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let me start by saying, i think the game looks amazing, i love the visuals and i think that the combat has come so far from what we saw a few years prior, this is by no means a slander at the game, but something i have noticed looking at alpha 2 footage and footage of the spot tests ' node wars ' showcase intrepid seem to be pre recording alot of their live streams in an entirely different engine that is running the actual game, all the pre recorded streams, from the weather systems and dynamic seasons, or the gathering, look completely different than the visuals you see when you see footage of alpha 2 spot tests or any footage that can't be pre recorded like the spot tests, the issue i have with this, is that even in the pre recorded footage, intrepid are still drilling home to us that'' this is a work in progress we still need to add polish' whilst not even using the same engine, i think this is giving people an unrealistic view of how the game is going to look. if intrepid can deliver the final product to look like the dynamic seasons showcase for example, then i have no issue with it, but to make a showcase like the above and then state that its still a work in progress, and then we see the real game still looking like the alpha 1 is a bit disheartening, anyway i love to see the progress that the game is making and im happy they share live developments with us, but i think they should record the showcases on whatever engine the game runs on, PS i know next to nothing about coding or making games, just an observation
7 months ago - Vaknar - Direct link
The Node Wars demo is just as pre-recorded as the Tower of Carphin Demo.
then why do they look like completely different games?, obviously i know it was pre recorded in the fact that it wasn't live but i don't think they were recorded on the same engine
Because they're different locations with completely different lighting due to in-game variables? The Carphin video is in a heavily corrupted area with different environmental lighting. Overall they look like the same game. There are a few other differences like having the camera zoomed out more in the Node wars demo and they may have some graphics settings reduced because of performance issues (the game is still unoptimized), but they are clearly both footage from the same game...
There are a few helpful responses in this thread, but to summarize, Ashes of Creation is being developed with Unreal Engine 5. We aren't using separate game engines, (and to @Dygz point) the gameplay segments are all pre-recorded in generally the same manner. To your point @patrick68794 , because the game is a WIP, you will see some visual variances between showcases. There are sooooo many factors that go into this. Lighting changes, Spell VFX changes, character changes, etc. Even what machines they're recorded on or the camera perspectives during the recording can make a difference. To your point @Chicago , because everything is a work in progress, things will change and can look different between showcases! This is one of the byproducts of monthly development updates <3