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Hey guys,

Since Ashes relies a lot on its community, getting and keeping a « sane » / non-toxic community will be absolutely mandatory in order for the game to be a success and for us to enjoy playing it for a long time.

Many mechanisms of the game have been thought and designed in order to enhance a « play together » playstyle, which is undoubtly a good thing to bring people together and thus to encourage having a "sane" community.

But we should not rely on mechanisms only, since we all have a role to play (not to say « a responsability ») about the community we are part of.

Thus I wanted to know what you guys think about :

1) What could we, as players, do concretly in order to keep a « good / sane » community for Ashes ?

2) What would you like the developpers / game masters to do in order to achieve the same thing ?
over 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link