over 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link

Sun, salt, and ocean waves are the hallmarks of the Niküa, the island-dwelling sub-race of dwarves. The Niküa have the same thirst for riches as their mountain-dwelling cousins, but rather than mining underground for precious gems and metals, pearl-diving is their preferred method of acquiring wealth.

Due to the sweltering heat of the tropics, tattoos are much more common adornments among them than the heavy jewelry and finely wrought armor favored by the mountain dwarves. Niküan tattoos are also remarkable examples of fine art that gives the dwarves a unique way of displaying their achievements, history, and lineage on their bodies proudly for all to see.

For Niküa, the untamed wilds of Verra are her open seas. It is there, beyond the horizon, that riches are secreted within the briny mouths of bivalves, and valuable salvage lies hidden beneath the waves.

This curated set of accessories contains items that Niküan mariners will find indispensable to their occupations, livelihoods, and safety as they travel the high seas.

The Songs of the Sea cosmetic add-ons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from June 14, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific until July 12, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific. Don’t forget that Legion of the Rose addons will be removed on June 14, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific when the new cosmetics swap over.

For more information, check out our news post: https://ashesofcreation.com/news/2023-06-13-songs-of-the-sea