102s | way yeah no just glad to be here glad |
2106s | thanks for the carry Stephen yeah |
2108s | absolutely no problem yeah yeah I |
2110s | definitely couldn't have done it without |
2111s | you grab that minitar |
2113s | pigment uh I see a sudden scholar has |
2115s | also spawned oh and I see the I see the |
2117s | event is still going there that's cool |
2120s | um that to uh collect the rewards here |
2122s | let me go over to the sudden |
2125s | scholar where is that at |
2127s | so talk to me a little bit about this |
2129s | weather system right that's pretty cool |
2130s | that we had the uh environmental hazards |
2132s | that spawned and that doesn't just |
2134s | pertain to the event right these these |
2136s | types of weather systems they can kind |
2138s | of be anywhere in the world yes so just |
2140s | like regular weather they can also they |
2142s | can also just spawn based on a number of |
2144s | of like variables in the environment |
2147s | like precipitation things like that um |
2150s | so you'll you you can get weather |
2152s | naturally but uh players can also affect |
2154s | it too and and that can it can be more |
2156s | than just the weather like there's |
2157s | there's uh stks and and side quests that |
2160s | can do things like placing an eternal |
2163s | Knight in an area change the seasons and |
2165s | things like that they can be quite quite |
2167s | Stark um and all those things like like |
2170s | we mentioned before create new and |
2172s | different opportunities for uh what |
2175s | types of content you might |
2177s | find oh no I'm sorry give me a |
2185s | second oh no are you still in trouble |
2188s | Stephen do we need to help you again no |
2190s | I'm I'm I'm doing fine okay I'm doing |
2194s | fine I'm take my pigment and get out |
2196s | here okay there we |
2198s | go talk to me a little bit about kind of |
2201s | these um this area the minotaurs as a as |
2204s | a faction and kind of what um you know |
2209s | how the spawners can kind of change |
2210s | around the world to represent that |
2212s | player |
2213s | activity uh yeah it's especially |
2215s | prevalent with the Minotaur who are |
2217s | nomatic uh so these minitar in |
2220s | particular are interested |
2222s | in like spiritual sites so sites that |
2225s | have to do with like funerary rights and |
2228s | things like that of Ancient Aliens and |
2231s | uh that's that ties a lot into the story |
2234s | of this this POI which is called Titan |
2236s | ring um all that stuff gets developed in |
2240s | other side quests and uh and and St |
2243s | potentially uh that can come can come |
2246s | around because like you mentioned before |
2248s | these aren't just necessarily menur all |
2249s | the time there are other things that can |
2251s | be happening here um depending on the |
2253s | state of the world got it um and I see I |
2256s | see I see Luna here for example she |
2258s | spawned as a side quest because this |
2260s | rain event occurred correct yes she is |
2264s | one of the side quests that are attached |
2266s | to the Rain State okay cool she wants me |
2269s | to defeat some myelon along the lonely |
2272s | Oak Creek which I assume is up |
2276s | ahead right around the corner there from |
2277s | you oh okay very cool all right let's |
2280s | take a look I love the stormy effect I |
2283s | think the obviously players have seen |
2286s | our uh season system in place but we |
2289s | haven't really seen a bit more of the um |
2292s | weather events and this looks great I |
2294s | think Todd did a great job on the kind |
2296s | of rain effect here sounds good um I |
2300s | love the the wpo on the trees and the |
2303s | wind cool yeah uh the downed environment |
2309s | really really really shine in this game |
2311s | I really love the work that they're |
2312s | doing on |
2313s | it uh so if you follow the River South |
2316s | uh CU you do still have that commission |
2317s | that you you picked up very early on to |
2319s | go to the Oak Bay Overlook which is not |
2322s | too far from where you are it's just |
2323s | south of you a little ways um and that |
2326s | is kind of uh you wanted to check out |
2329s | Oaken Bane anyways and that that will |
2330s | take you to a really nice place to to |
2332s | take a look at it all right let um so |
2334s | you can you can clear the melling along |
2336s | the way I noticed you know forgot to |
2338s | turn in your unit Quest that's okay |
2341s | which |
2342s | one your did you turn in your storm |
2344s | Coler Quest oh I think I did let me go |
2346s | where do I where do I turn that in at |
2348s | back at the uh yeah bring it back to M |
2351s | okay I'm sorry I can do |
2353s | that I just want I just want to make |
2355s | sure that you get your your quest |
2356s | rewards you know all right let me grab |
2360s | it you can give stepen a little |
2362s | shpa actually you know what I can I can |
2365s | probably let let me |
2368s | um let me just run back there real |
2372s | quick I'm on my |
2375s | way or actually can I complete it from |
2378s | here side quests no Co commissions |
2382s | commissions you can't yeah yeah side |
2384s | quests have to go back to either their |
2387s | either the place that the commission was |
2389s | or the side quest was given or uh also |
2392s | potentially other places the side quest |
2393s | will specify where you're supposed to |
2395s | bring your completion |
2399s | all right and a lot of times those |
2401s | that's because they're leading you to |
2403s | another place that might hold something |
2405s | else related to that side quest you just |
2408s | completed not all the time but but |
2411s | that's one of the intense |
2414s | yeah very cool yeah breadcrumbing is |
2418s | very important for |
2420s | these I'm going back to Maho that's |
2423s | right yeah okay let's see where is mAh |
2427s | he is right there on your left oh okay |
2431s | sweet Maho my |
2435s | friend yauna is |
2439s | dead uh yes that is very true he did put |
2442s | up a little bit of a fight but the |
2444s | weather actually was to his detriment as |
2446s | well |
2447s | yeah Okay cool so I'm going to get the |
2450s | the storm cers recipe uh additional |
2453s | minitar pigment which is obviously uh a |
2456s | rare material component that's probably |
2458s | used uh in it it is specifically for |
2461s | crafting minur objects yeah nice awesome |
2464s | okay so these different factions hold |
2467s | unique rewards that are delivered both |
2469s | through the questing as well as drop |
2470s | tables uh for the minotaurs and other |
2473s | you know local environments that |
2476s | contribute directly to crafting those |
2478s | types of items yeah the minaur pigments |
2480s | are actually pretty rare So that we just |
2482s | got a little bit lucky there but uh the |
2483s | side quests are a nice way to get a |
2485s | guaranteed little injection of them |
2492s | um and yeah there's there's stuff like |
2494s | that for all of the factions especially |
2497s | ones that |
2498s | have uh like a set of crafting like |
2502s | crafting sets and things like that cool |
2504s | very cool all right I am headed back |
2507s | this way I |
2509s | believe is that right did I under the |
2512s | you need to make your way back toward |
2513s | that I you can get there just straight |
2515s | from the way you were going but oh okay |
2516s | cool |
2517s | go back this way you you have the melan |
2520s | kills uh I can't see let me see |
2525s | here I don't think you have them |
2527s | yet I don't think so although I see some |
2530s | Myans down here now yeah I metion just |
2534s | going to be over the Overlook was fairly |
2536s | close to where you just were all right |
2538s | yeah it's that very last objective you |
2540s | have in your tracker all |
2543s | right oh my |
2545s | gosh that was |
2548s | unfortunate yeah the |
2550s | uh NPC teams like I think they've done |
2554s | just an incredible job lately with the |
2557s | the fights |
2558s | like I feel like the encounters are |
2561s | getting very very fun and dynamic and |
2565s | vared absolutely they're getting very CL |
2567s | very good actually challenging right now |
2569s | that we're having good representative |
2572s | kind of progression within the A2 world |
2574s | oh that little dude disappeared uh it |
2577s | was attach to his parent that you |
2578s | destroyed okay let me see if I can avoid |
2580s | these guys I'm getting some type of |
2583s | injury they actually yeah they they will |
2586s | poison you sit down |
2589s | here nope not going to sit down |
