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It's well past time. This is supposed to be a test. This is what we are always told. The game is currently broken beyond repair as it sits. Fix the static Legendary node spawns and then WIPE. If not a full wipe then do an item/bank wipe. Its the only thing left.

External link β†’
about 8 hours ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

As we progress in phase 2, this data helps us with balance, feature prioritization, loop iteration and more. While this period may be a bit painful, it is important to remember that we are watching and making changes to address issues the testing audience is experiencing. At this stage, it is more beneficial for us to allow the current state of phase two rather than wipe. As we approach phase 3, we will try to have addressed most of these pain points, so that a wipe will be beneficial in creating β€œnew data”. πŸ’ͺπŸ™