11 months ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s yep so this is an interesting one it's a
3s single target
5s attack and it puts a temporary debuff on
8s your target where if they are
11s moving while that effect is on them they
14s will build up wounded
16s Stacks we can we can talk about the we
19s can talk about that S effect in a moment
21s here but talk about the fact that he
23s should have like literally zero blood
24s pressure remaining after rupturing that
27s much blood God we can build in that
33s also you'll notice at the end of it he
34s takes a big hit of
36s damage and the idea is that that damage
39s will scale with how much wound they have
42s on them so this will have kind of some
44s inter Synergy going on with itself but
47s also there will be other sources of
49s wound that you could kind of synergize
50s this with this F further for that big
52s delayed hit at the end