2592s | there let me move forward probably not |
2596s | going to sit down there |
2598s | either oh no we're doing the old old |
2602s | train I don't I can't I'm pot committed |
2605s | I am pot committed |
2607s | it's |
2607s | happening it is happening uh where do I |
2611s | need to go just turn around turn around |
2614s | okay all right the Overlook is like on |
2616s | those ruins just to your right to the |
2618s | right up there yeah that's the top of |
2620s | the room so go left here there to your |
2623s | left no Ste what are we |
2627s | doing break left go up the to go up oh |
2633s | God oh my |
2635s | God |
2638s | are you doing this no I'm not I'm really |
2640s | not I'm really not I swear I swear I'm |
2643s | just trying to run okay to the right |
2645s | here I'm just running here let me put |
2646s | some |
2648s | some okay up here I didn't know we were |
2651s | going to see a mimic I did not know we |
2653s | were going to see a mimic either holy |
2657s | smokes |
2659s | H can I go to the right the Overlook The |
2662s | Overlook is to your right I don't know |
2664s | if it's safe to even go up there with |
2665s | this many chasing you |
2667s | uh hold on let me just see if I can |
2670s | sleep them oh okay they're fleeing |
2673s | they're |
2675s | Le I wonder if I can kill this thing oh |
2678s | no definitely cannot kill that |
2681s | thing um yeah it's level 20 okay they're |
2685s | flinging they're FL FL okay good good |
2687s | okay we did it and we did it thank you |
2690s | somehow amazing amazing you survive that |
2694s | uh oh my God okay |
2697s | up the uh so the Overlook is up on top |
2701s | of these ruins here yeah you can climb |
2702s | up the ruins okay so this is for uh the |
2706s | oak ban Overlook got it yeah |
2712s | okay okay this is also a little bit of a |
2715s | dangerous area yep all right let's go oh |
2719s | can't go this way either there's a |
2721s | little watch D Jeremy made sure that |
2723s | it's pretty hard to sneak around through |
2725s | here |
2730s | okay let just |
2732s | see oh |
2737s | God |
2741s | nice oh God oh |
2745s | God oh no guys everybody look away IM |
2749s | muffs IM muffs |
2752s | [Laughter] |
2754s | IMS and we're good we're good let me |
2756s | just pick up all these things that I |
2758s | died with and that's |
2761s | good and I normally don't want to do |
2764s | that but I am trying to |
2766s | just I didn't know that guy was going to |
2768s | spin to win right as I was |
2771s | uh trying to pass |
2775s | him that's a that's a Berserker for you |
2777s | just when you at least expect it I know |
2779s | and watch I'm probably going to get him |
2781s | low here and he's going to probably get |
2783s | some temp Health as usual |
2787s | there's the temp |
2790s | Health |
2795s | go got least he spun one that time and |
2798s | it didn't work out for him yeah that was |
2800s | a nice shatter look at that that was a |
2801s | nice shatter thank you thank you Tyler I |
2804s | appreciate the additional support there |
2806s | right now the stream is most definitely |
2807s | roasting |
2811s | me okay so I'm I'm assuming since this |
2814s | is getting a view of Oak B that I should |
2816s | be up here yeah it's also marked on your |
2819s | map and and implied in the in the quest |
2821s | text that you're supposed to come up |
2822s | here but oh okay this is a beautiful |
2824s | view actually |
2829s | yep nice we did it we have discovered |
2833s | the location oh the Noe is there |
2837s | okay wow look at this |
2841s | view oh my God what is |
2843s | this so yeah when nodes level up they |
2846s | will create new content new story arcs |
2848s | will start and story arcs are very big |
2851s | like big area changing things that can |
2853s | happen right like we saw with Carin like |
2856s | we saw with Carin uh this is one for |
2858s | Oaken |
2859s | Bane oh my gosh that is |
2863s | cool oh I want to go down there and |
2864s | check it |
2866s | out uh it'd be it'd be pretty pretty |
2870s | tough a long drop |
2872s | yeah ow oh okay I made it |
2877s | oh this is awesome okay so so this area |
2879s | now has entered into a story arc correct |
2883s | uh and you're you're not right near |
2887s | where the questgivers would would would |
2889s | get you kind of started on the story for |
2890s | this but they're not far um and uh and |
2895s | yeah these would be the the quests |
2896s | involved in stor are a little bit more |
2898s | complicated than commission style and |
2900s | side quest style quests but |
2902s | um there's there's a whole big long ch |
2906s | to deal with the dark magic that you |
2908s | just saw settling in over this once |
2911s | sacred resting place for old Heroes I |
2913s | love it this looks great well this was |
2916s | quite a presentation obviously it was |
2918s | really enjoyable to kind of go through |
2920s | you know commissions and and and give |
2922s | the community an insight to Alpha 2 kind |
2925s | of what their daily activities are going |
2927s | to include but more importantly how |
2930s | those |
2931s | commissions change the state of the |
2933s | world around you and kick off these |
2937s | almost Domino like effects with regards |
2939s | to events and side quests and the story |
2942s | arcs where you constantly see a changing |
2944s | world around you that is really the |
2947s | promise of Ashes um and as the world |
2949s | changes you're a part of building what's |
2952s | to come next so Scott Tony Tyler thank |
2957s | you very much for joining me and thank |
2959s | you for all the hard work you guys been |
2960s | doing it's really paying off and it's |
2961s | looking really really fun thanks for |
2964s | having us great to show it you so much |
2966s | absolutely and everyone I'll see you |
2968s | guys back on |
2969s | stream real soon bye everybody |
2977s | [Music] |
2985s | bye |
2987s | woo we did |
2989s | it I survived I trained 100 mobs there |
2992s | at the end but uh I was so surprised and |
2996s | shocked whenever you actually were able |
2999s | to make it so I was like wow they left |
3001s | you alone um I'm going to play the |
3003s | commissions video uh in the background |
3005s | whilst we um go ahead and answer some |
3009s | questions because you all had some |
3010s | questions in chat for us um raknar and V |
3014s | rosan have been great about keeping an |
3016s | eye on I think there's a watch party |
3018s | happening in Discord so if you didn't |
3019s | know you can always hang out with us |
3020s | over there or watch us live here on |
3022s | Twitch and we are watching all of your |
3024s | questions and Gathering uh the most free |
3026s | ones um that are relevant to what we're |
3028s | broadcasting today um the first question |
3030s | here is is there a limit to how many |
3033s | commissions I can take at one time from |
3034s | the board or can I just grab them all um |
3037s | currently the limit is set to 20 you can |
3041s | have 20 active commissions at a time and |
3043s | again um you know this is obviously a |
3046s | very tunable thing right we can change |
3048s | that number just like that um so it's |
3050s | going to be part of Alpha 2 testing that |
3052s | we're going to see you know how do |
3054s | players interact with the commission |
3055s | system |
3056s | um you know how often are they keeping |
3058s | that 20 slots filled uh how often are |
3061s | they deleting slots to make room for |
3063s | others right those are things that we're |
3065s | going to want to watch and we're going |
3066s | to want to tune um but the idea of |
3068s | commissions is that they should be |
3069s | relatively easy and quick uh quests that |
3072s | people are doing again to help seed the |
3074s | world yeah and as you noticed Stephen |
3077s | was able to complete those in in the |
3078s | world so once you complete them you can |
3080s | actually open it up get your reward |
3081s | right there it's very different than |
3083s | what you saw with the side quest or a |
3084s | regular big story AR Quest there a lot |
3086s | of people asking about story ARS yes we |
3088s | have huge story arcs that are much |
3090s | bigger broader ones but those are very |
3091s | different and you're going to specific |
3093s | areas and PCs and things of that sort |
3095s | yeah and just to be clear when we talk |
3097s | about that 20 quests that's for |
3100s | commission specifically that does not |
3102s | bleed into side quests or into story |
3105s | arcs you know those are other systems of |
3108s | questing that that are unique to |
3110s | themselves the next question we have |
