Original Post — Direct link
Lets say you have two large guilds having a nice fight in an area. Both sides are flagged as combatants. What is to stop a third group or individual that is flagged as a NON-combatant from running into the middle of the fight, causing them to be inadvertently attacked/killed by one or both sides, getting them then flagged as corrupted?
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link


so a cleaving weapon type attack, while not 'tab-targeted' will still only hit one player, and only if they are combat-flagged?

You have it half-right.
A cleaving type of attack might damage multiple "targets," but it will not hurt a non-combatant player unless the attacker has opted-in to allow damage to non-combatants.
The same holds true for healing. Unless you have opted-in, you will not heal a corrupted player if you are not corrupted as well. Even if it is an AoE heal.

The default has these options turned off.

Well said, @Virtek !
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Deleted my original comment to avoid confusion and misunderstanding.*

We will have to wait and see for more information as we progress further through development. I'm also curious to see what the design team decides to do when it comes to the direction of healing and dealing damage to corrupted players!