almost 3 years
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
13s | [Music] |
19s | [Music] |
35s | hello everyone and welcome to another |
39s | update with ashes of creation and today |
42s | is going to be a special one i am joined |
47s | by three amazing artists |
50s | uh our lead environment artist tristan |
53s | snodgrass hey tristan how you doing |
55s | buddy |
55s | hello i'm doing very well thank you now |
57s | this is is this your first |
59s | recording even though you've been with |
61s | us you've been with us since the |
62s | beginning six years ago almost right |
64s | yeah it's been you know since 2016 and i |
67s | don't think i've ever actually been on |
69s | any of the live streams that's outside |
71s | of our our studio tour where i think i |
73s | think we had one where you were a |
75s | sriracha bottle |
77s | for halloween |
78s | that's correct |
79s | yeah |
80s | i've been mostly behind the scenes |
82s | behind all the cinematics that's right i |
84s | think our community often asks where |
86s | nodes three is at because |
89s | because one time i remember i was at |
91s | that |
91s | i was at that we were at that panel at |
93s | pax and people were like when's note 3 |
95s | coming out i'm like tristan's back at |
97s | the studio and he's editing |
104s | that's so good we decided to go |
105s | different direction |
106s | but we'll have notes part four here soon |
108s | anyway there you go we're just gonna |
109s | skip three |
111s | um and then we also have one of our |
113s | technical artists our senior technical |
115s | artist mr brian ganz |
117s | hello everybody hello steven welcome |
119s | welcome to the to the show sir this is |
121s | also your first time it is |
124s | although you have been doing a lot of uh |
125s | a lot of work behind the scenes as well |
127s | making our world look pretty and |
129s | performant and making sure artists have |
131s | their tools that they need all the fun |
133s | stuff i'm all over the place in this |
136s | game running running back and forth |
137s | between character environment everything |
141s | and then we also have an uh one of our |
143s | environment artists mr james is it |
146s | kurowski korowski right |
148s | yeah it's uh karowski |
151s | welcome aboard buddy and you are this is |
153s | your first time as well it is my first |
155s | time yeah we have a whole new a whole |
156s | new crew on the live stream |
159s | um and this this video is all about |
163s | showcasing |
164s | what everybody here is going to see here |
166s | is something i don't recall having ever |
169s | played a game where this is done do you |
171s | have you guys ever played a game that |
173s | has had these features we're about to |
175s | see |
176s | not that i can recall now um i mean i |
178s | can't even think of a single player game |
179s | that does this that's that's what i was |
181s | trying to think of too i was trying to |
182s | think of like a single player game that |
183s | had done this and i'm sure our community |
185s | is going to be like oh you know they had |
186s | weather here or there but this is more |
188s | than weather |
190s | right |
191s | yeah i think it's been done |
193s | to a much lesser extent elsewhere |
196s | i feel like we pushed the envelope quite |
198s | a bit here yes and and people actually |
200s | so viewing this video people just saw on |
202s | stream |
203s | the teaser that kind of goes through and |
206s | and shows the cinematics in the engine |
208s | in the game uh for this area right so |
211s | they already know there's some |
212s | transitioning here but it's it's really |
215s | more than just a transition it is |
217s | actually a dynamic season tech that |
221s | changes the state of the world across |
223s | our biomes um and what biome are we in |
225s | right now |
226s | we are currently in the riverlands |
228s | biology |
229s | one of the primary focuses of alpha one |
233s | alpha two yeah no that's right it's |
234s | actually it's the largest biome in alpha |
236s | two right |
237s | correct and it's gonna be where like the |
239s | main uh kaler uh you know well the sort |
242s | of aylin portal exists so |
245s | i'm looking at this |
248s | this snowy wintry location and even |
251s | though we're in the weatherland whether |
253s | lands wither lands it's weather and |
255s | river |
257s | lands even though we're in the |
258s | riverlands um that is one of the biomes |
261s | that can experience |
263s | kind of really traditional season change |
265s | like what we're accustomed to right that |
267s | people are going to see across all four |
268s | seasons |
269s | yeah um i mean this is kind of we we |
272s | decided to take this to the extremes |
275s | so extreme weather you know everywhere |
276s | from like harsh snowy blizzard kind of |