3112s | here is can commissions be shared with |
3114s | friends if I have one can can I just |
3116s | quickly share it with a friend I think |
3117s | that that goes for any Quest what are |
3120s | the sharing what is the sharability |
3122s | access for questing yeah you know this |
3124s | is actually a very good point of |
3127s | feedback for the community to talk about |
3130s | what you like or dislike about sharing |
3133s | um currently it is implemented in such a |
3136s | way where you can share these quests |
3138s | with friends uh |
3141s | that excuse me that you're in a party |
3144s | with um uh but there is there has been |
3147s | some discussion on the design team about |
3149s | sharing um and you know the idea is |
3152s | obviously it's great to be in a party we |
3155s | want to incentivize people to be social |
3156s | with one another uh and part of that |
3158s | social aspect is being able to share you |
3161s | know what Adventure you're on people |
3163s | like people like sharing their quests |
3165s | but not their cookies apparently that's |
3166s | what's the conversation is it seems like |
3168s | an overwhelming so far but be sure to go |
3171s | under the forums and share that with us |
3172s | we do have a uh feedback thread up there |
3175s | I'll talk a little bit more about that |
3176s | as well um our next question is oh and I |
3179s | guess if the commissions are sharable |
3181s | what about regular side quests or story |
3184s | arc Quest what is the the stance on |
3187s | those things current currently um the |
3190s | idea is that all questing is sharable |
3192s | right so so you're able to share those |
3194s | things but that's something that might |
3195s | be tuned obviously as we kind of watch |
3198s | players test through Alpha 2 all right |
3201s | and then can players kill important |
3203s | Quest NPCs I believe we've answered this |
3206s | before but um people have people really |
3208s | wanted you to kill the Minotaur for some |
3210s | reason the the the quest Giver oh the |
3213s | quest giver no um no the quest Giver is |
3215s | not killable right when when you when |
3218s | there is an ability to kill an NPC there |
3221s | should be a good reason for killing that |
3222s | NPC and denying content to other players |
3225s | is not necessarily a good reason um so |
3227s | the quest Giver themselves are not |
3229s | killable we may have some story arcs |
3231s | down the line where you're killing some |
3233s | well-known NPCs but we got to build it |
3235s | up you know we got to we got to make you |
3236s | either love them or hate them before you |
3238s | get to that point yeah um the next one |
3240s | here is what happens to existing quests |
3242s | in a players Journal if a node levels |
3245s | before they are |
3247s | completed uh existing Quest so those are |
3250s | still turned turn those are still |
3252s | capable being completed right um once |
3254s | you've adopted the quest uh you're able |
3256s | to complete it um uh regardless of |
3259s | whether or not the node levels however |
3260s | that is not true always that is not |
3262s | always the case um for certain types of |
3265s | believe and I will double check on this |
3268s | afterwards but I believe that is not |
3269s | always true for certain steps of the |
3271s | story arc um so there there are some and |
3275s | I guess technically if a if a node gets |
3277s | destroyed uh those quests would also not |
3280s | be capable of being turned in |
3282s | either all right and then the next one |
3286s | you did kind of showcase this in the |
3288s | game um but it's we can just address it |
3291s | because it was a common question uh can |
3293s | other players join in on another players |
3296s | commission or side quest progress we |
3298s | talked about that just now you can share |
3299s | a quest um does this require Parting Up |
3302s | so does it the element of this that we |
3304s | didn't quite answer is do you have to be |
3306s | in a party to share things yes yes you |
3309s | do have to be in a party to share things |
3310s | all right there's no share sharing on |
3312s | the Fly just a share radius you run what |
3314s | if I you got this you got somebody and |
3315s | then reinvite somebody and then keep at |
3317s | keep sharing with people as long as I'm |
3320s | exp as they're in their party yeah I |
3322s | know as long as they're in your party |
3324s | you're going to get a share marker if |
3325s | you're too much you're going to get |
3326s | flagged no I'm just kid we'll log people |
3328s | who are sharing too much we will be |
3330s | logging everything so there will be an |
3332s | element of this that we can track and |
3334s | look into of course yeah um the next |
3336s | question here is do lightning abilities |
3338s | do bonus damage to in the rain so yes |
3342s | yes so we've talked about this in the |
3343s | past it isn't something that has been |
3345s | implemented yet uh but it is intended |
3348s | that certain weather effects will have |
3350s | certain types of modifying Buffs to |
3352s | targets within the area of effect for |
3354s | that weather so for example cold being |
3357s | susceptible to cold like energy uh types |
3360s | and uh electrical with regards to rain |
3363s | like those are the intent of these |
3364s | weather systems they add an additional |
3366s | layer of dynamic combat consideration uh |
3369s | within the area and then was the |
3371s | lightning Hazard only for the storm |
3373s | Weaver minur event or will that continue |
3375s | to happen during the weather yes as I |
3378s | mentioned in the video um the lightning |
3380s | the the Hazardous lightning is actually |
3384s | a combination of the weather event |
3386s | itself which isn't unique just to this |
3388s | story arc or excuse me just to this |
3389s | event um as storms move throughout as |
3392s | storm events move throughout the world |
3394s | they will be accompanied by these types |
3396s | of hazardous uh uh environmental |
3399s | features such as lightning um and that's |
3402s | something that I think adds a little bit |
3403s | to the level design or the encounter |
3405s | design um uh for the content all right |
3410s | and that is the majority of the |
3411s | questions that we had it seems like |
3413s | folks are hey these are quests they |
3415s | understand Quest work um and it was cool |
3417s | to see kind of how one commission can |
3419s | kind of take you throughout the world |
3420s | and uh kind of bring you to explore and |
3422s | see more things and you even saw a story |
3425s | arc get started there towards the end a |
3427s | node leveling up because of the |
3429s | commissions um and I think maybe we |
3431s | didn't quite uh address that in the the |
3434s | stream as or in the video uh as |
3436s | prominently for folks to understand but |
3438s | the commission boards whenever they're |
3440s | taking those those are are quests that |
3442s | will help the level the node level up |
3444s | specifically absolutely yeah so so let |
3446s | me let me talk a little bit more to that |
3448s | so I I explain in detail yeah so what |
3450s | people saw there that commission board |
3452s | you saw eight available I think it was |
3454s | eight or 10 available commissions now |
3456s | obviously we're still nailing down how |
3457s | many of those we want to show at any |
3459s | given time that might even be something |
3460s | that gets uh progressed as the node |
3463s | levels up um but you'll see that it |
3466s | changes every 30 minutes and right now |
3469s | the way it works is certain commissions |
3471s | have certain tiers of um uh of Rarity |
3476s | and as a player whether you're a citizen |
3479s | or not you can establish reputation |
3481s | within a node and the way you establish |
3483s | that reputation is by completing buy |
3485s | orders completing commissions and quests |
3488s | um uh and even uh completing Caravan |
3490s | trips there or out of there different |
3492s | interactions that you would do with the |
3494s | node can yield you reputation within |
3496s | that particular node and the more |
3498s | reputation you have with a node you get |
3501s | greater access to higher tier type |
3503s | commissions right and so as you have |
3506s | access to those greater rare commissions |
3509s | um you'll get better rewards and have uh |
3511s | unique uh content that's available to |
3513s | you as a person who's privileged with |
3515s | that reputation so you can adopt those |
3517s | higher rare uh commission types now the |
3520s | commissions are constantly changing and |
