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Really interesting comments from Steven regarding the Summoner on the last livestream.

One of the things I loved about my druid in WOW was the ability to fill different roles (ranged dps & heals in my case), and I really liked the feel of solo play with my druid's strong dps + self-healing.

For Ashes, I have been hoping that the secondary archetype + skill tree would allow us to accomplish something similar. I've been hoping I could roll a Cleric primary / Roque secondary, and use skill points to spec into a dps role ... but with potent healing & self-healing.

TBH, I've never even considered being a Summoner, but that has changed. I wasn't aware that the Summoner was going to be able to spec into any of the roles. Steven's comments made it clear that the Summoner could definitely spec into a fully viable tank, dps or healer.

Would be interested in hearing what people thought about Steven's comments regarding the Summoner. Do you plan to play a Summoner? How are you planning to spec it?
over 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Some interesting theorizing happening in here! :)

On a similar note, I'm curious to know what you feel the class fantasy for a summoner is, or what it should be? ‘Class fantasy’ could be defined as your expectations and perception for what a class should look, feel, and play like. ;)