280s | environment feels to lush green |
282s | landscapes so |
284s | we decided to tackle the hardest part |
285s | first which is making it very very |
287s | different between seasons |
288s | yeah this is oh by the way i'm playing |
290s | avec right now some of you |
292s | uh saw the vek of the character creator |
294s | but haven't seen it yet in game uh this |
297s | guy is just wanting to experience the |
300s | amazing immersive world that you guys |
302s | have have created here |
304s | um okay so we are we are in the |
306s | riverlands and we are currently in the |
308s | winter season so we have obviously a |
311s | couple things going on here we have the |
312s | landscape itself the the environment |
315s | itself has changed where there's no |
317s | leaves that are on the trees there's |
319s | snow that's piling up on the rocks um |
322s | the ground i mean go over what kind of |
324s | what you have to do to transition |
326s | a biome like the riverlands into a |
329s | winter season |
332s | so it's the terrain materials and uh |
335s | you know there's many many materials |
336s | that can apply to the terrain and each |
338s | one |
339s | you know accept snow at a different rate |
341s | of different intensity and uh there's |
343s | the assets that all get kind of the same |
345s | material function that applies snow to |
347s | the tops of them |
349s | there's the particle effect that moves |
351s | with the player camera that |
353s | handles both snow and rain and any kind |
355s | of precipitation |
356s | there's the volume fog that just went |
358s | away as we saw as it cleared up |
360s | the volumetric cloud in the sky has a |
363s | material that needs to respond to season |
365s | changes and weather changes |
367s | uh there's a win back i'm making i could |
369s | keep going for a while |
371s | there's a lot |
373s | suffice to say there's a lot of stuff |
375s | that goes into changing a region of the |
378s | world |
379s | into is that a little bit of thunder |
381s | oh oh take a moment and just uh enjoy |
383s | the view oh is this okay so right now |
386s | we're transitioning into like a storm as |
389s | well as the climate this has been kind |
391s | of sped up right for to showcase the |
393s | different season transitions correct yes |
396s | so right now we're getting some rain |
397s | which will usher in springtime and so |
400s | you'll see all the flora that's growing |
401s | up right now to the ground where did the |
403s | sun go snow's gone |
406s | no snow this is unbelievable and now |
408s | we've added some additional particle |
409s | effects with the with the |
411s | um |
412s | uh the butterflies and the bees and the |
414s | insects |
416s | yep |
417s | and in addition it's like the all the |
419s | leaves now have grown on there's a bunch |
421s | of flowers that are present james talk |
423s | to me a little bit about |
425s | kind of how you're determining the |
426s | flowers that are appropriate for each |
428s | season |
429s | yeah um so |
431s | one of the hardest things for setting |
432s | this up was |
433s | essentially making four biomes and one |
436s | every season and um we kind of started |
439s | with |
440s | whales as like a reference point |
442s | my home my home country |
445s | not whales whales but the country whales |
447s | yeah country whales oh i thought well |
449s | technically both are both are relevant |
451s | to you tristan because not only uh |
454s | are you our lead environment artist but |
455s | you also are a very avid professional |
458s | environment film guy right you i've seen |
460s | some of your stuff as unbelievable |
463s | yeah um uh outside of this kind of stuff |
465s | i tend to uh spend my time filming |
467s | nature so it's kind of appropriate how |
469s | often how often do you give that to the |
471s | environment team as reference material |
473s | uh not often yet but i'll be visiting |
475s | wales next week so i'll be taking plenty |
477s | of |
478s | this is no joke tristan got right up |
481s | into the eyeball of this giant whale |
483s | it's staring right into the camera it |
484s | was so cool dude that was that was very |
486s | crazy okay i've noticed that the that |
488s | the |
489s | animals have changed the ambient sound |
491s | has changed and kat |
493s | uh has done an amazing job with the |
495s | ambience and in the riverlands biome it |
497s | is i feel like i am here and not only |
499s | that but also kept it adaptive for the |
502s | seasonal changes as well right |
504s | yeah um i think we also actually missed |
506s | the winter bear back in the day or back |
508s | in the winters at the biome but that's |
509s | okay we can we'll see another one |
511s | there's more yeah |
513s | but |
514s | yeah um james sorry i think we kind of |
516s | cut you off no that's cool |