3521s | they're constantly seeing the state of |
3523s | the world in order to change and present |
3525s | what's available but you'll see that as |
3527s | we went through this presentation |
3529s | commissions are the initial seed and as |
3531s | you move out into the environment you're |
3533s | going to be presented with side quests |
3535s | that pop up and those are also |
3536s | predicated on this the state of the |
3538s | world so for example we saw a side quest |
3541s | that popped up due to the storm event |
3543s | and the storm event was created because |
3545s | there was activity within the area that |
3547s | was brought there as a funnel of traffic |
3549s | from the commission board in the nearby |
3551s | node and then once that um once that |
3554s | node leveled up as a result of this |
3556s | additional experience being brought |
3558s | there it kicked off a particular event |
3561s | um and so that's kind of like the the |
3562s | full loop between how commissions mooved |
3564s | to side quests how side quests create |
3566s | events how events help to create uh uh |
3570s | story arcs which are these larger more |
3572s | intensive multi-day potential uh types |
3574s | of quest progression um so this is |
3577s | obviously in a very nutshell format |
3579s | where we can kind of show you that full |
3580s | loop uh but these are going to be |
3582s | kicking off left and right I mean all |
3584s | around you as you're within the world |
3585s | and this is kind of your normal activity |
3587s | state within ashes of creation you're |
3589s | constantly finding these things to do |
3591s | which will give you rewards like recipes |
3593s | we saw within this particular commit |
3595s | Mission um certain unique material |
3597s | components that you can then craft with |
3599s | uh obviously riches and gold that you |
3601s | can use through the glint to kind of |
3602s | convert and or trade with um you know |
3605s | all of that is within the progression |
3607s | Loop all right thank you for uh |
3609s | expanding on that and of course uh as |
3612s | with everything here everything's a work |
3614s | in progress we are still in Alpha we're |
3616s | moving towards our Alpha 2 here coming |
3618s | up in quarter3 so stay tuned for more |
3620s | information in regards to that but in |
3622s | the meantime if you have feedback for us |
3624s | on the commissions riew that we showed |
3625s | you please head on over to our forums |
3628s | and make sure that you share your |
3629s | feedback over there the community team |
3630s | does an amazing job uh putting together |
3632s | these reports that we then share with |
3633s | the development team and go over with |
3635s | them and if they have additional |
3636s | questions you may see some other Dev |
3638s | discussions that come up based on those |
3640s | topics so uh definitely definitely give |
3642s | us your feedback and it doesn't have to |
3643s | be specifically about commissions it's |
3645s | anything that you saw here um that you |
3648s | want to give us feedback on we are very |
3650s | much taking that all in and doing our |
3653s | best to adjust things as we move forward |
3655s | especially as we get closer to Alpha 2 |
3657s | and with that we're going to swap on |
3658s | over to our |
3665s | studio yeah absolutely well the studio |
3668s | is kicking off this year like crazy we |
3671s | have got a lot of stuff going on this is |
3674s | probably the most intensive year we have |
3676s | ever had in the history of the studio |
3678s | obviously we are continuing to work |
3681s | diligently towards delivering on Alpha 2 |
3684s | in the third quarter of this year as we |
3687s | announced um and hiring has been going |
3689s | great um you know obviously we talked a |
3691s | little bit last stream about the state |
3693s | of the industry it continues to not be a |
3696s | great state for the industry um and |
3698s | again our hearts go out to those |
3699s | individuals but what I will say is this |
3702s | um I have been through a number of |
3704s | interviews over this month uh uh for |
3707s | people joining the team and we are very |
3709s | close to passing the 200 number Mark for |
3711s | the studio size um if we haven't already |
3714s | I'm not sure sure but um what I will say |
3717s | is something very interesting I actually |
3719s | had an interview I actually had two |
3720s | interviews over the course of this last |
3722s | two weeks uh where they told me that |
3725s | they were laid off from uh their |
3727s | previous company and that some of their |
3730s | friends who are not developers but are |
3732s | players that were excited about ashes of |
3734s | creation were pestering them to come and |
3736s | apply to us and look at the game and I |
3739s | thought you know I said to them hey if |
3741s | you ever watch our live streams we use |
3744s | our community to help evangelize the |
3746s | game obviously right to help kind of |
3748s | spread the word about ashes of creation |
3750s | about our studio uh and what a great |
3752s | thing it was to see that come full |
3754s | circle you know there are individuals |
3756s | out there who are in need and you guys |
3758s | did a great job those of you who helped |
3760s | to support spreading the word for ashes |
3762s | spreading the word for Intrepid Studios |
3763s | on your social media look at that it |
3765s | came full circle and we got some amazing |
3767s | candidates who joined the team over the |
3769s | course of this last month uh who are |
3770s | going to be able now to bring their |
3772s | tremendous talent to the production of |
3774s | Ashes which is uh you know obviously |
3776s | what we're here to to deliver on so |
3779s | kudos to you guys in the community for |
3780s | helping to spread that word um |
3782s | additionally I would say that you know |
3784s | we we have got a lot on our plate we've |
3786s | got a lot on our plate uh we are |
3788s | approaching the end of this Milestone um |
3790s | with our last Sprint for for Milestone 9 |
3792s | or excuse me for Milestone 8 um and |
3794s | we've got a lot of planning ahead of us |
3796s | to deliver on on our third quarter uh |
3798s | Alpha 2 uh and I think Margaret there's |
3801s | something you guys you wanted to talk a |
3802s | little bit about kind of on what to |
3804s | expect with regards to you know the |
3806s | feature set that we're going to be |
3807s | launching Alpha 2 with uh because we've |
3809s | getting a lot of questions about that |
3810s | yeah I was going to bring that up in the |
3811s | Q&A but we can bring it up here as well |
3813s | because it is uh you know pertinent to |
3815s | Alpha 2 um but basically we have we have |
3818s | a plan so just stick with us we'll we'll |
3820s | share information with you guys as we go |
3821s | forward but right now we're not uh we're |
3823s | not going to be we don't want to get |
3825s | people all hyped for what's in Alpha 2 |
3826s | when we're not quite there right so we |
3828s | have a Cadence in which we will be |
3830s | providing information but stay tuned |
3832s | we'll have a guide for Alpha 2 with |
3833s | information on what you can can expect |
3835s | what features you can you're going to be |
3836s | able to see what systems what archetypes |
3838s | are going to be available Etc at the |
3840s | start of Alpha 2 and then as we go |
3842s | forward throughout Alpha 2 because it is |
3843s | going to be a long a long one it's not |
3846s | similar to Alpha 1 where you know we |
3848s | were up for like a month and then we're |
3849s | down so it will be a a longterm thing |
3852s | that we're going to be doing for quite a |
3853s | bit and we will be sharing updates |
3855s | throughout that for the big updates |
3856s | you'll see news posts for those with |
3858s | information on what systems and features |
3860s | and content is going to be available for |
3861s | you all and then um obviously for the |
3864s | smaller ones will have smaller patch |
3866s | updates but for all of the updates we'll |
3867s | always give you guys patch notes for |
3868s | those they'll just be displayed in |
3870s | different ways so for the big ones |
3871s | you'll see News Post for the smaller |
3872s | ones you will see those probably through |
3874s | the forums or whatever means we decide |
3876s | that we're going to be doing those in |
3878s | probably in a couple different places |
3879s | but making sure that all of that |
3881s | information is available to you all as |
3882s | we move forward especially for our Alpha |
3885s | 2 uh play testers yes |
3889s | yeah with us that's the update yeah and |
