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TL;DR: If property churn is frequent enough to not piss off waiting buyers, will ownership and development of freeholds become a hectic cat and mouse game without a relatively clear return on investment? If freehold ownership and development lasts long enough to make a reliable return on investment and satisfy the effort required to purchase, will this require churn to be so infrequent that waiting buyers grow impatient and either abandon their profession or leave the game?

Hello all,
With freeholds now being quite exclusive, and also the only way to achieve the top 2 tiers of roughly 1/3 of the artisanship content in the game, it’s clear that any serious processor will need to get their hands on a freehold if they want that endgame content. No one’s going to get ahead or “make much of a living” sitting in the massive pool of other processors stuck at T3 processing.

However, freehold acquisition is only the beginning. We’ve seen the relatively extensive skill trees available for all freehold buildings. I imagine that advancing these trees by any significant degree would take a lot of time. If I had to guess, at least a couple months, especially when everyone hits 50 for the first time. If it’s easy to blast through the skill trees, why bother having them?

So we’ve got something highly valuable that’s necessary to own in order to experience the endgame of 1/3 of the artisanship professions, and that will likely take multiple months of time to get running at peak efficiency.

Now, we’ve had people defending the exclusion of this content from the majority of the player base by suggesting that there will be a lot of churn, that there will be regular opportunities for players waiting on the sidelines to get into the market. When I think of “a lot” of churn, I imagine something like 2-3 months. That argument is used in order to assuage any fears that there will be long-term lockouts on property. Any longer than 3 months stuck waiting for a refresh with enough money to purchase and I think non-owning players will lose patience.

Let’s pair up those two estimates. Personally, I don’t want to lose my investment and relocate as soon as I’ve gotten my investment making a return and an attachment to my community and place in the world developed. Because let’s face it, they’ll be very expensive, and I doubt you’d make that kind of money back in a matter of weeks alone. And while the cost of some freeholds will be less than others, that cost is directly related to the predicted return on investment, so it’s all relative.

So, if “churn” equates to roughly as much time as it would take to make back the money you spent on the property and time you spent gathering resources to build/upgrade buildings, what’s the point to freeholds other than putting an arguably unnecessary obstacle in the way of 1/3 of artisanship classes’ progression where the others have no true equivalent?

The obvious ways to try and break this issue is to either have churn take longer so freeholds are able to more reliably make a return, which would then make the issue of property being locked out more prominent, or by making the advancement of skill trees so easy, the return on investment so quick, and churn so rapid, that freehold ownership and loss will just become a hectic cat and mouse game.

What do you all think? Has anyone else thought about or been concerned by these thoughts?
over 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link

It has been made very clear that freeholds and nodes are designed to be temporary so anyone getting into them should be prepared for that and accept that.

The rise-and-fall nature of nodes, and the sieges players can hold on freeholds will see to this ^_^