518s | if you want to continue uh talking about |
520s | how you went about |
521s | the art process for this |
523s | oh yeah no it's just you know iterative |
525s | like all art is and uh |
527s | you know how one of our really great |
529s | environment artists and myself kind of |
532s | worked really closely together to try to |
534s | homogenize everything for the seasons um |
538s | and |
540s | there's not much else to say it kind of |
541s | you can see it |
543s | that's true did the flowers bloom at a |
546s | particular |
547s | time yeah |
548s | no um yeah all the flowers will you know |
551s | decay and die in the fall and turn |
553s | colors and |
554s | even the animals like karen right there |
556s | will shift based on the time of the year |
559s | i love the glow on the carrots antlers |
562s | good job yeah let's go some movies in |
565s | oh it looks great |
568s | yeah we'll see that karen change in real |
570s | time later on that's right so so part of |
572s | you know the relevance of this you know |
574s | not just from a beautiful aesthetic |
577s | perspective here |
578s | but |
579s | what makes it so unique is the dynamic |
582s | element of these |
584s | seasons and the weather systems |
587s | changing to the behavior actions of the |
589s | player right so |
591s | you know part of the triggers that can |
593s | create seasonal change is not just time |
596s | related for each of our biomes but they |
598s | are also indicated by events that occur |
601s | on the server whether that be certain |
603s | raid bosses forming or |
605s | a relic being acquired by a particular |
609s | node and being activated |
611s | to change potentially the weather out of |
614s | a winter state into a spring state and |
616s | the reason why a node might have |
618s | interest in doing that of course is |
619s | because |
621s | weather and and the seasons also affect |
625s | skills and abilities they affect crops |
628s | and gatherables |
629s | vehicles and mounts ships creatures and |
633s | loot tables change their behaviors might |
635s | change |
636s | resistances and weaknesses or |
639s | or synergies might be relevant in |
641s | certain seasons or weather systems |
644s | targeting might change the aoe radius |
646s | might grow for a fire effect if you're |
648s | in the middle of summer or it might |
650s | shrink if you're in the middle of a |
651s | storm |
652s | um |
653s | you know the |
655s | there's so much that goes into |
657s | this system and that's why you guys |
659s | really spent a lot of time |
661s | making sure |
663s | that |
664s | the environment reflects both at the |
667s | quality we want and isn't just kind of |
668s | an afterthought weather system because a |
670s | lot of games that i've played you know |
672s | you get just the visual effects kind of |
674s | playing and you get some rain or you get |
675s | some snow |
676s | but |
677s | what what we've seen here in that |
679s | transition from winter to |
681s | to spring was significant and it |
683s | persists and each of these zones exists |
686s | in these different states at different |
687s | times across different servers i saw |
689s | those those birds just fly by and it |
691s | scared the crap out of me it was like |
693s | what was that you didn't expect that um |
695s | yeah i mean this is definitely one of |
697s | the more traditional weather biomes i |
699s | guess you could say in terms of seasons |
701s | but we will be taking things a little |
703s | weird with some of the other biomes as |
704s | well |
705s | um all right here you're gonna see yeah |
707s | i think there's fall coming yeah it's |
709s | shifting the phone oh i see the leaves |
711s | starting to spawn oh my gosh and the |
714s | little dust devil oh that looks great |
718s | oh boy |
719s | oh i love it |
722s | wow look at the color |
724s | that's my favorite part about everything |
726s | is just the colors |
727s | it was really hard to nail down the |
729s | color change but i think we pulled it |
731s | off yeah |
733s | i think you guys more than pulled it off |
736s | yeah even internally like when we showed |
738s | a very early version of this uh to the |
740s | entire company but it was maybe like |
742s | three weeks four weeks ago there was |
744s | people that were like crying |
746s | yeah that i i mean i'm watching the |
748s | updates every week every day actually |
750s | yeah |
752s | and i just keep getting like |
754s | goosebumps watching this thinking and |
757s | again just to reiterate these trends and |
759s | i'm sure i've already said this on the |
760s | stream which is tomorrow um but these |
763s | transitions are sped up |
765s | in order to demonstrate you know what |
768s | that move for the world looks like but |
771s | ultimately these seasons exist on a |
773s | weekly basis unless they're event driven |