3891s | there will also be other things that |
3892s | we're sharing um I know the community |
3894s | team has a lot of really cool Community |
3896s | programs that they want to run during |
3898s | Alpha 2 as well so even if you're not |
3900s | part of Alpha 2 in the sense that you |
3902s | don't have a key or you're not able to |
3903s | really like play yourself there will be |
3905s | lots of ways that you can engage and |
3907s | watch uh obviously people will be |
3908s | streaming there's penty of content that |
3910s | will be available to you people making |
3911s | YouTube videos we're going to be working |
3912s | with content creators um I know that |
3914s | content creators are keep asking us when |
3916s | we're going to be sending out |
3917s | invitations we will share that |
3918s | information as well right now we are in |
3920s | application Phase for Content creators |
3922s | so if you are one uh feel free to apply |
3924s | for us um and we will be closing that uh |
3926s | application at some point in order to |
3928s | start sending out invites and those |
3929s | invites will go out in groups um and |
3932s | then we will slowly get through |
3933s | everybody but our goal is to to respond |
3936s | to everybody Stephen really wants us to |
3937s | even the people who aren't able to make |
3939s | it into the program we want to give them |
3941s | reasons why and primarily the reasons |
3943s | going to be why is that you're not |
3945s | making content so really our goal is |
3946s | that you should be making consistent |
3948s | content we aren't looking for just only |
3949s | the big streamers we are we are looking |
3951s | at anybody who's creating consistent |
3953s | quality content content so it doesn't |
3955s | just necessarily if you only have 100 |
3957s | subscribers that's not a big deal to us |
3959s | it's really about the content and the |
3960s | consistency in which you're making your |
3961s | content um so we don't want to |
3963s | discourage anybody we want everybody to |
3965s | be able to help us make content and you |
3967s | know create an amazing Alpha 2 |
3968s | experience for folks and for those of |
3971s | you who didn't get part of it because |
3972s | our pre-order packs are down we have |
3974s | been doing giveaways for our Valentine's |
3976s | Day we did a huge campaign that was a |
3978s | bunch of you know giveaways for Alpha 2 |
3980s | so stay tuned for those things if you're |
3981s | not following us on social we're at |
3983s | ashes of creation and all the places we |
3985s | share that information for you all so U |
3988s | Know next next one make sure you're |
3990s | keeping your eyes out but we did get a |
3992s | lot of a lot of people involved with |
3993s | that so thank you for doing that we had |
3995s | a we had a good laugh reading your |
3997s | guys's Valentine's Day uh goodies by the |
4000s | way I just want to give a shout out |
4002s | yes can we give a shout out for this |
4006s | yeah go for |
4007s | it I uh we had a glorious fan who I |
4012s | can't recall the username now but maybe |
4014s | maybe you can find out while I'm talking |
4015s | about this um sent in this awesome mask |
4019s | and for those of you who might recall if |
4022s | anybody in chat knows where this mask |
4025s | came from does anybody know in chat |
4026s | where this mask came |
4028s | from this mask came off of one of the |
4032s | NPCs our Shaman |
4035s | Goblin uh and they this individual |
4039s | recreated it what was it do do you have |
4041s | their name do you know their name marst |
4043s | Peter to get back to me got it got it um |
4046s | and it is really really cool I mean |
4050s | Pockets art Pockets art Pockets art go |
4053s | they were they had post on the forums |
4054s | their creation process and uh they had |
4056s | messaged me on Discord and said hey I |
4057s | really want to send this to Stephen |
4059s | because and if you guys notice we had a |
4061s | clip of Stephen saying he's like I |
4064s | because I was like I would wear that |
4066s | mask I hope that that we can make that |
4067s | be a player one too so when you kill Lam |
4070s | and maybe you have a chance to to get |
4072s | one or a named one um and I was like I |
4074s | would wear that and Steph's like I would |
4076s | wear that in real life and we clipped to |
4078s | him uh putting it on I got John to get |
4080s | uh some pictures of Stephen wearing it |
4082s | so that was great So Co it was really |
4085s | cool honestly uh we are so thankful for |
4089s | all of you it is really really cool to |
4092s | see the amazing Community Creations that |
4094s | you guys make for us I mean we have so |
4095s | many that every Friday we share a new |
4097s | fan art right like that is so cool for |
4100s | us to be able to experience as |
4101s | developers we share that with all of our |
4102s | development team as well and they always |
4104s | add comments and their like their |
4106s | thoughts on it and it's just always |
4108s | exciting to see something that you got |
4109s | that we create getting like fan art for |
4113s | it that's so cool they tell me they tell |
4115s | me to put it on I'm sorry I'll put it |
4117s | I'll put it on for the Q&A all right and |
4120s | with that we're going to do character |
4122s | art if we want to switch to that okay |
4124s | I'll put it on for the art segment |
4127s | okay I |
4133s | can |
4157s | there sorry apologies for that um I |
4160s | fixed it in the one scene I didn't fix |
4161s | in this one um this is our starting gear |
4166s | yeah they can hear you it actually fit |
4168s | you pretty well I think it just needs to |
4170s | be like the eyes need to be down a |
4172s | little more there you go there you go |
4174s | how about that there you go so you can |
4175s | actually see better um okay we've been |
4178s | showing some of the starting gear as |
4180s | we're moving forward but obviously if |
4181s | you guys have thoughts and feedback feel |
4183s | free to share them with us um but this |
4185s | is kind of the pirate one that we're |
4187s | working |
4187s | towards next up we've got some Barn |
4191s | goodies last um time we kind of ended |
4195s | the stream with a little uh barard |
4197s | teaser obviously it was more of a joke |
4199s | not like our our final barred animations |
4202s | and songs but it was definitely it was a |
4204s | good joke actually it was a joke but we |
4206s | hope that you all enjoyed it but we are |
4208s | working towards Bard goodness um so we |
4210s | have a lot of instrum instruments being |
4212s | created animations for those instruments |
4214s | are going to be created um we have |
4217s | abilities and things of that by the way |
4218s | we had a we had a lot of people in the |
4220s | community that that not only liked the |
4222s | um the meme but really interested in |
4224s | Bard Bard is not traditionally a class |
4228s | that gets a lot of interest I think uh |
4230s | population wise yeah yeah I I don't |
4232s | think it's like I don't I don't even say |
4234s | it's in the top three of the games that |
4235s | offer Bard as a class to play I would |
4237s | say it's definitely not in the top three |
4239s | most like play classes in those games |
4241s | yeah I would say it's not in the top |
4243s | three but in a few of the games that I |
4245s | have played in the past they have been |
4246s | pretty prevalent primarily because song |
4249s | weaving and bucks and things like that |
4250s | are required so almost every raid has |
4253s | needed them and I think that that is I |
4255s | just think I just think they never come |
4256s | close to like you know tank Rangers |
4259s | Mages like those those usually are the |
4262s | population tilt yeah for sure I don't |
4265s | disagree with that uh but hopefully we |
4267s | make it so cool that more people want to |
4269s | play BS um and I know that they're |
4271s | working hard towards that um but lots of |
4273s | instruments are recreating if there's |
4275s | instruments that you're interested in um |
4278s | I'm sure we'll make a social post about |
4279s | it uh asking you what kind of Bard |
4281s | instruments you'd like to see and |
4283s | perhaps maybe you'll see get some new |
4284s | instruments being created that you like |
4286s | uh the next one here is an Arcane mind |
4289s | set of armor um obviously you'll see |
4292s | some NPCs with this maybe player |
4297s | um usability at some point oh |
4302s | yeah we show off the Carin yet that's |
4305s | the I'm saving that one for last oh okay |
4307s | good call call but it is next up so the |
