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In the Dev Presentation Steven showed this kind of dash with a green/black smoke and was talking about how that is a "god" ability and will most likely not exist in the game. At least thats how i understood it.

But it got me thinking that it would be awesome to have special effect as reward for "outstanding" people.

That could be something like the highest devoted of a religion or also a leader of a city or metropolis can appoint a handful of peoples as "hero of xyz" and give them a recognizable visual.

Maybe having all these visuals for every possible class would be too much work, but it could also be a unique ability like that dash in the video.

It just looked so awesome and in my head it makes perfect sense that a high priest of some death cult would come after you with that green/black smoke of death like the grim reaper.

Man even just all the fantasizing about this game makes it worth to be part of it even without a game at hand haha

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almost 3 years ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

My statement was in reference to the ability having no cool down associated with it. The skill is indeed part of a class kit, with yet to be released info on new combat ;)