775s | or have other triggers right they might |
777s | last longer if you don't deal with the |
779s | dragon or if you d or if you keep that |
781s | relic active um |
784s | but these these on a cycle on a cyclical |
787s | perspective as a normal season |
789s | transition might be exist within a one |
791s | week time frame right and then it |
794s | transitions over a period of hours |
797s | um |
798s | but right now you're seeing it sped up |
799s | over the course of 30 seconds |
802s | uh yeah correct um i mean |
805s | in real time it's going to be almost |
807s | unnoticeable to the naked eye you know |
809s | like |
809s | kind of naturally how it is in real life |
812s | we're not going to do it over the course |
814s | of the year of course but you know |
816s | a couple hours maybe half a day oh is |
817s | that a dragon yeah it is a dragon |
820s | you might want to take it which boss is |
822s | that oh man it's starting to snow |
825s | are you dragging but yeah |
827s | oh look at so i love that |
829s | so the weather events will usher in the |
832s | different seasons as well so you'll |
833s | you'll know when the new season is going |
835s | to change |
836s | um just based on the weather that's |
838s | happening but |
840s | to the naked eye you're not really going |
841s | to see it happening this quickly |
843s | obviously this is just a |
845s | a very |
846s | visual demonstration of what's available |
849s | and how we can work with it |
850s | oh my gosh this is beautiful there's the |
853s | bears |
854s | the |
855s | bears oh that guy's probably cold right |
858s | now |
858s | yeah he's no he's out of here |
861s | i love the i love uh the dirty coat |
863s | underneath the beer |
865s | it sells it so good |
867s | they're currently planning with weather |
868s | to |
869s | have like rain and snow be kind of a |
872s | thing where it snows more often in the |
874s | winter and |
875s | you know rains more often in the winter |
877s | and some other places and uh basically |
880s | leveraging some of the new |
881s | features of unreal engine like |
884s | the being able to sample the global |
885s | distance field in the material to be |
887s | able to have the snow accumulate in the |
890s | crevices of objects as you know as the |
893s | summer as summer comes on and melts away |
895s | the snow it melts and the crevices last |
897s | or if it starts to snow |
899s | then it kind of accumulates in the you |
901s | know outer areas first and the climate |
903s | is filling later |
905s | kind of thing |
906s | or even saturates the |
908s | earth while it melts |
910s | right it's so |
912s | oh this looks great and it looks like |
913s | though even the ground is getting wet |
917s | i can hear the footsteps change to the |
919s | water |
920s | that's so good |
922s | yeah well i mean one of the things that |
923s | makes like you know a world come alive |
925s | it's not just did the wind pick up in |
927s | the storm it did my hat is going crazy |
932s | but yeah you know like all the elements |
933s | coming together really sell it like you |
935s | know you can take away one of the things |
936s | and everything just kind of falls apart |
938s | like no wind the life or the environment |
941s | just doesn't feel alive but you know add |
944s | some wind and suddenly everything comes |
946s | to life |
947s | oh this is beautiful guys |
950s | yeah this is unbelievable one of the |
952s | things that is huge about the season |
955s | system and how it affects crops and and |
957s | the gatherables in the game |
959s | is the impact it will have on the |
961s | economy |
962s | right |
963s | when a particular area no longer is |
966s | capable for a week's period of time or |
968s | even potentially longer |
970s | of producing a certain type of crop or |
972s | harvestable and that has to change |
975s | across the world regionally now the |
978s | transit system of those materials of |
980s | those gatherables |
982s | they become more relevant and they're |
984s | subject to potential risk |
986s | and the prices might go up in certain |
988s | areas it is something that is actually |
991s | very instrumental in the overall design |
993s | of the economy in the game speaking of |
995s | economy are those two merchant ships |
997s | yeah i mean who knows like maybe the |
999s | straight opens up and suddenly they're |
1000s | able to |
1002s | transport goods a little faster right |
1004s | we're playing with the idea of freezing |
1005s | over rivers and things but the |
1007s | implications |
1008s | it opens up a lot of candle worms like |
1010s | someone could get trapped under the ice |
1012s | we'll figure it out if it's possible i |
1014s | think you should trap them yeah |
1016s | or or even also something that's very |
1018s | easily done that we've talked about |