4310s | next one is the Carin set and this is |
4312s | the Carin light set so there will be |
4314s | other sets that are cre created but |
4316s | these are the Carin robes yes the robes |
4321s | so we'll first show of the images look |
4324s | at that model and I think there's a |
4326s | sketch here yeah right here this is like |
4328s | the the concept and then you can see how |
4330s | it oh yeah that was a concept I think |
4332s | Lloyd did I think Lloyd did the concept |
4335s | who did the modeling was that I didn't |
4337s | put them in this this month this week |
4339s | was a chaos for me so I actually didn't |
4341s | get the art and we had some bpn stuff |
4344s | VPN being up and down so I was kind of |
4346s | rushing for the art stuff so this is |
4349s | this is a this is a set of robes that |
4351s | you can acquire through progression |
4354s | within the Carin the Tower of Carin I |
4356s | think Manny worked on it is what they're |
4358s | saying so thank you Manny well done |
4360s | Manny yeah it looks pretty awesome uh |
4365s | and then we have the turntable for it as |
4367s | well so you can see it in all its 3D |
4369s | glory and and by the way there's one |
4371s | thing there that I want to make sure you |
4373s | know you guys in the Community one of |
4375s | the promises we made early on because we |
4377s | incorporate as you guys know Cosmetics |
4380s | as a part of our monetization strategy |
4382s | obviously no pay to win no pay to |
4384s | convenience but we do offer a cosmetic |
4386s | Marketplace uh and intend to for launch |
4389s | this is the quality of |
4392s | ingame Cosmetics excuse me gear that you |
4395s | can acquire compare that to the |
4398s | Cosmetics that you've seen modeled and |
4400s | now you can understand how we aim to |
4403s | have parity between those two things a |
4406s | lot of games that I've been a player of |
4409s | uh the Cosmetics look better exactly |
4411s | they they wait your incentive in they |
4414s | incentivize you to acquire the Cosmetics |
4416s | because they always look way better than |
4418s | what's achievable in game this is our |
4421s | attempt to to create parody in that |
4423s | regard so you guys you guys can give us |
4426s | your feedback on that right you'll see |
4428s | the plate probably next month I think I |
4429s | just saw it completed yes yeah you'll |
4432s | see the Carin plate set as well |
4434s | yeah so there will be medium and heavy |
4436s | armor as well so stay tuned for more of |
4438s | that goodness but yeah uh we you know we |
4441s | do plan on doing Cosmetics still but of |
4443s | course in-game stuff should be really |
4445s | awesome it should be something that when |
4446s | you achieve it people are look at you |
4447s | and go oh you completed the carpon stuff |
4450s | yeah you worked hard for that uh we |
4452s | understand I think especially Stephen |
4453s | and I were huge competitive Gamers we we |
4456s | want to be able to show off the work |
4457s | that we've done we want that for you |
4459s | guys I hated it I hated it when when |
4462s | nothing you did in game looked anywhere |
4464s | near the person that swiped now not not |
4466s | to say I couldn't swipe I swiped all day |
4468s | long but I didn't like the fact that the |
4470s | achievement level of reward was not on |
4473s | par with the swipe reward that was |
4476s | unfortunate I still wore the achievement |
4478s | stuff because I want people to know I |
4479s | want you to |
4480s | know what I did um but that's the art |
4484s | update for this one and you know stay |
4486s | tuned for more we don't want to spoil |
4488s | everything for you guys but we do want |
4489s | to keep you |
4492s | informed so said whale somebody said |
4495s | whale no |
4496s | noises y that is definitely the case so |
4501s | good but hey you know those people keep |
4504s | the lights on sometimes we need we do |
4506s | need the income coming in from that |
4507s | stuff but we also want it to be uh you |
4510s | know make sure |
4512s | that experience I was funding |
4514s | development Studios long before I |
4516s | started |
4519s | one it's really funny because I I've |
4522s | worked at a few different companies and |
4523s | there was like people who had spent in |
4527s | the Millions on cosmetics and it's just |
4530s | amazing to me that I'm just |
4532s | like why like you're not even wearing |
4535s | in-game armor ever at that point like |
4536s | you just have you purchased everything |
4539s | um of course we have some questions from |
4541s | you guys on the forums and this will be |
4543s | wrapping us up today uh if you don't |
4545s | know we always put up a Q&A before the |
4547s | stream so like we tell you the topic we |
4549s | give you the Q&A U be sure to make sure |
4551s | that you fill that out that's another |
4552s | way for you to ensure that your question |
4554s | gets answered live here on the stream U |
4556s | but this first one is from talents and |
4557s | they want to know about armor appearance |
4559s | speaking of because we're that's a great |
4561s | tangent um we have since a single armor |
4564s | set will look different on each race how |
4566s | will we have large varieties of in-game |
4569s | achievable gear for each race if we have |
4571s | to make nine different looks for each |
4574s | set well our approach to that's funny |
4578s | that we have this |
4579s | question that is hilarious um well the |
4583s | approach for that is to create uh a |
4586s | modular um uh a modular piece set for |
4590s | armor for armor creation and the way we |
4593s | achieve that is by um two steps so on |
4597s | the on the modeling side um each race |
4600s | has these Geo sets basically where |
4605s | you're creating uh pieces of the of the |
4608s | armor for heavy plate armor for medium |
4611s | for robes and you get to grab those |
4614s | modular pieces and mix and match as |
4616s | design makes a request for a particular |
4618s | set to the art teams so design comes |
4621s | along and they say hey we have a theme |
4623s | for a set that we want to create so |
4625s | let's use Carfin in that example and |
4628s | that theme from Design's standpoint is |
4631s | going to include color it's going to |
4633s | include materials it's going to have an |
4635s | atmology for the set right to kind of |
4637s | give a background so that they can |
4638s | incorporate certain types of attachments |
4640s | um you know whatever they want to |
4642s | include on the art side then the |
4644s | character team says okay let's take our |
4647s | base sets of Geo and let's mix and match |
4650s | those pieces to create the Carin set and |
4652s | then we're going to do a material pass |
4653s | on it and then we're going to do a um |
4655s | color pass on it and that way we have a |
4658s | lot of essentially pieces of the puzzle |
4660s | to create these many different unique |
4662s | sets now we can also deform pieces |
4666s | across from race to race so even if we |
4668s | create unique Geo on a per race basis we |
4671s | can grab the pauldron from the human set |
4674s | and put it onto the VEC representation |
4677s | so and the end game there is that we |
4679s | have a particular set for example Carin |
4682s | and that Carin is being communicating |
4685s | the theme and when you Dawn the armor |
4688s | for the Carin set you you've acquired |
4689s | the Carin set and you put it on it is |
4691s | going to look ve if you're a ve it is |
4694s | going to look kalar if you're a Kar but |
4697s | it is still going to have the identity |
4699s | and the theme of the Carin |
4702s | set |
4703s | all right and then our next question is |
4707s | uh about commissions which is from Ad |
4710s | Astra 224 on the forums will commissions |
4713s | include tasks or quests that are |
4715s | reflective of node type uh of the node |
4718s | type that are issued in or the nodes |
4720s | affiliation with a specific social |
4722s | organization wow do we have a bug in the |
4725s | office no I'm this so funny like I was |
4728s | just talking about this a few days ago |
4730s | Chris one of one of Chris is over there |
4732s | on an alt Chris is like let me ask this |
4734s | question um yes the answer is yes uh |
4738s | nodes will reflect the theming that the |
4741s | node has and that theming can be |
4743s | influenced by things such as the um |
4746s | identity of the node from a node type |
4748s | perspective um what social organizations |
4751s | what religious organizations even What |
4753s | policies uh the node has chosen to enact |
4757s | those will all be represented in the |
