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Lately this has been bothering me every time I see the monthly videos that discuss various systems within the game.

Why does it look like there is a constant 20 MPH wind gust all over the world? I love the detail that is put into the environment. It throws me off when I see clouds racing across the sky and the flora constantly moving as if Intrepid is setting up for a model shoot.

I hope this will be tweaked out. I invite any programmer to walk outside and notice how little wind there actually is in reference to what the game shows. Also notice that wind can be spotty and can blow in two different directions. If there is a storm then of course there would be wind. There might also be more wind in a canyon just based on the geography of the terrain.

The detail of the terrain is amazing and I think a good representation of wind goes a long way in adding to that detail.

P.S. Whatever you are using to dictate wind over terrain should perhaps also be attached to cloaks, hair(Mounts as well) and other articles that might sway in the wind.
over 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
The wind and its effects are adjustable ;) There are different reasons why the weather might change. The team might have wind "turned up high" during most livestreams, but there will likely be variance in weather depending on different variables <3