1020s | since 2017 and such a big component of |
1023s | this system coming to life and seeing it |
1024s | at the quality bar that it's at i mean |
1027s | like again i i say this i haven't seen |
1029s | this really in any other game let alone |
1032s | mmorpg |
1034s | where |
1035s | seasons impact so much of the design and |
1038s | part of that also again on the economy |
1040s | front is you might have a mountain pass |
1042s | and during winter that mountain pass is |
1044s | always closed and so the trade routes on |
1047s | land change with caravans |
1049s | and that's something that |
1051s | can not only exist on a cyclical level |
1054s | but also dynamically based on player |
1055s | activity um i mean that that is a very |
1059s | big difference you know can i play with |
1061s | the win can i help those ships out a |
1063s | little bit |
1064s | yeah i mean |
1065s | we definitely gave steven some uh god |
1068s | mode controls here to demonstrate some |
1070s | more of the systems in a more dynamic |
1072s | real-time way |
1076s | let there be rain |
1081s | look at this this is great i love how |
1083s | the distance visibility changes and the |
1086s | night |
1087s | the kind of overhead cast comes online |
1091s | yep you're gonna sink the boats with all |
1093s | that water i know oh yeah i forgot my |
1095s | bad guys |
1096s | oh no no it's good they needed the fresh |
1097s | water anyway |
1099s | oh can i play let me dial up the wind a |
1101s | little bit make it a little bit crazier |
1105s | oh i love the grass movement |
1109s | this is crazy look at my hair |
1112s | my hat is going wild |
1114s | i love the cloth physics too |
1117s | when the rain dies down when the sun |
1118s | hits the grass when it's windy it looks |
1120s | really cool let me do that i have i have |
1124s | some god controls that they gave me for |
1125s | this demonstration so let me turn the |
1128s | rain off |
1130s | and turn on maybe the wind by itself |
1134s | there you go |
1136s | oh look at the like wave movement across |
1139s | the grass how did you get that to occur |
1142s | so there's a noise function |
1145s | that we we've got at both materials and |
1147s | in blueprints so that eventually it |
1149s | needs to be converted to c plus plus |
1150s | because it's like 300 times faster when |
1152s | it goes in the super plus but |
1154s | basically the same function is |
1156s | duplicated in two places so we have it |
1157s | in the materials that |
1160s | generates the noise in ripple that goes |
1162s | across the player |
1163s | and in the program the cpu side of |
1166s | things the very the value of the wind at |
1169s | the player location gets sent to the |
1171s | audio system so the wind picks up in |
1174s | audio uh as a wave of |
1176s | uh snow or a wave of uh wins passes by |
1179s | the player |
1180s | i'm just going through i'm going through |
1182s | the seasons like that i just did a quick |
1184s | transition for the for the audience to |
1186s | see how much control i have right now |
1190s | yeah so we gave steven a sped up |
1192s | timeline of the ability to forward and |
1194s | also reverse seasons we want to you know |
1196s | get a little crazy with it but oh yeah i |
1198s | see that so you can go from |
1202s | i could pause it yep |
1206s | i love the winter feel we should check |
1209s | out i put some snow on |
1211s | wait for it |
1213s | let's see some snow |
1214s | oh yeah |
1216s | oh again look at that i love the fog and |
1218s | the effects now start kicking off the |
1220s | ground oh yeah so everything's built |
1222s | into the system and with the sense that |
1224s | like |
1226s | they can change dynamically like yeah |
1227s | you're not gonna get that guess the wind |
1229s | uh in certain locations when you know |
1232s | it's summer but when it's winter it |
1234s | kicks in oh sh we should watch this |
1236s | kieran real quick can we do that so go |
1238s | into the ones actually turn around and |
1240s | get the view in the background i think |
1242s | yeah follow up some of the ones down |
1243s | there let me go see these guys |
1246s | hopefully they they play next karen |
1250s | they're little friends there they are |
1253s | all right i need you guys in the shot i |
1254s | need you guys to step over here |
1257s | i just hey can you move to the left |
1258s | please we need a feeding system where |
1260s | you can just like walk up and like hold |
1262s | out your hand or some type of husbandry |
1264s | where i could make my own that's right |
1266s | there we go he listened it just took him |
1267s | a second |
1268s | yes all right |
1270s | did a great job on those guys |
1272s | these are fantastic models watch the |
1274s | cure and change |
1276s | oh |
1278s | look at them |
1279s | they changed with the seasons that was |