4759s | types of commissions that the node has |
4761s | pull to pull from um and so so in that |
4764s | way you are solidifying the identity of |
4766s | that node and again the dynamic state of |
4769s | the world uh that gets |
4772s | represented and then our next one is |
4774s | from plastic lemons don't eat those uh |
4777s | social reputation is the topic will |
4780s | there be a way to put notes on |
4783s | characters so we can track who we like |
4784s | or dislike or who we don't want to |
4787s | affiliate ourselves with that is |
4789s | currently uh not an intended system |
4792s | that's facilitated Within in the game um |
4794s | nothing stopping obviously uh players |
4797s | from keeping their own notes of |
4798s | individuals with whom they want to yeah |
4801s | your hit list or you know even your good |
4803s | list right like I remember a particular |
4806s | occasion back in a game that I played |
4808s | where I was in a tower it was called |
4810s | Kuma Tower and at at a very low level I |
4813s | made friends with a particular Prophet |
4815s | who would give me Buffs anytime I would |
4816s | come in and I remembered who that |
4819s | Prophet was and later I saw and Shout |
4822s | this was probably like months later and |
4824s | I never and I moved obviously away from |
4825s | Kuma Tower months later I saw in shout |
4828s | this Prophet was getting accosted by |
4829s | other players within um an area called |
4832s | the dungeon Valley cave and I went to |
4836s | her Aid because of that reputation that |
4838s | relationship that she had had built |
4840s | right that's the unique aspect of MMOs |
4843s | um and that spun off a whole war that |
4846s | lasted years on that server just because |
4848s | I went there to help her um but |
4851s | obviously did you go there or did you |
4852s | bring like |
4854s | well I brought my guild with me and then |
4856s | we helped her and that caused a war that |
4858s | lasted a long |
4860s | time but no we we won't plan to have uh |
4862s | in-game tools to kind of provide that |
4865s | tracking uh instead you will be expected |
4868s | to to track that yourselves all right |
4871s | and the next one is from snow ELF car |
4873s | about the character creat access will |
4875s | players who do not have Alpha 2 access |
4877s | be able to test the Character |
4880s | Creator uh at some point yes in the |
4883s | future there will be an ability for |
4886s | players who do have an account with |
4887s | ashes of creation but may not have |
4889s | access to Alpha 2 uh we intend to |
4891s | provide character creator access uh but |
4894s | that will likely be closer to uh to Beta |
4896s | or launch yeah for now it's going to |
4898s | focus on the people who have have |
4900s | purchased access and are helping us test |
4903s | things so keep that in mind but we do |
4905s | have a plan of putting the character |
4907s | create out early for for our Alpha 2 |
4909s | users so do stay tuned for information |
4912s | regarding that |
4913s | um next fact that testing might be |
4915s | starting very soon very soon yes always |
4918s | keep an eye on your emails make sure |
4919s | that we don't get put in your spam box |
4922s | uh so that if you get an email from us |
4923s | you know what's up but we'll also share |
4925s | uh you know in other places to make sure |
4927s | people know that we have sent out emails |
4929s | uh Daredevil 117 is asking about |
4932s | harvesting bosses can only one Gathering |
4935s | Artisan Harvest resources from a single |
4938s | boss or can multiple different Artisans |
4940s | Harvest different parts from a boss for |
4943s | different resources for example a |
4945s | lumberjack gets a special wood from |
4946s | tumac's tree weapon while an herbalist |
4948s | gathers the flowers from that same tree |
4950s | weapon |
4952s | Etc um so we don't have the concept of |
4954s | like harvesting from bosses NPCs follow |
4958s | um a reward table format where um those |
4962s | reward tables are Global they're not |
4964s | unique to particular players right so |
4967s | once the NPC is is vanquished uh you |
4971s | have access to the loot container that |
4972s | is its corpse um and it has a static uh |
4975s | value of either materials or items that |
4978s | get dropped uh and whatever the party |
4980s | loot settings are that you might be a |
4982s | part of or if you're a solo player you |
4984s | will be able to recover those |
4986s | things all |
4988s | right next up we have from ace1 1234 |
4991s | wanting to know about character stories |
4993s | what is your vision for the overall |
4995s | player story when comparing the more |
4997s | emergent personal Stories versus the |
4999s | more curated story |
5001s | arcs |
5004s | um I'm sorry say say that one last time |
5006s | one more time what is your vision for |
5008s | the overall player story when comparing |
5011s | the more emergent personal Stories |
5013s | versus the more curated story arcs yeah |
5016s | absolutely um so all the narrative keeps |
5019s | in mind you know what the meta narrative |
5021s | is of the server right and that's |
5024s | something you know we have generally |
5026s | kept relatively close to the chest it's |
5028s | something that we don't want to spoil um |
5030s | leading up to our testers participating |
5033s | in Alpha 2 and beta and eventually |
5035s | launch it is however um true that there |
5039s | is a meta narrative that exist within |
5041s | ashes there is a purpose why you are on |
5043s | Vera again um and the the supporting |
5047s | narrative structures are there to |
5049s | reinforce what that meta narrative is um |
5054s | so players will have insight to that as |
5056s | they you know Travel and Adventure |
5058s | within the world all right and Ron |
5061s | scoponi wants to know about Summoner |
5063s | stats will Summoners want to build |
5066s | different stats when playing as either a |
5068s | DPS healer or tank |
5071s | roll yes that it is it is |
5075s | um it is important that Summoners |
5079s | understand the role they're trying to |
5081s | hybridize into is as that decision might |
5085s | influence the types of stats they want |
5086s | to spec |
5088s | for all right and then Gizmo wants to |
5091s | know about Quest drops low drop rates |
5094s | for Quest items can sometimes feel bad |
5096s | how do you plan on creating quest with |
5098s | lower drop rates when ashes of creation |
5100s | may have a system that incorporates |
5102s | Dynamic and reactive environment and |
5104s | monster population |
5107s | balance so how do we incorporate on so |
5111s | let's say you have a quest and it |
5113s | requires some drops off of Minotaur yes |
5116s | and it is a rare drop rate um or low |
5119s | drop rate how are we going to handle |
5121s | those situations or do we intend for |
5123s | those in situ those type of situations |
5125s | we intend for those types of situations |
5127s | right I mean um when you think |
5129s | about when you think about the reward |
5131s | Loop um someone just like just Farm yeah |
5135s | I was gonna say no when you think about |
5137s | those reward Loops um you know scarcity |
5140s | is obviously what can drive the |
5143s | excitement or the dopamine response when |
5145s | that success is had um you know if |
5148s | something is easily attained then the |
5150s | importance of attaining it is obviously |
5152s | dimin diminished um so where it makes |
5155s | sense for us to ensure that certain drop |
5158s | rates um are not menial right we don't |
5161s | want people to you know Farm just for |
5164s | the sake of farming so to speak you |
5166s | should be getting rewarded for that |
5168s | right exactly right there there there is |
5170s | a when you're spending time you are you |
5173s | are advancing in some vertical some |
5176s | progression path right um however uh |
5179s | that's that is again to reinforce the |
5181s | fact that their will be very rare |
5184s | droptable items right and and we want to |
5187s | ensure that that scarcity is preserved |
5190s | so the importance of attaining the thing |
5192s | feels good I mean that's why we farm |
5194s | raid bosses right we want to get all the |
5196s | loot off the loot table get everybody |
5198s | geared up in your G in your guild uh |
5200s | yeah that is and that actually it |
5202s | touches something trans gental actually |
5204s | to that as well which is that um which |
5207s | is that adventuring is not easy in ashes |
5209s | our intent when we do when we actually |
5213s | you know focus on balance U which we |
5216s | haven't really done too much yet but we |
