Over the past 2 years i have watched this Discord Community for Ashes of Creation grow from 1,000 users to now well over 10,000 users. In this very small amount of time, I have met alot of amazing people, and have such a social bond within this community, that it hurts me when i see someone even so small, decide to move away, or just stop showing up to talk.
That's why after all this time, i'm finally speaking up, and calling out the corporate ideology that you intrepid are now conforming yourselves to. Censoring anything that is even slightly negative about the game, sweeping full normal conversations from chat, possible repercussions to game account integrity due to the testing of discord account integration. Like BDO where a player was suspended for 2 days in game because they told someone they were stupid on discord. Banning without warnings, a mod team that is biased, a clear inner circle of followers that are favored amongst the mods, not to mention the content creator program that is turning every green tag into the biggest shills on the planet. That is the way the Ashes of Creation discord is going and could be heading for a free fall off a cliff. They want to make a place where you are free to discuss about everything ashes of creation, but mention one or two things formally rude, and you are subject to a timeout.
This until, something is added to allow people to be a little more human, i welcome anyone to join this unofficial Ashes of Creation Discord. Away from the repercussions, and to give everyone that was wrongfully or rightfully banned, a place back into the community.
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