1282s | fun for me to figure out oh yeah oh that |
1285s | looks so good james |
1287s | and see like you know in our original |
1289s | cinematic that i believe we've shown or |
1292s | we will be showing during the live |
1294s | stream like where we |
1295s | you know talked about seasons in our |
1297s | kickstarter |
1298s | yes those were just dissolves between |
1300s | environments that we did in |
1301s | post-production and sure people think |
1303s | we're doing the same thing in our new |
1304s | cinematic but you know no it's actually |
1306s | happening in real time there's no |
1307s | trickery no figuring it's all yeah this |
1309s | is all |
1310s | authentic beautiful and authentic i love |
1313s | it |
1315s | this is the major leagues now heck yeah |
1318s | i love it um |
1319s | okay tell me a little bit about |
1322s | the um |
1324s | the weather effects and i know that the |
1326s | effects team isn't here right now but we |
1327s | might be getting some insight to their |
1331s | their work next month maybe on stream |
1333s | we'll see um |
1335s | but you also have the the effects |
1337s | interacting with the environment like i |
1339s | was seeing some streams of |
1341s | rain that was coming down that adrian |
1343s | did some work on um on some of the pork |
1345s | calluses |
1347s | yeah there's a individual particle |
1349s | effects that can be placed on some of |
1350s | these assets that kind of responds to |
1352s | changes in weather that look like you |
1355s | know rain collecting in areas or uh like |
1357s | sheeting off of |
1359s | flat surfaces if you go underneath like |
1361s | a tunnel or something to see it dripping |
1363s | more intensely |
1365s | i think we'll have a tool to auto place |
1366s | that but uh |
1368s | worst case we can have it be hand placed |
1372s | yeah it looks pretty cool |
1374s | same thing with the dust devils the |
1376s | butterflies the bees |
1378s | the leaves |
1382s | playing with this wind a little bit i |
1384s | love the tree movement too |
1386s | you know it's it's so funny and a lot of |
1388s | the games that i played |
1390s | the wind effects can either look really |
1392s | really good |
1394s | or they can look really really bad |
1397s | and usually not much in between but but |
1400s | i like how our trees you have this |
1402s | variance and movement from the trunk |
1404s | itself |
1406s | to the leaves |
1408s | how do you guys do that |
1410s | we actually had to home roll our own |
1412s | solutions so |
1414s | the trees were made in a program called |
1416s | speed tree |
1417s | and we had a little bit of trouble |
1419s | getting the |
1421s | speed tree nodes and the materials for |
1423s | the trees to function correctly so we |
1425s | just made our own version of wind for |
1426s | now |
1428s | but yeah we just kind of take the tree |
1430s | position and |
1432s | a lot of information about the tree is |
1433s | encoded to the |
1435s | uh uv coordinates there's about seven or |
1438s | eight |
1439s | uv coordinate spaces |
1441s | uh and each one has like you know is it |
1443s | a leaf is it a frond or branch how far |
1445s | down the branch is it and we just use |
1447s | that data to drive a bunch of rotations |
1451s | some of the information encoded in the |
1452s | uv coordinates is |
1454s | what's the pivot point of this branch so |
1456s | i just kind of rotate around that branch |
1459s | yeah that looks great |
1462s | that works really looks really cool |
1465s | i love that and then there another thing |
1466s | we're talking about was |
1469s | having like wetness effects and snow |
1472s | pile up on |
1474s | you know rocks and buildings and stuff |
1476s | that's one thing we're doing for |
1478s | wetness with the terrain if you look at |
1480s | the dirt path as it gets wetter and i'm |
1483s | not sure invisible this is because it |
1484s | also gets cloudy dark and maybe they can |
1487s | stream compression but as it gets wet |
1489s | we use the height element of the terrain |
1492s | materials to figure out where puddles |
1493s | should form |
1495s | and |
1496s | it should we should be able to see it it |
1498s | doesn't do it so much on a slope so |
1501s | it might look more visible on a flat |
1503s | train there we go right here |
1506s | at the lower areas of the terrain height |
1508s | it gets kind of glossy like puddles |
1512s | oh that looks great |
1513s | and a similar thing for snow as the snow |
1517s | is melting it it evaporates so it is |
1520s | removed from the areas of |
1522s | where there's high material ambient |
1524s | occlusion |
1526s | and it removes it from the high |
1527s | immediate inclusion places |
1529s | last |
1530s | very cool that's amazing |
1533s | um let me switch to snow i want to i |
1536s | want to talk a little bit about the |