5219s | will hear in the very near future the |
5221s | intent is that encounters are difficult |
5225s | um the world is dangerous it is not a |
5228s | cakewalk to to progress within ashes and |
5233s | that fact reinforces when you get the |
5236s | scarce drop that you will feel a |
5238s | difference in your performance or in |
5240s | that environment right so uh naturally |
5243s | ashes is going to gravitate towards a |
5245s | more difficult gameplay Loop when it |
5247s | comes to adventuring in combat yeah and |
5250s | you want that fat loose so that it get |
5252s | easier well for that that marker um the |
5257s | next question here are pen alment is |
5260s | from aabar and it is about Caravan |
5262s | operators these next to are Caravan |
5264s | related uh will there be a limit on the |
5267s | number of times a caravan can change |
5269s | hands if successfully taken over during |
5271s | a journey from one node to |
5274s | another no there is there is there is no |
5277s | limit a caravan can be destroyed that |
5279s | Caravan can be destroyed the Caravan |
5281s | thereafter could be destroyed um the |
5284s | driver of the Caravan can be killed and |
5287s | and commandeered and and you know done |
5289s | as many times as is permitted through |
5292s | the situation that is player driven all |
5295s | right and our last one here is from |
5297s | grundle about mules or Caravans how will |
5300s | mules work with Caravan when considering |
5303s | risk versus reward what would be the the |
5306s | incentive to run multiple player |
5308s | protected Caravans if similar results |
5310s | could be achieved by each individual |
5312s | player riding a mule instead sure um so |
5318s | the the tradeoff between the mule |
5321s | capacity and the Caravan is really um |
5324s | what is at risk right you are not able |
5327s | to to |
5330s | satisfy um the type type of cargo |
5333s | capacity that's available within a |
5334s | caravan system because we have certain |
5336s | crate sizes of which only the smallest |
5339s | crate size can be uh leveraged with a |
5342s | mule um that is something uh that |
5346s | obviously is the inherent risk between |
5347s | the two systems the reward however is |
5349s | that you are now no longer subject to |
5352s | the opt-in event uh but instead are |
5355s | governed by our flagging system as a |
5357s | protective measure although it is not |
5359s | entirely protective because players can |
5362s | choose |
5362s | to still kill you uh with risk of |
5365s | corruption um in exchange for the reward |
5368s | of taking your [Β __Β ] if they taking your |
5371s | stuff sorry |
5374s | okay um but that is going to be it for |
5378s | Q&A thank you all for submitting your |
5380s | questions we hope that you like the |
5382s | answers if you don't give us your |
5383s | feedback on that too uh we are always |
5385s | you know taking in that uh your thoughts |
5387s | on U everything and of course you can |
5389s | head on over to our forums forums. ases |
5392s | of creation.com and submit your feedback |
5394s | over there we did a caravan video for |
5396s | those because we have a lot of Caravan |
5398s | questions right there um if you didn't |
5399s | know we did a caravan PVP um live stream |
5402s | last time you can check out all the |
5404s | content over on our YouTube channel over |
5405s | there follow us in all the places we are |
5407s | ashes of creation everywhere um and if |
5409s | you head on over to or oh go ahead I was |
5412s | just going to say we also have one |
5414s | additional update which I believe that |
5416s | you uh Guys released something on on the |
5418s | community side which was our minimum |
5420s | spec and recommended spe back o yeah our |
5424s | KB article for our Min and Rex spec have |
5426s | been updated for Alpha 2 specifically so |
5429s | that will change as we get closer to |
5431s | betas and launches and you will see that |
5433s | progressively change but that |
5434s | information is available to you guys if |
5436s | you head on over to our support page and |
5439s | check that out support. ashesofcreation |
5445s | docomo so you have the link really |
5447s | easily but that is what we are aiming |
5450s | for for Alpha 2 so you can kind of PR |
5452s | preliminarily prepare yourself for that |
5454s | if you are part of the Alpha 2 play |
5455s | testing yes and I just want to give um a |
5458s | quick shout out uh to our team |
5460s | specifically Tech art environment um and |
5464s | uh our engineering teams they are |
5466s | overhauling performance related um uh |
5469s | work over the course of this last month |
5472s | as well as next month and the month |
5473s | thereafter in preparation for Alpha 2 uh |
5476s | you guys should see some significant |
5478s | gains uh in the demonstrations that we |
5480s | continue to provide leading up to Alpha |
5482s | to with regards to that work and in |
5484s | addition um Chris Gabe John on the |
5487s | environment side are undergoing some |
5490s | significant lighting changes which are |
5493s | going to impact and influence the |
5495s | visuals of the game in a very |
5496s | significant way L of people had feelings |
5498s | about lighting today yes I just I just |
5500s | want you guys to know that when we talk |
5502s | about how things are still a work in |
5504s | progress uh this particular Endeavor is |
5507s | likely going to have Pro the most impact |
5510s | on the visuals of the game uh as they |
5513s | continue to work on lighting that's |
5514s | going to be a a switch that we flip when |
5517s | it's ready uh minus the pun I apologize |
5520s | um for for how the world looks and and |
5523s | their work that they're doing so just |
5524s | want to keep you guys a breast of that |
5525s | uh it is exciting times when it comes to |
5527s | that work yeah super exciting we are we |
5530s | are very excited for that um and of |
5533s | course uh if you head on over to our |
5535s | YouTube channel on our ashes of creation |
5536s | for this February development update if |
5539s | you leave a comment subscribe to us make |
5540s | sure that your subscription is live for |
5542s | uh cuz you could you can subscribe |
5544s | privately which makes it so that we |
5545s | can't see that you're subscribed um and |
5547s | we will Spotlight you as a potential uh |
5549s | comment and you may see your comment at |
5551s | the beginning of our stream as we do all |
5553s | of our reminders um and of course we |
5556s | want to do a thank you very much to all |
5558s | of you for joining us we appreciate your |
5560s | time um that you spend with us every |
5562s | month going through the update um and of |
5565s | course your time giving us feedback and |
5566s | all of that we really really appreciate |
5568s | it um and as Stephen said sharing our |
5571s | job um application and positions we |
5574s | really really uh you know it does |
5577s | actually affect us when you share those |
5578s | things out because other developers see |
5580s | those things so if you if you see a |
5582s | position that's available that you think |
5583s | someone who maybe has just recently got |
5585s | laid off or maybe they do still have |
5587s | their job but you think that they would |
5588s | be amazing assets to us sharing that |
5590s | information we'll have some more jobs |
5592s | coming up on our site as well so stay |
5594s | tuned for those as we uh progress |
5596s | throughout the year and of course Scott |
5598s | Tony and Tyler for joining Steven in |
5601s | game we know that is stressful being on |
5605s | they're not on camera but like when |
5607s | you're when you're being streamed it is |
5608s | a stressful situation um not every |
5610s | developer is you know ready for that |
5613s | they love to see the reaction and the |
5616s | and the love from the community uh the |
5618s | the glowing response that's what we live |
5619s | for yeah it's it's a pretty awesome but |
5622s | I know it can also be very some people |
5624s | get nervous about it Stephen's like I'm |
5626s | not nervous oh no I I'm definitely I |
5629s | know me and you chat before we're always |
5631s | like all right I'm nervous about this |
5632s | one but I feel like this today I was not |
5634s | very nervous no no not at all um but of |
5638s | course and stepen for your time we |
5639s | appreciate it thank you all for joining |
5641s | us we hope that you stay healthy and |
5643s | safe and we will see you all next month |
5645s | for another exciting development update |
5648s | bye |
5660s | everyone |
5664s | [Music] |
5690s | [Music] |
5728s | [Music] |
5739s | [Music] |