6 months ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Dev Discussions are an opportunity to join in on player discussions about topics that Intrepid Studios want to hear your thoughts on. This is less about asking us questions, and more about us asking YOU the questions! If you do have questions about Ashes of Creation, keep an eye our social media channels for our monthly Q&A thread, check out the Ashes of Creation community wiki, or try the #questions channel in Discord! In this thread, we’ll be discussing: Dev Discussion - AoE Form and Function
  • Area of Effect
  • (AoE) abilities are a common staple in MMORPG combat. We’re curious to know what your thoughts are on AoE abilities and the way they’re displayed.
  • In PvP, which Area of Effect
  • (AoE) abilities, should be telegraphed to enemies?
  • How clearly should AoEs be to enemy and friendly players?
  • Do your thoughts differ in a PvE setting?
  • Do you have examples from other games in which AoE abilities are presented in a way you like? If so, please share them!