1538s | building thing here hold on yeah so i |
1541s | was going to say we also had our other |
1542s | artists working on some modular sets and |
1545s | various things that we can use to |
1547s | construct a lot of the ancient ruins of |
1548s | the ayla race |
1550s | that were once here in |
1553s | vera before the |
1555s | how would you describe it the event |
1557s | where everyone left the |
1559s | uh exodus the apocalypse the end of the |
1563s | world |
1564s | yep |
1565s | wait hold on wait a minute |
1567s | what is this oh this is an example of |
1569s | like obstructions |
1571s | yeah so and then design you might not be |
1573s | able to access certain areas and wait |
1575s | but there's something there open |
1578s | open for me i command you |
1582s | you might want to oh yeah |
1589s | i don't know what is going on |
1592s | wait a minute |
1594s | i don't even know if i want to go in |
1595s | there to be fair |
1597s | hold on you might have to change the |
1599s | weather here we might need to wait |
1601s | reveal yourself snow i command you to |
1604s | stop |
1607s | i feel like there is sometimes during |
1609s | certain seasons what is that oh |
1611s | oh my god oh it's a sandal |
1617s | yes |
1619s | that is so awesome who did put that in |
1621s | there |
1622s | yeah that was done by our amazing uh |
1624s | artist how she uh |
1628s | nice little inscribed desk there that is |
1630s | so cool |
1632s | oh that's |
1633s | that is steven's sandal i think i'm sure |
1635s | we're gonna auction off like your |
1637s | sandals i found i found my sandal |
1640s | but to be fair it's missing oh is it is |
1642s | there another one there's there's two |
1644s | the sandals come in pairs so wait a |
1645s | minute |
1646s | i assume there's some uh mantle where is |
1649s | this |
1651s | where is this other oh can i man can is |
1653s | this like a little uh a little |
1655s | uh jump puzzle jump little jump puzzle |
1657s | for you little jump puzzle all right |
1658s | let's see if i can do this |
1662s | let me up |
1664s | let me up sir |
1665s | it's just a bit of parkour so oh there |
1667s | we go okay do i like jump across this |
1670s | way |
1671s | oh no i think it's your left there you |
1673s | can get it either way there's always oh |
1675s | my god oh just barely |
1678s | a small heart attack scared of my teeth |
1680s | let me up here |
1682s | oh there's stairs that's dark i can't |
1684s | see oh there's a little darker in there |
1686s | it's getting good yeah okay |
1688s | lumen's kicking i found it |
1691s | i think i have found it |
1693s | oh there you go |
1695s | my other sandal collector's editions yes |
1698s | i love it that is so cool that is |
1701s | awesome |
1702s | well i have to say |
1705s | back when we talked about |
1707s | seasonal changes and |
1709s | weather systems |
1711s | and all of these things being |
1713s | interconnected with with design elements |
1716s | and systems in the game |
1719s | i |
1720s | remember that we showed off the kind of |
1722s | you know very early prototyping that we |
1724s | were doing back in like 2017 and we |
1726s | probably actually just showed that on |
1727s | the stream lol |
1729s | but |
1730s | um |
1732s | i |
1733s | i never thought that it would come to |
1734s | this level of quality |
1737s | yeah in fact when i first kind of faked |
1740s | this kind of seasonal attack |
1743s | back before the kickstarter even |
1744s | happened i think i was |
1746s | a little intimidated to myself right |
1748s | yeah the prototype that we that we did |
1750s | like that was |
1752s | there were significant challenges of |
1754s | making that possible but this |
1757s | is next level oh yeah |
1760s | yeah yeah big shout out to uh james and |
1763s | hal and brian for cranking out all the |
1765s | biome stuff and then |
1767s | brandon and adam for cranking out these |
1770s | amazing ruins uh scott for the new trees |
1773s | too scott scott allen our new foliage |
1776s | go-to guy is the one that cranked up |
1778s | some of these pretty epic uh ash streets |
1781s | yes those bugs |
1783s | don't mind my god powers i have god |
1785s | powers this is not powers you will have |
1787s | players this is just what i can do |
1789s | and also not to uh forget uh hans our |
1792s | new |
1793s | landscape master he's uh took a swing at |
1796s | this landscape for us and did us some of |
1798s | the epic views so |
1800s | all around an amazing job by everybody |
1803s | yeah we were we were all pretty |
1804s | intimidated when we were having the |
1805s | initial meetings to start working on |
1808s | this but |
1809s | everyone pulled together and |
1812s | you guys really are dynamite team |
1814s | you guys have done a tremendous a |
1816s | phenomenal job i think the community |
1818s | will let you hear this in chat |
1821s | that this is a next level presentation |
1824s | for seasons of weather and for an |
1826s | environment really in an mmo that i've |
1828s | ever seen and not to forget of course |
1830s | like you know that's not just us but |
1831s | also you know the entire effects team |
1834s | our new audio artist uh cat and |
1837s | you know the character team for getting |
1839s | that cloth physics and all the other |
1840s | goodness going |
1842s | and and and this is a work in progress |
1844s | still this is this is nowhere near |
1846s | complete this is actually still the |
1848s | great thing about our development that i |
1850s | that i personally love is that we invite |
1852s | the community to watch right and over |
1854s | the years |
1856s | they can go back and they can look on |
1857s | our youtube and they can see the quality |
1859s | of art continue to improve |
1862s | over time right and that's the cool |
1864s | thing about art is that it's never |
1866s | really finished like there is always |
1869s | elements you will be tweaking and you |
1871s | will be touching up and you will be |
1873s | taking second third fourth tenth passes |
1875s | on even as the game launches and we go |
1877s | through expansions like these are things |
1880s | that that art continually to improves |
1882s | upon uses new technologies for i mean |
1884s | that's |
1885s | you guys are the masters of the visuals |
1887s | here |
1888s | yeah my favorite thing is |
1891s | go ahead okay so like many heads are |
1894s | better than one a lot of people are |
1895s | gonna see this and they'll be like wow |
1896s | this one looks great but it could be |
1898s | maybe slightly better in this area |
1900s | they'll have a screenshot or video to |
1901s | show us you know i've talked a different |
1903s | way to look at it and |
1904s | just leverage the hive mind of all of |
1906s | humanity when we're doing this and we're |
1907s | just getting the best of everything |
1909s | that's right |
1910s | i like that |
1912s | that's very cool |
1914s | well we are going to go back to stream |
1916s | but everybody uh i hope that you enjoyed |
1918s | this video you enjoyed this presentation |
1920s | the best is still yet to come because |
1922s | this is stuff that we are constantly |
1923s | working on as we said and we have some |
1925s | amazing artists at intrepid and by the |
1927s | way we are hiring so if you have any |
1930s | favorite devs or projects out there that |
1932s | you know of please send them our way |
1934s | |
1935s | um this |
1937s | i cannot express enough just how excited |
1939s | i am to live inside of vera and i think |
1941s | i think that our community uh is |
1944s | chomping at the bits to live there with |
1946s | me uh and all of us it is um yeah i was |
1949s | just gonna say like i mean we could |
1951s | probably just sit here and let this run |
1952s | for 10 hours straight and put it on |
1954s | youtube and totally do that monetize it |
1957s | or something like that monetize it |
1961s | you know those 10-hour like ambient |
1963s | loose |
1964s | oh my gosh that was hilarious we were |
1966s | talking about it today how we like just |
1968s | left this running yesterday after one of |
1969s | our tests then we came back to the |
1970s | conference room and it was still running |
1972s | and it was still windy and it was |
1973s | perfect it was just like oh wow it's you |
1975s | know still alive and running absolutely |
1977s | i constantly get distracted by |
1980s | staring i'm just oh yeah it should be |
1982s | working it's actually kind of um yeah |
1984s | it's calming and you know |
1987s | great to just when you're working just |
1988s | sit there and stare at it for five |
1990s | minutes |
1991s | i literally have this exact scene on my |
1992s | computer desktop right now just right |
1995s | who needs to go outside when you go to |
1997s | vero |
1998s | absolutely |
1999s | love it all right guys we are going to |
2001s | see you guys back on stream tristan |
2003s | james brian thanks for hanging out with |
2005s | me and explaining your really cool |
2006s | amazing job at making vera a place that |
2008s | we all want to live in um i cannot |
2010s | express enough how much i appreciate the |
2012s | work that you guys do to making this |
2014s | dream a reality and how much our |
2016s | community loves it as well |
2018s | so thank you for joining us thank you |
2019s | for all your hard work uh stream give us |
2022s | hearts for tristan bryan and james and |
2024s | all of the |
2025s | team on the environment side on the art |
2027s | side everybody at intrepid we're working |
2029s | a way to make this stream a reality i |
2031s | will see you guys back on stream shortly |
2034s | alright see you bye everybody |
2039s | [Music] |
2066s | [Music] |
2074s | [Music] |
2076s | you |